TOP 10 Write a description of the charts below. Use the model and tips in 2 to help you

Write a description of the charts below. Use the model and tips in 2 to help you được biên soạn đầy đủ cấu trúc, hướng dẫn bài làm chi tiết giúp các bạn ôn luyện và đạt kết quả cao trong bài thi môn Tiếng Anh.

1 20 22/10/2024

Write a description of the charts below. Use the model and tips in 2 to help you

Đề bài: Write a description (120-150 words) of the charts below. Use the model and tips in 2 to help you

The pie charts below show the main news sources for teenagers, young adults, and old people according to a survey in 2022.

Write a description of the charts below. Use the model and tips in 2 to help you

Write a description of the charts below. Use the model and tips in 2 to help you (mẫu 1)

The pie charts compare the main news sources for teenagers, young adults and old people according to a survey in 2022.

Overall, television was a very popular source of news for all age groups. It was the top news source for old and young adults, chosen by 42 percent of old people and more than one third of young adults and teenagers. Meanwhile, online news sites were most chosen by teenagers, with more than 50 percent. By contrast, the Internet was the least common news source for old people, with just 6 percent. On the other hand, printed newspapers were the top news source for 29 percent of old people while only fewer than 10 percent of young adults and teenagers reported getting their news from them.

As for other sources of news, around a quarter of young adults and old people relied on other sources for news, as opposed to only 4 percent of teenagers.

Hướng dẫn dịch:

Biểu đồ hình tròn so sánh các nguồn tin tức chính dành cho thanh thiếu niên, thanh niên và người già theo một cuộc khảo sát vào năm 2022.

Nhìn chung, truyền hình là nguồn tin tức rất phổ biến đối với mọi lứa tuổi. Đó là nguồn tin tức hàng đầu dành cho người già và thanh niên, được 42% người già và hơn 1/3 thanh niên và thanh thiếu niên lựa chọn. Trong khi đó, các trang tin tức trực tuyến được thanh thiếu niên lựa chọn nhiều nhất với hơn 50%. Ngược lại, Internet là nguồn tin tức ít phổ biến nhất đối với người già, chỉ với 6%. Mặt khác, báo in là nguồn tin tức hàng đầu cho 29% người già trong khi chỉ có dưới 10% thanh niên và thanh thiếu niên cho biết họ nhận được tin tức từ báo in.

Đối với các nguồn tin tức khác, khoảng 1/4 thanh niên và người già dựa vào các nguồn tin tức khác, so với chỉ 4% thanh thiếu niên.

Write a description of the charts below. Use the model and tips in 2 to help you (mẫu 2)

The pie charts illustrate the main news sources for teenagers, young adults, and old people according to a survey conducted in 2022.

Overall, television was the most popular source for all age groups. It was chosen by 42 per cent of old people, and more than one third of teenagers and young adults. Meanwhile, the Internet source emerged as a strong contender for younger audiences. While only 6 per cent of old people rely on the internet for news, this number jumps to 33 per cent for young adults and a surprising 52 per cent for teenagers. By contrast, printed newspapers were the second choice of news source for old people with 29 percent, while only 7 per cent for teenagers and 6 per cent for young adults. Young adults and old people relied on "other" sources for news around a quarter, while teenagers only had 4 per cent.

Write a description of the charts below. Use the model and tips in 2 to help you (mẫu 3)

The pie charts illustrate the primary news sources for teenagers, young adults, and the elderly based on a 2022 survey.

Overall, television emerged as a widely favored news source across all age groups, being the leading choice for both older adults and young adults, with 42% of older adults and over one-third of young adults and teenagers selecting it. Meanwhile, online news sites were the preferred option for the majority of teenagers, with more than half opting for them. Conversely, the Internet was the least favored news source among older adults, with only 6% choosing it. Printed newspapers were the main news source for 29% of older adults, while fewer than 10% of young adults and teenagers relied on them for news.

Regarding other news sources, about a quarter of young adults and older adults turned to alternative sources, compared to just 4% of teenagers.

1 20 22/10/2024

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