TOP 10 The tiger is one of the most endangered animals in the world

The tiger is one of the most endangered animals in the world được biên soạn đầy đủ cấu trúc, hướng dẫn bài làm chi tiết giúp các bạn ôn luyện và đạt kết quả cao trong bài thi môn Tiếng Anh.

1 20 22/10/2024

The tiger is one of the most endangered animals in the world

Đề bài: The tiger is one of the most endangered animals in the world. The Wildlife Magazine is holding a writing competition to raise people's awareness about conserving tigers. Write a report (180-200 words) describing the threats facing tigers and suggesting possible solutions

To: ...

From: ...

Subject: ...

Date: ...


• This report describes the threats ... and suggests some solutions to the problem.


• Research has shown that ...

• Another serious threat is ...


• One solution is ...

• Second, it is important to ...

• In addition, we should ...


• In conclusion, there are ...

• Therefore, we recommend ...

The tiger is one of the most endangered animals in the world (mẫu 1)

To: The Wildlife Magazine

From: [Your Name]

Subject: Urgent: Protecting Tigers from Extinction

Date: May 29, 2024


This report highlights the pressing threats facing tigers and offers viable solutions to address these challenges.


Research has shown that habitat destruction due to deforestation, urbanization, and agricultural expansion severely threatens tiger populations. Moreover, illegal poaching for traditional medicine and luxury goods exacerbates the decline of tiger populations.


One solution is to strengthen law enforcement and penalties for poaching and illegal wildlife trade. Authorities must collaborate across borders to combat organized crime networks involved in wildlife trafficking. Second, it is crucial to prioritize habitat conservation through the establishment and expansion of protected areas and wildlife corridors. Additionally, community-based conservation initiatives can empower local communities to safeguard tiger habitats while providing sustainable livelihood options.


In conclusion, the survival of tigers hinges on immediate action to address habitat loss and poaching. By implementing robust conservation strategies, such as stringent law enforcement and community engagement, we can secure a future for these majestic creatures. Therefore, we urge governments, organizations, and individuals to join forces in protecting tigers from extinction.

The tiger is one of the most endangered animals in the world (mẫu 2)

To: The Editor, Wildlife Magazine

From: Catherine

Subject: Report on Threats to Tigers and Potential Solutions

Date: July 15, 2024

This report outlines the challenges facing tigers and proposes ways to tackle these issues.

Tigers are facing serious threats due to the loss of their natural habitats caused by deforestation and urban development. This fragmentation of their habitats disrupts their ability to find food and mates. Additionally, illegal poaching for tiger parts, driven by demands for traditional medicines and luxury goods, poses a grave threat to their survival.

To address these challenges, it is crucial to establish and protect more wildlife reserves and corridors that connect fragmented habitats. This would provide tigers with larger areas to roam and breed safely. Strengthening law enforcement efforts to combat poaching, through increased patrols and stricter penalties, is also essential. Furthermore, educating local communities about the importance of tiger conservation and offering alternative livelihoods can reduce dependency on activities that harm tiger populations.

In conclusion, tigers face significant threats from habitat loss and illegal poaching. Therefore, it is vital to prioritize habitat protection, enforce anti-poaching laws rigorously, and engage communities in conservation efforts to secure a future for these majestic animals.

Best regards,


The tiger is one of the most endangered animals in the world (mẫu 3)

To: The Editor, Wildlife Magazine

From: Catherine

Subject: Report on Threats to Tigers and Potential Solutions

Date: July 15, 2024

This report looks at the dangers tigers face and suggests ways to help them.

Tigers are in trouble because people are building on their homes and sometimes hurting them when they come near farms. Also, changes in weather patterns are making it harder for them to find food.

We can protect areas where tigers live by making sure there are spaces between where people live and where tigers live. This can help reduce conflicts and keep both safe. Teaching people in these areas how to live alongside tigers without harming them is also important. We should also work on ways to help tigers find food even when their usual prey is scarce.

In conclusion, saving tigers means finding ways for people and tigers to live together peacefully. By protecting tiger habitats, teaching communities about tiger conservation, and finding solutions to food shortages, we can ensure tigers continue to thrive in the wild.

Best regards,


The tiger is one of the most endangered animals in the world (mẫu 4)

To: The Wildlife Magazine

From: Catherine

Subject: Protecting Tigers: A Call to Action

Date: May 29, 2024

This report highlights the serious problems tigers face and suggests new ideas to keep them safe.

Tigers face many dangers, like their homes being broken into smaller pieces, conflicts with people over land, and changes in the weather that affect their food supply. These threats make it hard for tigers to find mates and live peacefully.

To help tigers, we need to connect their homes with wildlife corridors, so they can move around freely and meet other tigers. We should also teach communities how to share their space with tigers without hurting them. It's crucial to tackle climate change by reducing pollution and using land in ways that don't harm tigers.

In conclusion, saving tigers requires us to solve these big problems together. By protecting where they live, helping people and tigers live together safely, and fighting climate change, we can make sure tigers thrive in the wild. It's time for everyone to take action to protect these amazing animals.

The tiger is one of the most endangered animals in the world (mẫu 5)

To: Wildlife Magazine Competition Committee

From: Kathy

Subject: Threats to tigers and proposed solutions

Date: 2024-03-06


This report describes the critical threats facing tigers in the wild and suggests solutions to ensure their survival.


Research has shown that habitat loss due to deforestation is a major threat to tigers. As their natural habitats shrink, tigers lose access to the food and shelter they need to survive. Another serious threat is poaching, driven by the illegal wildlife trade. Tiger parts are mistakenly believed to have medicinal value, leading to their targeted killing.


One solution is to implement stricter forest protection laws. This will help prevent deforestation and ensure healthy habitats for tigers to thrive. Second, it is important to increase anti-poaching efforts by strengthening law enforcement and imposing harsher penalties for poaching offenses. In addition, we should focus on raising public awareness about the importance of tiger conservation. Educational campaigns can encourage people to participate in protecting these magnificent creatures.


In conclusion, there are a number of critical threats pushing tigers towards extinction. However, by implementing solutions like habitat protection, increased anti-poaching efforts, and public awareness campaigns, we can ensure a future where tigers continue to roam free in their natural habitat.

The tiger is one of the most endangered animals in the world (mẫu 6)

To: Wildlife Magazine

From: Tran Minh Hieu

Subject: Threats facing tigers and possible solutions

Date: 15 September 2024

This report describes the major threats facing tigers and suggests possible solutions to help protect them from extinction.

Research has shown that one of the most serious threats to wild tigers is deforestation. As forests are cut down to make room for farming, construction, and infrastructure, tigers lose their habitats and are forced to move into smaller, fragmented areas. Additionally, poaching also remains a serious threat. Tigers are illegally hunted for their skins and body parts, which are used in traditional medicine and sold on the black market, despite international protection laws.

One solution is to stop deforestation and protect existing forests where tigers live. Second, it is important to enforce stricter laws against poaching and introduce harsher punishments for those involved. In addition, educating local communities about the importance of tiger conservation can help reduce demand for tiger products.

In conclusion, tigers are facing multiple threats, including habitat loss and poaching. Therefore, we recommend that governments, organizations, and individuals take immediate action to save tigers from extinction.

1 20 22/10/2024

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