TOP 10 Choose one of the problems in 1, and write a problem-solving report on green solutions

Choose one of the problems in 1, and write a problem-solving report on green solutions được biên soạn đầy đủ cấu trúc, hướng dẫn bài làm chi tiết giúp các bạn ôn luyện và đạt kết quả cao trong bài thi môn Tiếng Anh.

1 144 22/10/2024

Choose one of the problems in 1, and write a problem-solving report on green solutions

Đề bài: Choose one of the problems in 1, and write a problem-solving report on green solutions (180 words). Use the model in 2 and the outline with useful expressions below to help you


- Many single-use plastic products are thrown in rubbish bins. They take many years to decompose in landfills.

- People leave the lights on and the water running in restrooms. This is a waste of electricity and water.

- Dry leaves are sometimes burnt in the schoolyard. This can cause air pollution and fires.

- Many parents drive their children to school and pick them up from school every day. This causes traffic jams, noise, and air pollution at the school gate.


This report describes the problem of ... and suggests ... solutions to the problem.


As a result/Therefore, ...

... can damage/have a harmful effect on ...


To solve ... we suggest/propose the following solutions.

First, we suggest/recommend that the students/the school should ...

Second, it is important for students to ...


... will lead to .../ will help promote a green lifestyle/green habits ...

Therefore, I recommend ...

Choose one of the problems in 1, and write a problem-solving report on green solutions (mẫu 1)

This report describes the problem of single-use plastic products being thrown in rubbish bins and suggests green solutions to the problem.

As a result, many single-use plastic products end up in landfills, where they take hundreds of years to decompose. This can damage the environment and have a harmful effect on wildlife.

To solve the problem of single-use plastics, we suggest the following solutions. First, we recommend that the school implements a comprehensive recycling program. Students should be educated on the importance of recycling and provided with designated bins for plastic waste. Additionally, the school can collaborate with local recycling facilities to ensure proper disposal and recycling of plastic materials.

Second, it is important for students to adopt eco-friendly alternatives to single-use plastics. This includes using reusable water bottles, lunch boxes, and shopping bags. The school can organize awareness campaigns and workshops to encourage students to make sustainable choices in their daily lives.

Implementing these solutions will lead to a reduction in plastic waste and promote a green lifestyle among students. Therefore, I recommend that the school takes proactive measures to address the issue of single-use plastics and encourages environmentally friendly habits among its students.

Choose one of the problems in 1, and write a problem-solving report on green solutions (mẫu 2)

This report describes the problem of traffic congestion, noise and air pollution at the school gate and suggests two main solutions to the problem.

Many parents at our school drive their children to school and pick them up at the school gate. Therefore, it has caused severe traffic jams, increased noise levels and air pollution. This not only disrupts the flow of traffic but also has a harmful effect on the environment.

To solve this issue, we propose the following solutions. First, we recommend that the school should establish designated drop-off and pick-up zones away from the main entrance in collaboration with local authorities to alleviate congestion. Second, it is important for students to cycle, walk, or use public transport to go to school frequently to reduce the amount of pollution.

Implementing these solutions will undoubtedly lead to reduced traffic congestion, decreased noise pollution, and improved air quality around the school gate. Therefore, we recommend you put the suggested solutions into practice as soon as possible.

Choose one of the problems in 1, and write a problem-solving report on green solutions (mẫu 3)

This report addresses the problem of many parents driving their children to school and picking them up every day, resulting in traffic jams, noise, and air pollution at the school gate, and suggests green solutions to mitigate this issue.

The frequent use of private vehicles for dropping off and picking up children at school contributes to traffic congestion, noise pollution, and air pollution in the vicinity of the school gate. This not only causes inconvenience for pedestrians and other road users but also poses health risks to students and residents living nearby due to increased exposure to vehicle emissions.

To address this problem, we propose the following solutions. Firstly, promoting alternative modes of transportation such as walking, cycling, carpooling, or using public transportation can help reduce the number of vehicles on the road during school drop-off and pick-up times. Providing safe walking and cycling paths, as well as designated drop-off and pick-up zones away from the school gate, can encourage parents to choose greener transportation options.

Secondly, raising awareness among parents about the negative impacts of excessive car use and the benefits of adopting sustainable transportation practices is essential. Educational campaigns, newsletters, and school events can be used to inform parents about the importance of reducing traffic congestion, noise, and air pollution at the school gate.

Implementing these solutions will help alleviate traffic congestion, noise pollution, and air pollution caused by excessive car use at the school gate, promoting a safer and healthier environment for students, parents, and residents. Therefore, I recommend adopting these green solutions to encourage sustainable transportation habits and improve the overall well-being of the school community.

Choose one of the problems in 1, and write a problem-solving report on green solutions (mẫu 4)

This report addresses the problem of people leaving lights on and water running in restrooms, leading to wastage of electricity and water, and suggests green solutions to mitigate this issue.

As a result of people leaving lights on and water running in restrooms, there is significant wastage of electricity and water resources. This wasteful behavior not only increases utility bills but also contributes to environmental degradation and strains on water and energy supplies.

To address this problem, we propose the following solutions. Firstly, installing motion sensor lights in restrooms can help automatically turn off lights when the restroom is not in use, reducing unnecessary electricity consumption. Secondly, implementing water-saving devices such as low-flow faucets and sensor-activated faucets can help minimize water wastage by controlling the flow of water and reducing leaks.

Additionally, raising awareness among restroom users about the importance of conserving electricity and water is crucial. Educational campaigns can be organized to inform people about the environmental and financial benefits of turning off lights and faucets when not in use.

Implementing these solutions will help reduce wastage of electricity and water in restrooms, leading to cost savings and environmental conservation. Therefore, I recommend adopting these green solutions to promote sustainable practices and resource efficiency in restroom facilities.

Choose one of the problems in 1, and write a problem-solving report on green solutions (mẫu 5)

This report addresses the problem of dry leaves being burnt in the schoolyard, posing risks of air pollution and fires, and suggests green solutions to mitigate this issue.

The burning of dry leaves in the schoolyard can result in air pollution due to the release of harmful pollutants and can also increase the risk of fires, endangering lives and property. This practice not only harms the environment but also poses health hazards to students and staff members.

To address this problem, we propose the following solutions. Firstly, implementing a ban on burning dry leaves in the schoolyard and instead promoting alternative methods of disposal, such as composting or mulching, can help mitigate air pollution and fire risks. Providing designated composting areas or bins for collecting organic waste, including dry leaves, can encourage environmentally friendly disposal practices.

Secondly, raising awareness among students, teachers, and staff about the negative consequences of burning dry leaves and the benefits of adopting greener alternatives is essential. Educational campaigns, workshops, and posters can be used to inform the school community about the importance of protecting air quality and preventing fires.

Implementing these solutions will help reduce air pollution and fire hazards associated with the burning of dry leaves in the schoolyard, promoting a safer and healthier environment for students and staff. Therefore, I recommend adopting these green solutions to encourage sustainable waste management practices and protect the well-being of the school community.

Choose one of the problems in 1, and write a problem-solving report on green solutions (mẫu 6)

To: Mr. Hoang Hong Ha, Head of Youth Union, Star Academy School

From: Class 12A

Subject: Traffic jams, noise and air pollution at the school gate

Date: July 17, 2024

1. Introduction

This report describes the problem of traffic jams, noise and air pollution at the school gate and suggests two solutions to the problem.

2. Problems

Many parents drive their children to school and pick them up from school. This creates long queues of private cars and motorcycles, outside the school gate, twice a day, five days a week. As a result, traffic jams, noise and air pollution have increased. This is not good for the health of students and parents as well as the environment.

3. Solutions

To solve this problem, we suggest two solutions. First, students should be encouraged to take public transport if they live far away from school. The school could arrange for free bus tickets as incentives for students. Second, those who live near school should be invited to join the school Cycling-to-school programme, which will help them find an experienced cycling buddy who live nearby and knows the safe routes to school.

4. Conclusion

Using public transport and cycling to school will lead to a greener school environment, and help promote a green lifestyle among young people. Therefore, we recommend you put the suggested solutions into practice as soon as possible.

Hướng dẫn dịch:

Kính gửi: Ông Hoàng Hồng Hà, Trưởng Đoàn Trường Star Academy

Đến từ: Lớp 12A

Chủ đề: Ùn tắc giao thông, tiếng ồn và ô nhiễm không khí ở cổng trường

Ngày: 17 tháng 7 năm 2024

1. Giới thiệu

Báo cáo này mô tả vấn đề ùn tắc giao thông, tiếng ồn và ô nhiễm không khí ở cổng trường và đề xuất hai giải pháp giải quyết vấn đề.

2. Vấn đề

Nhiều phụ huynh lái xe đưa con đến trường và đón con về trường. Điều này tạo ra những hàng dài ô tô và xe máy tư nhân ở bên ngoài cổng trường, hai lần một ngày, năm ngày một tuần. Kết quả là ùn tắc giao thông, tiếng ồn và ô nhiễm không khí ngày càng gia tăng. Điều này không tốt cho sức khỏe của học sinh và phụ huynh cũng như môi trường.

3. Giải pháp

Để giải quyết vấn đề này, chúng tôi đề xuất hai giải pháp. Đầu tiên, nên khuyến khích học sinh sử dụng phương tiện giao thông công cộng nếu các em sống xa trường. Nhà trường có thể sắp xếp vé xe buýt miễn phí để khuyến khích học sinh. Thứ hai, những học sinh sống gần trường nên được mời tham gia chương trình Đạp xe đến trường, chương trình này sẽ giúp các em tìm được một người bạn đạp xe có kinh nghiệm sống gần đó và biết các tuyến đường an toàn đến trường.

4. Kết luận

Sử dụng phương tiện giao thông công cộng và đi xe đạp đến trường sẽ mang lại môi trường học đường xanh hơn, đồng thời giúp thúc đẩy lối sống xanh trong giới trẻ. Vì vậy, chúng tôi khuyên bạn nên áp dụng các giải pháp được đề xuất vào thực tế càng sớm càng tốt.

1 144 22/10/2024

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