Chương IV Nghị định 67/2019/NĐ-CP: Điều khoản thi hành
Số hiệu: | Nghị định 67/2019/NĐ-CP | Loại văn bản: | Nghị định |
Nơi ban hành: | Chính phủ | Người ký: | Nguyễn Xuân Phúc |
Ngày ban hành: | 31/07/2019 | Ngày hiệu lực: | 25/09/2019 |
Ngày công báo: | 12/08/2019 | Số công báo: | Từ số 619 đến số 620 |
Lĩnh vực: | Tài chính nhà nước, Văn hóa - Xã hội | Tình trạng: | Còn hiệu lực |
Văn bản tiếng việt
Văn bản tiếng anh
1. Đối với Quyết định phê duyệt tiền cấp quyền khai thác khoáng sản đã ban hành trước ngày Nghị định này có hiệu lực sẽ tiếp tục thực hiện theo Quyết định đã được ban hành. Trường hợp có sự điều chỉnh Giấy phép khai thác thì Quyết định phê duyệt tiền cấp quyền khai thác khoáng sản được áp dụng theo quy định của Nghị định này.
2. Đối với các hồ sơ đề nghị cấp Giấy phép khai thác khoáng sản được cơ quan có thẩm quyền tiếp nhận trước ngày Nghị định này có hiệu lực thi hành nhưng tính đến thời điểm Nghị định này có hiệu lực chưa phê duyệt tiền cấp quyền thì việc tính tiền cấp quyền khai thác khoáng sản được thực hiện theo quy định của Nghị định này. Trường hợp các thông số tính tiền cấp quyền khai thác khoáng sản áp dụng theo quy định Nghị định này làm cho tổ chức, cá nhân phải nộp tiền cấp quyền khai thác khoáng sản cao hơn khi áp dụng theo Nghị định số 203/2013/NĐ-CP ngày 28 tháng 11 năm 2013 của Chính phủ thì tiếp tục thực hiện theo quy định của Nghị định số 203/2013/NĐ-CP.
3. Đối với những trường hợp đang tạm thu tiền cấp quyền khai thác khoáng sản, khi giá tính thuế tài nguyên do Ủy ban nhân dân cấp tỉnh ban hành đang có hiệu lực và đúng quy định về giá khoáng sản nguyên khai để tính tiền cấp quyền khai thác khoáng sản thì được áp dụng chính thức, thay thế giá tính tiền cấp quyền khai thác khoáng sản tạm thu trước đây.
1. Hiệu lực thi hành:
a) Nghị định này có hiệu lực thi hành từ ngày 15 tháng 9 năm 2019;
b) Nghị định số 203/2013/NĐ-CP ngày 28 tháng 11 năm 2013 của Chính phủ quy định phương pháp tính, mức thu tiền cấp quyền khai thác khoáng sản sẽ hết hiệu lực kể từ ngày Nghị định này có hiệu lực.
2. Chấm dứt hiệu lực các nội dung quy định liên quan tại: khoản 6 Điều 2 và Điều 69 Nghị định số 158/2016/NĐ-CP ngày 29 tháng 11 năm 2016 của Chính phủ quy định chi tiết thi hành một số điều của Luật khoáng sản.
1. Bộ Tài nguyên và Môi trường chịu trách nhiệm chủ trì, phối hợp các bộ, ngành liên quan tổ chức thi hành Nghị định này.
2. Các Bộ trưởng, Thủ trưởng cơ quan ngang bộ, Thủ trưởng cơ quan thuộc Chính phủ, Chủ tịch Ủy ban nhân dân cấp tỉnh và tổ chức, cá nhân có liên quan chịu trách nhiệm thi hành Nghị định này./
No.: 67/2019/ND-CP |
Hanoi, July 31, 2019 |
Pursuant to the Law on government organization dated June 19, 2015;
Pursuant to the Law on minerals dated November 17, 2010;
Pursuant to the Law on state budget dated June 25, 2015;
Pursuant to the Law on Tax administration dated November 29, 2006, and the Law on amendments to the Law on Tax administration dated November 20, 2012;
At the request of the Minister of Natural Resources and Environment;
The Government promulgates a Decree providing for charges for granting mining right and calculation methods thereof.
This Decree deals with:
1. Charges for granting mining right and calculation methods thereof.
2. Collection, management and use of charges for granting mining right.
This Decree applies to:
1. Regulatory authorities involved in or related to the calculation, collection and transfer of charge for granting mining right.
2. Entitles licensed to perform mining operation without auction of mining right.
Article 3. Interpretation of terms
For the purpose of this Decree, the mineral reserve specified in the mining design is a part or entire mineral reserve in the exploration area which has been approved or certified by a competent authority.
Article 4. Charges for granting mining right
The rate of charge for granting mining right (R) is a percentage (%) of the value of the crude ore in the permitted mining area. R of each mineral group/type is prescribed in Appendix I enclosed herewith.
Article 5. Grounds for calculating charges for granting mining right
Charge for granting mining right is calculated by adopting the following formula:
T = Q x G x K1 x K2 x R
T – Charge for granting mining right; unit: VND;
Q – Mineral reserve for calculating charge for granting mining right which is prescribed in Article 6 hereof; unit: m3, metric ton, kg and other units as decided by the regulatory authority that has the power to approve the mineral reserve;
G – Price for calculating charge for granting mining right which is the unit price of crude mineral after mining, calculated according to the price for calculating resource royalty as regulated in the law on resource royalties applicable at the time of granting mining right and provided for in Article 7 hereof; unit: VND/mineral reserve unit;
K1 – Mineral recovery coefficient related to mining method: K1= 0,9 for open-pit mining; K1= 0,6 for underground mining; K1= 1,0 for mining for mineral water or natural thermal water and other cases;
K2 – Coefficient related to disadvantaged and extremely disadvantaged areas according to the List of areas eligible for investment incentives announced by the Government: K2= 0,9 for extremely disadvantaged area; K2= 0,95 for disadvantaged area; K2= 1,0 for other mining areas;
R – Rate of charge for granting mining right; unit: %.
Article 6. Mineral reserves for calculating charges for granting mining right
1. If a mining license is issued before the effective date of the Law on minerals in 2010, the mineral reserve for calculating charge for granting mining right shall be the remaining reserve counted from July 01, 2011. To be specific:
a) If the mineral reserve specified in the mining license is geological reserve, the remaining reserve shall be the mineral reserve specified in the mining license minus the mined reserve which has been converted into geological reserve. The mined reserve can be converted into geological reserve by dividing the mined reserve by the mineral recovery coefficient related to mining method;
b) If only mineral reserve is specified in the mining license, the remaining reserve shall be calculating by dividing the difference between the mineral reserve specified in the mining license and the mined reserve by the mineral recovery coefficient related to mining method, and shall not exceed the approved mineral reserve.
c) If the mineral type or annual mining capacity and mining period are specified in the mining license, the remaining reserve shall be calculated by dividing the product of the annual mining capacity and the mining period counting from July 01, 2011 to the expiry date of the mining license by the mineral recovery coefficient related to mining method;
d) If the quantity of products (e.g. quantity of bricks or tiles or other cases) and mining period are specified in the mining license, the remaining reserve shall be calculated by dividing the product of the amount of materials consumed for each product unit in the investment project and total quantity of products produced during the year, and the remaining validity period of the mining license by the mineral recovery coefficient related to mining method.
dd) If the mining license is issued for mining of mineral water or natural thermal water, the remaining reserve shall be the extracted water output (m3/24 hours) specified in the mining license multiplied by the remaining validity period of the mining license which is calculated on the basis of 365 days per year;
e) The mined mineral reserves specified in Points a, b of this Clause shall be determined according to reports on payment of resource royalties and relevant lawful documents/vouchers which are annually prepared by the relevant entity and must be compatible with the mining status map.
2. With regard to mining licenses issued after the effective date of the Law on minerals but before the Government's Decree No. 158/2016/ND-CP dated November 29, 2016 comes into force, mineral reserves for calculating charges for granting mining right shall be calculated according to guidelines in Points a, b and dd Clause 1 of this Article but the mined reserve shall be zero (0).
3. With regard to mining licenses issued after the effective date of the Government's Decree No. 158/2016/ND-CP dated November 29, 2016, the mineral reserve for calculating charge for granting mining right (Q) shall be the mineral reserve specified in the mining design, located within depth-based boundaries of the mining area and specified in the mining license.
4. With regard to mining licenses issued by competent authorities to carry out mining operation without exploration as prescribed in Article 65 of the Law on minerals or cases where the mining license is not required as prescribed in Point a Clause 2 Article 64 of the Law on minerals or sand/gravel is excavated in the course of implementation of channel dredging and expansion projects, the mineral reserve for calculating charge for granting mining right shall be the quantity of actually mined minerals divided by 0,9.
5. With regard to mining projects for minerals used as cement or stone slabs, if the mineral reserve included in the mining design does not meet the requirements in Clause 2 Article 40 of the Government's Decree No. 158/2016/ND-CP dated November 29, 2016, the mineral reserve included in the mining design shall be equal to the planned capacity or the capacity specified in the investment project approved by a competent authority multiplied by the mining period of up to 30 years.
6. In case of extension of a mining license where charge for granting mining right is not calculated, the mineral reserve for calculating charge for granting mining right shall be the reserve specified in the issued license minus the mined reserve which is determined according to resource royalty declarations and conformable with provisions in Clause 1 and Clause 2 of this Article.
After the extension, if the actual remaining reserve is greater than the mineral reserve used for calculating charges as specified in the old license, the relevant entity must pay additional charge for granting mining license according to Clause 1 Article 10 hereof.
7. With regard to type-III apatite in storage, the reserve for calculating charge for granting mining right shall be equal to the volume of ores in storage multiplied by ore weight in each storage.
Article 7. Price for calculating charge for granting mining right
1. The price for calculating charge for granting mining right (G) is calculated by adopting the following formula:
G = Gtn x Kqd
a) G: The price for calculating charge for granting mining right; unit: VND/unit of mineral reserves;
b) Gtn: The price for calculating resource royalty announced by the provincial People’s Committee; unit: VND/unit of resources;
c) Kqd: Conversion coefficient.
2. Kqd is determined as follows:
a) Kqd ≠ 1 if prices for calculating resource royalty announced by the provincial People's Committee do not include the price of crude minerals (after mining) or includes the price of crude minerals but its measurement unit (of dimension one) is different from the unit of the licensed mineral reserve;
b) Kqd = 1 if prices for calculating resource royalty announced by the provincial People's Committee include the price of crude minerals or the price of metal ores corresponding to the licensed reserve of minerals that are metal ores.
3. Kqd of metallic and non-metallic minerals shall be determined according to Appendix II enclosed herewith.
Article 8. Receiving, calculating, approving and announcing charges for granting mining right
1. General Department of Geology and Minerals of Vietnam and provincial Departments of Natural Resources and Environment shall receive, examine, calculate, appraise and request the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment and provincial People’s Committees to give approval for charges for granting mining right within their competence using Form No. 01 and Form No. 02 provided in Appendix III enclosed herewith.
2. Charges for grating mining right shall be appraised and approved at the same time when applications for mining license are processed.
In case the price for calculating resource royalty is not available or it is not conformable with the type of minerals requiring mining license, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment or the provincial People's Committee shall, in the course of appraisal, temporarily collect charge for granting mining right by applying the average price of mined minerals in the bracket of prices for calculating resources royalties announced by the Ministry of Finance.
3. General Department of Geology and Minerals of Vietnam or provincial Department of Natural Resources and Environment shall send the written approval for charge for granting mining right to the Department of Taxation of province where the licensed mining region is located and inform the entity granted the mining right.
4. Within 10 business days after the receipt of written approval for charge for grating mining right, the receiving Provincial Department of Taxation shall issue notice of charge for granting mining right to the entity granted the mining right.
Article 9. Methods of collection and transfer of charges for granting mining right
1. Total charge for granting mining right must be fully collected at once in the following circumstances:
a) The mining license is issued by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment with the licensed mining period of up to 05 years or total charge payable for granting mining right of up to VND 01 billion;
b) The mining license is issued by a provincial People’s Committee with the licensed mining period of up to 03 years or total charge payable for granting mining right of up to VND 500 million.
2. The charge for granting mining right in cases other than those prescribed in Clause 1 of this Article may be made in several payments. To be specific:
a) The amount payable in the first payment shall be equal to 30% of total charge for granting mining right divided by a half of the licensed mining period and calculated by adopting the following formula:
Tld = T : (X : 2) x 30%
b) The amount payable in each of the remaining payments shall be equal to the difference of total charge for granting mining right and the amount payable in the first payment divided by total remaining years of the licensed mining period provided that total charge for granting mining right must be fully paid within the first half of the licensed mining period, and calculated by adopting the following formula:
Thn = (T - Tld) : [(X : 2) - 1]
- T: total charge for granting mining right;
- Tld: the amount payable in the first payment;
- Thn: the amount payable in each of the remaining payments;
- X: mining period specified in the mining license.
3. Time limits for paying charge for granting mining right:
a) The first payment must be made within 90 days from the receipt of the notice from the relevant provincial Department of Taxation but before receiving the mining license;
b) Each of the remaining payments in the following years shall be made in 2 times:
- First time: payment must be made by May 31.
- Second time: payment must be made by October 31.
If the relevant entity wants to pay charge for granting mining right for the whole year, the payment must be made by May 31 of the same year;
c) In case mining operation must be suspended as requested or certified by the relevant provincial People’s Committee, the time limit for paying charge for granting mining right in the period (if any) shall be extended for a period equal to the suspension period but not exceeding the remaining licensed mining period. In such cases, the relevant entity shall continue to make payment of the charge payable in the period after 30 days from its resumption of mining operation and must not incur late payment interest for the suspension period.
4. In case minerals are extracted without exploration in an area where a construction project is implemented or sand/gravel is excavated in the course of implementing channel dredging projects or saline sand is excavated from projects on dredging of inland waterway routes or port waters, the charge for granting mining right shall be annually paid according to the annual resource royalty declaration in lump sum by May 31 of the following year.
5. Charges for granting mining right must be collected and transferred in accordance with law regulations on tax administration and regulations herein.
In case of temporary payment of charge for granting mining right, after the written approval officially takes effect, the late payment interest shall be only imposed on the required additional payment for the period after 90 days from the date on which the notice of additional payment is issued by a competent authority.
6. After receiving the receipt of payment made to state budget, the entity granted the mining right shall send a certified true copy of that receipt to the General Department of Geology and Minerals of Vietnam or the Provincial Department of Natural Resources and Environment if it has obtained the mining license from the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment or the Provincial People’s Committee respectively.
Article 10. Adjustment and refund of charges for granting mining right
1. Charge for granting mining right may be considered and adjusted in the following cases:
a) The mineral reserve specified in the mining design is changed. To be specific:
- There is a decrease in the mineral reserve because of the mining license or a part of licensed mining area is returned;
- There is a decrease in the mineral reserve to be included in the mining design because an additional reserve has been approved after exploration but is not yet specified in the mining design;
- The mineral reserve increases because the mineral reserve actually mined within the licensed mining area is greater than the mineral reserve for which charge for granting mining right has been determined. The entity granted the mining right shall assume responsibility for the quantity of minerals actually mined and submit report thereof to the competent authority issuing the mining license in accordance with Article 82 of the Law on minerals.
b) If there is a change in price for calculating resource royalty (Gn), the n payment of charge for granting mining right must be multiplied with the ratio of difference between prices for calculating charge for granting mining right. Amount payable in the n payment is calculated by adopting the following formula:
Tn = Thn x Gn: G
Tn – The amount payable in the n payment; unit: VND.
Thn - The annual charge payable as specified in the Decision on approval for charge for granting mining right; unit: VND.
Gn – Price for calculating charge for granting mining right at the issue date of notice of the n payment; unit: VND/unit of mineral reserves.
G - The price for calculating charge for granting mining right initially approved; unit: VND/unit of mineral reserves.
c) If the rate of charge for granting mining right (Rn) is changed, the minerals authority shall adjust the charge payable from the notification period in the following year by adopting the following formula:
Tn = Thn x Rn : R.
Tn - The amount payable in the n payment; unit: VND.
Thn - The annual charge payable as specified in the Decision on approval for charge for granting mining right; unit: VND.
Rn – Rate of charge for granting mining right at the issue date of notice of the n payment; unit: %.
R - Rate of charge for granting mining right initially approved; unit: %.
2. If the amount paid to state budget is greater than total charge payable for granting mining right after making adjustment as prescribed in Point a Clause 1 of this Article, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment or the relevant provincial People’s Committee shall determine the overpaid amount and notify it in writing to the Department of Taxation of the province where the licensed mining area is located for solving in accordance with law regulations on tax administration.
3. When the holder of mining license lodges an application for approval for entire or partial relinquishment of the mining area, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment or the provincial People’s Committee that has issued the mining license must request relevant regulatory authorities in writing to check the applicant’s payment of charge for granting mining right up to the time of application submission, and after checking process, notify the relevant provincial Department of Taxation and the applicant of suspension of following payments of charge for granting mining right until the decision on mine closure or decision on adjustment of charge for granting mining right is issued.
4. In case a holder of mining license relinquishes the entire mining area, the amount of charge for granting mining right paid to state budget for the mineral reserve specified in mining design shall be refunded in accordance with Clause 5 of this Article.
5. In case a regulatory authority decide to revoke the issued mining license according to Point d Clause 1 Article 58 of the Law on minerals, the charge for granting mining right paid shall be refunded in accordance with law regulations on tax administration. The licensing authority shall promulgate decision on adjustment of charge for granting mining right and send it to the provincial Department of Taxation that takes charge of managing the licensed mining area.
6. In case of refund of charge for granting mining right, the relevant competent authority that has the power to issue mining license as prescribed in Article 82 of the Law on minerals shall promulgate a decision on adjustment of charge for granting mining right, determine the overpaid amount and send it to the relevant provincial Department of Taxation that shall consider refunding overpaid amount in accordance with law regulations on tax administration.
7. No refund of charge for granting mining right is made in the following cases:
a) In case of surrender of mining license (for entire mineral reserve) or relinquishment of a part of mining area (for a part of mineral reserve), the amount paid in the first payment shall not be refunded;
b) In case the charge for granting mining right for the mineral reserve specified in the mining design has been fully paid but the mining operation is not yet complete or the mineral reserve specified in the license is not yet reached when the licensed mining period expires and conditions for license extension are not met, the paid charge shall not be refunded;
c) The entity that has its mining license revoked according to Point a, Point b or Point c Clause 1 Article 58 of the Law on minerals shall not be refunded the charge for granting mining right paid up to the time of revocation of mining license.
In such case, the licensing authority shall take charge of calculating and appraising the amount payable of charge for granting mining right, and then notifying it to the relevant provincial Department of Taxation for handling in accordance with law regulations on tax administration.
Article 11. Extension of time limits for paying charges for granting mining right
1. The payment of charge for granting mining right may be extended in case there are difficulties arising in the course of leased land clearance and in other cases as prescribed in Clause 1 Article 49 of the Law on tax administration.
2. The entity carrying out mining operation as prescribed in Clause 1 of this Article may be granted extension of payment of a part or entire amount payable of the charge for granting mining right.
3. With regard to the case prescribed in Clause 1 of this Article, deferrable amounts includes outstanding charge for granting mining right, late payment interests and fines up to the time:
a) when a natural disaster, conflagration or accident occurs provided that total deferrable amount must not exceed the difference between the value of physical damage incurred by the relevant entity as regulated by law and the compensation provided;
b) when business operation is suspended provided that total deferrable amount must not exceed the expenditure on moving and the damage done by the move, and other expenditures incurred during the suspension.
4. During the extension, no late payment interest shall be imposed on deferrable amounts. When the extension period ends, the relevant entity must make payment of charge for granting mining right to state budget as regulated. If the entity carrying out mining operation does not make full payment of charge for granting mining right after the extension period has ended, it must incur a late payment interest and be liable to the enforcement of administrative decision in accordance with law regulations on tax administration.
5. Extension period, power to grant extension, application for extension, and processing of application for extension of time limits for payment of charge for granting mining right, late payment interests and fines shall comply with law regulations on tax administration.
Article 12. Management and use of charges for granting mining right
1. Management, use and refund of charges for granting mining right shall comply with regulations of the Law on state budget; a maximum of 10% of collected charges for granting mining right shall be used for covering expenditures on investigation and protection of mineral resources, supervision of mining operation and environment protection.
2. 70% of collected charges for granting mining right shall be transferred to central-government budget and the remaining amount of 30% shall be transferred to local-government budget in case mining licenses are granted by central-level agencies; 100% of collected charges for granting mining right shall be kept by local government budget in case mining licenses are granted by provincial People’s Committee.
3. Funding for covering expenditures on determination of charges for granting mining right shall be derived from state budget and included in estimates of state budget expenditures allocated to Natural Resources and Environment Agencies in accordance with regulations of the Law on state budget.
4. Charges for granting mining right shall be included in deductible expenses when determining income subject to corporate income tax by dividing total charge payable divided by number of licensed mining years. Conditions for deductible expenses must be satisfied in accordance with regulations of the Law on corporate income tax.
Article 13. Regulatory authorities’ responsibility to calculate and collect charges for granting mining right
1. General Department of Geology and Minerals of Vietnam shall:
a) take charge of calculating, adjusting and appraising charges for granting mining right, submit them to competent authorities for approval in case mining licenses are issued by Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment;
b) send written approval for charges for granting mining right in case of mining licenses issued by Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment and notices of amounts payable from the second payment to holders of mining license and provincial Departments of Taxation in charge of managing licensed mining areas by March 01 annually;
c) examine and inspect technical methods, quantities and quality of work items executed under exploration licenses issued by Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment so as to use as the basis for determining mineral reserves for calculating charges for granting mining right;
d) expedite and inspect calculation of charges for granting mining right by local authorities;
dd) submit annual reports to the Minister of Natural Resources and Environment on collection of charges for granting mining right nationwide; prepare and submit consolidated reports thereof to the Prime Minister.
2. Each Provincial Department of Natural Resources and Environment shall:
a) take charge of calculating, adjusting and appraising charges for granting mining right, submit them to competent authorities for approval in case mining licenses are issued by the Provincial People's Committee;
b) send written approval for charges for granting mining right in case of mining licenses issued by the Provincial People’s Committee and notices of amounts payable from the second payment to holders of mining license and provincial Departments of Taxation in charge of managing licensed mining areas by March 01 annually;
c) examine and inspect technical methods, quantities and quality of work items executed under exploration licenses issued by the Provincial People’s Committee so as to use as the basis for determining mineral reserves for calculating charges for granting mining right;
d) take charge and cooperate with the Provincial Department of Taxation to annually prepare and submit consolidated reports on collection of charges for granting mining right in that province to the Provincial People’s Committee and the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment for consolidation and reporting to the Prime Minister.
3. Each Department of Taxation of province where the licensed mining area is located shall:
a) send notices of payment of charges for granting mining right to relevant payers as regulated in Clause 3 Article 9 hereof; manage, expedite, collect, transfer and take actions against late payment of charges and violations against administrative violations related to charges for granting mining right in accordance with law regulations on tax administration;
b) receive, consider and process applications for extension of time limits for payment of charges for granting mining right in the province or transfer them to competent authorities for solving in accordance with law regulations on tax administration;
c) provide information relating to payment of charges for granting mining right to General Department of Geology and Minerals of Vietnam or the Provincial Department of Natural Resources and Environment for monitoring;
d) sum up, record and report the amount of charges for granting mining right in accordance with current regulations.
Article 14. Responsibility of payers of charges for granting mining right
1. Entities that are granted the mining right must pay charges on schedule as notified by the provincial Departments of Taxation.
2. During the validity of mining license, the holder may request for reduction of payment times and increase of amounts payable in each of remaining payments. In such case, the mining license holder shall make a written request using the form No. 03 provided in Appendix III enclosed herewith and submit it the licensing authority.
3. In case a payer makes payment of charge for granting mining right into state budget later the deadline prescribed in Point a and Point b Clause 3, Clause 4 Article 10 hereof, in addition to the payable charge stated in the notice, that payer must also pay late payment interests and/or fines in accordance with law regulations on tax administration.
4. In case of transferring the mining right, the mining license holder must fulfill obligation to pay charges for granting mining right up to the time of transfer.
1. Decisions on approval for charges for granting mining right issued before the effective date of this Decree shall remain valid. In case of adjustments to the mining license, decisions on approval for charges for granting mining right shall comply with regulations herein.
2. In case an application for mining license has been received by a competent authority before the effective date of this Decree but the charge for granting mining right is still not yet approved when this Decree comes into force, the calculation of charge for granting mining right shall be made in accordance with regulations herein. In case the charge for granting mining right which is calculated according to this Decree is higher than that calculated according to the Government’s Decree No. 203/2013/ND-CP dated November 28, 2013, the Decree No. 203/2013/ND-CP shall apply.
3. With regard to cases of temporary payment of charges for granting mining right, if prices for calculating resource royalties announced by provincial People’s Committees are valid and conformable with law regulations on prices of crude minerals for determining charges for granting mining right, they shall officially apply and replace prices when making such temporary payments.
1. Effect:
a) This Decree comes into force from September 15, 2019;
b) The Government’s Decree No. 203/2013/ND-CP dated November 28, 2013 prescribing charges for granting mining right and calculation methods thereof shall be annulled from the effective date of this Decree.
2. Regulations in Clause 6 Article 2 and Article 69 of the Government’s Decree No. 158/2016/ND-CP dated November 29, 2016 shall be abrogated.
Article 17. Responsibility for implementation
1. The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment shall take charge and cooperate with relevant ministries and regulatory authorities to organize the implementation of this Decree.
2. Ministers, heads of ministerial agencies, heads of Governmental agencies, Chairpersons of Provincial People’s Committees and relevant organizations and individuals are responsible for the implementation of this Decree./.
(Enclosed with the Government’s Decree No. 67/2019/ND-CP dated July 31, 2019)
No. |
Type of minerals |
R (%) |
I |
Common building materials and peat |
1 |
Sand, gravel and stone grits excavated from rivers, streams and alluvial plains; clay for manufacturing tiles and bricks |
5 |
2 |
Other common building materials (except those for manufacturing crushed sand) |
3 |
3 |
Peat |
1 |
4 |
Materials for manufacturing crushed sand |
1 |
II |
Fuel minerals |
Coal of various types (except peat) |
2 |
Construction materials and industrial minerals |
1 |
Stone blocks for manufacturing slabs of various types |
1 |
2 |
White sand, fire clay, kaolin, diatomite |
2 |
3 |
White marble, silica stone for manufacturing micronized silica powder |
1 |
4 |
Limestone for manufacturing cement |
3 |
5 |
Clay for manufacturing cement |
2 |
6 |
Limestone, dolomite for industrial use |
1 |
7 |
Other construction materials and industrial minerals |
2 |
IV |
Metallic minerals |
1 |
Iron, manganese and titanium |
2 |
2 |
Chromate, wolfram and tin placer deposits |
2 |
3 |
Native tin, wolfram, antimon, nickel ores |
1 |
4 |
Gold, silver associated with other minerals |
1 |
5 |
Native gold, silver ores |
2 |
6 |
Weathered gold, silver ores |
3 |
7 |
Other metallic minerals |
2 |
V |
Rare-earth minerals |
2 |
VI |
Precious stones, decorative stones |
1 |
Precious stones |
2 |
2 |
Semi-precious stones, decorative stones |
1 |
Thermal water, mineral water and CO2 |
1 |
(Enclosed with the Government’s Decree No. 67/2019/ND-CP dated July 31, 2019)
Methods for determining conversion coefficient (Kqd)
I. Kqd is conversion coefficient (rounded to the nearest thousandth)
E.g.: Kqd = 0,2532133, rounded Kqd = 0,253.
II. Parameters for determining Kqd
1. Cm: The average metal content in mining site which is calculated by dividing the total reserve of the metal by total reserve of the metal ore specified in the approval decision of the National mineral reserves assessment council or the Provincial People’s Committee or specified in report on mineral exploration. Cm is calculated by adopting the following formula:
Cm = Qkl : Qq
- Qkl: total reserve of the metal approved;
- Qq: total reserve of the metal ore specified in approval decision or report on mineral exploration.
E.g.: The approval decision for metal reserves specifies that the reserve of crude copper ore is 1.936.000 (metric tons) and the reserve of copper (Cu) is 20.659 (metric tons). By adopting the above-mentioned formula, Cm shall be calculated as follows:
Cm = 20.659 (metric tons): 1. 936. 000 (metric tons) x 100% ≈ 1,067% (rounded)
2. Cmax: The maximum metal content specified in the list of prices for calculating resource royalties announced by the provincial People's Committee;
3. Cmin: The minimum metal content specified in the list of prices for calculating resource royalties announced by the provincial People's Committee;
4. C: The metal content specified in the list of prices for calculating resource royalties announced by the provincial People's Committee;
5. Ctq: The average metal content in the ore concentrate used for determining the price for calculating resource royalty;
6. Hn: The loose coefficient for conversing the mineral volume from its natural state (the mineral has not been extracted from the ground) to the crude state (or crude mineral). This coefficient is determined according to physical and mechanical properties of each mineral type and rounded to the nearest thousandth;
E.g.: Hn = 1,475128, rounded Hn = 1,475.
7. D: The naturally occurring mineral mass (which is the weight per unit volume of the mineral in its natural state) which is specified in the approved report on mineral exploration.
E.g.: The unit of the mineral reserve specified in the mining license is m3 (or metric ton) but the unit of crude mineral (which has been extracted from the ground) (loosened) is m3.
III. Determination of Kqd of metallic minerals
1. Formula for determining Kqd in case where prices for calculating resource royalty are announced by the provincial People’s Committee according to metal ore contents:
a) If Cm of a metal specified in the ore reserve approval decision is within the range of metal contents specified in the list of prices for calculating resource royalty, the price for calculating charge for granting mining right shall be the price for calculating resource royalty at the corresponding content of this metal. To be specific:
Kqd = 1
E.g.: Prices for calculating resource royalty announced in TN province according to contents of lead-zinc sulfide ore (Pb + Zn) are as follows:
Table 1
No. |
Mineral type |
Price for calculating resource royalty |
1 |
Lead-zinc sulfide ore whose content of lead and zinc is under 10% |
1.100.000 |
2 |
Lead-zinc sulfide ore whose content of lead and zinc is from 10% to under 15% |
1.200.000 |
3 |
Lead-zinc sulfide ore whose content of lead and zinc is from 15% to under 20% |
1.500.000 |
4 |
Lead-zinc sulfide ore whose content of lead and zinc is from 20% to under 25% |
2.500.000 |
5 |
Lead-zinc sulfide ore whose content of lead and zinc is 25% or higher |
3.000.000 |
After Cm is determined according to Section II.1 of this Appendix, if the mine A1 has Cm of lead and zinc equal to 16,8%, the price for calculating charge for granting mining right will be equal to the price for calculating resource royalty corresponding to the content of lead and zinc from 15% to under 20% and equal VND 1.500.000/metric ton (specified in Section 3 of the abovementioned Table 1). Similarly, if the mine A2 has Cm of lead and zinc equal to 24,5 %, the price for calculating charge for granting mining right shall be equal to the price calculating resource royalty corresponding to the content of lead and zinc from 20% to under 25% and equal VND 2.500.000/metric ton (specified in Section 4 of the above-mentioned Table 1).
b) If Cm of a metal specified in the ore reserve approval decision is higher than Cmax, Kqd shall be calculated by dividing Cm by Cmax according to the following formula: Kqd = Cm : Cmax
E.g.: According to the reserve approval decision, the mine B has Cm of lead and zinc equal to 26% while Cmax of lead and zinc is 25% (specified in Section 5 of the above-mentioned Table 1), Kqd shall be determined as follows:
Kqd = 26% (Cm) : 25% (Cmax) = 1,040
c) If Cm of a metal specified in the ore reserve approval decision is lower than Cmin, Kqd shall be calculated by dividing Cm by Cmin according to the following formula:
Kqd = Cm : Cmin
E.g.: According to the reserve approval decision, the mine X has Cm of lead and zinc equal to 8% while Cmin of lead and zinc is 10% (specified in Section 1 of the above-mentioned Table 1), Kqd shall be determined as follows: Kqd = 8% (Cm) : 10% (Cmin) = 0,800
2. If the price for calculating resource royalty announced by the provincial People’s Committee is fixed for the content of metal ore (C), Kqd will be calculated by adopting the following formula:
Kqd = Cm : C
E.g.: According to the reserve approval decision, the mine D has Cm of tin (Sn) equal to 0,41 % while the content of Sn specified in the list of prices for calculating resource royalty of the NA province is 70%. Kqd shall be determined as follows:
Kqd = 0,41 % (Cm) : 70% (C) = 0,006 (rounded)
3. If the provincial People’s Committee issues the price for calculating resource royalty for ore concentrates, Kqd will be calculated by adopting the following formula:
Kqd = Cm : Ctq
E.g.: The mine E has the Cm of copper (Cu) equal to 1,2% while the Ctq of copper specified in the list of prices for calculating resource royalty issued according to copper ore concentrates in YB province is 25,6%, Kqd shall be determined as follows: Kqd = 1,2% (Cm) : 25,6% (Ctq) = 0,047 (rounded)
4. If the provincial People's Committee issues the price for calculating resource royalty for multiple metals, ore concentrates or useful components, the formula for determining Kqd will be similar to those for determining Kqd of each metal or useful component prescribed in Section III.1, Section III.2 and Section III.3 of this Appendix.
E.g.: A wolfram and multi-metal mine is licensed to extract wolfram, fluorite, copper and bismuth. The list of prices for calculating resource royalty contains prices determined according to ore concentrates regarding wolfram, fluorite and copper, and the price determined according to metal regarding bismuth. Kqd shall be determined according to each useful component and specified in the following Table 2:
Table 2
Useful component |
Cm |
Content of ore concentrate specified in the list of prices for calculating resource royalty |
Kqd |
Wolfram (WO3) |
0,2% |
60% |
0,003 |
Fluorite (CaF2) |
8,08% |
97% |
0,083 |
Copper (Cu) |
0,18% |
20% |
0,009 |
Bismuth (Bi) |
0,1% |
70% |
0,001 |
IV. Determination of Kqd of non-metallic minerals
1. Formula for determining Kqd in case where the price for calculating resource royalty announced by the provincial People’s Committee is the price of crude mineral but its unit (of dimension one) is different from that of its reserve:
a) If the unit of price for calculating resource royalty (price of crude mineral) is VND/m3 but the unit of the mineral reserve specified in the mining license is m3 (m3 of underground minerals), Kqd shall be determined by adopting the following formula:
Kqd = Hn
E.g.: Rocks used as common building materials are solid minerals which are extracted by blasting (rocks broken by blasting). In Appendix C – Table C1 - Coefficient of volume conversion from natural soil to loosened soil prescribed in the National Standard No. TCVN 4447:2012, Hn is 1,475. Kqd shall be determined as follows:
Kqd = Hn =1,475
b) If the unit of price for calculating resource royalty (price of crude mineral) is VND/m3 but the unit of the mineral reserve specified in the mining license is metric ton (metric ton of underground minerals), Kqd shall be determined by adopting the following formula:
Kqd = Hn : D
E.g.: According to the approved report on mineral exploration, a limestone mine has D (naturally occurring limestone mass) = 2,68 and Hn of loosened limestone is 1,475. Kqd is determined as follows:
Kqd = Hn : D = 1,475 : 2,68 = 0,550 (rounded)
2. Formula for determining Kqd in case where the provincial People’s Committee issues the price for calculating resource royalty for non-metallic mineral according to its useful components shall be their percentages determined according to Section III.2 of this Appendix.
E.g.: A kaolin- pyrophyllite mine has Cm of Al2O3 specified in the reserve approval decision equal to 20,16% while the price for calculating resource royalty for kaolin- pyrophyllite announced by the People's Committee of QN province has the content of Al2O3 is less than 25% (C). Kqd shall be determined as follows:
Kqd = 20,16% (Cm): 25% (C) = 0,806 (rounded)
3. Hn mentioned in the formula for determining Kqd prescribed in Section IV.1.a and Section IV.1.b shall be determined according to the report on mineral exploration approved by a competent authority. In case Hn is not available, regulations in Appendix C - Table C1 - Coefficient of volume conversion from natural soil to loosened soil of the National Standard No. TCVN 4447:2012 promulgated by the Ministry of Science and Technology shall apply.
(Enclosed with the Government’s Decree No. 67/2019/ND-CP dated July 31, 2019)
Form No. 01 |
Decision on approval for charge for granting mining right with regard to mining license issued by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment |
Form No. 02 |
Decision on approval for charge for granting mining right with regard to mining license issued by the Provincial People’s Committee |
Form No. 03 |
Request for adjustment of number of payments of charge for granting mining right and amount payable in each payment |
No.: …../QD-BTNMT |
Hanoi,……………........[date] |
Approval for (or adjustment of) charge for granting mining right for (name of the mine)
Pursuant to the Law on minerals dated November 17, 2010;
Pursuant to the Government’s Decree No. /2019/ND-CP dated………………2019 prescribing charges for granting mining right and calculation methods thereof;
Pursuant to the Decision No. /QD-HDTLKS dated........................of the mineral reserve assessment council approving the reserve of (name of the mineral) at ..................(name of the mine);
Pursuant to the Decision No. /QD-UBND dated…………………… of the People's Committee of………………………….(name of province/city) announcing the list of prices for calculating resource royalty in ………. (name of province/city);
Pursuant to the mining license No. /GP-BTNMT dated………………….. of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment;
At the request of the General Director of General Department of Geology and Minerals of Vietnam,
Article 1. The charge for granting the right to mine for …………………………..(name of the mineral) at.......................................is hereby approved. 1. Name of payer: …………………………………………………………………….
2. Initial price for calculating charge for granting mining right (G):……………………
3. Total amount payable calculated according to the price for calculating charge for granting mining right at the time of approval: …………………………………………………………………………………………………
4. Number of payments: ………………………………………………………………………………….
5. Annual payment (Thn): …………………………………………………………………….
6. Payment will be made from……………….to……………………………….
7. The amount payable from…………..afterwards may be changed upon the change in the price for calculating resource royalty announced by the People's Committee of ………….(name of province). General Department of Geology and Minerals of Vietnam shall recalculate the charge for granting mining right as prescribed in Point b Clause 1 Article 10 of the Government’s Decree No………………………..dated…………………. and notify the Department of Taxation of ………….(name of province) of results thereof;
8. If rates of charge for granting mining right imposed by the Government are changed, the General Department of Geology and Minerals of Vietnam shall recalculate the charge for granting mining right as prescribed in Point c Clause 1 Article 10 of the Government’s Decree No………………………..dated…………………. and notify the Department of Taxation of ………….(name of province) of results thereof;
9. Area of district/city is about…………..%.
Article 2. (Name of payer) shall make payment on schedule as prescribed in Article 1 hereof and as notified by............................(name of the Provincial Department of Taxation).
Article 3. This Decision comes into force as from the date on which it is signed.
General Department of Geology and Minerals of Vietnam and relevant authorities, units are responsible for the implementation of this Decision./.
No.: ……../QD-UBND |
…….................[place], ……....................[date] |
Approval for (or adjustment of) charge for granting mining right for (name of the mine)
Pursuant to the Law on minerals dated November 17, 2010;
Pursuant to the Government’s Decree No. /2019/ND-CP dated………………2019 prescribing charges for granting mining right and calculation methods thereof;
Pursuant to Decision No. /QD-UBND dated…………………….. of the People’s Committee of province/city…………on approval for the reserve of (name of the mineral) at ..................(name of the mine);
Pursuant to the Decision No. /QD-UBND dated…………………… of the People's Committee of………………………….(name of province/city) announcing the list of prices for calculating resource royalty in ………. (name of province/city);
Pursuant to the mining license No. /GP-UBND dated…………………………………. of the People’s Committee of province/city…………;
At the request of Director of Department of Natural Resources and Environment of province/city………,
Article 1. The charge for granting the right to mine for …………………………..(name of the mineral) at.......................................is hereby approved. 1. Name of payer: ………………………………………………………………….
2. Initial price for calculating charge for granting mining right (G): ………………
3. Total amount payable calculated according to the price for calculating charge for granting mining right at the time of approval: ……………………………………………………………………………………………...
4. Number of payments: ……………………………………………………………………………….
5. Annual payment (Thn): ………………………………………………………………….
6. Payment will be made from……………….to……………………………….
7. The amount payable from…………..afterwards may be changed upon the change in the price for calculating resource royalty announced by the People's Committee of ………….(name of province). The Provincial Department of Natural Resources and Environment shall recalculate the charge for granting mining right as prescribed in Point b Clause 1 Article 10 of the Government’s Decree No………………………..dated…………………. and notify the Department of Taxation of ………….(name of province) of results thereof;
8. If rates of charge for granting mining right imposed by the Government are changed, the Provincial Department of Natural Resources and Environment shall recalculate the charge for granting mining right as prescribed in Point c Clause 1 Article 10 of the Government’s Decree No………………………..dated…………………. and notify the Department of Taxation of ………….(name of province) of results thereof;
9. Area of district/city is about…………..%.
Article 2. (Name of payer) shall make payment on schedule as prescribed in Article 1 hereof and as notified by............................(name of the Provincial Department of Taxation).
Article 3. This Decision comes into force as from the date on which it is signed.
The Department of Natural Resources and Environment of province/city………and relevant authorities, units are responsible for the implementation of this Decision./.
To: The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment
(The People’s Committee of province/city………………….)
Name of organization or individual granted the mining right: ......................................
- TIN (if any): ................................................................................................
- Number of ID Card/ Passport (for individual): .................................
Date of issue: ……………………………Issuing authority: ........................................................
- Address: ...................................................................................................................
- Telephone: …………………….. Fax: …………………Email: .......................................
According to the Notice of charge for granting mining right No………………………..dated……………………of……………(name of the relevant Department of Taxation) with regard to………………………(name and address of mining area),…………………(name of organization/individual granted the mining right) has made the following payments:
- Number of payments due: .............................................................................................
- Total amount paid: .........VND………………………………
- Number of remaining payments: ...............................................................................................
- Total amount payable: VND……………………………
The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (The People’s Committee of province/city………………….) is kindly requested to reduce the number of remaining payments and amount payable in each payment as follows:
- Number of remaining payments: ...............................................................................................
- Amount payable in each payment: VND……………………………
- Years of payment: ...........................……………………………...............
Reasons for adjustment: .......................................................................................................
Enclosed documents: (name of document, and whether it is original or copy is specified)
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