30 đề thi thử đề thi thử THPTQG môn Tiếng Anh có lời giải chi tiết (Đề số 6)

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Danh sách câu hỏi

Câu 4:


* Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on you answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the rest in the position of the main stress in each of the following questions.

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Chọn C       Trọng âm  rơi âm số 2, còn lại nhấn âm số 1

          A.  /ˈhed.hʌnt/                                   B. /’hænd. ʃeɪk/

          C. /haɪ’flaɪ.ər/                                    D. /ˈwɜ:k.fɔ:s/

Câu 5:


* Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on you answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the rest in the position of the main stress in each of the following questions.

Young children often miss out__________the nutrition needed for their growing

bodies, as well as the education necessary for their expanding minds

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B       Câu đề bài: Trẻ nhỏ thường bỏ lỡ _________ dinh dưỡng cần thiết cho cơ thể đang phát triển của chúng, cũng như giáo dục cần thiết cho sự mở rộng tâm trí của chúng.

To miss out on something = to fail to use an opportunity to enjoy or get an advantage from something: bỏ lỡ cơ hội thưởng thức hay hưởng lợi từ cái gì.

Câu 6:


* Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

Young children often miss out__________the nutrition needed for their growing

bodies, as well as the education necessary for their expanding minds.

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Chọn C       Câu đề bài: Tất cả chúng tôi rất tiếc vì chúng tôi phải đợi thỏa thuận này đi vào _________ .

Đáp án C: có hiệu lực

Các đáp án còn lại:

          A. sự thật              B. hành động                  D. thực tế

To come into force: to exist and be used: có hiệu lực, được sử dụng.

Câu 7:


* Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on you answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the rest in the position of the main stress in each of the following questions.

We are all very sorry that we have to wait for this agreement to come into_________.

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A       Câu đề bài: Tôi không thể đi vào thế giới _________ riêng của mình và cố gắng ngăn chặn tất cả những vấn đề này.

Đáp án A: tưởng tượng

 Các đáp án còn lại:

B. (adv.) một cách giàu trí tưởng tượng

C. (adj.) có thể tưởng tượng được

D. (adj.) giàu trí tưởng tượng

Câu 8:


* Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on you answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the rest in the position of the main stress in each of the following questions.

I couldn't go into my own__________world far away and try to block out all of these problems.

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       Câu đề bài: Chưa bao giờ có nhiều người _________ vào công việc từ thiện hơn bây giờ.

Đáp án B  so sánh quá khứ với hiện tại, dùng thì hiện tại hoàn thành để diễn tả dòng thời gian từ quá khứ tiếp diễn đến hiện tại.

To participate in something: tham gia vào cái gì.

Câu 9:


* Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on you answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the rest in the position of the main stress in each of the following questions.

Never_______more people _________ in charity work than now.

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      Câu đề bài: Chuyên gia A.I muốn có trợ lí của anh ấy kích hoạt robot mới được tạo ra.

 Đáp án A. activate.

To have something done: có việc gì đó được làm, thường không phải do bản thân mình làm.

Have somebody do something: nhờ/ có ai làm việc gì.

Câu 10:


* Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on you answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the rest in the position of the main stress in each of the following questions.

The A.I. expert wanted to have his assistant _______ the newly made robot.

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       Câu đề bài: Chuyên gia A.I muốn có trợ lí của anh ấy kích hoạt robot mới được tạo ra.

 Đáp án A. activate.

To have something done: có việc gì đó được làm, thường không phải do bản thân mình làm.

Have somebody do something: nhờ/ có ai làm việc gì.

Câu 11:


* Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on you answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the rest in the position of the main stress in each of the following questions.

If children are enjoying themselves and having fun during the activities, this is

an indication that they feel at_________with the methods being used.

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Chọn B       Câu đề bài: Nếu trẻ em được trải nghiệm bản thân và vui chơi trong các hoạt động, đây là dấu hiệu cho thấy chúng cảm thấy _________  với các phương pháp được sử dụng.

Đáp án B: sự thoải mải

Các đáp án còn lại:

          A. nếp nhăn          C. giải phóng                  D. hòa bình

To feel at ease with something: thoải mái, dễ chịu với cái gì.

Câu 12:


* Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on you answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the rest in the position of the main stress in each of the following questions.

Her___________impression of the school was positive, but there were a few

aspects she objected to.

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       Câu đề bài: Ấn tượng _________ của cô về trường là tích cực, nhưng có một vài khía cạnh cô phản đối.

Đáp án C: tổng thể

Các đáp án còn lại:

          A. tiêu chuẩn                  B. hoàn thành, hoàn toàn D. rộng lớn

Overall impression: ấn tượng chung, tổng thể.

Câu 13:


* Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on you answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the rest in the position of the main stress in each of the following questions.

The message was often enhanced by a__________ drawing specifically to attract the attention of children.

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       Câu đề bài: Thông điệp này thường được nâng tầm lên bởi một bản vẽ _________ đặc biệt để thu hút sự chú ý của trẻ em.

Đáp án D: vui vẻ

Các đáp án còn lại:

          A. nhẹ dạ              B. dại dột              C. nhanh chân

Light — hearted = amusing and entertaining: vui vẻ, vô lo, giải trí.

To attract/draw somebody’s attention: thu hút sự chú ý của ai.

Câu 14:


* Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on you answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the rest in the position of the main stress in each of the following questions.

“What did Maria ask you?”

                      “She asked me____________I had ever been abroad.”

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     Câu đề bài: Cô _________ sự hỗ trợ của cha mẹ cô trong giáo dục đại học của cô, nhưng cô thích làm việc bán thời gian và hỗ trợ bản thân hơn.

Đáp án A. could have asked.

Cô ấy đã quyết định đi làm bán thời gian và tự hỗ trợ bản thân về mặt tài chính trong thời gian học đại học trong khi có thể nhờ bố mẹ.

 could have done something: lẽ ra đã có thể làm gì.

Câu 15:


* Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on you answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the rest in the position of the main stress in each of the following questions.

Emma and Karen used to be ______ good friends that I’m surprised they don’t get on now.

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       Câu đề bài: Emma và Karen từng là những người bạn tốt nên tôi rất ngạc nhiên khi bây giờ họ không còn hòa thuận nữa.

Đáp án A. such

Các đáp án còn lại:

          B. đủ           C. vậy                   D. cũng thế

So + adj/such + N that: như thế nào đến mức mà.

Câu 16:


* Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on you answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the rest in the position of the main stress in each of the following questions.

During the course, you will be given a test_________other week and a final

exam at the end.

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       Câu đề bài: Trong khóa học, bạn sẽ được kiểm tra _________ tuần và bài thi cuối khóa ở cuối khóa học.

Đáp án D: mỗi

Các đáp án còn lại:

          A. một vài             B. hoặc                 C. một số

 Every other week: cách tuần (tuần này có, tuần sau không)

Câu 17:


* Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to complete each of the following exchanges.

“Do you fancy a drink?” –“___________”

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       Câu đề bài: “Bạn có thích một đồ uống gì không? ” - “_________”.

Đáp án C: Chắc rồi, hãy đi uống thôi.

Các đáp án còn lại:

          A. Không, mọi chuyện ổn.

          B. ô, dĩ nhiên không rồi.

          D. Trời ơi! Tôi rất hào hứng.

Câu 18:


* Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to complete each of the following exchanges.

A. No, everything is OK.

- Nam: I’m planning to raise a couple of rabbits at home.

                               - Lan:_______________.

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Chọn A       Câu đề bài:

Nam: Tôi dự định nuôi một đôi thỏ ở nhà.

Đáp án A. Ý tưởng hay đó.

Các đáp án còn lại:

B. Thỏ rất nhanh.

C. Trước đây tôi chưa bao giờ nhìn thấy thỏ.

D. Tôi đã quyết định nuôi một con mèo.

Câu 19:


* Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following questions.

 Sacred texts and ceremonies can seem confusing with no one there to guide. Young people find an expert willing to explain their significance.

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Chọn B       Câu đề bài: Các văn bản và nghi lễ thiêng liêng có thể gây nhầm lẫn khi không ai ở đó để hướng dẫn. Những người trẻ tuổi tìm một chuyên gia sẵn sàng giải thích ý nghĩa của chúng.

Đáp án B: Vì các văn bản và nghi lễ thiêng liêng có thể gây nhầm lẫn với không ai ở đó để hướng dẫn, những người trẻ tuổi có nghĩa vụ phải tìm một chuyên gia sẵn sàng giải thích ý nghĩa của họ.

Các đáp án còn lại:

A: Mặc dù các văn bản và nghi lễ thiêng liêng có thể có vẻ khó hiểu khi không có ai hướng dẫn, những người trẻ tuổi buộc phải tìm một chuyên gia sẵn sàng giải thích ý nghĩa của họ.

C. Đối với các văn bản và nghi lễ thiêng liêng có thể gây nhầm lẫn với không ai ở đó để hướng dẫn, những người trẻ tuổi có thể tìm thấy một chuyên gia sẵn sàng giải thích ý nghĩa của họ.

D. Bởi vì các văn bản và nghi lễ thiêng liêng có thể gây nhầm lẫn với không ai ở đó để hướng dẫn, vì vậy những người trẻ sẵn sàng tìm một chuyên gia sẵn sàng giải thích ý nghĩa của họ.

To be supposed to do sth: nên/ có nhiệm vụ phải làm gì.

To be forced to do sth: bị bắt buộc phải làm gì.

To be willing to do sth: sẵn sàng làm gì.

Câu 20:


* Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following questions.

1 find it very challenging. It requires a lot of concentration and determination.

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Chọn  A       Câu đề bài: Tôi thấy nó rất khó khăn. Nó đòi hỏi rất nhiều sự tập trung và quyết tâm.

For + mệnh đề = since, because: bởi vì;

 So + mệnh đề: nên;

Yet + mệnh đề: mặc dầu vậy;

Though = although: mặc dù.

Câu 21:



* Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to complete each of the following exchanges.

He was so addicted to social networks that he quitted all other outdoor activities.

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       Câu đề bài: Anh ta rất nghiện mạng xã hội vì thế anh ấy đã bỏ tất cả các hoạt động ngoài trời khác.

Đáp án D: Anh ta là một người nghiện mạng xã hội mà anh ấy đã bỏ tất cả các hoạt động ngoài trời khác.

Các đáp án còn lại;

A. Anh ta nghiện chưa đủ để bỏ tất cả các hoạt động ngoài trời khác.

B. Anh đã bỏ tất cả các hoạt động ngoài trời khác trước khi anh trở thành nghiện mạng xã hội.

C. Các mạng xã hội là quá gây nghiện cho anh ta để bỏ tất cả các hoạt động ngoài trời khác.

So + adj/Such + N+ that: đến mức như thế nào mà...

Adj/adv + enough (+ to do sth): đủ thế nào (để làm gì);

Câu 22:



* Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to complete each of the following exchanges.

Immediately after his arrival home a water-heater exploded.

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       Câu đề bài: Ngay sau khi anh ta về nhà, một máy nước nóng đã nổ tung.

Đáp án C: Anh ta vừa về nhà thì máy nước nóng phát nổ.

No sooner had sb done sth than + quá khứ đơn

=Hardly/Scarcely had sb done something when + quá khứ đơn.

 Ai đó vừa làm gì thì chuyện gì xảy ra.

Câu 23:



* Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to complete each of the following exchanges.

I haven’t got used to Indian food although I have lived here for three months.

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       Câu đề bài: Tôi chưa quen ăn món ăn Ấn Độ nào mặc dù tôi đã ở đây được ba tháng rồi.

Đáp án D: Tôi vẫn thấy lạ khi ăn thức ăn Ấn Độ mặc dù tôi đã sống ở đây trong ba tháng.

Các đáp án còn lại:

A. Ăn thức ăn Ấn Độ là một trong những thói quen khi tôi sống ở đây vào ba tháng trước.

B. Bởi vì tôi vẫn ở Ấn Độ, tôi thấy lạ khi ăn đồ ăn của đất nước này.

C. Tôi phải ăn đồ ăn Ấn Độ để quen với việc ăn uống vì tôi phải sống ở Ấn Độ.

Câu 24:


* Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 24 to 30.

  Almost all living things ultimately get their energy from the sun. In a process called photosynthesis, plants, algae, and some other organisms capture the sun's energy and use it to make simple sugars such as glucose. Most other organisms use these organic molecules as a source of energy. Organic materials contain a tremendous amount of energy. As food, they fuel our bodies and those of most other creatures. In such forms as oil, gas, and coal, they heat our homes, run our factories and power our cars.

  Photosynthesis begins when solar energy is absorbed by chemicals called photosynthetic pigments that are contained within an organism. The most common photosynthetic pigment is chlorophyll. The bright green color characteristic of plants is caused by it. Most algae have additional pigments that may mask the green chlorophyll. Because of these pigments, algae may be not only green but brown, red, blue or even black.                         

  In a series of enzyme-controlled reactions, the solar energy captured by chlorophyll and other pigments is used to make simple sugars, with carbon dioxide and water as the raw materials. Carbon dioxide is one of very few carbon- containing molecules not considered to be organic compounds. Photosynthesis then converts carbon from an inorganic to an organic form. This is called carbon fixation. In this process, the solar energy that was absorbed by chlorophyll is stored as chemical energy in the form of simple sugars like glucose. The glucose is then used to make other organic compounds. In addition, photosynthesis produces oxygen gas. All the oxygen gas on earth, both in the atmosphere we breathe and in the ocean, was produced by photosynthetic organisms. Photosynthesis constantly replenishes the earth's oxygen supply.

  Organisms that are capable of photosynthesis can obtain all the energy they need from sunlight and do not need to eat. They are called autotrophs. Plants are the most familiar autotrophs on land. In the ocean, algae and bacteria are the most important autotrophs. Many organisms cannot produce their own food and must obtain energy by eating organic matter. These are called heterotrophs.

(Hooked on TOEFL Reading - LinguaForum)

The word “fuel” in the first paragraph is similar in meaning to_________.

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       Câu đề bài: Từ “nhiên liệu " trong đoạn đầu tiên tương tư nghĩa như _________ . Đáp án D: cung cấp dinh dưỡng cho

Các đáp án còn lại:

A. cung cẩp nhiên liệu cho

B. sản xuất vật liệu hữu cơ

C. giúp chức năng

Thông tin trong bài:

As food, they fuel our bodies and those of most other creatures.

- Là thức ăn, chúng cung cấp dinh dưỡng cho cơ thể chúng ta và những sinh vật

Câu 25:


* Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 24 to 30.

  Almost all living things ultimately get their energy from the sun. In a process called photosynthesis, plants, algae, and some other organisms capture the sun's energy and use it to make simple sugars such as glucose. Most other organisms use these organic molecules as a source of energy. Organic materials contain a tremendous amount of energy. As food, they fuel our bodies and those of most other creatures. In such forms as oil, gas, and coal, they heat our homes, run our factories and power our cars.

  Photosynthesis begins when solar energy is absorbed by chemicals called photosynthetic pigments that are contained within an organism. The most common photosynthetic pigment is chlorophyll. The bright green color characteristic of plants is caused by it. Most algae have additional pigments that may mask the green chlorophyll. Because of these pigments, algae may be not only green but brown, red, blue or even black.                         

  In a series of enzyme-controlled reactions, the solar energy captured by chlorophyll and other pigments is used to make simple sugars, with carbon dioxide and water as the raw materials. Carbon dioxide is one of very few carbon- containing molecules not considered to be organic compounds. Photosynthesis then converts carbon from an inorganic to an organic form. This is called carbon fixation. In this process, the solar energy that was absorbed by chlorophyll is stored as chemical energy in the form of simple sugars like glucose. The glucose is then used to make other organic compounds. In addition, photosynthesis produces oxygen gas. All the oxygen gas on earth, both in the atmosphere we breathe and in the ocean, was produced by photosynthetic organisms. Photosynthesis constantly replenishes the earth's oxygen supply.

  Organisms that are capable of photosynthesis can obtain all the energy they need from sunlight and do not need to eat. They are called autotrophs. Plants are the most familiar autotrophs on land. In the ocean, algae and bacteria are the most important autotrophs. Many organisms cannot produce their own food and must obtain energy by eating organic matter. These are called heterotrophs.

(Hooked on TOEFL Reading - LinguaForum

Based on the information in paragraph 3, we can see that glucose________.

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       Câu đề bài: Dựa trên thông tin trong đoạn 3, chúng ta có thể thấy rằng đường huyết _________ .

Đáp án C: chứa carbon

Các đáp án còn lại:

A. cho phép quang hợp

B. là sản phẩm phụ của sản sinh oxy.

D. tạo ra các enzym

Thông tin trong bài:

Photosynthesis then converts carbon from an inorganic to an organic form. This is called carbon fixation. In this process, the solar energy that was absorbed by chlorophyll is stored as chemical energy in the form of simple sugars like glucose.

Quang hợp sau đó chuyển đổi carbon từ một vô cơ thành dạng hữu cơ. Đây được gọi là cố định carbon. Trong quá trình này, năng lượng mặt trời được hấp thụ bởi chất diệp lục được lưu trữ dưới dạng năng lượng hóa học dưới dạng các loại đường đơn giản như glucose.

Câu 26:


* Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 24 to 30.

  Almost all living things ultimately get their energy from the sun. In a process called photosynthesis, plants, algae, and some other organisms capture the sun's energy and use it to make simple sugars such as glucose. Most other organisms use these organic molecules as a source of energy. Organic materials contain a tremendous amount of energy. As food, they fuel our bodies and those of most other creatures. In such forms as oil, gas, and coal, they heat our homes, run our factories and power our cars.

  Photosynthesis begins when solar energy is absorbed by chemicals called photosynthetic pigments that are contained within an organism. The most common photosynthetic pigment is chlorophyll. The bright green color characteristic of plants is caused by it. Most algae have additional pigments that may mask the green chlorophyll. Because of these pigments, algae may be not only green but brown, red, blue or even black.                         

  In a series of enzyme-controlled reactions, the solar energy captured by chlorophyll and other pigments is used to make simple sugars, with carbon dioxide and water as the raw materials. Carbon dioxide is one of very few carbon- containing molecules not considered to be organic compounds. Photosynthesis then converts carbon from an inorganic to an organic form. This is called carbon fixation. In this process, the solar energy that was absorbed by chlorophyll is stored as chemical energy in the form of simple sugars like glucose. The glucose is then used to make other organic compounds. In addition, photosynthesis produces oxygen gas. All the oxygen gas on earth, both in the atmosphere we breathe and in the ocean, was produced by photosynthetic organisms. Photosynthesis constantly replenishes the earth's oxygen supply.

  Organisms that are capable of photosynthesis can obtain all the energy they need from sunlight and do not need to eat. They are called autotrophs. Plants are the most familiar autotrophs on land. In the ocean, algae and bacteria are the most important autotrophs. Many organisms cannot produce their own food and must obtain energy by eating organic matter. These are called heterotrophs.


(Hooked on TOEFL Reading - LinguaForum

Which of the following is true about heterotrophs?


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      Câu đề bài: Điều nào sau đây nói đúng về heterotrophs: sinh vật dị dưỡng?

 Đáp án C: Chúng không thể tồn tại mà không có sự hiện diện của autotrophs: sinh vật tự dưỡng.

Các đáp án còn lại:

A. Chúng đòi hỏi nhiều năng lượng hơn là sinh vật tự dưỡng.

B. Chúng không phụ thuộc vào các loại đường đơn cho năng lượng.

D. Chúng chủ yếu là các sinh vật gắn liền với đất liền.

Thông tin trong bài:

Many organisms cannot produce their own food and must obtain energy by eating organic matter. These are called heterotrophs. - Nhiều sinh vật không thể tự sản xuất thức ăn của mình và phải có năng lượng bằng cách ăn các chất hữu cơ. Chúng được gọi là sinh vật dị dưỡng.

Câu 27:


* Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 24 to 30.

  Almost all living things ultimately get their energy from the sun. In a process called photosynthesis, plants, algae, and some other organisms capture the sun's energy and use it to make simple sugars such as glucose. Most other organisms use these organic molecules as a source of energy. Organic materials contain a tremendous amount of energy. As food, they fuel our bodies and those of most other creatures. In such forms as oil, gas, and coal, they heat our homes, run our factories and power our cars.

  Photosynthesis begins when solar energy is absorbed by chemicals called photosynthetic pigments that are contained within an organism. The most common photosynthetic pigment is chlorophyll. The bright green color characteristic of plants is caused by it. Most algae have additional pigments that may mask the green chlorophyll. Because of these pigments, algae may be not only green but brown, red, blue or even black.                         

  In a series of enzyme-controlled reactions, the solar energy captured by chlorophyll and other pigments is used to make simple sugars, with carbon dioxide and water as the raw materials. Carbon dioxide is one of very few carbon- containing molecules not considered to be organic compounds. Photosynthesis then converts carbon from an inorganic to an organic form. This is called carbon fixation. In this process, the solar energy that was absorbed by chlorophyll is stored as chemical energy in the form of simple sugars like glucose. The glucose is then used to make other organic compounds. In addition, photosynthesis produces oxygen gas. All the oxygen gas on earth, both in the atmosphere we breathe and in the ocean, was produced by photosynthetic organisms. Photosynthesis constantly replenishes the earth's oxygen supply.

  Organisms that are capable of photosynthesis can obtain all the energy they need from sunlight and do not need to eat. They are called autotrophs. Plants are the most familiar autotrophs on land. In the ocean, algae and bacteria are the most important autotrophs. Many organisms cannot produce their own food and must obtain energy by eating organic matter. These are called heterotrophs.


(Hooked on TOEFL Reading - LinguaForum

The phrase “this process” in the third paragraph refers to the process of__________.

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D       Câu đề bài: Cụm từ “quá trình này” trong đoạn ba đề cập đến quá trình của _________.

Đáp án D: sự cố định carbon

Các đáp án còn lại:

A. Lưu trữ năng lượng hóa học

B. Sự quang hợp

C. Hấp thụ năng lượng mặt trời

Thông tin trong bài:

This is called carbon fixation. In this process, the solar energy that was absorbed by chlorophyll is stored as chemical energy in the form of simple sugars like glucose.

Đây được gọi là cố định carbon. Trong quá trình này, năng lượng mặt trời được hấp thụ bởi chất diệp lục được lưu trữ dưới dạng năng lượng hóa học dưới dạng các loại đường đơn giản như glucose.

Câu 28:


* Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 24 to 30.

  Almost all living things ultimately get their energy from the sun. In a process called photosynthesis, plants, algae, and some other organisms capture the sun's energy and use it to make simple sugars such as glucose. Most other organisms use these organic molecules as a source of energy. Organic materials contain a tremendous amount of energy. As food, they fuel our bodies and those of most other creatures. In such forms as oil, gas, and coal, they heat our homes, run our factories and power our cars.

  Photosynthesis begins when solar energy is absorbed by chemicals called photosynthetic pigments that are contained within an organism. The most common photosynthetic pigment is chlorophyll. The bright green color characteristic of plants is caused by it. Most algae have additional pigments that may mask the green chlorophyll. Because of these pigments, algae may be not only green but brown, red, blue or even black.                         

  In a series of enzyme-controlled reactions, the solar energy captured by chlorophyll and other pigments is used to make simple sugars, with carbon dioxide and water as the raw materials. Carbon dioxide is one of very few carbon- containing molecules not considered to be organic compounds. Photosynthesis then converts carbon from an inorganic to an organic form. This is called carbon fixation. In this process, the solar energy that was absorbed by chlorophyll is stored as chemical energy in the form of simple sugars like glucose. The glucose is then used to make other organic compounds. In addition, photosynthesis produces oxygen gas. All the oxygen gas on earth, both in the atmosphere we breathe and in the ocean, was produced by photosynthetic organisms. Photosynthesis constantly replenishes the earth's oxygen supply.

  Organisms that are capable of photosynthesis can obtain all the energy they need from sunlight and do not need to eat. They are called autotrophs. Plants are the most familiar autotrophs on land. In the ocean, algae and bacteria are the most important autotrophs. Many organisms cannot produce their own food and must obtain energy by eating organic matter. These are called heterotrophs.


(Hooked on TOEFL Reading - LinguaForum

It can be inferred from the passage that the author considers solar energy to be_________.

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       Câu đề bài: Ta có thể suy ra từ đoạn văn rằng tác giả coi năng lượng mặt trời là _________ .

Đáp án D: cần thiết cho mọi sinh vật trên trái đất Các đáp án còn lại:

A. Vô dụng với hầu hết vi khuẩn và tảo

B. Nguồn năng lượng lâu dài và vĩnh cửu

C. Một giải pháp hoàn hảo cho vấn đề năng lượng

Thông tin trong bài:

Photosynthesis begins when solar energy is absorbed by chemicals called photosynthetic pigments that are contained within an organism. In addition, photosynthesis produces oxygen gas. All the oxygen gas on earth, both in the atmosphere we breathe and in the ocean, was produced by photosynthetic organisms. Photosynthesis constantly replenishes the earth's oxygen supply. - Quá trình quang hợp bắt đầu khi năng lượng mặt trời được hấp thụ bởi các hóa chất gọi là sắc tố quang hợp được chứa trong một sinh vật. Ngoài ra, quang hợp tạo ra khí oxy. Tất cả khí oxy trên trái đất, cả trong khí quyển chúng ta hít thở và trong đại dương, được sinh ra bởi các sinh vật quang hợp. Quang hợp liên tục bổ sung nguồn cung cấp oxy của trái đất

Câu 29:


* Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 24 to 30.

  Almost all living things ultimately get their energy from the sun. In a process called photosynthesis, plants, algae, and some other organisms capture the sun's energy and use it to make simple sugars such as glucose. Most other organisms use these organic molecules as a source of energy. Organic materials contain a tremendous amount of energy. As food, they fuel our bodies and those of most other creatures. In such forms as oil, gas, and coal, they heat our homes, run our factories and power our cars.

  Photosynthesis begins when solar energy is absorbed by chemicals called photosynthetic pigments that are contained within an organism. The most common photosynthetic pigment is chlorophyll. The bright green color characteristic of plants is caused by it. Most algae have additional pigments that may mask the green chlorophyll. Because of these pigments, algae may be not only green but brown, red, blue or even black.                         

  In a series of enzyme-controlled reactions, the solar energy captured by chlorophyll and other pigments is used to make simple sugars, with carbon dioxide and water as the raw materials. Carbon dioxide is one of very few carbon- containing molecules not considered to be organic compounds. Photosynthesis then converts carbon from an inorganic to an organic form. This is called carbon fixation. In this process, the solar energy that was absorbed by chlorophyll is stored as chemical energy in the form of simple sugars like glucose. The glucose is then used to make other organic compounds. In addition, photosynthesis produces oxygen gas. All the oxygen gas on earth, both in the atmosphere we breathe and in the ocean, was produced by photosynthetic organisms. Photosynthesis constantly replenishes the earth's oxygen supply.

  Organisms that are capable of photosynthesis can obtain all the energy they need from sunlight and do not need to eat. They are called autotrophs. Plants are the most familiar autotrophs on land. In the ocean, algae and bacteria are the most important autotrophs. Many organisms cannot produce their own food and must obtain energy by eating organic matter. These are called heterotrophs.

(Hooked on TOEFL Reading - LinguaForum

Which of the following is NOT true?

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       Câu đề bài: Câu nào sau đây Không đúng?

Đáp án A. Thực vật thường là sinh vật dị dưỡng.

Các đáp án còn lại:

B. Thực vật lấy năng lượng mặt trời để tạo ra đường.

In this process, the solar energy that was absorbed by chlorophyll is stored as  chemical energy in the form of simple sugars like glucose.

Trong quá trình này, năng lượng mặt trời được hấp thụ bởi chất diệp lục được lưu trữ dưới dạng năng lượng hóa học dưới dạng các loại đường đơn giản như glucose.

C. Quang hợp tạo ra khí oxy.

In addition, photosynthesis produces oxygen gas.

Ngoài ra, quang hợp tạo ra khí oxy.

D. Vật liệu hữu cơ chứa một lượng năng lượng.

Thông tin trong bài:

Many organisms cannot produce their own food and must obtain energy by eating organic matter.

Nhiều sinh vật không thể tự sản xuất thức ăn của mình và phải có năng lượng bằng cách ăn các chất hữu cơ.

Câu 30:



* Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 24 to 30.

  Almost all living things ultimately get their energy from the sun. In a process called photosynthesis, plants, algae, and some other organisms capture the sun's energy and use it to make simple sugars such as glucose. Most other organisms use these organic molecules as a source of energy. Organic materials contain a tremendous amount of energy. As food, they fuel our bodies and those of most other creatures. In such forms as oil, gas, and coal, they heat our homes, run our factories and power our cars.

  Photosynthesis begins when solar energy is absorbed by chemicals called photosynthetic pigments that are contained within an organism. The most common photosynthetic pigment is chlorophyll. The bright green color characteristic of plants is caused by it. Most algae have additional pigments that may mask the green chlorophyll. Because of these pigments, algae may be not only green but brown, red, blue or even black.                         

  In a series of enzyme-controlled reactions, the solar energy captured by chlorophyll and other pigments is used to make simple sugars, with carbon dioxide and water as the raw materials. Carbon dioxide is one of very few carbon- containing molecules not considered to be organic compounds. Photosynthesis then converts carbon from an inorganic to an organic form. This is called carbon fixation. In this process, the solar energy that was absorbed by chlorophyll is stored as chemical energy in the form of simple sugars like glucose. The glucose is then used to make other organic compounds. In addition, photosynthesis produces oxygen gas. All the oxygen gas on earth, both in the atmosphere we breathe and in the ocean, was produced by photosynthetic organisms. Photosynthesis constantly replenishes the earth's oxygen supply.

  Organisms that are capable of photosynthesis can obtain all the energy they need from sunlight and do not need to eat. They are called autotrophs. Plants are the most familiar autotrophs on land. In the ocean, algae and bacteria are the most important autotrophs. Many organisms cannot produce their own food and must obtain energy by eating organic matter. These are called heterotrophs.


(Hooked on TOEFL Reading - LinguaForum

From the passage, we can see that___________.

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       Câu đề bài: Từ đoạn văn, chúng ta có thể thấy rằng .

Đáp án B: Tảo là một loại cây đơn giản.

Các đáp án còn lại:

A. Hầu hết thực vật có bổ sung sắc tố

C. Sinh vật tự dưỡng có được năng lượng bằng cách ăn chất hữu cơ.

D. Oxy giúp cho quá trình quang hợp.

Thông tin trong bài:

Organisms that are capable of photosynthesis can obtain all the energy they need from sunlight and do not need to eat. They arc called autotrophs. Plants are the most familiar autotrophs on land. In the ocean, algae and bacteria are the most important autotrophs.

Các sinh vật có khả năng quang hợp có thể thu được tất cả năng lượng cần thiết từ ánh sáng mặt trời và không cần ăn. Chúng được gọi là tự dưỡng. Thực vật là những chất tự dưỡng quen thuộc nhất trên đất liền. Trong đại dương, tảo và vi khuẩn là những chất tự dưỡng quan trọng nhất.

Câu 31:


* Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 31 to 35.


  Roger Press, 40, has changed his career. After spending five years (31)_________a concert pianist, he has gone into business, recently setting up his own company.

  After leaving university I decided to (32)__________myself to a career in music. I loved performing, but it was hard work. I played at concerts in Europe and America, made recordings and got reviews. But after a while I felt I had gone as far as I could. Unless you’re one of the world’s top 20 pianists, it’s difficult to earn a good living and I wasn’t one of the greatest.

  When I gave up my performing career, people around me were more sad and disappointed than I was. But I felt free and (33)_________I knew I was getting serious about life. After getting a qualification in business administration I joined the recording company EMI and started their classical video division, producing programmes about famous artists. A year ago I left EMI and formed a new company, New Media Systems, which (34)________in multimedia programs.

  (35)_________I run my own business, I’m in control of my life and I feel proud of my achievements. Although the stress is high and I work long hours, the stress involved in piano playing was much worse. It took physical, emotional and mental skills. I prefer the pressures I live with now.

Điền vào số 31

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Chọn D       A. like (adj.): giống nhau, như nhau           B. working (v.): làm việc

c. how (adv.): thế nào                                   D. as (adv.): cũng, là

Spend time as a: dành thời gian làm việc gì.

After spending five years as a concert pianist, he has gone into business, recently setting up his own company.

  Sau khi dành 5 năm làm công việc của một nhạc sĩ dương cầm trong các buổi hòa nhạc, ông đã ra kinh doanh riêng, và gần đây đã lập công ti riêng của mình.

Câu 32:


* Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 31 to 35.


  Roger Press, 40, has changed his career. After spending five years (31)_________a concert pianist, he has gone into business, recently setting up his own company.

  After leaving university I decided to (32)__________myself to a career in music. I loved performing, but it was hard work. I played at concerts in Europe and America, made recordings and got reviews. But after a while I felt I had gone as far as I could. Unless you’re one of the world’s top 20 pianists, it’s difficult to earn a good living and I wasn’t one of the greatest.

  When I gave up my performing career, people around me were more sad and disappointed than I was. But I felt free and (33)_________I knew I was getting serious about life. After getting a qualification in business administration I joined the recording company EMI and started their classical video division, producing programmes about famous artists. A year ago I left EMI and formed a new company, New Media Systems, which (34)________in multimedia programs.

  (35)_________I run my own business, I’m in control of my life and I feel proud of my achievements. Although the stress is high and I work long hours, the stress involved in piano playing was much worse. It took physical, emotional and mental skills. I prefer the pressures I live with now.

Điền vào số 32

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Chọn A                Devote (v.): cống hiến             Take (v.): cầm, lấy

          Assign (v.): chỉ định                           Employ (v.): thuê

To devote oneself to something: cống hiến/ tập trung hết mình vào cái gì;

After leaving university I decided to devote myself to a career in music. I loved performing, but it was hard work.

 Sau khi rời trường đại học, tôi quyết định cống hiến hết mình cho sự nghiệp âm nhạc. Tôi yêu biểu diễn, nhưng công việc rất vất vả.

Câu 33:


* Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 31 to 35.


  Roger Press, 40, has changed his career. After spending five years (31)_________a concert pianist, he has gone into business, recently setting up his own company.

  After leaving university I decided to (32)__________myself to a career in music. I loved performing, but it was hard work. I played at concerts in Europe and America, made recordings and got reviews. But after a while I felt I had gone as far as I could. Unless you’re one of the world’s top 20 pianists, it’s difficult to earn a good living and I wasn’t one of the greatest.

  When I gave up my performing career, people around me were more sad and disappointed than I was. But I felt free and (33)_________I knew I was getting serious about life. After getting a qualification in business administration I joined the recording company EMI and started their classical video division, producing programmes about famous artists. A year ago I left EMI and formed a new company, New Media Systems, which (34)________in multimedia programs.

  (35)_________I run my own business, I’m in control of my life and I feel proud of my achievements. Although the stress is high and I work long hours, the stress involved in piano playing was much worse. It took physical, emotional and mental skills. I prefer the pressures I live with now.

Điền vào số 33

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Chọn B       Lastly (adv.): cuối cùng, sau cùng              At last (adv.): cuối cùng = in the end.

At the end of something: vào thời điểm cuối của cái gì;

Lately (adv.): gần đây.

But I felt free and at last I knew 1 was getting serious about life.

  Nhưng tôi cảm thấy tự do và cuối cùng tôi biết mình đang nghiêm túc về cuộc sống của mình.

Câu 34:


* Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 31 to 35.


  Roger Press, 40, has changed his career. After spending five years (31)_________a concert pianist, he has gone into business, recently setting up his own company.

  After leaving university I decided to (32)__________myself to a career in music. I loved performing, but it was hard work. I played at concerts in Europe and America, made recordings and got reviews. But after a while I felt I had gone as far as I could. Unless you’re one of the world’s top 20 pianists, it’s difficult to earn a good living and I wasn’t one of the greatest.

  When I gave up my performing career, people around me were more sad and disappointed than I was. But I felt free and (33)_________I knew I was getting serious about life. After getting a qualification in business administration I joined the recording company EMI and started their classical video division, producing programmes about famous artists. A year ago I left EMI and formed a new company, New Media Systems, which (34)________in multimedia programs.

  (35)_________I run my own business, I’m in control of my life and I feel proud of my achievements. Although the stress is high and I work long hours, the stress involved in piano playing was much worse. It took physical, emotional and mental skills. I prefer the pressures I live with now.

Điền vào số 34

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Chọn A       Specializes (v.): chuyên môn

Focuses (v.): tập trung

Concentrates (v.): tập trung

Dedicates (adj.): tinh tế

To specialize in something: chuyên môn hóa vào cái gì.

To focus/concentrate on something: tập trung vào cái gì;

To dedicate oneself to something: dốc sức vào cái gì.

= to devote oneself to something.

A year ago I left EMI and formed a new company, New Media Systems, which specializes in multimedia programs.

 Một năm trước tôi rời EMI và thành lập một công ti mới. Hệ thống truyền thông mới, chuyên môn hóa vào các chương trình đa phương tiện.

Câu 35:


* Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 31 to 35.


  Roger Press, 40, has changed his career. After spending five years (31)_________a concert pianist, he has gone into business, recently setting up his own company.

  After leaving university I decided to (32)__________myself to a career in music. I loved performing, but it was hard work. I played at concerts in Europe and America, made recordings and got reviews. But after a while I felt I had gone as far as I could. Unless you’re one of the world’s top 20 pianists, it’s difficult to earn a good living and I wasn’t one of the greatest.

  When I gave up my performing career, people around me were more sad and disappointed than I was. But I felt free and (33)_________I knew I was getting serious about life. After getting a qualification in business administration I joined the recording company EMI and started their classical video division, producing programmes about famous artists. A year ago I left EMI and formed a new company, New Media Systems, which (34)________in multimedia programs.

  (35)_________I run my own business, I’m in control of my life and I feel proud of my achievements. Although the stress is high and I work long hours, the stress involved in piano playing was much worse. It took physical, emotional and mental skills. I prefer the pressures I live with now.

Điền vào số 35

* Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 31 to 35.


  Roger Press, 40, has changed his career. After spending five years (31)_________a concert pianist, he has gone into business, recently setting up his own company.

  After leaving university I decided to (32)__________myself to a career in music. I loved performing, but it was hard work. I played at concerts in Europe and America, made recordings and got reviews. But after a while I felt I had gone as far as I could. Unless you’re one of the world’s top 20 pianists, it’s difficult to earn a good living and I wasn’t one of the greatest.

  When I gave up my performing career, people around me were more sad and disappointed than I was. But I felt free and (33)_________I knew I was getting serious about life. After getting a qualification in business administration I joined the recording company EMI and started their classical video division, producing programmes about famous artists. A year ago I left EMI and formed a new company, New Media Systems, which (34)________in multimedia programs.

  (35)_________I run my own business, I’m in control of my life and I feel proud of my achievements. Although the stress is high and I work long hours, the stress involved in piano playing was much worse. It took physical, emotional and mental skills. I prefer the pressures I live with now.


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chọn C       Although: mặc dù                    For that: cho rằng

Now that: bây giờ thì                          On account of: bởi vì

Now that I run my own business, I’m in control of my life and I feel proud of

my achievements.

  Giờ tôi đã có một doanh nghiệp của riêng mình, tôi điều khiển được cuộc sống của mình và tôi tự hào vì những gì mình đã đạt được.

Câu 36:


* Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.

She was dumbfounded at this magical event, and stood there open mouthed for a long time, looking at this strange object in her own hand.

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Chọn B       Câu đề bài: Cô ta chết lặng trước sự kiện kì diệu này, và đứng đó mở miệng trong một thời gian dài, nhìn vào vật lạ này trong tay mình.

Dumbfound (adj.): chết lặng

Astonished (adj.): kinh ngạc

Speechless (adj.): không nói nên lời

Content (adj.): hài lòng, thỏa mãn

Applauding (adj.): khen ngợi

Câu 37:


* Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.

While this kind of weather may not be the most conducive to the playing of sports, for the spectator it is a godsend.

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B       Câu đề bài: Mặc dù kiểu thời tiết này có thể không có lợi nhất cho việc chơi thể thao, với khán giả đó là một ơn trời.

Conductive to: giúp việc gì = that helps

A. tạo ra rào cản cho

C.  điều đó không dễ dàng hơn

D. trả phí cho

Câu 38:


* Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.

While waiting at a gas station Simon and Mack strike up a friendship.

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      Câu đề bài: Trong khi chờ đợi tại một trạm xăng Simon và Mack đã bắt đầu một tình bạn.

Đáp án B. give up: bỏ cuộc, từ bỏ

 >< To strike up: to start, begin something: bắt đầu;

To cover up: che đậy;

To make up something: bia ra;

To remain something: vẫn là gì.

Câu 39:


My father continued to work very hard, hoping to be promoted to the position of manager. Finally, his hard work paid off and he was promoted.

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Chọn D       Câu đề bài: Bố tôi liên tục làm việc chăm chỉ, với hi vọng được thăng tiến lên chức quản lí. Cuối cùng, sự chăm chỉ của ông được trả giá và ông đã được thăng chức.

Paid off = succeeded: thành công, được trả giá >< failed

Câu 40:


* Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to show the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions.

The skin of mammals is a complexity organ that serves vital protective and metabolic functions.

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Chọn B       Câu đề bài: Da của động vật có vú là một bào quan phức tạp mà thực hiện những chức năng bảo vệ chính yêu và trao đổi chất.

Organ (n.): bào quan    đã là một danh từ, ta chỉ cần tính từ đứng trước nó để bổ nghĩa cho “organ”.

Thay bằng: complex.

Câu 41:


Possibly the easiest and most enjovablv way to become a weather watcher is simply to observe the clouds.

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Chọn C       Câu đề bài: Có lẽ cách dễ dàng nhất và thú vị nhất để trở thành một người quan sát thời tiết đơn gỉan là quan sát những đám mây.

 Cấu trúc song song: Ta cần 2 tính từ bổ nghĩa cho danh từ “way”.

Thay bằng: enjoyable.

Câu 42:


Before the cotton gin A. had been invented in 1794, American famers B. had cheap C. salves remove seeds D. from the cotton fiber.

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Chọn A       Câu đề bài: Trước khi máy tia hột bông được sáng chế ra năm 1974, các nông dân Mĩ đã dùng sáp rẻ tiền để lấy hạt ra khỏi các sợi bông.

  Trong câu có 2 mệnh đề thời gian trước sau (có từ Before), mệnh đề ngay sau before sẽ xảy ra trước, nên mệnh đề còn lại được chia lùi thì.

Thay bằng: was invented.

Câu 43:


* Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 43 to 50.

  “They told me I could never walk again. But when I listened to music, I forgot all about the pain. I found the strength I didn’t know I had.”Ninety-two-year-old Tina Goodman, who regained her ability to walk, thanks to music.

  This is just one of the many stories in Fettaro’s book “The Healing Power of Music” . Fettaro tries to show just how important music is in our lives and how it can help us to be healthy and happy.

  According to Fettaro, music can make sick people again. In fact, his book comes with a CD of recordings, each one specially designed to help with a number of health problems.

  Fettaro, e well-known music therapist, promises that by reading his book, you will be able to develop the healing power of music in your life. He says this will help you fight headaches and back pain, as well as reduce stress, high blood pressure, and many other common illnesses.


: What was Tina Goodman’s problem?

  Certainly, I accept that listening to certain types of music can help with particular problems, such as stress. I am also comfortable with Fettaro’s claim that by reading his book, you’ll be able to create a peaceful enviroment to help you relax in your home. I found the relaxation and breathing techniques very useful. Similarly his claim that music help you sleep better seems reasonable. Yet when he goes on to promise his music therapies will help cure depression and even cancer, he begins to sound a little bit unbelievable.

  Nevertheless, for those of you who are interested in the power of music to heal, this is a great book to buy. It’s a thorough introduction to the history and practice of music therapy. Fettaro writes in a simple, easy to understand way and shows clearly how music can affect us positively. His basic message-that music can improve our lives-is well-presented and clear. It may even be true that certain techniques covered here can help some people recover from unpleasant health problems. However, his promises of “amazing results” seem impossible to justify.

 What was Tina Goodman’s problem?

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C       Câu đề bài: Vấn đề của Tina Goodman là gì?

Đáp án C: sự tàn tật

Các đáp án còn lại:

          A. căng thẳng                 B. huyết áp cao               D. đau đầu

Thông tin trong bài:

Ninety-two-year-old Tina Goodman, who regained her ability to walk, thanks to music.

Bà Tina Goodman 92 tuổi, người đã lấy lại được khả năng đi lại nhờ vào âm nhạc.

 Trước đó bà không thể đi lại được.  disabled.

Câu 44:


* Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 43 to 50.

  “They told me I could never walk again. But when I listened to music, I forgot all about the pain. I found the strength I didn’t know I had.”Ninety-two-year-old Tina Goodman, who regained her ability to walk, thanks to music.

  This is just one of the many stories in Fettaro’s book “The Healing Power of Music” . Fettaro tries to show just how important music is in our lives and how it can help us to be healthy and happy.

  According to Fettaro, music can make sick people again. In fact, his book comes with a CD of recordings, each one specially designed to help with a number of health problems.

  Fettaro, e well-known music therapist, promises that by reading his book, you will be able to develop the healing power of music in your life. He says this will help you fight headaches and back pain, as well as reduce stress, high blood pressure, and many other common illnesses.

  Certainly, I accept that listening to certain types of music can help with particular problems, such as stress. I am also comfortable with Fettaro’s claim that by reading his book, you’ll be able to create a peaceful enviroment to help you relax in your home. I found the relaxation and breathing techniques very useful. Similarly his claim that music help you sleep better seems reasonable. Yet when he goes on to promise his music therapies will help cure depression and even cancer, he begins to sound a little bit unbelievable.

  Nevertheless, for those of you who are interested in the power of music to heal, this is a great book to buy. It’s a thorough introduction to the history and practice of music therapy. Fettaro writes in a simple, easy to understand way and shows clearly how music can affect us positively. His basic message-that music can improve our lives-is well-presented and clear. It may even be true that certain techniques covered here can help some people recover from unpleasant health problems. However, his promises of “amazing results” seem impossible to justify.


Which statement is not true?

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       Câu đề bài: Phát biếu nào KHÔNG đúng?

Đáp án C: Cần tạo ra một môi trường yên bình khi bạn đọc cuốn sách của Fettaro.

Các đáp án còn lại:

A. Âm nhạc có thể giúp bạn ngủ ngon hơn.

B. Âm nhạc có hiệu quả tích cực.

D. Các bản ghi kèm theo cuốn sách là để giúp đỡ với một số vấn đề về sức khỏe.

Thông tin trong bài:

I am also comfortable with Fettaro 's claim that by reading his book, you ’ll be able to create a peaceful enviroment to help you relax in your home.

Tôi cũng đồng tình với tuyên bố của Fettaro rằng bằng việc đọc cuốn sách của ông, bạn sẽ có thể tạo ra một môi trường bình yên để giúp bản thân thư giãn ở nhà.

  Đọc sách của Fettaro giúp bản thân thư giãn, yên bình chứ không phải cần không gian yên bình mới có thể đọc cuốn sách này.

Câu 45:


* Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 43 to 50.

  “They told me I could never walk again. But when I listened to music, I forgot all about the pain. I found the strength I didn’t know I had.”Ninety-two-year-old Tina Goodman, who regained her ability to walk, thanks to music.

  This is just one of the many stories in Fettaro’s book “The Healing Power of Music” . Fettaro tries to show just how important music is in our lives and how it can help us to be healthy and happy.

  According to Fettaro, music can make sick people again. In fact, his book comes with a CD of recordings, each one specially designed to help with a number of health problems.

  Fettaro, e well-known music therapist, promises that by reading his book, you will be able to develop the healing power of music in your life. He says this will help you fight headaches and back pain, as well as reduce stress, high blood pressure, and many other common illnesses.

  Certainly, I accept that listening to certain types of music can help with particular problems, such as stress. I am also comfortable with Fettaro’s claim that by reading his book, you’ll be able to create a peaceful enviroment to help you relax in your home. I found the relaxation and breathing techniques very useful. Similarly his claim that music help you sleep better seems reasonable. Yet when he goes on to promise his music therapies will help cure depression and even cancer, he begins to sound a little bit unbelievable.

  Nevertheless, for those of you who are interested in the power of music to heal, this is a great book to buy. It’s a thorough introduction to the history and practice of music therapy. Fettaro writes in a simple, easy to understand way and shows clearly how music can affect us positively. His basic message-that music can improve our lives-is well-presented and clear. It may even be true that certain techniques covered here can help some people recover from unpleasant health problems. However, his promises of “amazing results” seem impossible to justify.

 What is the basic message of Fettaro’s book?



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       Câu đề bài: Thông điệp cơ bản của cuốn sách Fetttaro là gì?

Đáp án A: Âm nhạc có thể khiến cuộc sống chúng ta tốt hơn.

Các đáp án còn lại:

B. Với sự giúp đỡ từ âm nhạc, không có bệnh nào là không chữa được.

C. Âm nhạc có thể chữa trị ngay cả bệnh trầm cảm và ung thư.

D. Âm nhạc mang lại kết quả tuyệt vời.

Thông tin trong bài:

Fettaro tries to show just how important music is in our lives and how it can help us to be healthy and happy.

 Fettaro cố gắng chỉ ra việc âm nhạc có vai trò quan trọng đến thế nào trong cuộc sống của chúng ta và cách mà nó có thể giúp chúng ta sống mạnh khỏe và vui vẻ.

  Âm nhạc làm cho cuộc sống của chúng ta tốt hơn.

Câu 46:


* Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 43 to 50.

  “They told me I could never walk again. But when I listened to music, I forgot all about the pain. I found the strength I didn’t know I had.”Ninety-two-year-old Tina Goodman, who regained her ability to walk, thanks to music.

  This is just one of the many stories in Fettaro’s book “The Healing Power of Music” . Fettaro tries to show just how important music is in our lives and how it can help us to be healthy and happy.

  According to Fettaro, music can make sick people again. In fact, his book comes with a CD of recordings, each one specially designed to help with a number of health problems.

  Fettaro, e well-known music therapist, promises that by reading his book, you will be able to develop the healing power of music in your life. He says this will help you fight headaches and back pain, as well as reduce stress, high blood pressure, and many other common illnesses.

  Certainly, I accept that listening to certain types of music can help with particular problems, such as stress. I am also comfortable with Fettaro’s claim that by reading his book, you’ll be able to create a peaceful enviroment to help you relax in your home. I found the relaxation and breathing techniques very useful. Similarly his claim that music help you sleep better seems reasonable. Yet when he goes on to promise his music therapies will help cure depression and even cancer, he begins to sound a little bit unbelievable.

  Nevertheless, for those of you who are interested in the power of music to heal, this is a great book to buy. It’s a thorough introduction to the history and practice of music therapy. Fettaro writes in a simple, easy to understand way and shows clearly how music can affect us positively. His basic message-that music can improve our lives-is well-presented and clear. It may even be true that certain techniques covered here can help some people recover from unpleasant health problems. However, his promises of “amazing results” seem impossible to justify.

 What are the two techniques useful to the writer?



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Chọn D       Câu đề bài: Hai kĩ thuật nào hữu ích cho người viết?

Đáp án D. thư giãn và thở

Các đáp án còn lại:

A. thư giãn và xây dựng sự yên bình

B. lắng nghe và đọc

C. phục hồi và thư giãn trong nhà riêng của bạn.

Thông tin trong bài:

I am also comfortable with Fettaro's claim that by reading his book, you ’ll be able to create a peaceful enviroment to help you relax in your home. I found the relaxation and breathing techniques very useful.

Tôi cũng ủng hộ quan điểm của Fettaro rằng bằng việc đọc sách của ông, bạn có thể gây dựng một môi trường yên bình để giúp bản thân thư giãn ở nhà. Tôi thấy các kĩ năng nghỉ ngơi và hít thở đều rất hữu dụng.

Câu 47:


* Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 43 to 50.

  “They told me I could never walk again. But when I listened to music, I forgot all about the pain. I found the strength I didn’t know I had.”Ninety-two-year-old Tina Goodman, who regained her ability to walk, thanks to music.

  This is just one of the many stories in Fettaro’s book “The Healing Power of Music” . Fettaro tries to show just how important music is in our lives and how it can help us to be healthy and happy.

  According to Fettaro, music can make sick people again. In fact, his book comes with a CD of recordings, each one specially designed to help with a number of health problems.

  Fettaro, e well-known music therapist, promises that by reading his book, you will be able to develop the healing power of music in your life. He says this will help you fight headaches and back pain, as well as reduce stress, high blood pressure, and many other common illnesses.

  Certainly, I accept that listening to certain types of music can help with particular problems, such as stress. I am also comfortable with Fettaro’s claim that by reading his book, you’ll be able to create a peaceful enviroment to help you relax in your home. I found the relaxation and breathing techniques very useful. Similarly his claim that music help you sleep better seems reasonable. Yet when he goes on to promise his music therapies will help cure depression and even cancer, he begins to sound a little bit unbelievable.

  Nevertheless, for those of you who are interested in the power of music to heal, this is a great book to buy. It’s a thorough introduction to the history and practice of music therapy. Fettaro writes in a simple, easy to understand way and shows clearly how music can affect us positively. His basic message-that music can improve our lives-is well-presented and clear. It may even be true that certain techniques covered here can help some people recover from unpleasant health problems. However, his promises of “amazing results” seem impossible to justify.

Which is not stated by Fettaro as curable?

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      Câu đề bài: Điều gì không được Fettaro tuyên bố là có thể chữa được?

Đáp án D: viêm họng

Các đáp án còn lại:

          A. ung thư             B. huyết áp cao     C. đau lưng

Thông tin trong bài:

He says this will help you fight headaches and back pain, as well as reduce stress, high blood pressure, and many other common illnesses.

Anh ta nói rằng việc này sẽ giúp bạn vượt qua được các căn bệnh đau đầu, đau lưng, cũng như giảm áp lực, huyết áp cao, và nhiều căn bệnh phổ biến khác.

Câu 48:


* Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 43 to 50.

  “They told me I could never walk again. But when I listened to music, I forgot all about the pain. I found the strength I didn’t know I had.”Ninety-two-year-old Tina Goodman, who regained her ability to walk, thanks to music.

  This is just one of the many stories in Fettaro’s book “The Healing Power of Music” . Fettaro tries to show just how important music is in our lives and how it can help us to be healthy and happy.

  According to Fettaro, music can make sick people again. In fact, his book comes with a CD of recordings, each one specially designed to help with a number of health problems.

  Fettaro, e well-known music therapist, promises that by reading his book, you will be able to develop the healing power of music in your life. He says this will help you fight headaches and back pain, as well as reduce stress, high blood pressure, and many other common illnesses.

  Certainly, I accept that listening to certain types of music can help with particular problems, such as stress. I am also comfortable with Fettaro’s claim that by reading his book, you’ll be able to create a peaceful enviroment to help you relax in your home. I found the relaxation and breathing techniques very useful. Similarly his claim that music help you sleep better seems reasonable. Yet when he goes on to promise his music therapies will help cure depression and even cancer, he begins to sound a little bit unbelievable.

  Nevertheless, for those of you who are interested in the power of music to heal, this is a great book to buy. It’s a thorough introduction to the history and practice of music therapy. Fettaro writes in a simple, easy to understand way and shows clearly how music can affect us positively. His basic message-that music can improve our lives-is well-presented and clear. It may even be true that certain techniques covered here can help some people recover from unpleasant health problems. However, his promises of “amazing results” seem impossible to justify.



What is the writer’s opinion of the book?

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      Câu đề bài: Ý tưởng của người viết qua cuốn sách là gì?

Đáp án B: Anh thích cuốn sách nhưng không thích một số lời hứa của nó.

Các đáp án còn lại:

A. Anh ấy thích cuốn sách rất nhiều và giới thiệu nó cho tất cả mọi người.

C. Anh ấy không thích cuốn sách bởi vì ít tuyên bố có thể được chứng minh.

D. Anh ấy thấy mọi tuyên bố không thể được chứng minh.

Thông tin trong bài:

Similarly his claim that music help you sleep better seems reasonable. Yet when he goes on to promise his music therapies will help cure depression and even cancer, he begins to sound a little bit unbelievable.

Tương tự như tuyên bố của tác giả rằng âm nhạc giúp bạn ngủ tốt hơn là có lí. Thế nhưng khi ông ta tiếp tục và hứa hẹn rằng các phương pháp trị liệu bằng âm nhạc của ông sẽ giúp chữa bệnh trầm cảm và ngay cả ung thư, ta bắt đầu thấy có hơi chút khó tin.

Câu 49:


* Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 43 to 50.

  “They told me I could never walk again. But when I listened to music, I forgot all about the pain. I found the strength I didn’t know I had.”Ninety-two-year-old Tina Goodman, who regained her ability to walk, thanks to music.

  This is just one of the many stories in Fettaro’s book “The Healing Power of Music” . Fettaro tries to show just how important music is in our lives and how it can help us to be healthy and happy.

  According to Fettaro, music can make sick people again. In fact, his book comes with a CD of recordings, each one specially designed to help with a number of health problems.

  Fettaro, e well-known music therapist, promises that by reading his book, you will be able to develop the healing power of music in your life. He says this will help you fight headaches and back pain, as well as reduce stress, high blood pressure, and many other common illnesses.

  Certainly, I accept that listening to certain types of music can help with particular problems, such as stress. I am also comfortable with Fettaro’s claim that by reading his book, you’ll be able to create a peaceful enviroment to help you relax in your home. I found the relaxation and breathing techniques very useful. Similarly his claim that music help you sleep better seems reasonable. Yet when he goes on to promise his music therapies will help cure depression and even cancer, he begins to sound a little bit unbelievable.

  Nevertheless, for those of you who are interested in the power of music to heal, this is a great book to buy. It’s a thorough introduction to the history and practice of music therapy. Fettaro writes in a simple, easy to understand way and shows clearly how music can affect us positively. His basic message-that music can improve our lives-is well-presented and clear. It may even be true that certain techniques covered here can help some people recover from unpleasant health problems. However, his promises of “amazing results” seem impossible to justify.



What is the meaning of the word “covered”?

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Chọn A       Câu đề bài: Nghĩa của từ "covered" là gì?

Cover: bao phủ, bao gồm.                   Include: bao gồm

Paid: trả                                   Attend to: tham gia

Illustrate: minh họa

Thông tin trong bài:

It may even be true that certain techniques covered here can help some people recover from unpleasant health problems.

 Thậm chí còn có thể đúng rằng các phương pháp nhất định được nêu ra ở đây có thể giúp một vài người vượt qua những vấn đề sức khỏe của mình.

Câu 50:


* Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 43 to 50.

  “They told me I could never walk again. But when I listened to music, I forgot all about the pain. I found the strength I didn’t know I had.”Ninety-two-year-old Tina Goodman, who regained her ability to walk, thanks to music.

  This is just one of the many stories in Fettaro’s book “The Healing Power of Music” . Fettaro tries to show just how important music is in our lives and how it can help us to be healthy and happy.

  According to Fettaro, music can make sick people again. In fact, his book comes with a CD of recordings, each one specially designed to help with a number of health problems.

  Fettaro, e well-known music therapist, promises that by reading his book, you will be able to develop the healing power of music in your life. He says this will help you fight headaches and back pain, as well as reduce stress, high blood pressure, and many other common illnesses.

  Certainly, I accept that listening to certain types of music can help with particular problems, such as stress. I am also comfortable with Fettaro’s claim that by reading his book, you’ll be able to create a peaceful enviroment to help you relax in your home. I found the relaxation and breathing techniques very useful. Similarly his claim that music help you sleep better seems reasonable. Yet when he goes on to promise his music therapies will help cure depression and even cancer, he begins to sound a little bit unbelievable.

  Nevertheless, for those of you who are interested in the power of music to heal, this is a great book to buy. It’s a thorough introduction to the history and practice of music therapy. Fettaro writes in a simple, easy to understand way and shows clearly how music can affect us positively. His basic message-that music can improve our lives-is well-presented and clear. It may even be true that certain techniques covered here can help some people recover from unpleasant health problems. However, his promises of “amazing results” seem impossible to justify.



Which word is similar to the word “justify”?

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Chọn D       Từ "justify" thường có nghĩa là?

Justify: biện minh, chứng minh

Đáp án D: prove: chứng minh

Các đáp án còn lại:

A. attain: đạt được

B. deny: từ chối

C. believe: tin tưởng

However, his promises of "amazing results" seem impossible to justify.

 Tuy nhiên, những lời hứa của tác giả về các “kết quả đáng kinh ngạc” có vẻ không thể nào chứng minh được.





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