150 Bài tập Tiếng Anh 11 Unit 3 (Friends Global): Sustainable health có lời giải

Bài tập Tiếng Anh lớp 11 Unit 3: Sustainable health có lời giải chi tiết sách Friends Global gồm bài tập và trên 150 câu hỏi đa dạng giúp bạn làm quen với các dạng bài tập Unit 3 lớp 11 để từ đó ôn tập để đạt điểm cao trong các bài thi Tiếng Anh 11.

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Bài tập Tiếng Anh 11 Unit 3 (Friends Global): Sustainable health

Exercise 1: Choose the best option

1. …………………….they (be) happy if Kai …………………(do) that?

A. Will be – does

B. Will they be – do

C. Are they – will do

2. Unless Suzy …………………….(start) now, she …………………….(not finish) the project on time.

A. start – won’t finish

B. will start – don’t finish

C. starts – won’t finish

3. Your mother …………………….(smile) happily if you …………………….(give) her some beautiful flowers.

A. smiles – give

B. will smile – give

C. will smile – gives

4. Peter …………………….(take) a taxi to get home if it …………………….(rain).

A. will take – rains

B. takes – rains

C. takes – will rain

5. If he …………………….(go) to the pub, he …………………….(come across) some old friends.

A. go – will come across

B. goes – comes across

C. goes – will come across

6. The meeting …………………….(begin) as soon as all of them …………………….(be) ready.

A. will begin – are

B. will begin – will be

C. begins – are

7. If my brother …………………….(study abroad), I …………………….(feel) happy for him.

A. studies abroad – feel

B. studies abroad – will feel

C. study abroad – will feel

8. If Peter …………………….(go) to the supermarket, she …………………….(buy) some tomatoes.

A. will go – buy

B. goes – will buy

C. go – buy

9. His parents …………………….(be) upset if he …………………….(smoke).

A. won’t be upset – smokes

B. are – will smoke

C. will be – smokes

10. If you …………………….(be) thirsty, …………………….(drink) some grape juice.

A. are – will drink

B. will be – drink

C. are – drink

11. What …………………….(happen) if you …………………….(not go) to school on time?

A. happen – won’t go

B. will happen – don’t go

C. will happen – doesn’t go

12. Unless Lam …………………….(hurry up), he …………………….(be) late for work.

A. won’t hurry up – will be

B. don’t hurry up – will be

C. hurries up – will be

13. If you …………………….(keep) eating too much, you …………………….(be) getting fat.

A. keep – will be

B. keep – are

C. will keep – are

14. San …………………….(not know) the secret unless you …………………….(tell) him.

A. don’t know – tell

B. won’t know – tell

C. won’t know – tells

15. If Kate …………………….(get) a haircut, she …………………….(look) much better.

A. gets – look

B. will get – looks

C. gets – will look

Exercise 2: Classify the following nouns according to their correct parts:

































1. inside your body: ………………………………………………………………………………


2. part of your head or neck: ……………………………………………………………………


3. part of your arm or hand: ………………………………………………………………………


4. part of your leg or foot: ………………………………………………………………………


Exercise 3: Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets with the first conditional sentence.

1. If I ………………………(go) out tonight, I ………………………(go) with my friends.

2. If you ………………………(stay) up late, you ………………………(be) exhausted.

3.If I ………………………(not meet) him today, I ………………………(phone) him.

4.If Mary ………………………(come), they ………………………(be) happy.

5.If we ………………………(continue) staying here, we ………………………(be) late.

6.If we ………………………(go) on holiday this summer, we ………………………(visit) Tokyo.

7.If it ………………………(rain) too much, he ………………………(stay) at home.

8.If the baby ………………………(eat) all the candies, he ………………………(feel) sick.

9.If my parents ………………………(not want) to go out, I ………………………(cook) for dinner.

10.The coffee ………………………(taste) bad unless you ………………………(add) the milk.

11.We ………………………(not win) the match unless he ………………………(play) with us.

12.If the weather ………………………(be) nice, we ………………………(have) a picnic.

13.She ………………………(be) surprised if her ex-boyfriend ………………………(get) married.

14.I ………………………(come) early if I ………………………(not have) anything to do.

15.He ………………………(buy) a new car if he ………………………(have) enough money.

16.If you ………………………(not come) with me, I ………………………(not go) to her birthday party.

17.If Lisa ………………………(forget) doing homework, the teacher ………………………(give) her a low mark.

18.If we ………………………(recycle) more, we ………………………(help) our planet.

19.Unless it ………………………(be) so expensive, I ………………………(buy) it.

20.Unless they ………………………(wear) coats, they ………………………(feel) cold.

21. This company (accept) ………………………our conditions if John (meet) ……………………them tonight.

22. Take some bread if you (be) ……………………….hungry.

23. If I …………………(go) out tonight, Anna …………………(stay) at home with my mom.

24. If we …………………(stay) up late, we …………………(be) exhausted tomorrow morning.

25. If the weather …………………(be) nice tomorrow, our family …………………(have) a picnic.

Exercise 4: Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets

1. I (eat) …………………..dinner at six o’clock yesterday.

2. My neighbor (buy) …………………..a new car last week.

3. They (go) …………………..to Italy on their last summer holiday.

4. My family and I (see) …………………..a comedy movie last night.

5. First, we (do) …………………..exercise, and then we (drink) …………………..some water.

6. Suddenly, the animal jumped and (bite) …………………..my hand.

7. What time (you / get up) …………………..this morning?

8. When I was ten years old, I (break) …………………..my arm. It really (hurt) …………………..

9. It was warm, so I …………………my coat. (take off).

10. The bed was very uncomfortable. I …………………..very well (not / sleep)

Exercise 5: Give the correct form of each verb in the brackets.

1. We ……………….. the washing by 8 o’clock. (do)

2. She ……………….. Paris by the end of next year. (visit)

3. I ……………….. this by 6 o’clock. (finish)

4. Sam ……………….. by next week. (leave)

5. They ……………….. their essay by tomorrow. (write)

6. You ……………….. a lot of your work by the end of this month. (do)

7. By November all the leaves ……………….. (fall)

8. If he doesn’t hurry, they ……………….. before he comes. (leave)

9. Be quick! The child ……………….. before you rescue it. (drown)

10. The airman ……………….. more than a thousand miles, before the end of this month. (fly)

11. We ……………….. twenty miles more before we cross the frontier. (travel)

Exercise 6: Choose the best option

1. Patients with infections need ……………………..treatments, for example, a course of penicillin.

A. kidney

B. antibiotic

C. X-ray

D. cream

2. Without …………………….., there would be so much more sickness and death in the world.

A. anger

B. organ

C. medicine

D. dressing

3. Wrap the …………………….firmly around the injured limb.

A. bandage

B. cream

C. painkiller

D. antibiotic

4. Apply a …………………..to the wound and bandage it.

A. painkiller

B. brain

C. dressing

D. nail

5. One day, she needed to be given a ……………………for a headache.

A. bandage

B. painkiller

C. organ

D. frostbite

6. The …………………showed a slight irregularity in one lung.

A. X-ray

B. organ

C. melatonin

D. hormone

7. Fever resulted from becoming …………………..

A. excited

B. disgusted

C. flexible

D. dehydrated

8. A ………………………is a person who climbs mountains.

A. climber

B. owl

C. lark

D. painkiller

9. A ………………….a large area of land where it is always very dry, there are few plants, and there is a lot of sand or rocks.

A. organ

B. desert

C. solution

D. melatonin

10. ………………….is a medical condition in which parts of the body, especially the fingers and toes, become damaged as a result of extremely cold temperatures.

A. Desert

B. altitude

C. Frostbite

D. oxygen

Từ vựng Tiếng Anh 11 Unit 3 (Friends Global): Sustainable health

Từ mới Phiên âm Định nghĩa
1. antibiotic (n) /ˌæntibaɪˈɒtɪk/ thuốc kháng sinh
2. bandage (n) /ˈbændɪdʒ/ băng (để băng bó vết thương)
3. calf (n) /kɑːf/ bắp chân
4. commit a foul (phr.v) /kəˈmɪt ə faʊl/ phạm lỗi/ luật
5. contempt (n) /kənˈtempt/ sự khinh thường
6. crouch (v) /kraʊtʃ/ ngồi xổm
7. dehydrated (adj) /ˌdiːhaɪˈdreɪtɪd/ mất nước (trong cơ thể)
8. dressing (n) /ˈdresɪŋ/ băng, gạc (đắp lên vết thương)
9. envious (adj) /ˈenviəs/ thèm muốn, ghen tị
10. fragile (adj) /ˈfrædʒaɪl/ yếu ớt và dễ bị bệnh
11. genetics (n) /dʒəˈnetɪks/ di truyền học
12. intestine (n) /ɪnˈtestɪn/ ruột

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