Nghị định 122/2020/NĐ-CP quy định về phối hợp, liên thông thủ tục đăng ký thành lập doanh nghiệp, chi nhánh, văn phòng đại diện, khai trình việc sử dụng lao động, cấp mã số đơn vị tham gia bảo hiểm xã hội, đăng ký sử dụng hóa đơn của doanh nghiệp
Số hiệu: | 122/2020/NĐ-CP | Loại văn bản: | Nghị định |
Nơi ban hành: | Chính phủ | Người ký: | Nguyễn Xuân Phúc |
Ngày ban hành: | 15/10/2020 | Ngày hiệu lực: | 15/10/2020 |
Ngày công báo: | 28/10/2020 | Số công báo: | Từ số 993 đến số 994 |
Lĩnh vực: | Doanh nghiệp | Tình trạng: | Còn hiệu lực |
Văn bản tiếng việt
Văn bản tiếng anh
Số: 122/2020/NĐ-CP |
Hà Nội, ngày 15 tháng 10 năm 2020 |
Căn cứ Luật Tổ chức Chính phủ ngày 19 tháng 6 năm 2015;
Căn cứ Luật Doanh nghiệp ngày 26 tháng 11 năm 2014;
Căn cứ Bộ luật Lao động ngày 18 tháng 6 năm 2012;
Căn cứ Luật Bảo hiểm xã hội ngày 20 tháng 11 năm 2014;
Căn cứ Luật Bảo hiểm y tế ngày 14 tháng 11 năm 2008;
Căn cứ Luật sửa đổi, bổ sung một số điều của Luật Bảo hiểm y tế ngày 13 tháng 6 năm 2014;
Căn cứ Luật Việc làm ngày 16 tháng 11 năm 2013;
Căn cứ Luật An toàn vệ sinh lao động ngày 25 tháng 6 năm 2015;
Căn cứ Luật Quản lý thuế ngày 13 tháng 6 năm 2019;
Theo đề nghị của Bộ trưởng Bộ Kế hoạch và Đầu tư;
Chính phủ ban hành Nghị định quy định về phối hợp, liên thông thủ tục đăng ký thành lập doanh nghiệp, chi nhánh, văn phòng đại diện, khai trình việc sử dụng lao động, cấp mã số đơn vị tham gia bảo hiểm xã hội, đăng ký sử dụng hóa đơn của doanh nghiệp.
1. Nghị định này quy định về cơ chế phối hợp, liên thông giữa các cơ quan quản lý nhà nước trong giải quyết thủ tục đăng ký thành lập doanh nghiệp, đăng ký hoạt động chi nhánh, văn phòng đại diện của doanh nghiệp, khai trình việc sử dụng lao động, cấp mã số đơn vị tham gia bảo hiểm xã hội, đăng ký sử dụng hóa đơn.
2. Sau khi thành lập, trường hợp thay đổi các thông tin có liên quan, doanh nghiệp, chi nhánh, văn phòng đại diện thực hiện đăng ký hoặc thông báo thay đổi với cơ quan đăng ký kinh doanh, cơ quan bảo hiểm xã hội, cơ quan thuế theo quy định của pháp luật.
Nghị định này áp dụng đối với các đối tượng sau đây:
1. Người thành lập doanh nghiệp, doanh nghiệp đăng ký hoạt động chi nhánh, văn phòng đại diện theo quy định của Luật Doanh nghiệp;
2. Cơ quan đăng ký kinh doanh cấp tỉnh theo quy định tại Luật Doanh nghiệp và văn bản hướng dẫn thi hành;
3. Cơ quan quản lý nhà nước về lao động theo quy định tại Bộ luật Lao động;
4. Cơ quan bảo hiểm xã hội theo quy định tại Luật Bảo hiểm xã hội;
5. Cơ quan thuế theo quy định tại Luật Quản lý thuế;
6. Tổ chức, cá nhân có liên quan đến việc phối hợp, liên thông trong giải quyết thủ tục đăng ký thành lập doanh nghiệp, đăng ký hoạt động chi nhánh, văn phòng đại diện, khai trình việc sử dụng lao động, cấp mã số đơn vị tham gia bảo hiểm xã hội, đăng ký sử dụng hóa đơn của doanh nghiệp.
Điều 3. Nguyên tắc phối hợp, liên thông giữa các cơ quan quản lý nhà nước
1. Cơ quan đăng ký kinh doanh là cơ quan đầu mối tiếp nhận hồ sơ và trả kết quả giải quyết thủ tục đăng ký thành lập doanh nghiệp, đăng ký hoạt động chi nhánh, văn phòng đại diện, khai trình việc sử dụng lao động, cấp mã số đơn vị tham gia bảo hiểm xã hội, đăng ký sử dụng hóa đơn của doanh nghiệp.
2. Việc phối hợp, liên thông giữa các cơ quan quản lý nhà nước quy định tại các Điều 5, 6, 7 và 8 Nghị định này được thực hiện qua phương thức kết nối, chia sẻ dữ liệu số giữa các hệ thống công nghệ thông tin.
3. Cơ quan quản lý nhà nước về lao động, cơ quan bảo hiểm xã hội, cơ quan thuế không yêu cầu doanh nghiệp, chi nhánh, văn phòng đại diện cung cấp bản sao Giấy chứng nhận đăng ký doanh nghiệp, Giấy chứng nhận đăng ký hoạt động chi nhánh, văn phòng đại diện, các thông tin về đăng ký doanh nghiệp đã được chia sẻ từ cơ quan đăng ký kinh doanh trừ tên, mã số doanh nghiệp, chi nhánh, văn phòng đại diện khi thực hiện các thủ tục hành chính có liên quan.
Điều 4. Hồ sơ phối hợp, liên thông thủ tục đăng ký thành lập doanh nghiệp, chi nhánh, văn phòng đại diện, khai trình việc sử dụng lao động, cấp mã số đơn vị tham gia bảo hiểm xã hội, đăng ký sử dụng hóa đơn của doanh nghiệp
1. Hồ sơ phối hợp, liên thông thủ tục đăng ký thành lập doanh nghiệp, chi nhánh, văn phòng đại diện, khai trình việc sử dụng lao động, cấp mã số đơn vị tham gia bảo hiểm xã hội, đăng ký sử dụng hóa đơn thực hiện theo quy định tại Luật Doanh nghiệp và Nghị định về đăng ký doanh nghiệp.
2. Giấy đề nghị đăng ký doanh nghiệp bao gồm các nội dung quy định tại Luật Doanh nghiệp và nội dung khai trình việc sử dụng lao động, kê khai phương thức đóng bảo hiểm xã hội, đăng ký sử dụng hóa đơn của doanh nghiệp.
3. Mẫu Giấy đề nghị đăng ký doanh nghiệp được quy định tại các Phụ lục I-1, I-2, I-3, I-4 và I-5 ban hành kèm theo Nghị định này. Mẫu thông báo về việc đăng ký hoạt động chi nhánh, văn phòng đại diện quy định tại Phụ lục II-11 ban hành kèm theo Nghị định này.
Điều 5. Quy trình phối hợp, liên thông giữa cơ quan đăng ký kinh doanh và cơ quan bảo hiểm xã hội
1. Sau khi cấp đăng ký thành lập doanh nghiệp, chi nhánh, văn phòng đại diện, cơ quan đăng ký kinh doanh chia sẻ thông tin về Giấy chứng nhận đăng ký doanh nghiệp, Giấy chứng nhận đăng ký hoạt động chi nhánh, văn phòng đại diện và thông tin về tổng số lao động dự kiến, ngành, nghề kinh doanh, phương thức đóng bảo hiểm xã hội của doanh nghiệp, chi nhánh, văn phòng đại diện cho cơ quan bảo hiểm xã hội.
2. Khi có sự thay đổi nội dung đăng ký doanh nghiệp, chi nhánh, văn phòng đại diện, cơ quan đăng ký kinh doanh chia sẻ thông tin về Giấy chứng nhận đăng ký doanh nghiệp, Giấy chứng nhận đăng ký hoạt động chi nhánh, văn phòng đại diện cho cơ quan bảo hiểm xã hội.
3. Mã số doanh nghiệp, mã số chi nhánh, văn phòng đại diện được sử dụng làm mã số đơn vị tham gia bảo hiểm xã hội.
4. Khi doanh nghiệp, chi nhánh, văn phòng đại diện đóng bảo hiểm xã hội, cơ quan bảo hiểm xã hội chia sẻ thông tin về số lượng lao động đóng bảo hiểm xã hội cho cơ quan đăng ký kinh doanh để thực hiện quản lý nhà nước đối với doanh nghiệp sau đăng ký thành lập.
Điều 6. Quy trình phối hợp, liên thông giữa cơ quan đăng ký kinh doanh và cơ quan quản lý nhà nước về lao động
Cơ quan đăng ký kinh doanh chia sẻ thông tin về tên, mã số, địa chỉ, người đại diện theo pháp luật của doanh nghiệp, người đứng đầu chi nhánh, văn phòng đại diện, ngành, nghề kinh doanh chính và tổng số lao động dự kiến của doanh nghiệp, chi nhánh, văn phòng đại diện được thành lập trên địa bàn cho Phòng Lao động - Thương binh và Xã hội hoặc Sở Lao động - Thương binh và Xã hội (đối với doanh nghiệp trong khu công nghiệp) nơi doanh nghiệp, chi nhánh, văn phòng đại diện đặt trụ sở và Bộ Lao động - Thương binh và Xã hội để phục vụ quản lý nhà nước về lao động.
Điều 7. Quy trình phối hợp, liên thông giữa cơ quan đăng ký kinh doanh và cơ quan thuế trong đăng ký sử dụng hóa đơn
1. Trường hợp hồ sơ đăng ký thành lập doanh nghiệp, chi nhánh, văn phòng đại diện đã hợp lệ, cơ quan đăng ký kinh doanh chia sẻ thông tin đăng ký thành lập của doanh nghiệp, chi nhánh, văn phòng đại diện và thông tin đăng ký sử dụng hóa đơn của doanh nghiệp, chi nhánh cho cơ quan thuế.
2. Cơ quan thuế chia sẻ thông tin về mã số doanh nghiệp, mã số chi nhánh, văn phòng đại diện, phân cấp cơ quan thuế quản lý trực tiếp được tạo tự động bởi Hệ thống thông tin đăng ký thuế cho cơ quan đăng ký kinh doanh.
3. Trên cơ sở thông tin do cơ quan thuế phản hồi, cơ quan đăng ký kinh doanh cấp Giấy chứng nhận đăng ký doanh nghiệp, Giấy chứng nhận đăng ký hoạt động chi nhánh, văn phòng đại diện và Thông báo về cơ quan thuế quản lý cho doanh nghiệp, chi nhánh, văn phòng đại diện.
4. Doanh nghiệp, chi nhánh có trách nhiệm bảo đảm các điều kiện về việc sử dụng hóa đơn theo quy định của pháp luật.
Điều 8. Phối hợp, liên thông giữa cơ quan quản lý nhà nước về lao động và cơ quan bảo hiểm xã hội
1. Bảo hiểm xã hội Việt Nam chia sẻ thông tin về tình hình thay đổi và tăng, giảm lao động của doanh nghiệp, chi nhánh, văn phòng đại diện cho Bộ Lao động - Thương binh và Xã hội thông qua Cổng Dịch vụ công quốc gia.
2. Bảo hiểm xã hội Việt Nam và Bộ Lao động - Thương binh và Xã hội thống nhất nội dung chia sẻ thông tin nêu tại khoản 1 Điều này.
Điều 9. Trách nhiệm tổ chức thực hiện
1. Bộ Kế hoạch và Đầu tư, Bộ Tài chính, Bộ Lao động - Thương binh và Xã hội, Bảo hiểm xã hội Việt Nam có trách nhiệm:
a) Xây dựng, nâng cấp hệ thống công nghệ thông tin để triển khai việc kết nối, chia sẻ dữ liệu số giữa các cơ quan quản lý nhà nước theo quy định tại Nghị định này và các văn bản quy phạm pháp luật liên quan.
b) Rà soát, sửa đổi, bổ sung hoặc bãi bỏ các quy định, biểu mẫu liên quan đến thủ tục đăng ký thành lập doanh nghiệp, chi nhánh, văn phòng đại diện, khai trình việc sử dụng lao động, cấp mã số đơn vị tham gia bảo hiểm xã hội, đăng ký sử dụng hóa đơn cho phù hợp với quy định tại Nghị định này.
2. Bộ trưởng, Thủ trưởng cơ quan ngang bộ, Thủ trưởng cơ quan thuộc Chính phủ, Chủ tịch Ủy ban nhân dân các tỉnh, thành phố trực thuộc trung ương chịu trách nhiệm thi hành Nghị định này.
1. Nghị định này có hiệu lực thi hành từ ngày 15 tháng 10 năm 2020.
2. Trường hợp doanh nghiệp đã đăng ký thành lập doanh nghiệp, đăng ký hoạt động chi nhánh, văn phòng đại diện theo quy định tại Nghị định về đăng ký doanh nghiệp và Nghị định này thì không phải khai trình việc sử dụng lao động quy định tại khoản 1 Điều 8 Nghị định số 03/2014/NĐ-CP ngày 16 tháng 01 năm 2014 của Chính phủ quy định chi tiết một số điều của Bộ luật Lao động về việc làm.
3. Trường hợp doanh nghiệp, chi nhánh đã đăng ký sử dụng hóa đơn theo quy định tại Nghị định này thì không phải đăng ký sử dụng hóa đơn theo quy định tại điểm e khoản 2 Điều 6 và khổ thứ 2 khoản 2 Điều 8 Nghị định số 51/2010/NĐ-CP ngày 14 tháng 5 năm 2010 của Chính phủ quy định về hóa đơn bán hàng hóa, cung ứng dịch vụ (được sửa đổi, bổ sung tại các khoản 3, 4 Điều 1 Nghị định số 04/2014/NĐ-CP ngày 17 tháng 01 năm 2014 của Chính phủ).
4. Mẫu Giấy đề nghị đăng ký doanh nghiệp, Thông báo về việc đăng ký hoạt động chi nhánh, văn phòng đại diện/địa điểm kinh doanh ban hành kèm theo Nghị định này thay thế cho các Phụ lục từ I-1 đến I-5 và Phụ lục II-11 ban hành kèm theo Thông tư số 02/2019/TT-BKHĐT ngày 08 tháng 01 năm 2019 của Bộ trưởng Bộ Kế hoạch và Đầu tư sửa đổi, bổ sung một số điều của Thông tư số 20/2015/TT-BKHĐT ngày 01 tháng 12 năm 2015 của Bộ trưởng Bộ Kế hoạch và Đầu tư hướng dẫn về đăng ký doanh nghiệp./.
No. 122/2020/NĐ-CP |
Hanoi, October 15, 2020 |
Pursuant to the Law on Government Organization dated June 19, 2015;
Pursuant to the Law on Enterprises dated November 26, 2014;
Pursuant to the Labor Code dated June 18, 2012;
Pursuant to the Law on Social Insurance dated November 20, 2014;
Pursuant to the Law on Health insurance dated November 14, 2008;
Pursuant to the Law on amendments to the Law on Health insurance dated June 13, 2014;
Pursuant to the Labor on Employments dated November 16, 2013;
Pursuant to the Law on Labour Hygiene and Safety dated June 25, 2015;
Pursuant to the Law on Tax administration dated June 13, 2019;
At the request of the Minister of Planning and Investment;
The Government promulgates a Decree on single-window cooperation in processing applications for registration of enterprises, branches, representative offices; employee declaration; social insurance participant number; use of invoices by enterprises.
1. This Decree provides for mechanism for single-window cooperation between regulatory bodies in processing enterprises’ applications for registration of enterprises, branches, representative offices; employee declaration; social insurance participant number; use of invoices by enterprises
2. Enterprises, branches, representative offices that need to change relevant information after their establishment shall register with or notice the changes to business registration authorities, social insurance authorities, tax authorities as prescribed by law.
The following entities are regulated by this Decree:
1. Founders of enterprises; enterprises applying for registration of branches or representative offices in accordance with the Law on Enterprises;
2. Provincial business registration authorities prescribed by the Law on Enterprises and its guiding documents;
3. Labor authorities prescribed by the Labor Code;
4. Social insurance authorities prescribed by the Law on Social Insurance;
5. Tax authorities prescribed by the Law on Tax administration;
6. Organizations and individuals involved in single-window cooperation in processing applications for registration of enterprises, branches, representative offices; employee declaration; social insurance participant number; use of invoices by enterprises.
Article 3. Rules for single-window cooperation among regulatory bodies
1. Business registration authorities shall receive applications and respond to applicants for registration of enterprises, branches, representative offices, employee declaration, social insurance participant number and use of invoices.
2. Single-window cooperation between the regulatory authorities specified in Articles 5, 6, 7 and 8 of this Decree shall be done by connecting and sharing digital data between information technology systems.
3. Labor authorities, social insurance authorities and tax authorities shall not require enterprises their branches and representative offices to provide copies of their Certificate of Enterprise Registration or Certificate of Branch/Representative office Registration, enterprise registration information that is on ready shared by business registration authorities other than their names, enterprise/branch/representative office ID numbers while following relevant administrative procedures.
1. Documentation serving single-window cooperation in processing applications for registration of enterprises, branches, representative offices, employee declaration, social insurance participant number and use of invoices shall comply with the Law on Enterprises and enterprise registration Decrees.
2. An enterprise registration application form shall contain the information specified in the Law on Enterprises, employee declaration, social insurance payment method and use of invoices of the enterprise.
3. Enterprise registration application forms are provided in Appendices I-1, I-2, I-3, I-4 and I-5 hereof. Specimen of the notice of branch/representative office registration is provided in Appendix II-11 hereof.
Article 5. Procedures for cooperation between business registration authorities and social insurance authorities
1. After the certificate of enterprise/branch/representative office registration is granted, the business registration authority shall share information about the certificate and information about the total employees, business lines, social insurance payment method of the enterprise/branch/representative office with the social insurance authority.
2. In case of changes to enterprise/branch/representative office registration information, the business registration authority shall share information about the certificate with the social security authority.
3. The ID number of an enterprise/branch/representative office is also its social insurance participant number.
4. When an enterprise/branch/representative office pays social insurance premiums, the social security authority shall share information about the number of its employees who pay social insurance premiums with the business registration authority to serve state management of registered enterprises.
Article 6. Procedures for cooperation between business registration authorities and labor authorities
Business registration authorities shall share information about names, ID numbers, addresses, legal representatives of enterprises, heads of branches and representative offices, their primary business lines and total employees in their areas with Departments of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs (for enterprises in industrial zones) of the districts or provinces where those enterprises, branches and representative offices are located and with the Ministry of Labor, War Invalid and Social Affairs (MOLISA).
Article 7. Procedures for cooperation between business registration authorities and tax authorities in invoice registration
1. In case an application for enterprise/branch/representative office registration is valid, the business registration authority shall share information about the enterprise/branch/representative office registration and invoice registration with the tax authority.
2. The tax authority share information about the ID number of the enterprise/branch/representative office and its supervisory tax authority generated by the taxpayer registration system with the business registration authority.
3. On the basis of information sent by the tax authority, the business registration authority shall grant the Certificate of Enterprise/Branch/Representative Office Registration and send a notice to the supervisory tax authority of the enterprise/branch/representative office.
4. The enterprise and its branches shall maintain fulfillment of the conditions for use of invoices as prescribed by law.
Article 8. Cooperation between business registration authorities and social insurance authorities
1. Vietnam Social Security (VSS) shall share information about changes, increases and decreases in total employees of enterprises, branches and representative offices to MOLISA through National Public Service Portal.
2. VSS and MOLISA shall reach a consensus on the shared information mentioned in Clause 1 of this Article.
Article 9. Responsibility for implementation
1. The Ministry of Planning and Investment (MPI), VSS and MOLISA shall:
a) Develop and upgrade their information technology systems serving the sharing of information among regulatory authorities in accordance with this Decree and relevant legislative documents.
b) Review, amend or abolish regulations and forms relevant to procedures for registration of enterprises, branches, representative offices, employee declaration, social insurance participant number and use of invoices to ensure conformity with this Decree.
2. Ministers, Heads of ministerial-level agencies, Heads of Governmental agencies, Presidents of the People’s Committees of provinces are responsible for the implementation of this Decree.
Article 10. Implementation clauses
1. This Decree comes into force from October 15, 2020.
2. Enterprises, branches and representative offices that have been registered in accordance with the Decree on enterprise registration and this Decree are not required to submit the employee declaration form mentioned in Clause 1 Article 8 of the Government’s Decree No. 03/2014/NĐ-CP.
3. Enterprises and branches that have applied for use of invoices in accordance with this Decree are not required to apply for use of invoices under Point e Clause 2 Article 6 and paragraph 2 Clause 2 Article 8 of the Government’s Decree No. 51/2010/NĐ-CP (amended by Clause 3 and Clause 4 Article 1 of the Government’s Decree No. 04/2014/NĐ-CP).
4. The enterprise registration application forms and notice of branch/representative office/business location registration enclosed with this Decree shall replace Appendices from I-1 to I-5 and Appendix II-11 enclosed with Circular No. 02/2019/TT-BKHĐT on amendments to Circular No. 20/2015/TT-BKHĐT./.
(Enclosed with the Government’s Decree No. 122/2020/NĐ-CP dated October 15, 2020)
Independence - Freedom – Happiness
[Location, dd/mm/yyyy]
To: Business Registration Department of ... [province/city]
Applicant’s name (capital letters): ........................................................ Gender: ……………
Date of birth: ……/……/…… Ethnicity: …………………… Nationality: ...........................................
Type of personal ID document:
□ ID card (old format) |
□ ID card (new format) |
□ Passport |
□ Other: ……………… |
Personal ID number: ...........................................................................................
Date of issue: ............... Issuing authority: ...................................... Expiry date (if any): .............
Permanent residence:
Address: .........................................................
Commune/Ward/Town: ......................................................................................................
District/Provincial town/Provincial city: .............................................................................
Province/City: ...................................................................................................................
Country: ............................................................................................................................
Current residence:
Address: .........................................................
Commune/Ward/Town: ......................................................................................................
District/Provincial town/Provincial city: .............................................................................
Province/City: ...................................................................................................................
Country: ............................................................................................................................
Phone number (if any): ……………………………………… Fax (if any): .......................................
Email (if any): …………………………………… Website (if any): ...........................................
I would like to register a sole proprietorship of which I am the owner with the following information:
1. Establishment status (check appropriate box):
New establishment □
Converted from household business □
2. Name of sole proprietorship:
Vietnamese name (Capital letters): ................................................
Foreign language name (if any): ................................................
Abbreviated name (if any): .......................................................................................
3. Headquarters address:
Address: .........................................................
Commune/Ward/Town: ......................................................................................................
District/Provincial town/Provincial city: .............................................................................
Province/City: ...................................................................................................................
Phone number: ……………………………………… Fax (if any): .......................................
Email (if any): …………………………………… Website (if any): ...........................................
□ Located within an industrial zone, export processing zone, economic zone or hi-tech zone.
4. Business lines (level-4 names and codes according to Vietnam’s system of business lines):
No. |
Name |
Code |
Primary business line (check x one of the business lines) |
5. Capital:
In digits (VND): ................................................................................................
In words (VND): ................................................................................................
In foreign currency (if any): ................................................
Expressed as foreign currency in the Certificate of Enterprise Registration? □ Yes □ No
Assets contributed as capital:
No. |
Assets |
Value (in digits, VND) |
Ratio (%) |
1 |
2 |
Convertible foreign currencies (specify the currencies and value in each currency) |
3 |
Gold |
4 |
Land use right |
5 |
Intellectual property rights |
6 |
Other assets (specify types, quantities of assets, remaining value of each type; this can be made into a separate list enclosed with the enterprise registration application form ) |
Total |
6. Taxpayer registration information:
No. |
Details |
6.1 |
Director/General Director (if any): Full name: ..................................................................... Phone number: ..................................................................................................... |
6.2 |
Chief accountant/Acting chief accountant (if any): Full name: ........................................................... Phone number: ..................................................................................................... |
6.3 |
Mailing address (if different from headquarters address): Address: ......................................................... Commune/Ward/Town: ...................................................................................................... District/Provincial town/Provincial city: ............................................................................. Province/City: ................................................................................................................... Phone number (if any): ……………………………………… Fax (if any): ....................................... Email (if any): ....................................................................................................... |
6.4 |
Inauguration date (if different from issuance date of the Certificate of Enterprise Registration): ..................... |
6.5 |
Accounting method (check appropriate box): Independent accounting □ Dependent accounting □ |
6.6 |
Fiscal year: From .............. to ................. 2 |
6.7 |
Total number of employees (expected): …………………………… |
6.8 |
Operating under a BOT/BTO/BT/BOO, BLT, BTL, O&M project: Yes □ No □ |
6.9 |
VAT accounting method (choose 1)3: Credit-invoice method □ Percentage of value added □ Percentage of revenue □ Exempted from VAT □ |
6.10 |
Bank accounts (if already available):
7. Invoices 4:
□ Self-printed □ Ordered
□ Electronic □ Purchased from tax authority
8. Social insurance payment:
Payment frequency (choose 1):
□ Monthly □ Every 03 months □ Every 06 months
- If the primary business line is agriculture, forestry, aquaculture or salt production and employees receive piece rate pay or fixed pay, choose “Monthly”, “Every 03 months” or “Every 06 months”.
- If the primary business line is not one of those mentioned above, choose “Monthly”.
9. Converted household business (if the sole proprietorship is converted from a household business):
Name of household business (Capital letters): ................................................
Number of Certificate of business household registration: ..................................................
Date of issue: ............... Issuing authority: ......................................
TIN (10 digits): .........................................................
Business location: ....................................................................................................
Representative of household business: .......................................................................................
Type of personal ID document (the same as that written on the taxpayer registration certificate of the household business):
□ Id card (old format) □ Id card (new format)
□ Passport □ Other: ……………
Personal ID number (the same as that written on the taxpayer registration certificate of the household business): ..............................................................
Date of issue: ............... Issuing authority: ...................................... Expiry date (if any): .............
If my enterprise registration application is valid, I would like to have my enterprise registration information posted on the National Enterprise Registration Portal.
I hereby declare that:
- I am not banned from establishing and managing enterprises under the Law on Enterprises and not the owner of any other sole proprietorship, household business or partner of any partnership;
- I have the lawful right to ownership/enjoyment of the premises of the sole proprietorship;
- Invoices are lawfully self-printed/ordered/electronically generated/purchased from tax authorities;
- I am legally responsible for the accuracy and truthfulness of the information provided above
(Enclosed with the Government’s Decree No. 122/2020/NĐ-CP dated October 15, 2020)
Independence - Freedom – Happiness
[location, dd/mm/yyyy]
To: Business Registration Department of ....... [province/city]
Applicant’s name (capital letters):........................................................ Gender: ……………
I would like to register a single-member limited liability company of which I am the legal representative with the following information:
1. Establishment status (check appropriate box):
New establishment □
Established as a result of partial division of an enterprise □
Established as a result of full division of an enterprise □
Established as a result of consolidation of enterprises □
Established as a result of conversion of an enterprise □
Converted from a household business □
2. Company’s name:
Vietnamese name (Capital letters): ................................................
Foreign language name (if any): ................................................
Abbreviated name (if any): .......................................................................................
3. Headquarters address:
Address: .........................................................
Commune/Ward/Town: ......................................................................................................
District/Provincial town/Provincial city: .............................................................................
Province/City: ...................................................................................................................
Phone number: ……………………………………… Fax (if any): .......................................
Email (if any): …………………………………… Website (if any):...........................................
□ Located within an industrial zone, export processing zone, economic zone or hi-tech zone.
4. Business lines (level-4 names and codes according to Vietnam’s system of business lines):
No. |
Name |
Code |
Primary business line (check x one of the business lines) |
5. Owner:
a) If the owner is an individual:
Full name (capital letters):........................................................ Gender: ……………
Date of birth: ……/……/…… Ethnicity: …………………… Nationality: ...........................................
Type of Personal ID document:
□ Id card (old format) □ Id card (new format)
□ Passport □ Other: ……………
Personal ID number: ...........................................................................................
Date of issue: ............... Issuing authority: ...................................... Expiry date (if any): .............
Permanent residence:
Address: .........................................................
Commune/Ward/Town: ......................................................................................................
District/Provincial town/Provincial city: .............................................................................
Province/City: ...................................................................................................................
Country: ............................................................................................................................
Current residence:
Address: .........................................................
Commune/Ward/Town: ......................................................................................................
District/Provincial town/Provincial city: .............................................................................
Province/City: ...................................................................................................................
Country: ............................................................................................................................
Phone number (if any): ……………………………………… Fax (if any): .......................................
Email (if any): …………………………………… Website (if any):...........................................
- Number of Certificate of Investment Registration (if the owner is a foreign investor):
Project number: ......................................................................................................................
Date of issue: ............... Issuing authority: ......................................
b) If the owner is an organization:
Name of organization (capital letters): ................................................................................
Enterprise ID number/Establishment decision number: ........................................................
Date of issue: ............... Issuing authority: ......................................
Headquarters address:
Address: .........................................................
Commune/Ward/Town: ......................................................................................................
District/Provincial town/Provincial city: .............................................................................
Province/City: ...................................................................................................................
Country: ............................................................................................................................
Phone number (if any): ……………………………………… Fax (if any): .......................................
Email (if any): …………………………………… Website (if any):...........................................
List of authorized representatives (if any).
- Number of Certificate of Investment Registration (if the owner is a foreign investor):
Project number: ......................................................................................................................
Date of issue: ............... Issuing authority: ......................................
6. Business model (only required if the owner is an organization, check appropriate box):
Board of Members □
Company’s President □
7. Charter capital:
In digits (VND): ................................................................................................
In words (VND): ................................................................................................
In foreign currency (if any): ................................................
Expressed as foreign currency in the Certificate of Enterprise Registration? □ Yes □ No
8. Sources of charter capital:
Source |
Amount (in digits, VND and foreign currency, if any |
Ratio (%) |
State capital |
Private capital |
Foreign capital |
Other sources |
Total |
9. Assets contributed as capital:
No. |
Assets |
Value (in digits, VND) |
Ratio (%) |
1 |
2 |
Convertible foreign currencies (specify the currencies and value in each currency) |
3 |
Gold |
4 |
Land use right |
5 |
Intellectual property rights |
6 |
Other assets (specify types, quantities of assets, remaining value of each type; this can be made into a separate list enclosed with the enterprise registration application form ) |
Total |
10. Legal representative 1:
- Full name (capital letters):........................................................ Gender: ……………
Position: .........................................................................................................................
Date of birth: ……/……/…… Ethnicity: …………………… Nationality: ...........................................
Type of Personal ID document:
□ Id card (old format) □ Id card (new format)
□ Passport □ Other: ……………
Personal ID number: ...........................................................................................
Date of issue: ............... Issuing authority: ...................................... Expiry date (if any): .............
Permanent residence:
Address: .........................................................
Commune/Ward/Town: ......................................................................................................
District/Provincial town/Provincial city: .............................................................................
Province/City: ...................................................................................................................
Country: ............................................................................................................................
Current residence:
Address: .........................................................
Commune/Ward/Town: ......................................................................................................
District/Provincial town/Provincial city: .............................................................................
Province/City: ...................................................................................................................
Country: ............................................................................................................................
Phone number (if any): ……………………………………… Fax (if any): .......................................
Email (if any): …………………………………… Website (if any):...........................................
11. Taxpayer registration information:
No. |
Details |
11.1 |
Director/General Director (if any): Full name: ..................................................................... Phone number: ..................................................................................................... |
11.2 |
Chief accountant/Acting chief accountant (if any): Full name: ........................................................... Phone number: ..................................................................................................... |
11.3 |
Mailing address (if different from headquarters address): Address: ......................................................... Commune/Ward/Town: ...................................................................................................... District/Provincial town/Provincial city: ............................................................................. Province/City: ................................................................................................................... Phone number (if any): ……………………………………… Fax (if any): ....................................... Email (if any): ....................................................................................................... |
11.4 |
Inauguration date 2 (if different from issuance date of the Certificate of Enterprise Registration): ..................... |
11.5 |
Accounting method (check appropriate box): Independent accounting □ Dependent accounting □ |
11.6 |
Fiscal year: From .............. [dd/mm/yyyy] to ................... [dd/mm/yyyy] 3
11.7 |
Total number of employees (expected): ................................................................ |
11.8 |
Operating under a BOT/BTO/ BT/ BOO, BLT, BTL, O&M project: Yes □ No □ |
11.9 |
VAT accounting method (choose 1) 4: Credit-invoice method □ Percentage of value added □ Percentage of revenue □ Exempted from VAT □ |
11.10 |
Bank account (if already available): |
Bank |
Account number |
……………………………………………… |
……………………………………………… |
12. Invoices 5:
□ Self-printed □ Ordered
□ Electronic □ Purchased from tax authority
13. Social insurance payment:
Payment frequency (choose 1):
□ Monthly □ Every 03 months □ Every 06 months
- If the primary business line is agriculture, forestry, aquaculture or salt production and employees receive piece rate pay or fixed pay, choose “Monthly”, “Every 03 months” or “Every 06 months”.
- If the primary business line is not one of those mentioned above, choose “Monthly”.
14. Information about totally divided, consolidated, converted enterprise(s) (if the limited liability company is the result of a total business division, consolidation or conversion):
a) Name of enterprise (capital letters): ................................................
Enterprise ID number/TIN: .........................................................................................
Number of Certificate of Business Registration (if the enterprise does not have an enterprise ID number/TIN):
Date of issue: ............... Issuing authority: ......................................
b) Name of enterprise (capital letters): ................................................
Enterprise ID number/TIN: .........................................................................................
Number of Certificate of Business Registration (if the enterprise does not have an enterprise ID number/TIN):
Date of issue: ............... Issuing authority: ......................................
I would like to terminate the existence of the totally divided/consolidated/converted enterprise(s) and the branches, representative offices and business location of the totally divided/consolidated enterprise(s).
15. Converted household business (if the limited liability company is converted from a household business):
Name of household business (Capital letters): ................................................
Number of Certificate of business household registration: ..................................................
Date of issue: ............... Issuing authority: ......................................
TIN (10 digits): .........................................................
Business location: ....................................................................................................
Representative of household business: .......................................................................................
Type of ID document (the same as that written on the taxpayer registration certificate of the household business):
□ Id card (old format) □ Id card (new format)
□ Passport □ Other: ……………
Personal ID number (the same as that written on the taxpayer registration certificate of the household business): ..............................................................
Date of issue: ............... Issuing authority: ...................................... Expiry date (if any): .............
If my enterprise registration application is valid, I would like to have my enterprise registration information posted on the National Enterprise Registration Portal.
I hereby declare that:
- I have the lawful right to ownership/enjoyment of the company’s premises and will use it for intended purposes as prescribed by law;
- Invoices are lawfully self-printed/ordered/electronically generated/purchased from tax authorities;
- I am legally responsible for the accuracy and truthfulness of the information provided above
(Enclosed with the Government’s Decree No. 122/2020/NĐ-CP dated October 15, 2020)
Independence - Freedom – Happiness
[location, dd/mm/yyyy]
To: Business Registration Department of ... [province/city]
Applicant’s name (capital letters):........................................................ Gender: ……………
I would like to register a multiple-member limited liability company of which I am the legal representative with the following information:
1. Establishment status (check appropriate box):
New establishment □
Established as a result of partial division of an enterprise □
Established as a result of full division of an enterprise □
Established as a result of consolidation of enterprises □
Established as a result of conversion of an enterprise □
Converted from a household business □
2. Company’s name:
Vietnamese name (Capital letters): ................................................
Foreign language name (if any): ................................................
Abbreviated name (if any): .......................................................................................
3. Headquarters address:
Address: .........................................................
Commune/Ward/Town: ......................................................................................................
District/Provincial town/Provincial city: .............................................................................
Province/City: ...................................................................................................................
Phone number: ……………………………………… Fax (if any): .......................................
Email (if any): …………………………………… Website (if any):...........................................
□ Located within an industrial zone, export processing zone, economic zone or hi-tech zone.
4. Business lines (level-4 names and codes according to Vietnam’s system of business lines):
No. |
Name |
Code |
Primary business line (check x one of the business lines) |
5. Charter capital:
In digits (VND): ................................................................................................
In words (VND): ................................................................................................
In foreign currency (if any): ................................................
Expressed as foreign currency in the Certificate of Enterprise Registration? □ Yes □ No
6. Sources of charter capital:
Source |
Amount (in digits, VND and foreign currency, if any |
Ratio (%) |
State budget |
Private capital |
Foreign capital |
Other sources |
Total |
7. List of company’s members:
8. Legal representative 1:
- Full name (capital letters):........................................................ Gender: ……………
Position: .........................................................................................................................
Date of birth: ……/……/…… Ethnicity: …………………… Nationality: ...........................................
Type of Personal ID document:
□ Id card (old format) □ Id card (new format)
□ Passport □ Other: ……………
Personal ID number: ...........................................................................................
Date of issue: ............... Issuing authority: ...................................... Expiry date (if any): .............
Permanent residence:
Address: .........................................................
Commune/Ward/Town: ......................................................................................................
District/Provincial town/Provincial city: .............................................................................
Province/City: ...................................................................................................................
Country: ............................................................................................................................
Current residence:
Address: .........................................................
Commune/Ward/Town: ......................................................................................................
District/Provincial town/Provincial city: .............................................................................
Province/City: ...................................................................................................................
Country: ............................................................................................................................
Phone number (if any): ……………………………………… Fax (if any): .......................................
Email (if any): …………………………………… Website (if any):...........................................
9. Taxpayer registration information:
No. |
Details |
9.1 |
Director/General Director (if any): Full name: ..................................................................... Phone number: ..................................................................................................... |
9.2 |
Chief accountant/Acting chief accountant (if any): Full name: ........................................................... Phone number: ..................................................................................................... |
9.3 |
Mailing address (if different from headquarters address): Address: ......................................................... Commune/Ward/Town: ...................................................................................................... District/Provincial town/Provincial city: ............................................................................. Province/City: ................................................................................................................... Phone number: ……………………………………… Fax (if any): ....................................... Email (if any): ....................................................................................................... |
9.4 |
Inauguration date 2 (if different from issuance date of the Certificate of Enterprise Registration): ..................... |
9.5 |
Accounting method (check appropriate box): Independent accounting □ Dependent accounting □ |
9.6 |
Fiscal year: From .............. [dd/mm/yyyy] to ................... [dd/mm/yyyy] 3
9.7 |
Total number of employees (expected): ................................................................ |
9.8 |
Operating under a BOT/BTO/BT/BOO, BLT, BTL, O&M project: Yes □ No □ |
9.9 |
VAT accounting method (choose 1) 4: Credit-invoice method □ Percentage of value added □ Percentage of revenue □ Exempted from VAT □ |
9.10 |
Bank account (if already available): |
Bank |
Account number |
………………………………………… |
………………………………………… |
………………………………………… |
………………………………………… |
10. Invoices 5:
□Self-printed □ Ordered
□ Electronic □ Purchased from tax authority
11. Social insurance payment:
Payment frequency (choose 1):
□ Monthly □ Every 03 months □ Every 06 months
- If the primary business line is agriculture, forestry, aquaculture or salt production and employees receive piece rate pay or fixed pay, choose “Monthly”, “Every 03 months” or “Every 06 months”.
- If the primary business line is not one of those mentioned above, choose “Monthly”.
12. Information about divided, consolidated, converted enterprise(s) (if the limited liability company is the result of a business division, consolidation or conversion):
a) Name of enterprise (capital letters): ................................................
Enterprise ID number/TIN: .........................................................................................
Number of Certificate of Business Registration (if the enterprise does not have an enterprise ID number/TIN):
b) Name of enterprise (capital letters): ................................................
Enterprise ID number/TIN: .........................................................................................
Number of Certificate of Business Registration (if the enterprise does not have an enterprise ID number/TIN):
I would like to terminate the existence of the totally divided/consolidated/converted enterprise(s) and the branches, representative offices and business location of the totally divided/consolidated enterprise(s).
13. Converted household business (if the limited liability company is converted from a household business):
Name of household business (Capital letters): ................................................
Number of Certificate of business household registration: ..................................................
Date of issue: ............... Issuing authority: ......................................
TIN (10 digits): .........................................................
Business location: ....................................................................................................
Representative of household business: .......................................................................................
Type of ID document (the same as that written on the taxpayer registration certificate of the household business):
□ Id card (old format) □ Id card (new format)
□ Passport □ Other: ……………
Personal ID number (the same as that written on the taxpayer registration certificate of the household business): ..............................................................
Date of issue: ............... Issuing authority: ...................................... Expiry date (if any): .............
If my enterprise registration application is valid, I would like to have my enterprise registration information posted on the National Enterprise Registration Portal.
I hereby declare that:
- I have the lawful right to ownership/enjoyment of the company’s premises and will use it for intended purposes as prescribed by law;
- Invoices are lawfully self-printed/ordered/electronically generated/purchased from tax authorities;
- I am legally responsible for the accuracy and truthfulness of the information provided above
(Enclosed with the Government’s Decree No. 122/2020/NĐ-CP dated October 15, 2020)
Independence - Freedom – Happiness
[location, dd/mm/yyyy]
To: Business Registration Department of ....... [province/city]
Applicant’s name (capital letters):........................................................ Gender: ……………
I would like to register a joint stock company of which I am the legal representative with the following information:
1. Establishment status (check appropriate box):
New establishment □
Established as a result of partial division of an enterprise □
Established as a result of full division of an enterprise □
Established as a result of consolidation of enterprises □
Converted from another enterprise □
Converted from a household business □
2. Company’s name:
Vietnamese name (Capital letters): ................................................
Foreign language name (if any): ................................................
Abbreviated name (if any): .......................................................................................
3. Headquarters address:
Address: .........................................................
Commune/Ward/Town: ......................................................................................................
District/Provincial town/Provincial city: .............................................................................
Province/City: ...................................................................................................................
Phone number: ……………………………………… Fax (if any): .......................................
Email (if any): …………………………………… Website (if any):...........................................
□ Located within an industrial zone, export processing zone, economic zone or hi-tech zone.
4. Business lines (level-4 names and codes according to Vietnam’s system of business lines):
No. |
Name |
Code |
Primary business line (check x one of the business lines) |
5. Charter capital:
In digits (VND): ................................................................................................
In words (VND): ................................................................................................
In foreign currency (if any): ................................................
Expressed as foreign currency in the Certificate of Enterprise Registration? □ Yes □ No
6. Sources of charter capital:
Source |
Amount (in digits, VND and foreign currency, if any |
Ratio (%) |
State budget |
Private capital |
Foreign capital |
Other sources |
Total |
Face value (VND): .....................................................................
No. |
Type of shares |
Quantity |
Value (in digits, VND) |
Percentage (%) of charter capital |
1 |
Ordinary shares |
2 |
Super-voting shares |
3 |
Participating preference shares |
4 |
Redeemable preference shares |
5 |
Other types of preference shares |
Total |
Authorized shares:
No. |
Type of shares |
Quantity |
1 |
Ordinary shares |
2 |
Super-voting shares |
3 |
Participating preference shares |
4 |
Redeemable preference shares |
5 |
Other types of preference shares |
Total |
8. List of founding shareholders
9. List of shareholders that are foreign investors (if any)
10. List of authorized representatives of shareholders that are foreign investors (if any)
11. Legal representative 1:
- Full name (capital letters):........................................................ Gender: ……………
Position: .........................................................................................................................
Date of birth: ……/……/…… Ethnicity: …………………… Nationality: ...........................................
Type of Personal ID document:
□ Id card (old format) □ Id card (new format)
□ Passport □ Other: ……………
Personal ID number: ...........................................................................................
Date of issue: ............... Issuing authority: ...................................... Expiry date (if any): .............
Permanent residence:
Address: .........................................................
Commune/Ward/Town: ......................................................................................................
District/Provincial town/Provincial city: .............................................................................
Province/City: ...................................................................................................................
Country: ............................................................................................................................
Current residence:
Address: .........................................................
Commune/Ward/Town: ......................................................................................................
District/Provincial town/Provincial city: .............................................................................
Province/City: ...................................................................................................................
Country: ............................................................................................................................
Phone number (if any): ……………………………………… Fax (if any): .......................................
Email (if any): …………………………………… Website (if any):...........................................
12. Taxpayer registration information:
No. |
Details |
12.1 |
Director/General Director (if any): Full name: ..................................................................... Phone number: ..................................................................................................... |
12.2 |
Chief accountant/Acting chief accountant (if any): Full name: ........................................................... Phone number: ..................................................................................................... |
12.3 |
Mailing address (if different from headquarters address): Address: ......................................................... Commune/Ward/Town: ...................................................................................................... District/Provincial town/Provincial city: ............................................................................. Province/City: ................................................................................................................... Phone number: ……………………………………… Fax: ....................................... Email: .................................................................................................................... |
12.4 |
Inauguration date 2 (if different from issuance date of the Certificate of Enterprise Registration): ..................... |
12.5 |
Accounting method (check appropriate box): Independent accounting □ Dependent accounting □ |
12.6 |
Fiscal year: From .............. [dd/mm/yyyy] to ................... [dd/mm/yyyy] 3
12.7 |
Total number of employees (expected): ................................................................ |
12.8 |
Operating under a BOT/BTO/ BT/ BOO, BLT, BTL, O&M project: Yes □ No □ |
12.9 |
VAT accounting method (choose 1) 4: Credit-invoice method □ Percentage of value added □ Percentage of revenue □ Exempted from VAT □ |
12.10 |
Bank account (if already available): |
Bank |
Account number |
………………………………………… |
………………………………………… |
………………………………………… |
………………………………………… |
13. Invoices 5:
□ Self-printed □ Ordered
□ Electronic □ Purchased from tax authority
14. Social insurance payment:
Payment frequency (choose 1):
□ Monthly □ Every 03 months □ Every 06 months
- If the primary business line is agriculture, forestry, aquaculture or salt production and employees receive piece rate pay or fixed pay, choose “Monthly”, “Every 03 months” or “Every 06 months”.
- If the primary business line is not one of those mentioned above, choose “Monthly”.
15. Information about divided, consolidated, converted enterprise(s) (if the limited liability company is the result of a business division, consolidation or conversion):
a) Name of enterprise (capital letters): ................................................
Enterprise ID number/TIN: .........................................................................................
Number of Certificate of Business Registration (if the enterprise does not have an enterprise ID number/TIN):
Date of issue: ............... Issuing authority: ......................................
b) Name of enterprise (capital letters): ................................................
Enterprise ID number/TIN: .........................................................................................
Number of Certificate of Business Registration (if the enterprise does not have an enterprise ID number/TIN):
Date of issue: ............... Issuing authority: ......................................
I would like to terminate the existence of the totally divided/consolidated/converted enterprise(s) and the branches, representative offices and business location of the totally divided/consolidated enterprise(s).
16. Converted household business (if the limited liability company is converted from a household business):
Name of household business (Capital letters): ................................................
Number of Certificate of business household registration: ..................................................
Date of issue: ............... Issuing authority: ......................................
TIN (10 digits): .........................................................
Business location: ....................................................................................................
Representative of household business: .......................................................................................
Type of ID document (the same as that written on the taxpayer registration certificate of the household business):
□ Id card (old format) □ Id card (new format)
□ Passport □ Other: ……………
Personal ID number (the same as that written on the taxpayer registration certificate of the household business): ..............................................................
Date of issue: ............... Issuing authority: ...................................... Expiry date (if any): .............
If my enterprise registration application is valid, I would like to have my enterprise registration information posted on the National Enterprise Registration Portal.
I hereby declare that:
- I have the lawful right to ownership/enjoyment of the company’s premises and will use it for intended purposes as prescribed by law;
- Invoices are lawfully self-printed/ordered/electronically generated/purchased from tax authorities;
- I am legally responsible for the accuracy and truthfulness of the information provided above
(Enclosed with the Government’s Decree No. 122/2020/NĐ-CP dated October 15, 2020)
Independence - Freedom – Happiness
[location, dd/mm/yyyy]
To: Business Registration Department of ....... [province/city]
Applicant’s name (capital letters):........................................................ Gender: ……………
Date of birth: ……/……/…… Ethnicity: …………………… Nationality: ...........................................
Type of personal ID document:
□ Id card (old format) □ Id card (new format)
□ Passport □ Other: ……………
Personal ID number: ...........................................................................................
Date of issue: ............... Issuing authority: ...................................... Expiry date (if any): .............
Permanent residence:
Address: .........................................................
Commune/Ward/Town: ......................................................................................................
District/Provincial town/Provincial city: .............................................................................
Province/City: ...................................................................................................................
Country: ............................................................................................................................
Current residence:
Address: .........................................................
Commune/Ward/Town: ......................................................................................................
District/Provincial town/Provincial city: .............................................................................
Province/City: ...................................................................................................................
Country: ............................................................................................................................
Phone number (if any): ……………………………………… Fax (if any): .......................................
Email (if any): …………………………………… Website (if any):...........................................
I would like to register a partnership of which I am the president with the following information:
1. Establishment status (check appropriate box):
New establishment □
Established as a result of consolidation of enterprises □
Converted from a household business □
2. Partnership’s name:
Vietnamese name (Capital letters): ................................................
Foreign language name (if any): ................................................
Abbreviated name (if any): .......................................................................................
3. Headquarters address:
Address: .........................................................
Commune/Ward/Town: ......................................................................................................
District/Provincial town/Provincial city: .............................................................................
Province/City: ...................................................................................................................
Phone number: ……………………………………… Fax (if any): .......................................
Email (if any): …………………………………… Website (if any):...........................................
□ Located within an industrial zone, export processing zone, economic zone or hi-tech zone.
4. Business lines (level-4 names and codes according to Vietnam’s system of business lines):
No. |
Name |
Code |
Primary business line (check x one of the business lines) |
5. Charter capital:
In digits (VND): ................................................................................................
In digits (VND): ................................................................................................
Equivalent value in foreign currency (if any): ................................................
Expressed as foreign currency in the Certificate of Enterprise Registration? □ Yes □ No
6. Sources of charter capital:
Source |
Amount (in digits, VND and foreign currency, if any |
Ratio (%) |
State budget |
Private capital |
Foreign capital |
Other sources |
Total |
7. List of partners
8. Taxpayer registration information:
No. |
Details |
8.1 |
Director/General Director (if any): Full name: ..................................................................... Phone number: ..................................................................................................... |
8.2 |
Chief accountant/Acting chief accountant (if any): Full name: ........................................................... Phone number: ..................................................................................................... |
8.3 |
Mailing address (if different from headquarters address): Address: ......................................................... Commune/Ward/Town: ...................................................................................................... District/Provincial town/Provincial city: ............................................................................. Province/City: ................................................................................................................... Phone number: ……………………………………… Fax: ....................................... Email: .................................................................................................................... |
8.4 |
Inauguration date 1 (if different from issuance date of the Certificate of Enterprise Registration): ..................... |
8.5 |
Accounting method (check appropriate box): Independent accounting □ Dependent accounting □ |
8.6 |
Fiscal year: From .............. [dd/mm/yyyy] to ................... [dd/mm/yyyy] 2
8.7 |
Total number of employees (expected): ................................................................ |
8.8 |
Operating under a BOT/BTO/BT/BOO, BLT, BTL, O&M project: Yes □ No □ |
8.9 |
VAT accounting method (choose 1) 3: Credit-invoice method □ Percentage of value added □ Percentage of revenue □ Exempted from VAT □ |
8.10 |
Bank account (if already available): |
Bank |
Account number |
………………………………………… |
………………………………………… |
9. Invoices 4:
□ Self-printed □ Ordered
□ Electronic □ Purchased from tax authority
10. Social insurance payment:
Payment frequency (choose 1):
□ Monthly □ Every 03 months □ Every 06 months
- If the primary business line is agriculture, forestry, aquaculture or salt production and employees receive piece rate pay or fixed pay, choose “Monthly”, “Every 03 months” or “Every 06 months”.
- If the primary business line is not one of those mentioned above, choose “Monthly”.
11. Information about consolidating enterprises (if the partnership is established as a result of business consolidation):
a) Name of enterprise (capital letters): ................................................
Enterprise ID number/TIN: .........................................................................................
Number of Certificate of Business Registration (if the enterprise does not have an enterprise ID number/TIN):
Date of issue: ............... Issuing authority: ......................................
b) Name of enterprise (capital letters): ................................................
Enterprise ID number/TIN: .........................................................................................
Number of Certificate of Business Registration (if the enterprise does not have an enterprise ID number/TIN):
Date of issue: ............... Issuing authority: ......................................
I would like to terminate the existence of the totally consolidating enterprises, their branches, representative offices and business locations.
12. Converted household business (if the limited liability company is converted from a household business):
Name of household business (Capital letters): ................................................
Number of Certificate of business household registration: ..................................................
Date of issue: ............... Issuing authority: ......................................
TIN (10 digits): .........................................................
Business location: ....................................................................................................
Representative of household business: .......................................................................................
Type of ID document (the same as that written on the taxpayer registration certificate of the household business):
□ Id card (old format) □ Id card (new format)
□ Passport □ Other: ……………
Personal ID number (the same as that written on the taxpayer registration certificate of the household business): ..............................................................
Date of issue: ............... Issuing authority: ...................................... Expiry date (if any): .............
If my enterprise registration application is valid, I would like to have my enterprise registration information posted on the National Enterprise Registration Portal.
I and the general partners hereby declare that:
- We are not banned from establishing and managing enterprises under the Law on Enterprises and not owners of any other sole proprietorship, or general partners of any other partnership (unless otherwise agreed upon by other general partners);
- We have the lawful right to ownership/enjoyment of the company’s premises and will use it for intended purposes as prescribed by law;
- Invoices are lawfully self-printed/ordered/electronically generated/purchased from tax authorities;
- We are legally responsible for the accuracy and truthfulness of the information provided above.
President of the Board of Partners |
(Enclosed with the Government’s Decree No. 122/2020/NĐ-CP dated October 15, 2020)
No. ……………… |
[Location, dd/mm/yyyy] |
To: Business Registration Department of ....... [province/city]
Name of enterprise (capital letters): ................................................
Number of Certificate of Business Registration (if the enterprise does not have an enterprise ID number/TIN):
Date of issue: ............... Issuing authority: ......................................
Enterprise ID number/TIN: .........................................................................................
1. Name of branch/representative office/business location in Vietnamese (capital letters):
Name of branch/representative office/business location in foreign language (if any):
Abbreviated name of branch/representative office/business location (if any): ...........................
2. Address:
Number and street: .........................................................
Commune/Ward/Town: ......................................................................................................
District/Provincial town/Provincial city: .............................................................................
Province/City: ...................................................................................................................
Phone number: ……………………………………… Fax (if any): .......................................
Email (if any): …………………………………… Website (if any):...........................................
3. Business lines and operations
a) Business lines (of branch of business location):
No. |
Name |
Code |
Primary business line (check x one of the business lines) |
b) Operations (of representative office): ............................................................
4. Head of branch/representative office/business location:
Full name (capital letters):........................................................ Gender: ……………
Date of birth: ……/……/…… Ethnicity: …………………… Nationality: ...........................................
Type of Personal ID document:
□ Id card (old format) □ Id card (new format)
□ Passport □ Other: ……………
Personal ID number: ...........................................................................................
Date of issue: ............... Issuing authority: ...................................... Expiry date (if any): .............
Permanent residence:
Number and street: .........................................................
Commune/Ward/Town: ......................................................................................................
District/Provincial town/Provincial city: .............................................................................
Province/City: ...................................................................................................................
Country: ............................................................................................................................
Current residence:
Number: .........................................................
Commune/Ward/Town: ......................................................................................................
District/Provincial town/Provincial city: .............................................................................
Province/City: ...................................................................................................................
Country: ............................................................................................................................
Phone number (if any): ……………………………………… Fax (if any): .......................................
Email (if any): …………………………………… Website (if any):...........................................
5. Supervisory branch (for registration of business location affiliated to a branch):
Name of branch: .....................................................................................................................
Address of branch: ....................................................................................................
Code/TIN of branch: .........................................................
Number of Certificate of Branch Registration (if the branch does not have a TIN):
Date of issue: ............... Issuing authority: ......................................
6. Check one appropriate box:
□ A single Certificate of Business Location Registration for all business locations
□ One Certificate of Business Location Registration for each business location
7. Taxpayer registration information:
No. |
Details |
1 |
Mailing address (if different from the branch/representative office/business location address): Number and street: ......................................................... Commune/Ward/Town: ...................................................................................................... District/Provincial town/Provincial city: ............................................................................. Province/City: ................................................................................................................... Phone number: ……………………………………… Fax (if any): ....................................... Email (if any): ....................................................................................................... |
2 |
Inauguration date 1 (if different from issuance date of the Certificate of Enterprise Registration): ..................... |
3 |
Accounting method (check appropriate box): Independent accounting □ Dependent accounting □ |
4 |
Fiscal year: From .............. [dd/mm/yyyy] to ................... [dd/mm/yyyy] 2
5 |
Total number of employees (expected): ................................................................ |
6 |
Operating under a BOT/BTO/ BT/ BOO, BLT, BTL, O&M project: Yes □ No □ |
7 |
VAT accounting method (choose 1): Credit-invoice method □ Percentage of value added □ Percentage of revenue □ Exempted from VAT □ |
8 |
Bank account (if already available): |
Bank |
Account number |
………………………………………… |
………………………………………… |
8. Invoices (for branch)3:
□ Self-printed □ Ordered
□ Electronic □ Purchased from tax authority
9. Social insurance payment (for branch or representative office):
Payment frequency (choose 1):
□ Monthly □ Every 03 months □ Every 06 months
- If the primary business line of the branch or representative office is agriculture, forestry, aquaculture or salt production and its employees receive piece rate pay or fixed pay, choose “Monthly”, “Every 03 months” or “Every 06 months”.
- If the primary business line is not one of those mentioned above, choose “Monthly”.
I hereby declare that:
- The enterprise has the lawful right to ownership/enjoyment of the premises of the branch/representative office/business location and the premises will be only used for intended purposes as prescribed by law;
- Invoices are lawfully self-printed/ordered/electronically generated/purchased from tax authorities;
- We are legally responsible for the accuracy and truthfulness of the information provided above.
1 If the Certificate of Enterprise Registration is issued after the actual inauguration date, enter the issuance date of the Certificate of Enterprise Registration.
2 - If the fiscal year is the same as calendar year, enter 01/01 and 31/12.
- If the fiscal year is different from calendar year, the beginning date of the fiscal year shall be the first day of the first month of a quarter, the ending date shall be the last day of the last month of a quarter.
- The duration of a fiscal year must be 12 months or 4 consecutive quarters.
3 Choose 01 out of 04 VAT accounting method in accordance with VAT laws and future business operations of the enterprise.
4 The enterprise shall maintain fulfillment of the conditions for use of self-printed, order, electronic, purchased invoices as prescribed by law.
5 Signed by owner of sole proprietorship.
1 Enter information about all legal representatives in case there are more than one legal representative.
2 If the Certificate of Enterprise Registration is issued after the actual inauguration date, enter the issuance date of the Certificate of Enterprise Registration.
3 - If the fiscal year is the same as calendar year, enter 01/01 and 31/12.
- If the fiscal year is different from calendar year, the beginning date of the fiscal year shall be the first day of the first month of a quarter, the ending date shall be the last day of the last month of a quarter.
- The duration of a fiscal year must be 12 months or 4 consecutive quarters.
4 Choose 01 out of 04 VAT accounting method in accordance with VAT laws and future business operations of the enterprise.
5 The enterprise shall maintain fulfillment of the conditions for use of self-printed, order, electronic, purchased invoices as prescribed by law.
6 Signed by the legal representative of the company.
1 Enter information about all legal representatives in case there are more than one legal representative.
2 If the Certificate of Enterprise Registration is issued after the actual inauguration date, enter the issuance date of the Certificate of Enterprise Registration.
3 - If the fiscal year is the same as calendar year, enter 01/01 and 31/12.
- If the fiscal year is different from calendar year, the beginning date of the fiscal year shall be the first day of the first month of a quarter, the ending date shall be the last day of the last month of a quarter.
- The duration of a fiscal year must be 12 months or 4 consecutive quarters.
4 Choose 01 out of 04 VAT accounting method in accordance with VAT laws and future business operations of the enterprise.
5 The enterprise shall maintain fulfillment of the conditions for use of self-printed, order, electronic, purchased invoices as prescribed by law.
6 Signed by the legal representative of the company.
1 Enter information about all legal representatives in case there are more than one legal representative.
2 If the Certificate of Enterprise Registration is issued after the actual inauguration date, enter the issuance date of the Certificate of Enterprise Registration.
3 - If the fiscal year is the same as calendar year, enter 01/01 and 31/12.
- If the fiscal year is different from calendar year, the beginning date of the fiscal year shall be the first day of the first month of a quarter, the ending date shall be the last day of the last month of a quarter.
- The duration of a fiscal year must be 12 months or 4 consecutive quarters.
4 Choose 01 out of 04 VAT accounting method in accordance with VAT laws and future business operations of the enterprise.
5 The enterprise shall maintain fulfillment of the conditions for use of self-printed, order, electronic, purchased invoices as prescribed by law.
6 Signed by the legal representative of the company.
1 If the Certificate of Enterprise Registration is issued after the actual inauguration date, enter the issuance date of the Certificate of Enterprise Registration.
2 - If the fiscal year is the same as calendar year, enter 01/01 and 31/12.
- If the fiscal year is different from calendar year, the beginning date of the fiscal year shall be the first day of the first month of a quarter, the ending date shall be the last day of the last month of a quarter.
- The duration of a fiscal year must be 12 months or 4 consecutive quarters.
3. Choose 01 out of 04 VAT accounting method in accordance with VAT laws and future business operations of the enterprise.
4. The enterprise shall maintain fulfillment of the conditions for use of self-printed, order, electronic, purchased invoices as prescribed by law.
5. Signed by all general partners.
6. Signed by President of the Board of Members.
1. If the Certificate of Branch/Representative Office/Business Location Registration is issued after the actual inauguration date, enter the issuance date of the Certificate.
2. If the fiscal year is the same as calendar year, enter 01/01 and 31/12; If the fiscal year is different from calendar year, the beginning date of the fiscal year shall be the first day of the first month of a quarter, the ending date shall be the last day of the last month of a quarter; The duration of a fiscal year must be 12 months or 4 consecutive quarters.
3. The enterprise and its branches shall maintain fulfillment of the conditions for use of self-printed, order, electronic, purchased invoices as prescribed by law.
4. Signed by the enterprise’s legal representative/head of branch in accordance with the Decree on enterprise registration.