Chapter IV
Article 30.- Conditions on potential transplant recipients
1. Having a medical establishment's prescription for human tissue or organ transplantation.
2. Filing a voluntary application for transplantation. Written consent of the father, mother or guardian is required for recipients aged under 18 years.
3. For the transplantation of a non-regenerable organ from a living donor, written approval of a counseling council on removal and transplantation of organs defined in Article 15 of this Law is required.
Article 31.- Conditions on medical establishments allowed to carry out human tissue and organ transplantations
Only medical establishments defined in Article 16 of this Law may carry out human tissue and organ transplantations.
Article 32.- Post-transplantation medical care
1. Transplant recipients are entitled to post-transplantation medical care; regular health monitoring and examinations at the medical establishment that has conducted the transplantations or a medical establishment allowed to carry out human tissue and organ transplantations.
3. Medical establishments allowed to carry out human tissue and organ transplantations shall provide medical care for persons defined in Clauses 1 and 2 of this Article.
4. The Minister of Health shall specify the professional process of providing medical care for transplant recipients.
Article 33.- Health insurance regime and hospital charges for transplant recipients
1. Transplant recipients who have health insurance cards shall have hospital charges for their transplantation paid by the health insurance agency according to the law on health insurance.
2. Transplant recipients who have no health insurance cards shall pay hospital charges.
Article 34.- Organ transplantation related to foreigners
1. Foreigners and overseas Vietnamese may be transplanted with organs of Vietnamese in Vietnam if they have the same bloodline with or are next of kin within three generations of donors or when donors have filed voluntary donation applications without identifying recipients' names.
2. Vietnamese may go abroad for donating their organs if they have the same bloodline with or are next of kin within three generations of transplant recipients.