Chapter II
Article 14.- Organizations and individuals shall have the following rights and obligations:
1. To lawfully own cultural heritages;
2. To visit and study cultural heritages;
3. To respect, protect and promote the values of cultural heritages;
4. To promptly notify places where vestiges, antiques, national precious objects, historical-cultural relics, famous landscapes and beauty spots are discovered; and hand over vestiges, antiques, national precious objects found by themselves to the nearest competent State agencies;
5. To prevent or request the competent State bodies to prevent or promptly handle acts of undermining, appropriating or illegally using cultural heritages.
Article 15.- Organizations and individuals being owners of cultural heritages shall have the following rights and obligations:
1. To observe the provisions in Article 14 of this Law;
2. To apply measures for protecting and promoting the values of cultural heritages; to promptly report to the competent State bodies on cases where cultural heritages are in danger of having their values falsified, being ruined or lost;
3. To send collections of intangible cultural heritages, vestiges, antiques, national precious objects to the State museums or the competent State bodies in cases where they lack conditions and capability to protect and promote the values thereof;
4. To create favorable conditions for organizations and individuals to visit, travel to and study cultural heritages;
5. To exercise other rights and perform other obligations provided for by law.
Article 16.- Organizations and individuals that directly manage cultural heritages shall have the following rights and obligations:
1. To protect and preserve the cultural heritages;
2. To apply measures to promptly prevent or stop acts of infringing upon cultural heritages;
3. To promptly notify the owners or the nearest competent State agencies when cultural heritages are lost or in danger of being ruined;
4. To create favorable conditions for organizations and individuals to visit, travel to and study cultural heritages;
5. To exercise other rights and perform other obligations provided for by law.