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Danh sách câu hỏi

Câu 1:


Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.

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Đáp án B (Trọng âm rơi vào âm tiết thứ nhất, các từ còn lại rơi vào âm thứ hai).

A. ashamed /ə’ʃeɪmd/ (adj): xấu hổ.
B. absent /’æbsənt/ (adj): vắng mặt.
C. because /bɪ’kɔ:s/: bởi vì.
D. instead /ɪn’sted/: thay cho.

Câu 2:


Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.

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Đáp án B (Trọng âm rơi vào âm tiết thứ hai, các từ còn lại rơi vào âm thứ ba).

A. lemonade /lemə’neɪd/ (n): nước chanh.
B. apartment /ə’pɑtmənt/ (n): căn hộ.
C. mathematics /mæθə’mætɪks/ (n): môn Toán.

(Đuôi “ic” trọng âm rơi vào âm tiết đứng trước nó).
D. understand /ʌndə’stænd/ (v): hiểu.

Câu 3:


Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three In pronunciation in each of the following questions.

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Đáp án D (“b” được phát âm là /b/, còn lại là âm câm).

A. debt /det/ (n): nợ.
B. doubt /daʊt/ (n): nghi ngờ.
C. plumber /’plʌmə/ (n): thợ sửa ống nước.
D. herbage /’hȝ:bɪdʒ/ (n): thảo mộc.

Câu 4:


Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three In pronunciation in each of the following questions.

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Đáp án B (“o” được phát âm là /ɔ/, còn lại là /əʊ/).

A. drove /drəʊv/ (v): lái xe.
B. gone /gɔn/ (v): đi.
C. clothes /kləʊðz/ (n): quần áo.
D. ghost /gəʊst/ (n): ma.

Câu 5:


Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to complete each of the following exchanges.

“My mother is ill in hospital/’ “________”

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Đáp án D.

A: “Mẹ tớ đang nằm trong viện.”

B: “Thật tệ khi nghe vậy” 
A. Tớ không nghĩ vậy đâu
B. Ôi, bà ấy xui vậy
C. Không vấn đề gì
D. Thật tệ khi nghe vậy

Câu 6:


Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to complete each of the following exchanges.

“I’ll go fishing this weekend.” “__________”

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Đáp án D.

A: “Tớ sẽ đi câu vào cuối tuần này.”

B: “Chúc vui vẻ nhé”
A. Cậu không câu cá được đúng không?
B. Bạn thật tốt bụng
C. Thêm cá có được không?  
D. Chúc vui vẻ nhé

Câu 7:


Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answ'er sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSET in meaning to the underlined w'ord(s) in each of the following questions.

Mountain people of adjoining nations have great deal in common because terrain and climate mould their lives similarly.

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Đáp án A.

A. Neighboring (adj): ở, sống bên cạnh (ai/cái gì) = Adjoining (adj): gần kế, kế bên.
Distant (adj): xa cách.
Friendly (adj): thân thiện.
Developing (adj): đang phát triển.

Dịch câu: Những người ở núi của các nước láng giềng có nhiều điểm tương đồng bởi vì địa hình và khí hậu làm cho cuộc sống của họ giống nhau.

Câu 8:


Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answ'er sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSET in meaning to the underlined w'ord(s) in each of the following questions.

A woman had a narrow escape when the car came round the comer.

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Đáp án B.

A. Run away (phr.v) : rời khỏi, chạy ra khỏi chỗ nào đấy.
Was nearly hurt: gần như bị thương = Had a narrow escape: thoát chết trong gang tấc.
Was hurt: bị tổn thương, bị thương.
Bumped into the car: đụng vào cái ô tô.

Dịch câu: Người phụ nữ đã thoát chết trong gang tấc khi chiếc ô tô đi ra từ ngõ.

Câu 9:


Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answ er sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.

We'd better speed up if we want to get there in time.

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Đáp án C.

A. put down: đặt xuống.
 turn down: từ chối.
 slow down: chậm lại >< speed up: vội vã, nhanh lên.
 lie down: nằm xuống.

  Dịch câu: Chúng ta nên nhanh lên nếu chúng ta muốn đến đó kịp lúc.

Câu 10:


Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answ er sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.

The council demolished it.

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Đáp án D.

A. started: bắt đầu.
B. did: làm.
C. made: chế tạo.
D. construct: xây dựng >< demolished: phá hủy.
Dịch câu: Hội đồng đã phá hủy nó.

Câu 11:


Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

I can t ride my bike__________there isn t any ah in one of the tires.

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Đáp án A.

Mệnh đề chỉ lý do:

Because / As / Since / Due to the fact that + S + V

Dịch câu: Tôi không thể đạp xe vì bánh xe bị xịt lốp.

Câu 12:


Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

He asked, "Why didn’t she take the final exam?” - He asked why______the final exam.

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Đáp án C.

Trong câu tường thuật gián tiếp lùi 1 thì: “she didn’t take” -> “she hadn’t taken”

Dịch nghĩa: Anh ta hỏi: “Tại sao cô ấy không làm bài thi cuối kì?” - Anh ta hỏi vì sao cô ta không làm bài thi cuối kì.

Câu 13:


Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

The line is busy; someone_________the telephone now.

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Đáp án A.

Vì trong câu xuất hiện từ chỉ thời gian “now”, nên trong câu cần được chia ở thì hiện tại tiếp diễn. Sử dụng cụm “must be V-ing” với chắc năng câu phỏng đoán ở thời điểm hiện tại.

 Dịch nghĩa: Đường dây đang bận, chắc hẳn ai đó đang dùng điện thoại ngay lúc này.

Câu 14:


Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

Birds aren’t all the same. There are many different____________.

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Đáp án B.

A. Categories (n): thể loại
Species (n): loài
Animals (n): động vật
Plants (n): thực vật

  Dịch nghĩa: Không phải tất cả chim đều giống nhau. Có rất nhiều giống loài khác nhau.

Câu 15:


Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

She is _________ in asking for bigger salary. She worked hard

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Đáp án B.

A. Reason (n): lý do
B. Reasonable (adj): hợp lý
C. Unreasonable (adj): không hợp lý
D. unreasonably (adv): một cách bất hợp lý

Dịch nghĩa: Cô ấy hoàn toàn hợp lý khi đề nghị tăng lương. Cô áy làm việc rất chăm chỉ.

Câu 16:


Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

The number of Vietnamese sport officials and referees of international standard taking part in regional tournaments has increased rapidlv.

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Đáp Án B.

“Take part in” = “Participate in”, mang nghĩa là “tham gia vào”.
A. hosting (v): đăng cai tổ chức
C. achieving (v): đạt được
D. succeeding (v): thành công

Dịch câu: Số lượng các nhà chức trách thể thao và trọng tài cấp quốc tế tham gia vào các giải đấu khu vực đã tăng một cách nhanh chóng.

Câu 17:


Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

ASEAN press praised the great_________ of Vietnamese athletes at the 22nd SEA Games.

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Đáp Án D. 

A. sports (n): thể thao
. sportsman (n): người thích thể thao, nhà thể thao
. sporting (adj): (thuộc) thể thao
. sportsmanship (n): tinh thần thượng võ

Dịch câu: Báo chí ASEAN ca ngợi tinh thần thượng võ của các vận động viên Việt Nam tại SEA Games lần thứ 22.

  Lời giải chi tiết

Câu 18:


Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

The International Red Cross helps people in need without any discrimination based on_______, race, religion, class or political opinions.

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Đáp Án C.

A. national (adj): (thuộc) quốc gia
. nationally (adv): về mặt quốc gia, về dân tộc
. nationality (n): quốc tịch
. native (n): (thuộc) nơi sinh

Sau chỗ trống là hàng loạt các danh từ và được nối với nhau bằng dấu phẩy, vì vậy chỗ trống cần điền phải là một loại từ đồng đẳng với các từ còn lại, nên ở đây phải sử dụng một danh từ.

Dịch câu: Hội chữ thập đỏ thế giới giúp đỡ mọi người có hoàn cảnh khó khăn mà không phân biệt quốc tịch, tôn giáo, tầng lớp và tư tưởng chính trị.

Câu 19:


Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

Up until the middle of the 19th century, there were no_______and well established anny nursing systems for casualties.

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Đáp Án B.

A. organize (v): tổ chức
B. organized (adj): có tổ chức
C. organizational (adj): (thuộc) tổ chức, cơ quan
D. organizers (n): người tổ chức.Để bổ nghĩa cho danh từ “army nursing systems”, chỗ trống phải là 1 tính từ. Và đáp án B có nghĩa phù hợp với ngữ cảnh trong câu nhất.

Dịch câu: Cho đến tận giữa thế kỷ 19, vẫn không có một hệ thống điều dưỡng quân đội có tổ chức và bài bản nào được thiết lập để cứu trợ những nạn nhân thương vong trong chiến tranh.

Câu 20:


Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

_______English fluently, we should practise speaking it whenever possible.

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Đáp án A.

In order to/ To + V: để làm gì

Để nói tiếng Anh thuần thục, chúng ta nên luyện nói mọi lúc có thể.


Câu 21:


Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

Tom went to work despite__________.

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Đáp án D.

Despite + N/V-ing: mặc dù

Dịch nghĩa: Tom vẫn đi làm mặc dù anh ấy cảm thấy không khỏe

Câu 22:


Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

Most of my friends enjoy ___________ football on television.

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Đáp Án C.

Đi kèm sau “enjoy” là một động từ chia ở dạng V-ing, có nghĩa là “thích thú, háo hức làm việc gì).

Cấu trúc: “S + enjoy + V-ing/ not V-ing”

Dịch câu: Hầu hết bạn bè của tôi đều thích xem bóng đá trên TV.

Câu 23:


Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

When the alarm went off, everyone proceeded calmly to the emergency exits.

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Đáp án D

Ta có: “go off (v): reo, kêu (chuông, đồng hồ)

Xét về nghĩa, ta thấy các đáp án:

A. fell (v): ngã

B. exploded (v): nổ

C. called (v): gọi

D. rang (v): reo

Dịch nghĩa: “Khi báo động kêu lên, mọi người bình tĩnh tiến đến lối thoát hiểm.”

Câu 24:



Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

Parents can express a_________for the school their child attends.


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Đáp án B.

A. Prefer (v): thích.
B. Preference (n): sự thích.
C. Preferential (adj): ưu đãi.
D. Preferable (adj): được thích hơn.

  Dịch nghĩa: Bố mẹ có thể thể hiện sự thích thú với ngôi trường mà con cái họ theo học.

Câu 25:


Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 25 to29. Fill in the appropriate word in question 25

A recent (25) _______ of a language learning magazine has consulted a number of experts in the field of second language acquisition. Their advice may prove invaluable for those considering a language course. One suggestion is that you access whether you are likely to be successful (26)_______ learning a language. Did you enjoy studying language at school, for example? Do you have enough time to learn a language ? The major cost will be your own time and effort. Therefore, you must make sure that course on offer leads to a recognized qualification. Also, be realistic in your (27)_______. If you don’t set achievable aims, you are more likely to give up. Don’t be deceived into thinking that the most expensive courses are the best. Shop around to get the best possible value for money. You should also bear in your mind that the quicker you learn a language, the more quickly you forget it. Sandra Miller, a French teacher, tried to teach herself German by enrolling on a crash course. Already fluent in four languages and with a sound knowledge of teaching methodology her chances of (28)_______ progress were high. Three years on she remembers very little. She feels her biggest mistake was not to follow up her first experience. "I think the teacher’s role is important. It's so nice to have somebody give you a/an (29)_______”.

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Đáp án B. 

A. volume: tập sách
B. issue: số báo
C. printing: bản in
D.version: bản dịch

  A recent (25) ____ of a language learning magazine has consulted a number of experts in the field of second language acquisition. Their advice may prove invaluable for those considering a language course.

  Một số báo gần đây của tạp chí học ngôn ngữ đã tham vấn ý kiến của một số chuyên gia trong lĩnh vực tiếp thu ngôn ngữ thứ 2. Lời khuyên của họ có thể chứng minh giá trị cho những người cân nhắc một khóa học ngôn ngữ.

Câu 26:


Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 25 to29. Fill in the appropriate word in question 26

A recent (25) _______ of a language learning magazine has consulted a number of experts in the field of second language acquisition. Their advice may prove invaluable for those considering a language course. One suggestion is that you access whether you are likely to be successful (26)_______ learning a language. Did you enjoy studying language at school, for example? Do you have enough time to learn a language ? The major cost will be your own time and effort. Therefore, you must make sure that course on offer leads to a recognized qualification. Also, be realistic in your (27)_______. If you don’t set achievable aims, you are more likely to give up. Don’t be deceived into thinking that the most expensive courses are the best. Shop around to get the best possible value for money. You should also bear in your mind that the quicker you learn a language, the more quickly you forget it. Sandra Miller, a French teacher, tried to teach herself German by enrolling on a crash course. Already fluent in four languages and with a sound knowledge of teaching methodology her chances of (28)_______ progress were high. Three years on she remembers very little. She feels her biggest mistake was not to follow up her first experience. "I think the teacher’s role is important. It's so nice to have somebody give you a/an (29)_______”.

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Đáp án A.

Cụm từ: be successful at sth: thành công về cái gì đó

One suggestion is that you access whether you are likely to be successful (26)…….. learning a language. Did you enjoy studying language at school, for example? Do you have enough time to learn a language? The major cost will be your own time and effort.

Một đề nghị rằng bạn cứ tiếp cận bất kể có thành công trong việc học ngôn ngữ hay không. Ví dụ bạn thích học ngôn ngữ ở trường không? Bạn có đủ thời gian để học một ngôn ngữ? Cái giá của khóa học sẽ là thời gian và nỗ lực của chính bạn.

Câu 27:


Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 25 to29. Fill in the appropriate word in question 27

A recent (25) _______ of a language learning magazine has consulted a number of experts in the field of second language acquisition. Their advice may prove invaluable for those considering a language course. One suggestion is that you access whether you are likely to be successful (26)_______ learning a language. Did you enjoy studying language at school, for example? Do you have enough time to learn a language ? The major cost will be your own time and effort. Therefore, you must make sure that course on offer leads to a recognized qualification. Also, be realistic in your (27)_______. If you don’t set achievable aims, you are more likely to give up. Don’t be deceived into thinking that the most expensive courses are the best. Shop around to get the best possible value for money. You should also bear in your mind that the quicker you learn a language, the more quickly you forget it. Sandra Miller, a French teacher, tried to teach herself German by enrolling on a crash course. Already fluent in four languages and with a sound knowledge of teaching methodology her chances of (28)_______ progress were high. Three years on she remembers very little. She feels her biggest mistake was not to follow up her first experience. "I think the teacher’s role is important. It's so nice to have somebody give you a/an (29)_______”.

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Đáp án D. 

A. Sights (n): tầm nhìn
B. Object (n): vật thể 
C. Recognized(adj): nhận ra/ công nhận 
D. Goals(n): mục tiêu

  Therefore, you must make sure that course on offer leads to a recognized qualification. Also, be realistic in your (27) ____. If you don’t set achievable aims, you are more likely to give up. Don’t be deceived into thinking that the most expensive courses are the best. Shop around to get the best possible value for money.

  Vì vậy, bạn phải chắc chắn rằng khóa học được đề xuất dẫn đến những bằng cấp được chứng nhận. Tương tự, hãy thực tế trong việc lựa chọn mục tiêu. Nếu bạn không đạt được mục tiêu, bạn có thể sẽ từ bỏ. Đừng bị lừa gạt với ý nghĩ rằng khóa học đắt tiền nhất là tốt nhất. Hãy tham khảo xung quang để tìm ra được sự lựa chọn đáng tiền nhất.

Câu 28:


Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 25 to29. Fill in the appropriate word in question 28

A recent (25) _______ of a language learning magazine has consulted a number of experts in the field of second language acquisition. Their advice may prove invaluable for those considering a language course. One suggestion is that you access whether you are likely to be successful (26)_______ learning a language. Did you enjoy studying language at school, for example? Do you have enough time to learn a language ? The major cost will be your own time and effort. Therefore, you must make sure that course on offer leads to a recognized qualification. Also, be realistic in your (27)_______. If you don’t set achievable aims, you are more likely to give up. Don’t be deceived into thinking that the most expensive courses are the best. Shop around to get the best possible value for money. You should also bear in your mind that the quicker you learn a language, the more quickly you forget it. Sandra Miller, a French teacher, tried to teach herself German by enrolling on a crash course. Already fluent in four languages and with a sound knowledge of teaching methodology her chances of (28)_______ progress were high. Three years on she remembers very little. She feels her biggest mistake was not to follow up her first experience. "I think the teacher’s role is important. It's so nice to have somebody give you a/an (29)_______”.

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Đáp án C.

  Make progress = progress: có tiến bộ / tiến triển

  You should also bear in your mind that the quicker you learn a language, the more quickly you forget it. Sandra Miller, a French teacher, tried to teach herself German by enrolling on a crash course. Already fluent in four languages and with a sound knowledge of teaching methodology her chances of (28) _____ progress were high.

  Bạn nên ghi nhớ rằng bạn học ngôn ngữ càng nhanh, bạn quên nó càng nhanh. Sandra Miller, một giáo viên tiếng Pháp, đã cố gắng tự học tiếng Đức bằng cách đăng ký khóa học cấp tốc. Đã thành thạo 4 thứ tiếng và với kiến thức dạy phương pháp học cơ hội tiến bộ của cô ấy rất cao.

Câu 29:


Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 25 to29. Fill in the appropriate word in question 29

A recent (25) _______ of a language learning magazine has consulted a number of experts in the field of second language acquisition. Their advice may prove invaluable for those considering a language course. One suggestion is that you access whether you are likely to be successful (26)_______ learning a language. Did you enjoy studying language at school, for example? Do you have enough time to learn a language ? The major cost will be your own time and effort. Therefore, you must make sure that course on offer leads to a recognized qualification. Also, be realistic in your (27)_______. If you don’t set achievable aims, you are more likely to give up. Don’t be deceived into thinking that the most expensive courses are the best. Shop around to get the best possible value for money. You should also bear in your mind that the quicker you learn a language, the more quickly you forget it. Sandra Miller, a French teacher, tried to teach herself German by enrolling on a crash course. Already fluent in four languages and with a sound knowledge of teaching methodology her chances of (28)_______ progress were high. Three years on she remembers very little. She feels her biggest mistake was not to follow up her first experience. "I think the teacher’s role is important. It's so nice to have somebody give you a/an (29)_______”.

Xem đáp án

Đáp án C.

  Cụn từ: give sb a hand = help sb: giúp đỡ/ hỗ trợ ai đó

Three years on she remembers very little. She feels her biggest mistake was not to follow up her first experience. "I think the teacher’s role is important. It's so nice to have somebody give you a/an (29) _____”.

  Ba năm trôi qua cô ấy nhớ rất ít. Cô ấy cảm thấy sai lầm lớn nhất là đã không làm theo kinh nghiệm đầu tiên. “Tôi nghĩ vai trò của một giáo viên rất quan trọng. Thật tuyệt khi có ai đó giúp đỡ/ hỗ trợ bạn.

Câu 30:


Read the following passage and write the letter A, B, C or D on the top of the first page to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 30 to 34.

In 1972. a century after the first national park in the United States was established at Yellowstone, legislation was passed to create the National Marine Sanctuaries Program. The intent of this legislation was to provide protection to selected coastal habitats similar to that existing for land areas designated as national parks. The designation of an areas a marine sanctuary indicates that it is a protected area, just as a national park is. People are permitted to visit and observe there, but living organisms and their environments may not be harmed or removed.

The National Marine Sanctuaries Program is administered by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, a branch of the United States Department of Commerce. Initially, 70 sites were proposed as candidates for sanctuary status. Two and a half decades later, only fifteen sanctuaries had been designated, with half of these established after 1978. They range in size from the very small (less than 1 square kilometer) Fagatele Bay National Marine Sanctuary in American Samoa to the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary in California, extending over 15,744 square kilometers.

The National Marine Sanctuaries Program is a crucial part of new management practices in which whole communities of species, and not just individual species, are offered some degree of protection from habitat degradation and overexploitation. Only in this way can a reasonable degree of marine species diversity be maintained in a setting that also maintains the natural interrelationships that exist among these species.

Several other types of marine protected areas exist in the United States and other countries. The National Estuarine Research Reserve System managed by the United States government, includes 23 designated and protected estuaries. Outside the United States, marine protected-area programs exist as marine parks, reserves and preserves.

Over 100 designated areas exist around the periphery of the Caribbean Sea. Others range from the well-known Australian Great Barrer Reef Marine Park to lesser-known parks in countries such as Thailand and Indonesia, where tourism is placing growing pressures on fragile coral reef systems. As state, national, and international agencies come to recognize the importance of conserving marine biodiversity, marine projected areas whether as sanctuaries,parks, or estuarine reserves, will play an increasingly important role in preserving that diversity.

The word “administered” the passage is closest in meaning to ……

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Đáp án A

Kiến thức: Đọc hiểu 

Từ "administered" đoạn văn có ý nghĩa gần nhất với……. 
A. Manage (v): quản lý                        
B. Recognize (v): được công nhận 
C. Oppose (v): phản đối                      
D. Justify (v): bào chữa

Administer (v): quản lý 

Manage = administer 

Dẫn chứng: The National Marine Sanctuaries Program isadministered by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, a branch of the United States Department of Commerce. Initially, 70 sites were proposed as candidates for sanctuary status.

Dịch bài đọc

  Vào năm 1972, một thế kỷ sau khi công viên quốc gia đầu tiên ở Hoa Kỳ được thành lập tại Yellowstone, pháp luật đã được thông qua để tạo ra chương trình Bảo tồn sinh vật biển quốc gia. Mục đích của luật này là nhằm bảo vệ môi trường sống ven biển được lựa chọn tương tự như các khu vực đất được chỉ định làm vườn quốc gia. Việc chỉ định một khu vực làm khu bảo tồn biển thể hiện rằng đó là một khu vực được bảo vệ, giống như một vườn quốc gia. Người ta được phép đến thăm và quan sát ở đó, nhưng sinh vật sống và môi trường của chúng không bị tổn hại hoặc bị bỏ đi.

  Chương trình Bảo tồn sinh vật biển quốc gia do Cục quản lý đại dương và khí quyển quốc gia quản lý, một chi nhánh của Bộ Thương mại Hoa Kỳ. Ban đầu, 70 địa điểm đã được đề xuất làm khu bảo tồn. Sau hai năm rưỡi, chỉ có 15 khu bảo tồn được chọn, một nửa trong số đó được thiết lập sau năm 1978. Chúng có kích thước từ nhỏ nhất từ hơn 1 km vuông như khu bảo tồn biển quốc gia Fagatele Bay ở Samoa thuộc Mỹ đến hơn 15.744 km vuông-Vịnh Monterey National Marine Sanctuary ở California.

  Chương trình Bảo tồn sinh vật biển quốc gia là một phần quan trọng trong các hoạt động quản lý mới, trong đó toàn bộ các loài, không chỉ riêng các loài cá, được bảo vệ khỏi sự suy thoái môi trường sống và khai thác quá mức. Chỉ bằng cách này mức độ đa dạng sinh học biển hợp lý mới có thể được duy trì ở mức độ ổn định tương quan tự nhiên giữa các loài này.

  Một số loại khác của khu bảo tồn biển tồn tại ở Hoa Kỳ và các nước khác. Hệ thống Dự trữ Nghiên cứu Vùng Estuarine Quốc gia do chính phủ Hoa Kỳ quản lý, bao gồm 23 cửa sông được chỉ định và được bảo vệ. Bên ngoài Hoa Kỳ, các chương trình khu bảo tồn biển được xây dựng như các công viên biển. dự trữ và bảo quản.

  Hơn 100 khu vực được chỉ định tồn tại xung quanh vùng biển Caribê. Một số khác nằm trong phạm vi từ Công viên Great Barrer Reef nổi tiếng của Úc đến những công viên ít được biết đến hơn ở các quốc gia như Thái Lan và Indonesia, nơi du lịch đang đặt áp lực ngày càng tăng lên các hệ thống san hô ngầm mỏng manh. Vì các cơ quan nhà nước, quốc gia và quốc tế đã nhận thức được tầm quan trọng của việc bảo tồn đa dạng sinh học biển, các khu vực bảo tồn sinh vật biển, dù là những khu bảo tồn. công viên hoặc khu bảo tồn cửa sông, sẽ đóng một vai trò ngày càng quan trọng trong việc bảo tồn sự đa dạng đó.

  Trong quá trình lịch sử, các phát minh của con người đã làm tăng đáng kể lượng năng lượng có sẵn cho mỗi người sử dụng. Những người nguyên thủy ở vùng lạnh đốt gỗ và phân động vật để đốt các hang động của chúng, nấu thức ăn và lái xe bằng lửa. Bước đầu tiên để phát triển các nhiên liệu hiệu quả hơn đã được thực hiện khi người ta phát hiện ra rằng họ có thể sử dụng dầu thực vật và chất béo động vật thay vì thu thập hoặc chặt gỗ. Than củi cho nhiệt độ cao hơn gỗ và dễ dàng lấy được hơn chất béo hữu cơ. Người Hy Lạp lần đầu tiên bắt đầu sử dụng than đá để luyện kim trong thế kỷ thứ 4, nhưng nó đã không được sử dụng rộng rãi cho tới Cách mạng Công nghiệp.

Câu 31:


Read the following passage and write the letter A, B, C or D on the top of the first page to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 30 to 34.

In 1972. a century after the first national park in the United States was established at Yellowstone, legislation was passed to create the National Marine Sanctuaries Program. The intent of this legislation was to provide protection to selected coastal habitats similar to that existing for land areas designated as national parks. The designation of an areas a marine sanctuary indicates that it is a protected area, just as a national park is. People are permitted to visit and observe there, but living organisms and their environments may not be harmed or removed.

The National Marine Sanctuaries Program is administered by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, a branch of the United States Department of Commerce. Initially, 70 sites were proposed as candidates for sanctuary status. Two and a half decades later, only fifteen sanctuaries had been designated, with half of these established after 1978. They range in size from the very small (less than 1 square kilometer) Fagatele Bay National Marine Sanctuary in American Samoa to the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary in California, extending over 15,744 square kilometers.

The National Marine Sanctuaries Program is a crucial part of new management practices in which whole communities of species, and not just individual species, are offered some degree of protection from habitat degradation and overexploitation. Only in this way can a reasonable degree of marine species diversity be maintained in a setting that also maintains the natural interrelationships that exist among these species.

Several other types of marine protected areas exist in the United States and other countries. The National Estuarine Research Reserve System managed by the United States government, includes 23 designated and protected estuaries. Outside the United States, marine protected-area programs exist as marine parks, reserves and preserves.

Over 100 designated areas exist around the periphery of the Caribbean Sea. Others range from the well-known Australian Great Barrer Reef Marine Park to lesser-known parks in countries such as Thailand and Indonesia, where tourism is placing growing pressures on fragile coral reef systems. As state, national, and international agencies come to recognize the importance of conserving marine biodiversity, marine projected areas whether as sanctuaries,parks, or estuarine reserves, will play an increasingly important role in preserving that diversity.

The word “periphery” in the passage is closest in meaning to

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Đáp án D

 Từ "periphery" trong đoạn văn có ý nghĩa gần nhất với……
A. chiều sâu
B. đất liền 
C. môi trường ấm
D. đường viền ngoài

Periphery (n): chu vi, đường bao quanh

Periphery = outer edge 

Dẫn chứng: Over 100 designated areas exist around the periphery of the Caribbean Sea.

Câu 32:


Read the following passage and write the letter A, B, C or D on the top of the first page to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 30 to 34.

In 1972. a century after the first national park in the United States was established at Yellowstone, legislation was passed to create the National Marine Sanctuaries Program. The intent of this legislation was to provide protection to selected coastal habitats similar to that existing for land areas designated as national parks. The designation of an areas a marine sanctuary indicates that it is a protected area, just as a national park is. People are permitted to visit and observe there, but living organisms and their environments may not be harmed or removed.

The National Marine Sanctuaries Program is administered by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, a branch of the United States Department of Commerce. Initially, 70 sites were proposed as candidates for sanctuary status. Two and a half decades later, only fifteen sanctuaries had been designated, with half of these established after 1978. They range in size from the very small (less than 1 square kilometer) Fagatele Bay National Marine Sanctuary in American Samoa to the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary in California, extending over 15,744 square kilometers.

The National Marine Sanctuaries Program is a crucial part of new management practices in which whole communities of species, and not just individual species, are offered some degree of protection from habitat degradation and overexploitation. Only in this way can a reasonable degree of marine species diversity be maintained in a setting that also maintains the natural interrelationships that exist among these species.

Several other types of marine protected areas exist in the United States and other countries. The National Estuarine Research Reserve System managed by the United States government, includes 23 designated and protected estuaries. Outside the United States, marine protected-area programs exist as marine parks, reserves and preserves.

Over 100 designated areas exist around the periphery of the Caribbean Sea. Others range from the well-known Australian Great Barrer Reef Marine Park to lesser-known parks in countries such as Thailand and Indonesia, where tourism is placing growing pressures on fragile coral reef systems. As state, national, and international agencies come to recognize the importance of conserving marine biodiversity, marine projected areas whether as sanctuaries,parks, or estuarine reserves, will play an increasingly important role in preserving that diversity.

What does the passage mainly discuss?

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Đáp án B

Đoạn văn chủ yếu thảo luận về điều gì? 
A. Sự khác nhau giữa các công viên sinh vật biển, khu bảo tồn và khu lưu giữ 
B. Các chương trình bảo tồn sinh vật biển khác nhau 
C. Các hiệp định quốc tế về bảo vệ bờ biển 
D. Các điểm tương đồng giữa môi trường đất và môi trường biển

Câu 33:


Read the following passage and write the letter A, B, C or D on the top of the first page to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 30 to 34.

In 1972. a century after the first national park in the United States was established at Yellowstone, legislation was passed to create the National Marine Sanctuaries Program. The intent of this legislation was to provide protection to selected coastal habitats similar to that existing for land areas designated as national parks. The designation of an areas a marine sanctuary indicates that it is a protected area, just as a national park is. People are permitted to visit and observe there, but living organisms and their environments may not be harmed or removed.

The National Marine Sanctuaries Program is administered by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, a branch of the United States Department of Commerce. Initially, 70 sites were proposed as candidates for sanctuary status. Two and a half decades later, only fifteen sanctuaries had been designated, with half of these established after 1978. They range in size from the very small (less than 1 square kilometer) Fagatele Bay National Marine Sanctuary in American Samoa to the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary in California, extending over 15,744 square kilometers.

The National Marine Sanctuaries Program is a crucial part of new management practices in which whole communities of species, and not just individual species, are offered some degree of protection from habitat degradation and overexploitation. Only in this way can a reasonable degree of marine species diversity be maintained in a setting that also maintains the natural interrelationships that exist among these species.

Several other types of marine protected areas exist in the United States and other countries. The National Estuarine Research Reserve System managed by the United States government, includes 23 designated and protected estuaries. Outside the United States, marine protected-area programs exist as marine parks, reserves and preserves.

Over 100 designated areas exist around the periphery of the Caribbean Sea. Others range from the well-known Australian Great Barrer Reef Marine Park to lesser-known parks in countries such as Thailand and Indonesia, where tourism is placing growing pressures on fragile coral reef systems. As state, national, and international agencies come to recognize the importance of conserving marine biodiversity, marine projected areas whether as sanctuaries,parks, or estuarine reserves, will play an increasingly important role in preserving that diversity.

According to the passage, all of the following are achievements of the National Marine Sanctuaries Program EXCEPT…

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Đáp án A

Theo đoạn văn, tất cả những điều dưới đây là thành tựu của Chương trình Bảo tồn Hàng hải Quốc gia NGOẠI TRỪ…. 
A. phát hiện một số sinh vật biển mới 
B. bảo tồn mối liên hệ giữa các loài cá biển 
C. bảo vệ môi trường sống ven biển 
D. thành lập các khu vực mà công chúng có thể quan sát sinh vật biển

Câu 34:


Read the following passage and write the letter A, B, C or D on the top of the first page to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 30 to 34.

In 1972. a century after the first national park in the United States was established at Yellowstone, legislation was passed to create the National Marine Sanctuaries Program. The intent of this legislation was to provide protection to selected coastal habitats similar to that existing for land areas designated as national parks. The designation of an areas a marine sanctuary indicates that it is a protected area, just as a national park is. People are permitted to visit and observe there, but living organisms and their environments may not be harmed or removed.

The National Marine Sanctuaries Program is administered by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, a branch of the United States Department of Commerce. Initially, 70 sites were proposed as candidates for sanctuary status. Two and a half decades later, only fifteen sanctuaries had been designated, with half of these established after 1978. They range in size from the very small (less than 1 square kilometer) Fagatele Bay National Marine Sanctuary in American Samoa to the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary in California, extending over 15,744 square kilometers.

The National Marine Sanctuaries Program is a crucial part of new management practices in which whole communities of species, and not just individual species, are offered some degree of protection from habitat degradation and overexploitation. Only in this way can a reasonable degree of marine species diversity be maintained in a setting that also maintains the natural interrelationships that exist among these species.

Several other types of marine protected areas exist in the United States and other countries. The National Estuarine Research Reserve System managed by the United States government, includes 23 designated and protected estuaries. Outside the United States, marine protected-area programs exist as marine parks, reserves and preserves.

Over 100 designated areas exist around the periphery of the Caribbean Sea. Others range from the well-known Australian Great Barrer Reef Marine Park to lesser-known parks in countries such as Thailand and Indonesia, where tourism is placing growing pressures on fragile coral reef systems. As state, national, and international agencies come to recognize the importance of conserving marine biodiversity, marine projected areas whether as sanctuaries,parks, or estuarine reserves, will play an increasingly important role in preserving that diversity.

The passage mentions which of the following as a threat to marine areas outside the United States?

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Đáp án D

Các đoạn trích đề cập đến những vấn đề dưới đây như là mối đe dọa đối với các khu vực biển ngoài Hoa Kỳ? 
A. Hạn chế trong hỗ trợ tài chính 
B. Việc sử dụng các loài sinh vật biển làm thực phẩm 
C. Tính đa dạng của khí hậu 
D. Du lịch phát triển

  Dẫn chứng: Over 100 designated areas exist around the periphery of the Caribbean Sea. Others range from the well-known Australian Great Barrer Reef Marine Park to lesser-known parks in countries such as Thailand and Indonesia, where tourism is placing growing pressures on fragile coral reef systems.

Câu 35:


Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 35 to 42.

In the United States, it is important to be on time, or punctual, for an appointment, a class, a meeting, etc... This may not be true in some other countries, however. An American professor discovered this difference while teaching a class in a Brazilian university. The two-hour class was scheduled to begin at 10 a.m, and end at 12 a.m. On the first day, when the professor arrived on time, no one was in the classroom. Many students came after 11 a.m. Although all of the students greeted the professor as they arrived, few apologised for their lateness. Were these students being rude? He decided to study the students’ behavior.

In American university, students are expected to arrive at the appointed hour. On the other hand, in Brazil, neither the teacher nor the students always arrive at the appointed hour. Classes not only begin at the scheduled time in the United States, but they also end at the scheduled time. In the Brazilian class, only a few students left the class at noon, many remained past 12:30 to discuss the class and ask more questions. While arriving late may not be important in Brazil, neither is staying late.

The explanation for these differences is complicated. People from Brazilian and North American cultures have different feelings about lateness. In Brazil, the students believe that a person who usually arrives late is probably more successful than a person who is always on time. In fact, Brazilians expect a person with status or prestige to arrive late, while in the United States, lateness is usually considered to be disrespectful and unacceptable. Consequently, if a Brazilian is late for an appointment with a North America, the American may misinterpret the reason for the lateness and become angry.

As a result for his study, the professor learned that the Brazilian students were not being disrespectful to him. Instead, they were simply behaving the appropriate way for a Brazilian student in Brazil. Eventually, the professor was able to adapt his own behavior to feel comfortable in the new culture.

What is the main idea of this passage?

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Đáp án D

Ý chính của đoạn văn là?
A. Ở Brazil, việc đúng giờ không quan trọng
B. Người ta được học về tầm quan trọng của thời gian từ khi còn nhỏ.
C. Ở USA, việc đến lớp đúng giờ là rất quan trọng.
D. Tầm quan trọng của việc đúng giờ tuỳ thuộc vào từng quốc gia khác nhau.

  Ý chính đã được khái quát rất rõ rang đoạn: “In the United States, it is important to be on time, or punctual, for an appointment, a class, a meeting, etc... This may not be true in some other countries, however.”

  “Ở Mỹ, điều thiết yếu là phải đúng giờ, trong cuộc hẹn, giờ học, buổi họp mặt, … Tuy nhiên, điều này không hẳn đúng tại các nước khác.” Và suốt phần sau, tác giả nêu lên dẫn chứng cụ thể của việc trễ giờ tại Brazil để chứng minh mỗi nơi có một cách nhìn khác nhau về việc đúng giờ.

Dịch bài

  Ở Mỹ, người ta rất quan trọng việc đúng giờ trong một cuộc hẹn, cho giờ học hay một buổi họp mặt, v.v… Tuy nhiên, điều này không hẳn đúng tại một vài quốc gia khác. Một vị giáo sư người Mỹ đã nhận ra sụw khác biệt này trong thời gian giảng dạy tại một đại học của Brazil. Tiết học dài 2 giờ được lên lịch bắt đầu từ 10 giờ sáng và kết thúc vào 12 giờ trưa. Ngày đầu tiên, vị giáo sư lên lớp đúng giờ, và lúc đó không có ai trong phòng học. Rất nhiều sinh viên đến sau 11 giờ. Dù tất cả họ đều chào giáo sư khi vào lớp, rất ít người xin lỗi vì đến muộn. Liệu có phải những sinh viên này có chút bất nhã? Ông quyết định nghiên cứu hành vi của các sinh viên.

  Tại đại học Mỹ, sinh viên phải đến lớp đúng giờ. Ngược lại, tại Brazil, cả giảng viên và sinh viên đều không đến đúng giờ. Tại Mỹ, các tiết học bắt đầu đúng giờ và kết thúc theo thời gian quy định. Tại các lớp ở Brazil, rất ít sinh viên rời lớp giữa trưa, phần đông ở lại tới hơn 12:30 để thảo luận và đặt câu hỏi. Việc đến muộn không quá quan trọng tại Brazil, việc ở lại lớp muộn cũng tương tự.

  Theo kết quả nghiên cứu, vị giáo sư nghiệm ra rằng các sinh viên Brazil không hề thiếu tôn trọng ông. Thay vì vậy, họ chỉ đơn giản là đang cư xử đúng kiểu Brazil. Cuối cùng thì vị giáo sư đã có thể thích ứng và thoải mái với nền văn hoá mới

Câu 36:


Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 35 to 42.

In the United States, it is important to be on time, or punctual, for an appointment, a class, a meeting, etc... This may not be true in some other countries, however. An American professor discovered this difference while teaching a class in a Brazilian university. The two-hour class was scheduled to begin at 10 a.m, and end at 12 a.m. On the first day, when the professor arrived on time, no one was in the classroom. Many students came after 11 a.m. Although all of the students greeted the professor as they arrived, few apologised for their lateness. Were these students being rude? He decided to study the students’ behavior.

In American university, students are expected to arrive at the appointed hour. On the other hand, in Brazil, neither the teacher nor the students always arrive at the appointed hour. Classes not only begin at the scheduled time in the United States, but they also end at the scheduled time. In the Brazilian class, only a few students left the class at noon, many remained past 12:30 to discuss the class and ask more questions. While arriving late may not be important in Brazil, neither is staying late.

The explanation for these differences is complicated. People from Brazilian and North American cultures have different feelings about lateness. In Brazil, the students believe that a person who usually arrives late is probably more successful than a person who is always on time. In fact, Brazilians expect a person with status or prestige to arrive late, while in the United States, lateness is usually considered to be disrespectful and unacceptable. Consequently, if a Brazilian is late for an appointment with a North America, the American may misinterpret the reason for the lateness and become angry.

As a result for his study, the professor learned that the Brazilian students were not being disrespectful to him. Instead, they were simply behaving the appropriate way for a Brazilian student in Brazil. Eventually, the professor was able to adapt his own behavior to feel comfortable in the new culture.

Why did the professor study the Brazilian students' behaviour?

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Đáp án B

Tại sao vị giáo sư nghiên cứu hành vi của sinh viên Brazil?
A. Không một sinh viên nào xin lỗi vì đến muộn.
B. Ông ấy muốn hiểu lí do sinh viên đến muộn.
C. Ông ấy muốn sinh viên đến lớp đúng giờ.
D. Sinh viên có vẻ vô lễ với ông ấy.

  Ý chính của đoạn văn là tầm quan trọng của việc đúng giờ tuỳ thuộc vào mỗi quốc gia. Và một vị giáo sư qua thời gian dạy học tại Brazil đã nghiệm ra điều này. Khi ông đến lớp đúng giờ, sinh viên chưa đến. Họ đến muộn và chào thầy, nhưng lại có vẻ như không thấy có lỗi và ít ai xin lỗi. Ông băn khoăn liệu điều này có phải bất nhã và ông quyết định nghiên cứu hành vi của sinh viên. Và đoạn cuối kết lại bằng việc vị giáo sư nghiệm ra rằng không phải sinh viên thiếu tôn trọng mình, mà họ chỉ cư xử theo lẽ thường ở Brazil.

  Từ đó, ta thấy, việc nghiên cứu hành vi của sinh viên Brazil là do vị giáo sư muốn hiểu lí do họ đến muộn, từ đó rút ra sự khác biệt về quan điểm của các quốc gia, không phải do ông thấy sinh viên có vẻ bất nhã, vô lễ.

Câu 37:


Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 35 to 42.

In the United States, it is important to be on time, or punctual, for an appointment, a class, a meeting, etc... This may not be true in some other countries, however. An American professor discovered this difference while teaching a class in a Brazilian university. The two-hour class was scheduled to begin at 10 a.m, and end at 12 a.m. On the first day, when the professor arrived on time, no one was in the classroom. Many students came after 11 a.m. Although all of the students greeted the professor as they arrived, few apologised for their lateness. Were these students being rude? He decided to study the students’ behavior.

In American university, students are expected to arrive at the appointed hour. On the other hand, in Brazil, neither the teacher nor the students always arrive at the appointed hour. Classes not only begin at the scheduled time in the United States, but they also end at the scheduled time. In the Brazilian class, only a few students left the class at noon, many remained past 12:30 to discuss the class and ask more questions. While arriving late may not be important in Brazil, neither is staying late.

The explanation for these differences is complicated. People from Brazilian and North American cultures have different feelings about lateness. In Brazil, the students believe that a person who usually arrives late is probably more successful than a person who is always on time. In fact, Brazilians expect a person with status or prestige to arrive late, while in the United States, lateness is usually considered to be disrespectful and unacceptable. Consequently, if a Brazilian is late for an appointment with a North America, the American may misinterpret the reason for the lateness and become angry.

As a result for his study, the professor learned that the Brazilian students were not being disrespectful to him. Instead, they were simply behaving the appropriate way for a Brazilian student in Brazil. Eventually, the professor was able to adapt his own behavior to feel comfortable in the new culture.

In general, what did the Brazilian students think about people who are late?

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Đáp án C

Nhìn chung, sinh viên Brazil nghĩ gì về những người hay trễ giờ?
A. Họ thiếu tôn trọng người khác.
B. Họ là người thiếu văn hoá.
C. Họ là người thành công.
D. Họ là người quan trọng.

Câu 3 đoạn 3 có đề cập: “In Brazil, the students believe that a person who usually arrives late is probably more successful than a person who is always on time.”

“Ở Brazil, sinh viên tin rằng những người hay trễ giờ thường thành công hơn những người đúng giờ.”

Câu 38:


Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 35 to 42.

In the United States, it is important to be on time, or punctual, for an appointment, a class, a meeting, etc... This may not be true in some other countries, however. An American professor discovered this difference while teaching a class in a Brazilian university. The two-hour class was scheduled to begin at 10 a.m, and end at 12 a.m. On the first day, when the professor arrived on time, no one was in the classroom. Many students came after 11 a.m. Although all of the students greeted the professor as they arrived, few apologised for their lateness. Were these students being rude? He decided to study the students’ behavior.

In American university, students are expected to arrive at the appointed hour. On the other hand, in Brazil, neither the teacher nor the students always arrive at the appointed hour. Classes not only begin at the scheduled time in the United States, but they also end at the scheduled time. In the Brazilian class, only a few students left the class at noon, many remained past 12:30 to discuss the class and ask more questions. While arriving late may not be important in Brazil, neither is staying late.

The explanation for these differences is complicated. People from Brazilian and North American cultures have different feelings about lateness. In Brazil, the students believe that a person who usually arrives late is probably more successful than a person who is always on time. In fact, Brazilians expect a person with status or prestige to arrive late, while in the United States, lateness is usually considered to be disrespectful and unacceptable. Consequently, if a Brazilian is late for an appointment with a North America, the American may misinterpret the reason for the lateness and become angry.

As a result for his study, the professor learned that the Brazilian students were not being disrespectful to him. Instead, they were simply behaving the appropriate way for a Brazilian student in Brazil. Eventually, the professor was able to adapt his own behavior to feel comfortable in the new culture.

What did the professor learn from the study?

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Đáp án A

  Đoạn cuối: “As a result for his study, the professor learned that the Brazilian students were not being disrespectful to him. Instead, they were simply behaving the appropriate way for a Brazilian student in Brazil.”

  “Theo như kết quả nghiên cứu, giáo sư nghiệm ra rằng sinh viên Brazil không phải thiếu tôn trọng mình. Thay vào đó, họ chỉ cư xử theo lẽ thường tại Brazil.”

  Do đó, việc đến muộn là rất bình thường, không hẳn do thiếu tôn trọng hay vô lễ.

Câu 39:


Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 35 to 42.

In the United States, it is important to be on time, or punctual, for an appointment, a class, a meeting, etc... This may not be true in some other countries, however. An American professor discovered this difference while teaching a class in a Brazilian university. The two-hour class was scheduled to begin at 10 a.m, and end at 12 a.m. On the first day, when the professor arrived on time, no one was in the classroom. Many students came after 11 a.m. Although all of the students greeted the professor as they arrived, few apologised for their lateness. Were these students being rude? He decided to study the students’ behavior.

In American university, students are expected to arrive at the appointed hour. On the other hand, in Brazil, neither the teacher nor the students always arrive at the appointed hour. Classes not only begin at the scheduled time in the United States, but they also end at the scheduled time. In the Brazilian class, only a few students left the class at noon, many remained past 12:30 to discuss the class and ask more questions. While arriving late may not be important in Brazil, neither is staying late.

The explanation for these differences is complicated. People from Brazilian and North American cultures have different feelings about lateness. In Brazil, the students believe that a person who usually arrives late is probably more successful than a person who is always on time. In fact, Brazilians expect a person with status or prestige to arrive late, while in the United States, lateness is usually considered to be disrespectful and unacceptable. Consequently, if a Brazilian is late for an appointment with a North America, the American may misinterpret the reason for the lateness and become angry.

As a result for his study, the professor learned that the Brazilian students were not being disrespectful to him. Instead, they were simply behaving the appropriate way for a Brazilian student in Brazil. Eventually, the professor was able to adapt his own behavior to feel comfortable in the new culture.

All of these following sentences are true for the first day of the professor in Brazil EXCEPT

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Đáp án B

Tất cả các ý sau là đúng khi nói về ngày đầu làm việc của vị giáo sư ở Brazil, ngoại trừ______
A. Rất nhiều học sinh đến sau 11 giờ.
B. Ông ấy đến lớp muộn.
C. Giờ học theo lịch bắt đầu từ 10 giờ sáng và kết thúc vào 12 giờ trưa.
D. Tất cả học sinh chào ông ấy khi họ đến lớp.

Câu 40:


Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 35 to 42.

In the United States, it is important to be on time, or punctual, for an appointment, a class, a meeting, etc... This may not be true in some other countries, however. An American professor discovered this difference while teaching a class in a Brazilian university. The two-hour class was scheduled to begin at 10 a.m, and end at 12 a.m. On the first day, when the professor arrived on time, no one was in the classroom. Many students came after 11 a.m. Although all of the students greeted the professor as they arrived, few apologised for their lateness. Were these students being rude? He decided to study the students’ behavior.

In American university, students are expected to arrive at the appointed hour. On the other hand, in Brazil, neither the teacher nor the students always arrive at the appointed hour. Classes not only begin at the scheduled time in the United States, but they also end at the scheduled time. In the Brazilian class, only a few students left the class at noon, many remained past 12:30 to discuss the class and ask more questions. While arriving late may not be important in Brazil, neither is staying late.

The explanation for these differences is complicated. People from Brazilian and North American cultures have different feelings about lateness. In Brazil, the students believe that a person who usually arrives late is probably more successful than a person who is always on time. In fact, Brazilians expect a person with status or prestige to arrive late, while in the United States, lateness is usually considered to be disrespectful and unacceptable. Consequently, if a Brazilian is late for an appointment with a North America, the American may misinterpret the reason for the lateness and become angry.

As a result for his study, the professor learned that the Brazilian students were not being disrespectful to him. Instead, they were simply behaving the appropriate way for a Brazilian student in Brazil. Eventually, the professor was able to adapt his own behavior to feel comfortable in the new culture.

The word "rude" is closest in meaning to __________ .

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Đáp án D

  (to) be rude = (to) be impolite: thiếu lịch sự, bất nhã

Câu 41:


Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 35 to 42.

In the United States, it is important to be on time, or punctual, for an appointment, a class, a meeting, etc... This may not be true in some other countries, however. An American professor discovered this difference while teaching a class in a Brazilian university. The two-hour class was scheduled to begin at 10 a.m, and end at 12 a.m. On the first day, when the professor arrived on time, no one was in the classroom. Many students came after 11 a.m. Although all of the students greeted the professor as they arrived, few apologised for their lateness. Were these students being rude? He decided to study the students’ behavior.

In American university, students are expected to arrive at the appointed hour. On the other hand, in Brazil, neither the teacher nor the students always arrive at the appointed hour. Classes not only begin at the scheduled time in the United States, but they also end at the scheduled time. In the Brazilian class, only a few students left the class at noon, many remained past 12:30 to discuss the class and ask more questions. While arriving late may not be important in Brazil, neither is staying late.

The explanation for these differences is complicated. People from Brazilian and North American cultures have different feelings about lateness. In Brazil, the students believe that a person who usually arrives late is probably more successful than a person who is always on time. In fact, Brazilians expect a person with status or prestige to arrive late, while in the United States, lateness is usually considered to be disrespectful and unacceptable. Consequently, if a Brazilian is late for an appointment with a North America, the American may misinterpret the reason for the lateness and become angry.

As a result for his study, the professor learned that the Brazilian students were not being disrespectful to him. Instead, they were simply behaving the appropriate way for a Brazilian student in Brazil. Eventually, the professor was able to adapt his own behavior to feel comfortable in the new culture.

It can be inferred from the passage that _________.

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Đáp án D

Ta có thể suy ra từ đoạn văn rằng_______
A. Phần lớn sinh viên Mỹ đến lớp sau khi giờ học đã bắt đầu.
B. Phần lớn sinh viên Brazil rời lớp ngay khi hết tiết.
C. Sinh viên Brazil thường đến trễ về sớm.
D. Đối với đa số người Mỹ, trễ giờ là việc không thể chấp nhận.

Câu gần cuối đoạn 3 có ý: “in the United States, lateness is usually considered to be disrespectful and unacceptable.”

“tại Mỹ, việc trễ giờ được đánh giá là thiếu tôn trọng và không thể chấp nhận được.”

Các đáp án còn lại:
A. sai vì sinh viên Mỹ coi trọng sự đúng giờ.
B, C sai vì sinh viên Brazil thường đến muộn và ở lại muộn sau khi hết tiết.

Câu 42:


Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 35 to 42.

In the United States, it is important to be on time, or punctual, for an appointment, a class, a meeting, etc... This may not be true in some other countries, however. An American professor discovered this difference while teaching a class in a Brazilian university. The two-hour class was scheduled to begin at 10 a.m, and end at 12 a.m. On the first day, when the professor arrived on time, no one was in the classroom. Many students came after 11 a.m. Although all of the students greeted the professor as they arrived, few apologised for their lateness. Were these students being rude? He decided to study the students’ behavior.

In American university, students are expected to arrive at the appointed hour. On the other hand, in Brazil, neither the teacher nor the students always arrive at the appointed hour. Classes not only begin at the scheduled time in the United States, but they also end at the scheduled time. In the Brazilian class, only a few students left the class at noon, many remained past 12:30 to discuss the class and ask more questions. While arriving late may not be important in Brazil, neither is staying late.

The explanation for these differences is complicated. People from Brazilian and North American cultures have different feelings about lateness. In Brazil, the students believe that a person who usually arrives late is probably more successful than a person who is always on time. In fact, Brazilians expect a person with status or prestige to arrive late, while in the United States, lateness is usually considered to be disrespectful and unacceptable. Consequently, if a Brazilian is late for an appointment with a North America, the American may misinterpret the reason for the lateness and become angry.

As a result for his study, the professor learned that the Brazilian students were not being disrespectful to him. Instead, they were simply behaving the appropriate way for a Brazilian student in Brazil. Eventually, the professor was able to adapt his own behavior to feel comfortable in the new culture.

The word "misinterpret" is closest in meaning to____________

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Đáp án C

Câu 43:


Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions.

Public education is so good in European countries that there is almost no demand for private schools

Xem đáp án

Đáp án B.

Nghĩa câu gốc: Giáo dục công lập ở các nước châu Âu tốt đến nỗi mà người ta hầu như không có nhu cầu cho các trường tư.

Đáp án B là nghĩa tương tự sát nhất: Hầu như không ai gửi con đến học trường tư ở châu Âu hết vì trường công ở đấy rất xuất sắc.

Các đáp án còn lại sai nghĩa gốc:

A. People still send their children to private schools in Europe although the public education system is excellent: Mọi người vẫn gửi con đến các trường tư ở châu Âu mặc dù hệ thống giáo dục công lập rất tuyệt vời.

C. Even the excellence of public education in Europe does not stop people from sending their children to private schools: Ngay cả sự xuất sắc của giáo dục công lập ở châu Âu cũng không ngăn cản mọi người gửi con đến trường tư.

D. In Europe, there is no reason for parents to send their children to private schools because state schools are so good: Ở châu Âu, không có lý do gì để phụ huynh gửi con đến trường tư vì trường nhà nước rất tốt.

Câu 44:


Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions.

“We lost the last battle because of the player 11.” Said the team captain.

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Đáp án A.

Câu gốc: Đội trưởng nói: Chúng ta thua trận cuối cùng vìtuyển thủ số 11 Đó là một câu mang sắc thái đổ lỗi. Câu Dtruyền đạt sai nghĩa gốc. Câu A đúng:

A. Đội trưởng đổ lỗi cho cầu thủ 11 vì thất bại của họ trong trận cuối cùng.

B. The team captain admitted to the player 11 that they had lost the last battle. Đội trưởng thừa nhận với tuyển thủ số 11 rằng họ đã thua trận cuối cùng.

C. The team captain refused to tell the player 11 about their loss in the last battle. Đội trưởng đã từ chối nói với tuyển thủ số 11 về thất bại của họ trong trận cuối cùng.

D. The team captain said that without the player 11, they might have lost the battle. Đội trưởng nói rằng nếu không có tuyển thủ số 11, họ đã có thể thua trận này

Câu 45:


Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions.

They recommend that the hotel should be redecorated.

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Đáp án B

Dịch câu gốc: Họ đề nghị nên trang trí lại khách sạn.

Đáp án B có nghĩa sát nhất: Khách sạn được đề nghị trang trí lại.

Các đáp án còn lại truyền đạt sai nghĩa gốc:

A. The hotel is recommended to have redecorated. Khách sạn được đề nghị trang trí lại. (sai ngữ pháp)

C. The hotel should be recommended to be redecorated. Khách sạn nên được đề nghị trang trí lại.

D. The hotel was recommended to be redecorated. Khách sạn được đề nghị trang trí lại.

Câu 46:


Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlinedpart that needs correction in each of the following questions

According to (A) geological discoveries (B) 4.6-billion-years life span of our planet (C) isdivided (D) into four time intervals called eras.

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Đáp án B

4.6-billion -years => 4.6-billion-year

Ở đây, “ 4.6-billion-year” là tính từ kép nên sau “year” không có “s”

Dịch nghĩa: Theo các khám phá địa chất, 4,6 tỷ năm tuổi thọ của hành tinh chúng ta được chia thành bốn khoảng thời gian gọi là thời đại.

Câu 47:


Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlinedpart that needs correction in each of the following questions

They are (A) planning (B) on attending the convention _______ next month, (C) and (D) so I am.

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Đáp án D

So I am => So am I

So + auxiliary + S: cũng thế

  Dịch nghĩa: Họ đang lên kế hoạch tham dự hội nghị vào tháng sau, và tôi cũng thế.

Câu 48:


Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlinedpart that needs correction in each of the following questions

Air pollution, together (A) with littering, (B) have been causing (C) many problems (D) in our large, industrial cities in the last few years.

Xem đáp án

Đáp án B

have been => has been

Các danh từ nối nhau bằng “together with” thì chia động từ theo danh từ phía trước.

  Dịch nghĩa: Ô nhiễm không khí, cùng với rác rưởi, đã gây ra nhiều vấn đề trong các thành phố công nghiệp lớn của chúng ta trong vài năm gần đây.

Câu 49:


Mark the letter A, B, c or D on your answ er sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following questions.

Mr Andy is repairing the refrigerator in the kitchen at the moment.

Xem đáp án

Đáp án C

Giải thích: trong câu bị động, trạng từ chỉ thời gian đứng trước, by + chủ ngữ đứng sau.

Dịch nghĩa: Ông Andy đang sửa cái tủ lạnh trong phòng bếp ngay lúc này.

Câu 50:


Mark the letter A, B, c or D on your answ er sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following questions.

John does a lot of exercise. He’s still very fat.

Xem đáp án

Đáp án C

John tập thể dục rất nhiều. Anh ấy vẫn rất béo.

A. Mặc dù tập thể dục nhiều, John vẫn rất béo.

B. Joe tập thể dục rất nhiều, vì vậy anh ấy rất béo.

C. Mặc dù John tập luyện rất nhiều nhưng anh ấy rất béo.

D. John rất mập, nhưng anh ấy tập luyện rất nhiều.

Bắt đầu thi ngay