Nghị quyết 81/2023/QH15 về Quy hoạch tổng thể quốc gia thời kỳ 2021-2030, tầm nhìn đến năm 2050 do Quốc hội ban hành
Số hiệu: | 81/2023/QH15 | Loại văn bản: | Nghị quyết |
Nơi ban hành: | Quốc hội | Người ký: | Vương Đình Huệ |
Ngày ban hành: | 09/01/2023 | Ngày hiệu lực: | 23/02/2023 |
Ngày công báo: | 02/02/2023 | Số công báo: | Từ số 311 đến số 312 |
Lĩnh vực: | Xây dựng - Đô thị | Tình trạng: | Còn hiệu lực |
Định hướng sử dụng đất quốc gia thời kỳ 2021-2030, tầm nhìn 2050
Quốc hội thông qua Nghị quyết 81/2023/QH15 ngày 09/01/2023 về Quy hoạch tổng thể quốc gia thời kỳ 2021-2030, tầm nhìn đến năm 2050.
Trong đó có nội dung định hướng sử dụng đất quốc gia, đơn cử như:
- Việc xác định chỉ tiêu sử dụng đất phải phù hợp với nhu cầu sử dụng đất, tránh lãng phí trong phân bổ, quản lý;
Sử dụng hiệu quả nguồn lực đất đai để thực hiện các mục tiêu phát triển kinh tế - xã hội, bảo đảm quốc phòng, an ninh, gắn với bảo vệ môi trường, thích ứng với biến đổi khí hậu.
Bố trí quỹ đất đáp ứng yêu cầu phát triển hệ thống kết cấu hạ tầng đồng bộ, bảo đảm kết nối không gian phát triển liên ngành, liên vùng, các hành lang kinh tế và các vùng động lực phát triển của quốc gia, tạo bước đột phá nhằm đáp ứng yêu cầu phát triển của đất nước;
Nhất là về giao thông, năng lượng và hạ tầng số, tăng cường kết nối với khu vực và thế giới.
Ưu tiên quỹ đất đáp ứng nhu cầu ngày càng cao về giáo dục, y tế, xã hội, văn hóa, thể dục, thể thao, nhà ở xã hội, nhà ở cho công nhân khu công nghiệp.
Bảo đảm quỹ đất cho mục đích quốc phòng, an ninh.
Xem chi tiết nội dung tại Nghị quyết 81/2023/QH15 ngày 09/01/2023.
Văn bản tiếng việt
Nghị quyết số: 81/2023/QH15 |
Hà Nội, ngày 09 tháng 01 năm 2023 |
Căn cứ Hiến pháp nước Cộng hòa xã hội chủ nghĩa Việt Nam;
Căn cứ Luật Tổ chức Quốc hội số 57/2014/QH13 đã được sửa đổi, bổ sung một số điều theo Luật số 65/2020/QH14;
Căn cứ Luật Quy hoạch số 21/2017/QH14;
Căn cứ Nghị quyết số 61/2022/QH15 ngày 16 tháng 6 năm 2022 của Quốc hội về tiếp tục tăng cường hiệu lực, hiệu quả thực hiện chính sách, pháp luật về quy hoạch và một số giải pháp tháo gỡ khó khăn, vướng mắc, đẩy nhanh tiến độ lập và nâng cao chất lượng quy hoạch thời kỳ 2021 - 2030;
Sau khi xem xét Tờ trình số 506/TTr-CP ngày 27 tháng 12 năm 2022 của Chính phủ về Quy hoạch tổng thể quốc gia thời kỳ 2021 - 2030, tầm nhìn đến năm 2050; Báo cáo số 1539/BC-UBKT15 ngày 04 tháng 01 năm 2023 của Ủy ban Kinh tế của Quốc hội thẩm tra Hồ sơ Quy hoạch tổng thể quốc gia thời kỳ 2021 - 2030, tầm nhìn đến năm 2050; Báo cáo số 399/BC-UBTVQH15 ngày 08 tháng 01 năm 2023 của Ủy ban Thường vụ Quốc hội về tiếp thu, chỉnh lý và giải trình ý kiến đại biểu Quốc hội về Quy hoạch tổng thể quốc gia thời kỳ 2021 - 2030, tầm nhìn đến năm 2050 và ý kiến của các vị đại biểu Quốc hội;
Nghị quyết này được Quốc hội nước Cộng hòa xã hội chủ nghĩa Việt Nam khóa XV, kỳ họp bất thường lần thứ 2 thông qua ngày 09 tháng 01 năm 2023.
(Kèm theo Nghị quyết số 81/2023/QH15 ngày 09 tháng 01 năm 2023 của Quốc hội)
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Dự án |
Phân kỳ thực hiện |
Giai đoạn 2021 - 2030 |
Giai đoạn 2031-2050 |
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Đường bộ cao tốc Bắc - Nam phía Đông |
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Đường bộ cao tốc Bắc - Nam phía Tây |
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Đường bộ cao tốc Đông - Tây |
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Cảng hàng không quốc tế Long Thành |
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Đường vành đai vùng Thủ đô Hà Nội, vành đai Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh |
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Đường sắt tốc độ cao Bắc - Nam |
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Đường sắt đô thị Hà Nội, đường sắt đô thị Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh |
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Các tuyến đường sắt kết nối với cảng biển cửa ngõ quốc tế |
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Resolution No. 81/2023/QH15 |
Hanoi, January 9, 2023 |
Pursuant to the Constitution of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam;
Pursuant to the Law on National Assembly Organization No. 57/2014/QH13 of which several Articles are amended and supplemented by the Law No. 65/2020/QH14;
Pursuant to the Law on Planning No. 21/2017/QH14;
Pursuant to the Resolution No. 61/2022/QH15 dated June 16, 2022 of the National Assembly on continued strengthening of effectiveness and efficiency of the implementation of planning policies and laws, and a number of measures to handle issues and problems, speed up the formulation and improve the quality of the planning for 2021 – 2030;
In light of the Government's Proposal No. 506/TTr-CP dated December 27, 2022 on the National Master Plan for 2021 - 2030 with vision for 2050; the Report No. 1539/BC-UBKT15 dated January 4, 2023 of the National Assembly's Economic Committee regarding the review of the Dossier on National Master Plan for 2021 - 2030 with vision for 2050; the Report No. 399/BC-UBTVQH15 dated January 8, 2023 of the National Assembly’s Standing Committee on entertaining, revising and responding to the opinions of National Assembly deputies on the National Master Plan for 2021 - 2030 with vision for 2050, and opinions of National Assembly deputies;
herein RESOLVES as follows:
Article 1. Title and scope of the Plan
1. Title: National Master Plan for 2021 – 2030 with vision scheduled for 2050 (hereinafter referred to as “Plan”).
2. Scope: The Plan covers all sovereign territories of Vietnam, including land, islands, archipelagoes, entrails of the earth, waters and airspace.
Article 2. Development perspectives, vision, goals and key tasks in the planning period
1. Development perspectives and spatial organization for development for 2021 - 2030
a) Development perspectives
- Extensive, rapid and sustainable development relies mainly on science, technology, creative innovation, digital transformation, green transformation, and development of the circular economy.
- Maximizing national, regional and local advantages; ensuring that economic development is in harmony with cultural and social development, environmental protection, adaptation to climate change, and maintenance of national defense and security.
- Reform and enhancement of the quality of the socialist-oriented market economy institution with a view to ensuring that it is complete, consistent, modern, and integrative; and effective and efficient law enforcement must serve as the prerequisites to promotion of the national development. The market must play a key role in mobilizing, allocating and efficiently using resources. Rapidly and harmoniously developing economic sectors and business types; developing the private sector so that it is indeed an important driving force for the entire economy.
- Arousing the aspiration to develop a prosperous and well-being country that has the will to become self-reliant, and promoting the strength of the great national unity bloc. Making the most of the human factor; regarding people as the center, the subject, resource, and goal of development; all policies should be aimed at improving people's material, spiritual life and happiness; considering culture as a pillar in sustainable development, and accepting cultural values and Vietnamese people as the important foundation and intrinsic strength to ensure sustainable development.
- Building an independent and self-reliant economy must be based on technological mastery; proactive and active international integration; market diversification; and strengthening of adaptability and resilience of the economy. National industrial capacity must be built in order to participate effectively and improve the position of our country in the global value chain. Drawing upon the intrinsic force should be regarded as fundamental, strategic, long-term, and a decisive factor. Meanwhile, the extrinsic force and power of the times should serve as the important and breakthrough factor;
b) Perspectives in spatial organization for development
- The national development space must be effectively and consistently organized on a national scale, ensuring intra-regional, inter-regional, regional and international linkages associated with exploiting the comparative advantages of the entire country, each region and each locality in a region in order to effectively mobilize, allocate and use resources, and improve national competitiveness.
- Allowing the focused and targeted development to be directed towards a number of areas having favorable conditions in terms of geographical location, economic and social infrastructure, high-quality human resources, potentials and other advantages so as to create dynamic regions, economic corridors, growth poles, bringing about a pervasive effect to encourage the country's economy to develop rapidly, effectively and sustainably; at the same time, having mechanisms, policies and resources suitable to the conditions of the economy to ensure social security, provide public services to disadvantaged areas, especially healthcare, education services, in the expectation of gradually bridging the development gap between disadvantaged and advantaged areas.
- Efficiently and economically using natural resources, especially land, water, forest, sea and other mineral resources; ensuring energy security, food security, water source security; developing green economy, circular economy; protecting environment, conserving the nature and improving biodiversity quality; proactively preventing and controlling natural disasters, and adapting to climate change.
- Spatial organization for development of the whole country, regions, economic corridors, and cities or urban areas must be associated with development of consistent, gradual modernization of infrastructure, and harmonious development of urban and rural areas.
- The national development space must be organized in a way that links the mainland with the marine space; ensures effective management, exploitation and use of underground space, waters and airspace. Making an effective use of digital resources and space. Attaching importance to connecting domestic economic corridors with regional and international economic corridors. Closely and harmoniously combining economic, cultural and social development with firmly safeguarding national independence, sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity; consolidating and enhancing national defense and security potentials.
2. Vision scheduled for 2050
Becoming a developed and high-income country with a complete, synchronous, modern socialist-oriented market economic institution, and an equitable, democratic and civilized society; with its society that is governed on a complete digital social platform. The country’s economy is expected to operate according to the mode of digital economy, green economy, or circular economy with science, technology and innovation that serve as a key growth engine. Vietnam will become one of the leading industrialized countries in Asia; be a regional and international financial center; be developed into one of the world-leading high-value agroecological economies. In addition, Vietnam is expected to become a strong maritime country, and a center for marine economy in the Asia-Pacific region; actively and responsibly participate in settlement of international and regional issues relating to the sea and ocean.
The country’s population will enjoy high-quality social services; sustainable social security benefits; diverse and professional social assistance services that are able to provide timely support and protection for the vulnerable. The nation's fine cultural values and identities are preserved, upheld and unified in a diversified manner; the nation’s cultural industry will thrive, creating cultural products and services that are well-branded, prestigious and have their influence in the region and world.
The nation’s infrastructure will be made modern and consistent, and effectively adapt to sea level rise and climate change impacts. The country’s regions aim for harmonious and sustainable development, as well as effective exploitation of their potentials and strengths.
The nation’s cities and urban areas will be connected to create a synchronous and unified network that is resistant and adaptable to climate change; will have the signature style of architecture, be culturally rich, green, civilized, modern and smart. Building at least 5 cities of international class that serve as convergence and development hubs with regional and international urban networks.
The nation’s rural areas will become modern with living conditions leveling with those of urban areas, and green, clean, beautiful and culturally rich living environment.
The nation's environment will be of good quality; the nation’s society will be in harmony with the nature; the nation will be effectively developed into a low carbon economy; the nation will strive to achieve the target of net-zero emission as quickly as possible by 2050. The capacity for forecasting and warning of natural disasters, monitoring climate change, and managing disaster risks will be on a level with that of other countries.
The growth rate of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) during the period of 2031 - 2050 is expected to increase by about 6.5% - 7% on average. By 2050, it is expected that GDP per capita at the current price will reach about 27,000 - 32,000 USD; the urbanization rate will reach 70% - 75%; human development index (HDI) will reach 0.8 or higher; the population lead happy lives; national defense and security will be firmly sustained.
3. Development objectives to be achieved by 2030
a) Overall objectives
By 2030, striving to be a developing country with the modern industry, high average income, economic growth based on science, technology, innovation and digital transformation; an effective, unified and sustainable spatial organization model for national development that helps develop dynamic regions, economic corridors, growth poles, and has a synchronous and modern basic infrastructure network; ensuring major balances, improving the resilience of the economy; ensuring energy security, food security and water source security; protecting ecological environment, adapting to climate change; holistically developing human resources, improving the people's material and spiritual life; maintaining national defense and security; raising Vietnam's position and prestige in the international arena;
b) Specific goals and indicators
- Regarding economy: striving for the average GDP growth rate of the whole country to reach about 7.0%/year in the period of 2021 - 2030. By 2030, GDP per capita at the current price will reach about USD 7,500. The participation of the service sector in GDP is expected to reach over 50%; the industry - construction sector, over 40%, the agriculture, forestry and fishery sector, less than 10%. The average growth rate of social labor productivity is expected to be over 6.5%/year. The contribution rate of total factor productivity (TFP) to growth is expected to reach about 50%.
Exploiting the advantages of each socio-economic region; focusing on developing two dynamic regions in the North and the South, associated with two growth poles, Hanoi capital and Ho Chi Minh city, North-South economic corridor, Lao Cai - Hanoi - Hai Phong - Quang Ninh economic corridor, and Moc Bai - Ho Chi Minh City - Bien Hoa - Vung Tau economic corridor with synchronous and modern infrastructure, high growth rate, and great contributions to the overall development of the country.
Developing a sustainable network of cities; ensuring the urbanization rate will reach over 50%; striving for 3 - 5 cities that are of regional and international class. Building new rural areas that develop in all aspects, sustainably, and in line with urbanization goals and objectives; ensuring that the percentage of communes meeting prescribed standards of new rural areas will be over 90%, including 50% of the communes meeting the advanced standards of new rural areas.
Robustly developing digital and data infrastructure with the aim of serving as a foundation for national digital transformation, and developing digital government, digital economy and digital society; expecting that the digital economy will account for about 30% of GDP.
- Regarding society: Sustainably maintaining the replacement level fertility rate (on average, 2.1 children per each woman of reproductive age); expecting that the population will reach about 105 million people. HDI is expected to remain above 0.7. The average life expectancy will be 75 years, including at least 68 years of the healthy life expectancy. The share of agricultural workers in the total social labor will drop to less than 20%. Improving the quality of jobs; keeping the unemployment rate at a reasonable level. The floor area of residential housing on average per capita in urban areas is expected to be 32 m2. The average tree cover per an urban dweller is expected to reach about 8-10 m2. The ratio of land intended for road construction to urban construction land is expected to be about 16-26%.
Developing the education system of Vietnam so that it will be as advanced as others in the region and is ranked one of the top 10 countries with the best higher education system in Asia. The ratio of students enrolled in higher education programs will be 260 per ten thousand people. Trained workers who hold academic qualification or certificates are expected to account for 35% - 40%.
Improving the quality of health services on par with that in advanced countries in the region. Developing a national network of medical facilities meeting the requirements concerning health care, protection and improvement for the entire population that is directed towards the goals of equity, quality, efficiency and international integration. By 2030, expecting that there will be 35 hospital beds and 19 doctors per 10,000 people; the rate of private hospital beds will reach 15%.
Building a healthy cultural environment in all aspects of social life. Developing a network of national cultural establishments that can succeed in fulfilling the task of preserving and promoting national cultural values and identities, and encouraging the development of the cultural industry. Striving to ensure that 100% of provincial-level administrative units will have all three types of cultural institutions, including cultural centers or culture-art centers, museums and libraries.
- Regarding environment: Forest cover rate will stably stand at 42%; improving the quality of forests; increasing the size of nature reserves; protecting and restoring important natural ecosystems; improving the quality of biodiversity; expecting that the measurement of marine and coastal conservation zones will reach 3-5% of the natural size of territorial waters; ensuring that the size of terrestrial nature reserves will reach 3 million ha.
The rate of domestic solid waste in urban areas collected and treated according to prescribed standards and regulations is expected to reach 95%, including about 50% thereof treated through circular economy models; the rate of domestic solid waste in rural areas collected and treated according to prescribed standards and regulations is expected to reach 90%; the rate of domestic solid waste in urban areas treated by using the burial or landfilling method is expected to decrease to 10% compared to total amount of collected waste; the rate of organic waste recycling is expected to reach 100% in urban areas and 70% in rural areas. The rate of hazardous waste collected, transported and treated according to prescribed standards and regulations is expected to reach 98%, including 100% of medical waste to be treated. The rate of treated or reused wastewater discharged into river basins is expected to reach over 70%. Reducing greenhouse gas emissions in all sectors and industries to strive to achieve the national target of reducing net emissions to "zero" by 2050 as quickly as possible.
- Regarding infrastructure development: Basically completing the national infrastructure framework, including North-South road traffic axes (Eastern North-South expressway, some sections of the Western North-South expressway, coastal roads), and important East-West traffic axes; striving to construct about 5,000 km of expressways; building gateway seaports having international transshipment functions, large international airports, railway routes connected with major seaports, and urban rail transit systems; striving to build a number of express railway sections on the North-South route; developing energy infrastructure, information technology, large cities, and irrigation infrastructure; and ensuring environmental protection, natural disaster prevention and control, and adaptation to climate change. Minimizing logistics costs and expenses.
- Regarding national defence and security: Firmly upholding national independence, sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity; closely and harmoniously combine economic, cultural and social development with consolidation of national defense and security; maintaining a peaceful environment, political stability; ensuring social order and safety.
4. Key missions in the planning period
a) Basically creating a national infrastructure framework with more emphasis on transport infrastructure; urban infrastructure; rural infrastructure; energy infrastructure; digital infrastructure; cultural and social infrastructure; irrigation infrastructure; ensuring environmental protection, natural disaster prevention and control, and adaptation to climate change;
b) Accelerating the restructuring of economic sectors, together with innovation of the growth model on the basis of productivity improvement, application of scientific and technological advances and creative innovation. Prioritizing the development of a number of industries and sectors with potentials, advantages and great room for development, associated with new development spaces;
c) Developing key important national dynamic regions and growth poles that can function as a flagship leading the growth of the whole country. Selecting a number of geographical areas, urban areas, or regions having special advantages to build economic, financial centers, or administrative-economic units with special or disruptive institutions, mechanisms, and policies that help increase international competitiveness. Additionally, adopting appropriate mechanisms, policies and resources to ensure social security; gradually develop ethnic minority and mountainous areas, border areas and islands; and contribute to political stability, and maintain national defense and security;
d) Creating and developing economic corridors along the North-South axis route, East-West economic corridors, coastal economic belts; effectively connecting major seaports, airports, international border gates, trade hubs, cities, economic centers, and growth poles; making effective connections with economic corridors in the region and the world. Developing industrial production - urban - service belts in dynamic regions and major urban areas.
Article 3. Socio-economic spatial planning
1. Division of socio-economic regions; regional development and linkage planning
a) Division of socio-economic regions
Organizing the space for national development into 06 socio-economic regions; building organizational models and region coordination mechanisms to implement intra-regional linkages and promote linkages between regions, and promoting the effective use of resources.
- Northern Midlands and Mountains region, including 14 provinces: Ha Giang, Cao Bang, Lang Son, Bac Giang, Phu Tho, Thai Nguyen, Bac Kan, Tuyen Quang, Lao Cai, Yen Bai, Lai Chau, Son La, Dien Bien and Hoa Binh.
- Red River Delta region, including 11 provinces and centrally-run cities: Hanoi, Hai Phong, Hai Duong, Hung Yen, Vinh Phuc, Bac Ninh, Thai Binh, Nam Dinh, Ha Nam, Ninh Binh and Quang Ninh.
- North Central and Central Coast region, including 14 provinces and centrally-run cities: Thanh Hoa, Nghe An, Ha Tinh, Quang Binh, Quang Tri, Thua Thien Hue, Da Nang, Quang Nam, Quang Ngai, Binh Dinh, Phu Yen, Khanh Hoa, Ninh Thuan and Binh Thuan.
- Central Highlands region, including 5 provinces: Kon Tum, Gia Lai, Dak Lak, Dak Nong and Lam Dong.
- Southeast region, including 6 provinces and centrally-run cities: Ho Chi Minh City, Dong Nai, Ba Ria - Vung Tau, Binh Duong, Binh Phuoc and Tay Ninh.
- Mekong Delta region, including 13 provinces and centrally-run cities: Can Tho, Long An, Tien Giang, Ben Tre, Tra Vinh, Vinh Long, An Giang, Dong Thap, Kien Giang, Hau Giang, Soc Trang, Bac Lieu and Ca Mau;
b) Regional development and linkage planning
- Northern Midlands and Mountains region: Striving to reach about 8 - 9%/year in the Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP). Aiming for the green, sustainable and comprehensive development of the region. Focusing on protecting natural forests, special-use forests, watershed protection forests, and restoring forests associated with ensuring water source security and developing a sustainable forestry economy, as well as improving the lives of forest farmers. Effectively extracting and exploiting mineral resources. Developing processing, manufacturing and energy industries; high-tech, organic, specialty crop agriculture, expanding fruit tree and medicinal herb cropping areas. Developing the border economy. Setting up tourist centers and tourism products having particular characteristics of the region.
Creating and developing intra-regional and inter-regional economic corridors; connecting the region with major economic centers of the Red River Delta; focusing on developing Bac Giang - Thai Nguyen - Vinh Phuc - Phu Tho industrial belt to become the growth engine for the whole region. Building expressways and roads connecting localities with expressways, roads in border belts, and important national highways connecting localities in the region. Considering investment in, and upgrading certain airports in the region. Building railway lines from Lao Cai and Lang Son to Hanoi and Hai Phong.
- Red River Delta Region: Striving to reach about 9%/year on average in the Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP). Making the Red River Delta region become one of the top growth engines that can play the role of orienting and guiding the process of restructuring the economy and transforming the growth model of the country. Paying attention to developing modern industries and services, including electronics; software industry; artificial intelligence; automobile industry; supporting industries; commercial, financial, banking, tourism, telecommunications, high-quality training, and specialized healthcare services. Developing the region into a modern service center of Southeast Asia. Promoting the role of a leading training center for high-quality human resources in the country, and focusing on making a number of key training disciplines reach the regional and world level. Building innovation centers, and pioneering science and technology development. Developing high-tech, clean and organic agriculture that is capable of serving the needs of city dwellers. Developing satellite cities to reduce pressure on major cities; economically and efficiently using land resources. Sustainably developing the marine economy oriented towards green growth, conservation of biodiversity and marine ecosystems; continuing to build the Hai Phong - Quang Ninh subregion to become a modern, international-class and leading marine economic center in Southeast Asia. Hanoi will be developed into a globally-connected city on par with the capitals of developed countries in the Southeast Asia region and the world.
Developing intra-regional and inter-regional economic corridors connecting with the Northern Midlands and Mountains region, and the North-South economic corridor within the region’s boundaries; developing the economic belt of the Gulf of Tonkin (Quang Ninh - Hai Phong - Thai Binh - Nam Dinh - Ninh Binh). Building expressways connecting Hanoi with localities inside and outside the region; coastal roads; ring roads No. 4 and No. 5 for Hanoi capital. Conducting researches on construction of new railway lines connecting Hanoi with major seaports and international border gates; on construction of the second airport for Hanoi capital.
- North Central Coast and Central Coast region: Striving to reach about 7% - 7.5%/year on average in the Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP). Robustly developing the marine economy associated with maintaining national defence and security. Improving the efficiency of seaports, coastal economic zones and industrial parks; developing industries, such as petrochemical refineries, metallurgy, mechanical engineering, agro-forestry-fishery processing, renewable energy; building logistics service centers. Developing sea and island tourism, eco-tourism and cultural-historical tourism. Boosting aquaculture, fishery and seafood processing industries, and developing logistics service centers and fisheries infrastructure. Enhancing capacity for natural disaster prevention and control; for proactive and effective response to climate change. Developing the coastal area comprising Thanh Hoa - Nghe An - Ha Tinh into an industrial development center of the region and the whole country.
Building a synchronous and modern traffic network, together with setting up the North-South economic corridor running through localities in the region, and the East-West corridors connected with international border gates, major cities and seaports. Building expressways leading to Central Highlands.
- Central Highlands region: Striving to reach about 7% - 7.5%/year on average in the Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP). Protecting natural forests, special-use forests and watershed protection forests, associated with ensuring water source security. Developing effective agricultural economy on an appropriate scale that can adapt to climate change; improving effectiveness in developing industrial plants, and expanding the area intended for cultivation of fruit trees, medicinal herbs, vegetables and flowers. Developing the forestry economy, and improving the living condition of forest farmers. Promoting development of the agro-forestry product processing and renewable energy industry; fostering the sustainable development of bauxite mining, alumina processing, and aluminum production industries. Developing eco-tourism, convalescence and cultural tourism, associated with preserving and promoting cultural values and identities of the Central Highlands’ ethnic groups.
Developing economic corridors connecting the Central Highlands with the Southeast region; East-West corridors connecting the Central Highlands region with the South Central Coast. Building a network of expressways; upgrading the intra-regional traffic network, and roads connecting with localities in the Southeast region, Southern Laos, and Northeast Cambodia. Conducting study on construction of railway lines through the Central Highlands.
- Southeast region: Striving to reach about 7% - 8.5%/year on average in the Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP). The Southeast region will be developed into a dynamic development region that has the high economic growth rate, and acts as the largest growth engine in the country; a science, technology, creative innovation, high-tech industry, logistics, and international financial center that is quite competitive with others in the Southeast Asia region; will pioneer innovation of the growth model, and digital transformation. Developing modern industrial - service - urban zones and high-tech industrial parks. Building a number of new large-scale centralized information technology parks; establishing a dynamic region for the information technology industry with the aim of attracting investments in manufacturing electrical and electronic products, Internet of Things (IoT) products, and in artificial intelligence. Promoting the development of marine economy, seaport logistics services, oil and gas extraction and processing industry, and service solutions for the oil and gas industry, and developing marine tourism. Improving the efficiency in development of industrial crops, fruit trees, and concentrated animal husbandry, together with crop processing and product branding, and promoting the application of high technologies. The region will be top-ranked nationwide in terms of such domains as culture, society, education, training, and health. Developing a number of large higher education institutions in a focused and concentrated way that are fully capable of training workforce qualified for socio-economic development; reach an advanced level; and are top-ranked in Asia. Developing cultural industry, and premium recreational and entertainment service centers of Southeast-Asia regional and international stature. Basically solving environmental pollution, traffic congestion and inundation issues.
Stimulating linkages, and further promoting cooperation and development through the North-South economic corridor and the Central Highlands-Southeast economic corridor. Developing the industrial – urban chain, Moc Bai - Ho Chi Minh city - Cai Mep - Thi Vai port that is connected with the Trans-Asian economic corridor. Building expressways connecting Ho Chi Minh city with localities inside and outside the region; ring roads No. 3 and No. 4 for Ho Chi Minh city. Building railway lines connecting inner cities to gateway international seaports and airports. Building, operating and commercially using Long Thanh international airport.
- Mekong Delta region: Striving to reach about 6.5% - 7%/year on average in the Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP). The Mekong Delta region will be developed into a sustainable, dynamic and highly effective center for agricultural economy of the whole country, the Southeast Asia region and the world. Focusing on promoting modern and large-scale agricultural commodity production associated with farm product processing and branding; restructuring key products with a view to reducing rice products, and increasing fruit and aquatic products; using agricultural land more flexibly and efficiently. Building a national Innovative Entrepreneurship Center for agriculture in the region. Developing the green and renewable energy industry; attaching importance to development of the agricultural, aquatic and industrial product processing industry supporting agriculture, and supporting industries. Developing the Mekong Delta region into an international brand for agricultural, rural, eco-tourism and marine tourism. Actively adapting to climate change and sea level rise; building water reservoirs, and considering application of measures and construction of facilities to store water in rivers and canals; preventing and combating landslides and saltwater intrusion; protecting mangrove ecosystem. Along the North - South economic corridor, focusing on developing Can Tho - Long An section into the economic - urban - industrial corridor acting as the driving force for development of the entire region. Setting up and developing a number of East-West economic corridors. Making increased investments in infrastructure connecting the region with Ho Chi Minh city and the Southeast region; investing in construction of coastal roads running through provinces in the region; developing inland waterway infrastructure, seaports, and logistics infrastructure; upgrading main channels, including navigable channels for large tonnage ships.
2. Development of national dynamic regions and growth poles
a) Dynamic region of the North (Northern dynamic region)
Developing the Northern dynamic region, including Hanoi city and district-level areas located along National Highway 5 and 18 running through the provinces, such as Bac Ninh, Hung Yen, Hai Duong, Hai Phong city and Quang Ninh province, with Hanoi city that acts as a growth pole. For the period following 2030, continuing to expand the size of the dynamic region.
Building the Northern dynamic region that leads the development of high-quality human resources, science, technology, innovation, digital economy, and digital society; drawing upon the role of an economic, cultural, educational, training, health, science, technology and innovation center of the country. Developing a number of modern and high-quality service sectors; processing and manufacturing industries with high technology content, great added value, and deep participation in the global value chain; developing the center for marine economy with shipping industries and seaport services, sea-island tourism and shipbuilding industries;
b) Dynamic region of the South (Southern dynamic region)
Developing the Southern dynamic region, including Ho Chi Minh city and district-level areas located along National Highways 22, 13, 1 and 51 running through the provinces, such as Binh Duong, Dong Nai, Ba Ria – Vung Tau, with Ho Chi Minh city that acts as a growth pole. For the period following 2030, continuing to expand the size of the dynamic region.
Making the Southern dynamic region lead the whole country and top-ranked in Southeast Asia in terms of economy, finance, trade, services, health, education, training and development of high-quality human resources, science, technology, creative innovation, and digital transformation. Focusing on promoting the development of the innovation ecosystem, taking the lead in transforming the growth model, and building digital economy and digital society. Robustly developing financial, banking, science, technology and logistics services. Attracting investments in high-tech industries, software parks, and artificial intelligence. Developing marine economic sectors, such as logistics services, oil and gas extraction and processing, and marine tourism;
c) Dynamic region of the Central Coast
Creating and developing the dynamic region of the Central Coast, including coastal areas (i.e. district-level areas extended from the Eastern North-South expressway to the sea) located within the provinces and centrally-run cities, such as Thua Thien Hue, Da Nang, Quang Nam, Quang Ngai, with Da Nang city that acts as a growth pole. For the period following 2030, continuing to expand the size of the dynamic region.
Continuing to establish and develop coastal cities, marine tourism and eco-tourism centers of Southeast-Asia regional and international stature; the national center for oil refining and petrochemical industry, automobile industry, auxiliary industries for the mechanical engineering sector, and high-tech parks. Developing seaports and seaport services, infrastructure and logistics service centers for fisheries;
d) Dynamic region of Mekong Delta
Establishing and developing the dynamic region of the Mekong Delta, including Can Tho city, district-level areas of An Giang, Kien Giang, Vinh Long and Dong Thap provinces, attached to areas serving as the connectors of expressways (Can Tho - Vinh Long section of the Eastern North - South expressway, An Huu - Cao Lanh expressway, Cao Lanh - Rach Soi section of the Western North - South expressway), and Phu Quoc city, with Can Tho city that acts as a growth pole. For the period following 2030, keeping on expanding the size of the dynamic region connected to Tran De seaport, Soc Trang province.
Developing the dynamic region of Mekong Delta into a center for services, tourism, logistics, and agriculture-supporting industries. Developing agricultural product processing, mechanical engineering, and chemical industries providing support for agriculture. Setting up agricultural hub centers connected with specialized farming areas; developing the region into a national center for agricultural science and technology and agriculture-supporting services. Developing the marine economy, focusing on making Phu Quoc city (Kien Giang province) become an marine eco-tourism and service center of international stature connected with major economic centers in the Southeast Asia region and the world;
dd) Gradually building and establishing the dynamic region of the Northern Midlands and Mountains region; the North Central region (Thanh Hoa, Nghe An, Ha Tinh) connecting the Central Coast region and the Red River Delta region; the Central Highlands region; the South Central Coast region (Khanh Hoa, Ninh Thuan, Binh Thuan and contiguous areas).
3. Development of economic corridors
a) Prioritized economic corridors to be developed by 2030
- Developing the North-South economic corridor by tapping into the Eastern North-South axis route that connects major dynamic regions, cities and economic centers; makes great contributions to the socio-economic development of the whole country; creates a pervasive effect to foster the development of the coastal strip and the western region of the country, and is connected with the Nanning - Singapore economic corridor. Including the spatial plans and layouts for the development of cities, industrial parks and logistics centers connected with the North-South economic corridor in regional and provincial development plans.
- Developing Lao Cai - Hanoi - Hai Phong - Quang Ninh economic corridor, which serves as the main connector for the Northern dynamic region that connects the Northern Midlands and Mountains region with major economic centers and seaports nationwide, and Kunming - Lao Cai - Hanoi - Hai Phong - Quang Ninh economic corridor; that promotes trade and investment cooperation between localities of Vietnam and the Southwestern region of China.
- Developing Moc Bai - Ho Chi Minh city - Bien Hoa - Vung Tau economic corridor connected to Trans-Asian economic corridor, which functions as the gateway to the sea in the Southeast region, promoting the economic development in the Southeast, Mekong Delta and Central Highlands regions;
b) Gradually establishing and developing economic corridors in the long term
- Forming an economic corridor situated along Ho Chi Minh road and Western North-South expressway running through the Central Highlands and Southeast region (Central Highlands - Southeast economic corridor) in order to promote the regional development, linkage, associated with strengthening national defense and security; to connect areas of industrial crops used as sources of raw materials, and processing industries; to establish links aimed at developing "the green road of the Central Highlands" tours; and to enhance the pervasive effect of cities at the centres of these regions.
- Gradually forming East-West economic corridors
Developing Dien Bien - Son La - Hoa Binh - Hanoi economic corridor that connects the Northwest region with the Red River Delta region, and promotes the socio-economic development of the Northwest region.
Cau Treo - Vung Ang economic corridor will connect localities of Laos with seaports in Ha Tinh and Quang Binh with a view to promoting the socio-economic development of North Central Coast provinces.
Lao Bao - Dong Ha - Da Nang economic corridor will be linked with East - West economic corridor of the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS); will connect the Southern regions of Myanmar, the Central region of Thailand and Laos with seaports of the Central Coast region of Vietnam in the expectation of promoting trade, tourism and investment exchanges between those countries, and developing localities in the North Central Coast and Central Coast regions.
Bo Y - Pleiku - Quy Nhon economic corridor, which serves as the gateway to the sea of Cambodia - Laos - Vietnam Development Triangle area, will connect North Central Highlands provinces with South Central Coast provinces and seaports with a view to promoting the socio-economic development of the Central Highlands and South Central Coast regions.
Chau Doc - Can Tho - Soc Trang economic corridor will be connected with Tran De seaport to facilitate direct import and export trades for the entire Mekong Delta region in the future; will stimulate the development of hub centers in the agriculture, industry and service and logistics related to agriculture in the Mekong Delta region.
Ha Tien - Rach Gia - Ca Mau economic corridor will be connected with the Southern Coast corridor of the Greater Mekong Sub-region (GMS) with the aim of promoting the socio-economic development of the Western Coast of the Mekong Delta region and the entire Mekong Delta region.
Conducting researches on development of Bo Y - Quang Nam - Da Nang economic corridor; Buon Ma Thuot - Khanh Hoa economic corridor; and the economic corridor connecting the South Central Highlands region (including Dak Nong, Lam Dong province) with the South Central Coast region (including Ninh Thuan, Binh Thuan provinces).
4. Protected or restricted territorial areas
a) Protected areas
- Strictly protected areas; ecological restoration zones within the boundaries of nature reserves.
- Core areas of natural heritage sites recognized by international organizations.
- Grade-I protected zones of national historical - cultural relics, or special national historical - cultural relics.
- Watershed protection forests and forests providing protection for water bodies of residential communities;
b) Restricted territorial areas
- Topographical areas of special importance and topographical areas of high importance intended for prioritized national defence uses that are identified in provincial development plans.
- Buffer zones of nature reserves and natural heritage sites recognized by international organizations.
- Important biodiversity corridors, or wetlands.
- Grade-II protected zones of national historical - cultural relics, or special national historical - cultural relics.
- Water body protection corridors.
- Protection forests other than watershed protection forests and forests providing protection for water bodies of residential communities.
- Areas at risk of landslides and flash floods.
Article 4. National urban and rural planning
1. Master plan for urban development
Accelerating the plan-based urbanization and formation of cities or urban areas as a way to create an important driving force for the rapid and sustainable socio-economic development. Improving the quality of urban development in terms of economy, society, infrastructure, housing and people's quality of life. Improving economic competitiveness and integration of cities or urban areas.
Developing sustainable cities in a way that these cities will form a network, and be arranged in a proper, uniform, consistent, and balanced manner amongst regions; developing cities having integrated functions with a view to developing them into green and smart cities adapting to climate change, and meeting natural disaster and epidemic prevention and control requirements. Ensuring connectivity between urban and rural areas. Attaching urban planning and development to transit-oriented development (TOD) planning; focusing on making best use of underground spaces in large cities. Nominating cities with special advantages that will be developed into economic, financial, commercial, service, etc. centers capable of competing with others at the regional and international level. Forming and developing a number of cities and chains of smart cities connected with others in the region and the world. Developing sustainable and eco-friendly cities along the coast and on the island; focusing on developing cities conforming to the principles that heritage, cultural and historical factors are preserved and upheld.
Building and developing Hanoi city, Ho Chi Minh city and other centrally-affiliated cities so that they become dynamic, creative and leading urban centers that create a pervasive effect and make connection between urban areas; are fully capable of competing and integrating with others in the region and the world, and play an important role in the network of cities in Southeast Asia and Asia.
Prioritizing the development of cities connected with economic corridors to make them become central cities whose functions are adapted for each region with a view to widely spreading the development effect. Developing satellite cities of large cities, especially Hanoi city and Ho Chi Minh city.
Developing small and medium-sized cities with close relationship and functions shared with large cities with a view to gradually reducing the growth gap between cities. Focusing on developing small cities and peri-urban areas to support the development of rural areas through urban-rural linkages. Developing specific urban models, such as tourist cities, college or university towns, creative cities, border-gate economic cities, and island cities.
2. Planning for distribution of large cities
a) Hanoi city area: Building an urban system, including Hanoi city and other adjacent cities of neighboring provinces in the Red River Delta and the Northern Midlands and Mountains region, in order to share the functions of education, training, health, economy, science, technology, commerce, service and tourism, and confront overconcentration occurring in Hanoi central city.
Concentrating on developing consistent and modern urban infrastructure and connectivity infrastructure, including axis routes leading from Hanoi to major cities in the region, ring roads No. 4 and No. 5 of Hanoi capital area, urban rail transit systems, and ring railway lines to the East of Hanoi city, with the aim of promoting linkages and spreading the socio-economic development effect across the whole Northern region. Forming industrial, urban and service belts along ring road No. 4 and No. 5 of Hanoi capital area.
Developing Hanoi city into a smart, dynamic, creative and leading city; a flagship in science and technology activities; a center for international transactions, high-quality education, training, healthcare, financial and banking services; an important transport hub in the region and the world. Giving attention to building modern urban infrastructure, especially traffic and drainage facilities that can help to promptly deal with congestion and flooding situations. Speeding up the completion of urban rail transit projects; building more bridges across Red and Duong rivers. Managing and making best use of underground spaces associated with improving the efficiency in urban land use.
Building cities immediately under Hanoi city, and satellite urban areas that have synchronous infrastructure, urban utilities and services, traffic systems providing convenient traffic connections to the center; help to reduce the load for the inner city and expand the development space of Hanoi city;
b) Ho Chi Minh city area: Building an urban system, including Ho Chi Minh city and other adjacent urban areas of neighboring provinces in the Southeast region and localities in the Mekong Delta region, in order to share the functions of service, industry, education, training, health, science, and technology, and confront overconcentration occurring in Ho Chi Minh central city.
Developing consistent and modern urban infrastructure and connectivity infrastructure, including axis routes leading from Ho Chi Minh city to major cities in the region, ring roads No. 3 and No. 4, urban rail transit systems, railway systems connected to airports, and international gateway seaports, with the aim of promoting linkages and spreading the socio-economic development effect across the whole Southern region. Forming industrial - urban - service belts situated along ring roads No.3 and No.4. Developing Long Thanh international gateway airport city.
Ho Chi Minh city will serve as a core urban area, and a development center of the whole region; will rapidly switch to high-quality services, and become a competitive international financial center in the region; will pioneer high-tech industry, science, technology, innovation, education, training, specialized health care, and be an international trade hub. Attaching importance to exploitation of underground spaces associated with effective use of usable land of cities or urban areas. Conducting researches to find a way to tap its potentials and advantages to develop Thu Duc and Can Gio areas into new growth engines for the entire Ho Chi Minh city;
c) Da Nang city area: Developing an urban system, including Da Nang city and neighboring urban areas, into a center for entrepreneurship, creative innovation, tourism, commerce, finance, logistics, high-tech industry, and information technology believe; one of the centers for education, training, high-quality healthcare, science and technology of the whole country; a convention center of regional and international stature. Developing Da Nang city into a growth pole, and an important driving force, contributing to promoting the socio-economic development in the North Central Coast and Central Coast regions, and in the North Central Highlands region;
d) Can Tho city area: Developing an urban system, including Can Tho city, acting as a central city, and adjacent cities, into a center for trade, service, tourism, logistics, processing industry, high-tech agriculture, education, training, specialized health care, science, technology, culture and sports in the whole region. Exploiting the axis route connecting Can Tho - My Thuan - Trung Luong - Ho Chi Minh city to focus on urban development, and spreading development effects to other local areas in the region. Developing Can Tho city into a growth pole that can help to encourage the development of the entire Mekong Delta region.
3. Planning for rural development
Constructing holistic, modern, green, clean and beautiful new rural areas associated with the process of urbanization with a view to ensuring that these rural areas will be furnished with infrastructure and social services that are consistent and almost on par with those of cities or urban areas; preserving and promoting national cultural identities; transforming the rural economic structure and rationally organizing production, continuing to expand and improve the effectiveness in implementation of the “One Commune One Product” (OCOP) program as a way to affording locals sustainable livelihood; ensuring stable rural society, increased intellectual level of locals; maintaining public security and order.
Building population distribution models suitable to each natural ecological region, and cultural, ethnic and socio-economic conditions. Actively relocating and rearranging residential sites within areas at high risk of natural disasters and landslides.
For peri-urban rural areas, accelerating the urbanization process; developing urban agriculture; gradually improving their infrastructure, and developing social services of a quality close to those in cities or urban areas; and forming green or ecological concentrated rural sites. Gradually applying ways of urban development to rural areas.
For rural areas in the northern mountains region, and some rural areas in the Red River Delta and other regions, developing concentrated residential sites of appropriate size connected with cities or urban areas; supporting construction of essential infrastructure for poor, ethnic or mountainous rural areas.
For rural areas within concentrated agricultural production areas in Mekong Delta and Central Highlands regions, planning to develop rural residential areas connected with production areas, monocropping areas, and processing- service clusters that are in harmony with urban areas to ensure basic services to be provided.
Comprehensively and sustainably developing ethnic minority and mountainous areas; exploiting the region’s potentials, effectively drawing upon the region's comparative advantages, protecting environment and living space of ethnic minorities. Closing the growth and income gap between ethnic minorities and mountainous areas, and the entire nation on average.
4. Continuing organization of urban and rural administrative units with a view to ensuring inclusiveness, consistency and conformity with planning and development requirements, as well as adherence to the prescribed standards of administrative units.
Article 5. Marine spatial planning
1. The maritime territory includes coastal land, islands, archipelagos, waters and airspace of Vietnam.
2. Making Vietnam become a country that is recognized to be powerful in terms of its sea, and be enriched by its sea; ensuring sustainable development, prosperity, security and safety on the basis of maximizing potentials and advantages of the sea. Achieving significant breakthroughs in marine economic sectors, especially marine tourism and services; maritime economy; extraction of oil and gas and other marine mineral resources; aquaculture and fishery production; coastal industry; renewable energy and other new marine economic sectors. Forming marine economic clusters involving multiple sectors as well as building strong marine economic centers.
3. Territorial waters will be divided into zones by functional uses, such as protection, conservation, economic development, national defense, security; and will be managed according to zones classified into those where maritime activities are prohibited; those where maritime activities may be performed under statutory conditions; those where maritime activities are incentivised; and those that are given special protection to serve the purposes of national defence, security, environmental protection and ecosystem conservation.
4. Development planning by sea and coastal zones: Developing sea and coastal zones by maximizing comparative advantages in terms of geographical location, natural condition, cultural identity and ecosystem diversity; balancing conservation and development activities. Developing coastal road corridors and chains of coastal cities, and completing construction of infrastructure as a basis for the development of marine economic activities.
a) Northern sea and coastal zone (Quang Ninh - Ninh Binh provinces): Continuing to develop Hai Phong - Quang Ninh area into a marine economic center connected with Lach Huyen international port; developing Quang Ninh province into a national tourism center connected with major international tourist centers of the region and the world; developing Hai Phong city into a modern industrial city, and a center for logistics services and research and application of marine science and technology. Developing a number of marine industries of which advantages are attached to coastal economic zones and industrial zones;
b) North Central Coast and North Central Coast and Central Coast zone (Thanh Hoa - Binh Thuan provinces): Promoting the development of the marine economy associated with maintaining national defence and security. Developing fishery and aquaculture production tied to the processing industry, logistics services and fisheries infrastructure with a view to ensuring sustainability and high efficiency. Improving the effectiveness in development of coastal economic zones. Continuing to establish and develop coastal cities, and centers for marine tourism and ecological tourism of regional and international stature. Developing seaports and seaport services, especially specialized seaports tied to economic zones and industrial parks;
c) Southeastern sea and coastal zone (Ba Ria - Vung Tau province - Ho Chi Minh city): Focusing on developing Cai Mep - Thi Vai port to make it truly become an international transshipment port connected with Trans-Asia economic corridor. Developing seaport logistics services, marine assurance services, oil and gas extraction and processing industries, supporting industries, and services for the gas and oil industry. Building high-quality beach resorts;
d) Southwestern sea and coastal zone (Tien Giang - Ca Mau - Kien Giang provinces): Focusing on developing Phu Quoc city into a strong international marine service and eco-tourism center of international stature. Developing gas industry, gas processing, gas power, renewable energy, aquaculture, fishery production industries, logistics services, and fisheries infrastructure.
5. Planning for development of islands and archipelagos
Promoting economic development of islands in combination with ensuring national defense and security at sea, including Hoang Sa (Paracel) and Truong Sa (Spratly) islands, in accordance with international law and the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea in 1982.
Developing fisheries logistics centers, fishing ports, seaports, storm shelters, search and rescue facilities on some islands. Concentrating on building infrastructure for a number of key populated islands; encouraging economic development activities; developing aquaculture; developing offshore fishery production; developing tourism, seaports, and fishery production on islands; increasing tour routes connecting islands with the mainland; making islands and archipelagos become strongholds defending the country's sovereignty over sea and islands.
6. Allowing for natural factors, impacts of natural disasters and climate change when carrying out sea reclamation activities; minimizing adverse impacts on environment, ecosystem, biodiversity, aquatic resources, natural landscapes, historical-cultural relics and scenic beauties.
Article 6. Planning for airspace development
1. Managing and upholding sovereignty over Vietnam's airspace in accordance with Vietnam’s domestic law and international treaties to which the Socialist Republic of Vietnam is a signatory. Airspace development must stick to the principles of absolute safety, efficiency and harmony between economic development and maintenance of national defense and security.
2. Effectively using and controlling flight information regions of Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh as per laws. Effectively exploiting and optimizing airspace organization and flight modes of airports and airfields in operation, and airports and airfields expected to be upgraded, expanded and built in the planning period.
3. Taking control of heights of obstacles to ensure absolute safety for all airspace operations of designated organizations and authorities in accordance with law; ensuring that licensed heights of construction works on the ground must be absolutely safe for all flight operations, normal operation of airspace management and defence grounds, and aeronautical radio stations in Vietnam under law.
Article 7. Planning for spatial development and distribution of significant sectors
1. Developing an industry with high international competitiveness that is capable of deeply participating in global production networks and value chains; realizing the goal of making Vietnam become a developing country with modern industry and improved autonomy of the economy by 2030. + Focusing on development of several industrial activities to meet the needs for basic production instruments for the economy, including energy, mechanical engineering, metallurgy, chemicals, fertilizers and materials. Prioritizing the development of digital, new and high-tech industries, especially electronics, semiconductor chip production, and biological industry. Attaching importance to developing information technology and manufacturing industries supporting agriculture. Promoting the development of supporting industries; strengthening affiliation between Vietnamese enterprises and foreign-invested enterprises. Developing green industries tied to the model of circular economy, cleaner production, economical and effective use of resources and energy; developing eco-industrial parks and gradually reducing industrial parks, industrial clusters and plants at high risk of causing environmental pollution.
Arranging industrial space to make connections with cities, urban areas and service centers with a view to forming economic corridors and dynamic regions. Expanding the industrial development space to the West of the Eastern North-South expressway, and the midlands to reduce pressure on usable land in the plains, as well as mitigate the impacts of climate change. Developing manufacturing and processing industries tied to raw material and natural resource zones; expanding industrial clusters connected with development centers in rural areas. Distributing industrial zones and clusters that operate on a reasonable scale and according to specialties associated with industrial services; developing specialized industrial complexes in various sectors. Developing modern industrial - service - urban zones; ensuring synchronous connections between industrial parks and the network of technical or social infrastructure.
2. Developing the service sector into a large proportion in the economy according to high quality, efficiency and competitiveness and international integration criteria. Developing domestic trade according to modernity, civilization and sustainability criteria; allowing the sustainable development of international trade in line with the development of industrialization with the aim of maximizing benefits obtained from the globalization process. Attaching importance to branding of Vietnam’s commodities. Developing consistent and modern commercial infrastructure adaptable to the characteristics and conditions of each region. Promoting the e-commerce development.
Building regional and world-class service, commercial, financial and banking centers in large cities, associated with the development of dynamic regions and economic corridors. Developing large logistics centers tied to major international seaports, airports and border gates. Forming dynamic regions for development of tourism, national and regional tourism centers, corridors acting as tourism development hubs to promote and spread tourism development effects across regions and the whole country. Attaching importance to investments in tourism infrastructure with priority given to infrastructure of key national tourist sites; effectively and sustainably exploiting tourism resources; building attractive and highly competitive tourism products, together with growing branded tourism businesses at a regional and international level; focusing on building heritage corridors, and designing tourism products to be offered along these heritage corridors.
3. Developing the modern agriculture according to value chains or industry clusters which is tied to the processing industry, and growing agricultural and rural tourism; implementing the digital transformation and smart farming to promote organizational innovation, and improve the agricultural productivity. Developing a highly competitive agricultural economy which is top-ranked among others in the region and the world; developing commercial production zones, organic monocropping zones, and disease-free concentrated animal farming zones, that operate on an appropriate scale and ensure high productivity based on regional and local advantages; firmly upholding national food security, and adapting to climate change.
Arranging space for the development of agricultural production areas connected to transport and irrigation infrastructure in order to improve the effectiveness in general development, and strengthen the linkage between production, marketing and consumption of products. Developing Mekong Delta region into a center with a sustainable, dynamic and highly productive agriculture of the country, region and the world; Developing key products in the direction of increasing the proportion of aquatic products and fruits, and reducing the proportion of rice in a reasonable manner. The Red River Delta region is expected to develop a highly productive and organic agriculture serving the needs of cities, and construct new rural areas. Increasing the size of fruit crop land; protecting forests and developing the forestry economy; developing farming of medicinal herbs associated with the processing industry in the Central Highlands and the Northern Midlands and Mountains regions. In coastal areas, developing coastal aquaculture in combination with planting and protecting mangrove forests. Reorganizing fishery activities with the aim of reducing near-shore fishing; promoting offshore or oceanic fishing, depending on characteristics of each sea zone and the resilience of marine ecosystem; helping fishermen shift from fishing for their livelihood to aquaculture, seafood processing industry, and tourism services.
Article 8. Planning for national social infrastructure development
1. Consistently developing a network of higher education institutions to meet requirements concerning high-quality human resources to meet the country's sustainable development objectives; satisfy diverse learning needs and socio-economic development requirements of each region or local administrative subdivisions. Reorganizing or rearranging educational and training institutions with the aim of improving their quality. Developing key national higher education institutions; upgrading and building a number of universities, large colleges and pedagogy and medical universities to make them become high-quality and reputable training centers in the region and the world. Developing a number of college or university towns. Encouraging the development of private higher education institutions.
Developing an open and flexible network of vocational education institutions in the direction of creating opportunities for all people to access and enjoy vocational education services; ensuring that their training scale, structure and quality can conform to labor market and international integration requirements. Building high-quality vocational training centers that meet regional and international standards and are aligned with the growth in prioritized professions or occupations of major economic centers.
Improving the quality, expanding and rationally distributing the network of preschool and general education institutions to meet public demands for access to educational services. Building a network of specialized educational institutions for the disabled, and centers providing support for the development of inclusive education with a view to meeting the needs of the disabled for access to and enjoyment of quality educational services. Developing and maintaining boarding schools for ethnic minorities, continuing education institutions, and community learning centers in order to perform the tasks of illiteracy eradication, training and mentoring aimed at improving professional knowledge and skills necessary for the socio-economic development mission in disadvantaged areas and ethnic minority areas, and ensure educational equity.
Developing large-scale national defense and security education centers suited to training tasks in each local area in order to consolidate and build the all-people national defense, the all-people defense posture, together with the people’s security and the people's security posture.
2. Building, upgrading, arranging and distributing the space for development of the network of medical facilities in an appropriate manner with a view to ensuring that all people can easily access high-quality medical and healthcare services. Building an equitable, accredited, efficient and integrative healthcare system; expecting that the preventive medicine will become the core while the grassroots medicine will become the foundation in the health system; ensuring that the specialized medicine will be consistent and balanced with the community medicine; linking the traditional medicine with the modern medicine, military medicine and civil medicine. Encouraging the development of pharmaceutical materials of natural origin, pharmaceutical industry and medical equipment. Ensuring that each region has specialized medical facilities. Building a number of medical facilities of regional and international stature; forming and developing modern specialized medical centers. Building national disease control centers; building a number of national vaccine research, technology transfer and production facilities. Developing regional testing centers that meet regional and international standards, and satisfy the needs of testing, inspection, and standardization of drugs, cosmetics, food, and medical equipment.
3. Developing the national network of cultural establishments as well as forming and developing cultural spaces in order to meet the People's demands for creation and enjoyment of cultural products, and make cultural activities truly become the spiritual foundation of the society. Developing national cultural establishments into strong brands that are highly competitive and succeed in fulfilling the task of preserving and promoting national cultural values and identities, and encouraging the development of the nation’s cultural industry. Building and upgrading national museums in the direction of ensuring that they will become consistent and modern. Renovating and upgrading national libraries, provincial-level public libraries, specialized libraries, university libraries,...; building and upgrading national performing arts facilities in Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh city and several provinces and centrally-governed cities in the direction of ensuring that they will become consistent and modern, as well as be capable of holding national and international performing art events. Investing in the development, embellishment and preservation of cultural heritages, especially those recognized by UNESCO. Building a professional sports economy; robustly developing a consistent and modern network of national physical training and sports facilities, including several construction works meeting international standards. Developing community sports facilities.
4. Increasing both the quantity and the quality of science and technology organizations. Building and improving the operational efficiency of the national innovation system and the entrepreneurship and creative innovation ecosystem; promoting the potentials of national, regional and local creative innovation and entrepreneurship centers to support and promote technology transfer and innovation activities. Setting up and developing national entrepreneurship and creative innovation support centers in Hanoi capital, Ho Chi Minh city, Da Nang city, Can Tho city, and other eligible provinces or cities. Developing innovation clusters by making connections between science and technology organizations, hi-tech parks, hi-tech agricultural parks, financial centers, venture capital funds, universities and research institutes.
Making focused investments in developing a number of public science and technology institutions to ensure that they will reach the advanced level in the region and the world. Reviewing and streamlining focal points for research and development organizations under ministries and central authorities with a view to addressing duplication and overlapping situations in terms of functions and tasks; ensuring conformity to the planning for prioritization of science and technology and creative innovation, and support for the socio-economic development, of the country and each industry authority. Strengthening and developing research organizations to serve the purposes of formulation of development policies, strategies, and plans for the development of provinces and centrally-governed cities. Making focused investments in forming science and technology organizations that perform the roles in connecting value chains, industry clusters, creative innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystems in regions and localities. Developing science and technology organizations affiliated to state-owned corporations or incorporations into specialized research institutes that will provide leading technologies, create competitive advantages, and support the nation’s socio-economic development. Encouraging non-state large economic groups and enterprises to establish research and development entities.
5. Reorganizing, merging and amalgamating press agencies of provinces and centrally-run cities and of central ministries and authorities with the expectation of ensuring that they will converge and have multimedia and multi-platform characteristics. Establishing large publishers; ensuring the rational distribution of publishers.
6. Developing a network of social assistance facilities of which functions and scale are fully suited to the needs of social protection beneficiaries for access to and enjoyment of benefits from grassroots-level social assistance public services. Gradually modernizing social assistance facilities with the expectation of ensuring social assistance services are supplied according to national standards, and approach international standards.
7. Upgrading facilities for care and nursing of people rendering meritorious services. Researching, testing, and applying the in-depth professional and technical method that is the result of integration between the nursing and caring approach and other health care and social care approaches for people rendering meritorious services.
Article 9. Planning for national technical infrastructure development
1. Developing unified transport infrastructure on the basis of tapping into advantages of modes of transportation; ensuring widespread connections with all nationwide areas; minimizing logistics costs; improving competitiveness of the economy; paying due attention to the rail and inland water traffic development.
Planning for spatial organization of national traffic systems: Forming the North - South traffic corridor along the country’s longitudinal axis that can accommodate all 5 modes of transportation. In the North, forming radial corridors connected with Hanoi; East-West corridors used for connecting the Western mountains region with seaports in the East. In the Central Coast, forming East-West axes connecting the Western region with seaports in the East, and forming cross-border linkages with Laos and Cambodia. In the South, forming corridors along the East-West and North-South axis to make best use of the advantages in inland waterway transport and large seaports and airports, and international traffic connections. Developing ring routes and radial axes leading from neighboring provinces to Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh city.
Planning for development of types of traffic infrastructure:
- Road infrastructure: Completing construction of the Eastern North-South expressway and other expressways leading to major economic centers; connected with dynamic regions like Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh city, Da Nang, Can Tho; connected with special seaports, international airports, and international border gates through which a large amount of goods can be exported or imported; developing expressways associated with formation of East-West economic corridors.
- Railway infrastructure: Striving to build a number of North - South express railway sections. Building regional railway lines, and railway lines connected to international gateway seaports in Hai Phong - Quang Ninh, Ba Ria - Vung Tau and important international border gates; prioritizing construction of the new railway lines, such as Lao Cai - Hanoi - Hai Phong, and Bien Hoa - Vung Tau. Investing in building key railway lines and urban rail transit systems in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh city. Researching on construction of railway systems connecting Ho Chi Minh city and Can Tho, and connected to Long Thanh international airport.
- Seaport infrastructure: Upgrading and building gateway seaports having international container transshipment functions in Lach Huyen (Hai Phong), and Cai Mep - Thi Vai (Ba Ria - Vung Tau). Building Can Gio international transshipment seaport (Ho Chi Minh city).
- Airport infrastructure: Building Long Thanh international airport; focusing on expanding and upgrading Noi Bai and Tan Son Nhat international airport; expanding international airports associated with dynamic regions. Striving to enable about 92-95% of the population to have access to airports within a distance of 100 km by 2030.
According to the planning and demands for socio-economic development of regions and local administrative divisions, researching and proposing the construction of specialized airports integrated with large-scale industrial areas and tourist centers; tapping and quickly restoring old airports and dual-use military airports.
- Inland waterway infrastructure: Synchronously investing in and upgrading main river routes to transport freight, freight containers, specialized or overweight cargo on inland waterway in the Red River Delta and Mekong Delta region. Prioritizing efficient investment in and effective use of coastal waterway transport corridors from Quang Ninh to Kien Giang.
2. Developing energy infrastructure to meet the requirements concerning maintenance of national energy security, and fully supply stable and high-quality energy for the socio-economic development process.
Switching to green and clean fuels. Developing the renewable energy, wind and solar power industry, especially sources of energy that can be stored by energy storage systems, biomass electricity and other types of renewable energy; increasing the contribution of renewable energy to the total primary energy supply. Renovating, upgrading and building inter-regional 500 kV transmission grids in sync with the development of power sources, subject to cost-efficiency and effectiveness requirements. Researching on energy connections with countries in Southeast Asia.
Increasing fundamental petroleum investigations. Boosting activities, including prospecting, exploration, field development and oil and gas extraction, in order to increase oil and gas reserve and production output at potential, deep-water and offshore grounds associated with the task of protecting national sovereignty at sea. Developing the gas industry; researching and investing in technical infrastructure providing support for import and consumption of liquefied natural gas (LNG). Developing energy centers associated with complexes of petrochemical refineries, and at the same time increasing the processed content of post-oil products. Greatly boosting domestic coal mining on the basis of ensuring safety, effectiveness, cost efficiency and environmental friendliness; expanding search and exploration grounds, and improving the quality of assessment of reserves and resources.
3. Developing consistent information and communication infrastructure facilities that will be closely connected to form a unified and modern whole on the basis of applying the advanced digital technology; will be able to provide reliable information and communication services at reasonable prices; will ensure cybersecurity; will meet requirements of information technology application and digital transformation in building digital government, digital economy and digital society.
Developing a consistent and modern postal network into one of the essential facilities of the country and the digital economy. Developing national Internet infrastructure to improve regional and international connection capacity, and make Vietnam become one of regional data centers. Building data centers tied to dynamic regions, growth poles, and economic corridors; developing clusters of national data centers in the North and the South. Shifting investment in construction of the national backbone transmission system from focusing on development thereof along the North-South axis to expanding development thereof along the East-West axis; improving the capacity of backup and load distribution for the national backbone network. Developing Vietnamese satellites (VINASAT).
Completing national-scale digital platforms to serve the thorough operation purposes to meet the requirements of digital government, digital economy, and digital society. Continuing to develop concentrated information technology parks and members of the chain of software parks. Attracting investment in, and robustly developing concentrated information technology zones in Ho Chi Minh city, Hanoi, Da Nang, Hai Phong, Can Tho, and some regions where the information technology industry is rapidly developed.
4. Developing irrigation systems to ensure water irrigation, supply and drainage for agriculture, people's livelihood and economic sectors; contributing to the sustainable socio-economic development, environmental protection, prevention and control of natural disasters and adaptation to climate change.
Upgrading headwork and main canal systems to ensure the design capacity of the inter-provincial irrigation systems. Formulating solutions to regulating water on the main streams of rivers facing issues relating to river bottom lowering, complicated river water level, and at high risk of saline intrusion.
Completing the construction and upgradation of key irrigation works and reservoirs to secure water for industrial and domestic uses, especially in the Central Highlands, South Central Coast and Mekong Delta regions. Implementing measures to restore water currents and environment of polluted rivers; solving the situation relating to river water level lowering so that irrigation works can actively take water for production purposes in the Red River Delta region.
Building water control works at large estuaries to actively control salinity, store fresh water, replenish fresh water flowing to coastal areas for use in people's daily life, aquaculture and agricultural production. Building and reinforcing the system of flood prevention and control works to protect cities and urban areas, especially large cities. Reinforcing and upgrading sea dykes nationwide.
5. Developing fishing ports and storm shelters for fishing vessels to meet the needs of fisheries logistics services, ensure food hygiene and safety, reduce post-harvest losses and ensure safety for fishing vessels and fishermen; improving the efficiency in fisheries management, and bolstering international integration; protecting the marine environment and ecosystem, adapting to climate change, and contributing to maintenance of national defense and security. Developing large fisheries centers in Hai Phong, Da Nang, Khanh Hoa, Ba Ria - Vung Tau, and Kien Giang.
6. Building a complete, consistent and modern national network of hydrometeorological stations and natural resources and environmental monitoring networks with a view to ensuring high automation, openness and capabilities of integrating, connecting and sharing information and data; participating in the global hydrometeorological network.
Prioritizing the development of hydrometeorological stations with a lot of monitoring elements, climate change observation stations, and integrated environmental resources monitoring stations. Developing the national environmental monitoring network associated with affected areas, such as inter-provincial river basins; key economic development areas; large lakes with strictly protected water sources; inter-regional or inter-provincial areas; watershed areas; areas with large concentration of sources of waste; sea zones; areas with complicated hydrological conditions. Prioritizing construction of modern and automated environmental hydrological monitoring stations upstream of large cross-border rivers.
7. Developing a consistent and gradually modern fire control infrastructure suited to the conditions of each region, and meeting safety requirements for socio-economic development and people's life activities.
8. Developing national land border gates that conform to the country's socio-economic development requirements together with maintaining national defense and security, and are suited to the economic, political and diplomatic condition, tied to development planning by regions, economic belts and corridors. By 2030, all provinces located at or near land borders will have border gates; important border gates will be furnished with modern facilities to meet traffic, trade and cooperation needs. Developing border gate economy associated with forming border cities.
Article 10. Planning for use of natural resources; environmental protection; natural disaster prevention and control; and adaptation to climate change
1. Natural resources use planning
a) Water resources: Taking proactive control of, prioritizing and ensuring the permitted reserve and quality of domestic water supply; ensuring water supply to urban and rural areas, contributing to raising the rate of clean water use to 95-100% in urban areas, and to 65% in rural areas by 2030. Allocating and sharing water resources in a harmonious and reasonable manner among sectors and localities, subject to the requirements that the domestic water use will be prioritized; water will be used effectively with high economic values; the minimum flow requirement will be satisfied; the combined economic, social and environmental efficiency in water use in both the flood season and the dry season in river basins will be achieved. Reasonably extracting underground water, subject to the requirements that underground water supply for domestic use will be prioritized; water level and flow limits will not be exceeded; collapse or subsidence caused by underground water extraction will be prevented and controlled. Resolving conflicts arising from water abstraction and use between sectors or industries, especially between hydropower and irrigation; between upstream and downstream; between localities in river basins; and resolving transnational conflicts arising from extraction and use of water resources. Focusing on effective extraction and use of water resources in Red - Thai Binh river basin, Vu Gia - Thu Bon river basin, Ca river basin, Dong Nai river basin, Mekong river basin, and Ba river basin;
b) Aquaculture and fishery product resources: Gradually reducing the degree of fishery production according to the aquatic reserve. Catching key aquatic products with high economic and export value with the aim of increasing income as well as stabilizing livelihood of fishermen. Changing the structure of occupations and carrying out rational fishery activities among territorial sea zones and inland ecological zones. Switching from fishery activities that harm aquatic resources and destroy environment and ecosystem to eco-friendly fishery activities with high economic efficiency and sustainability. Reorganizing fishery activities in sea zones and inland waters in the direction of ensuring reasonable development, and connection between sustainable fishery and aquatic resources protection and development. Establishing and effectively managing marine protected areas; aquatic resource protection zones, and areas banned from fishing for a definite time in sea zones, main rivers and lakes;
c) Forest resources: Managing, protecting, developing and sustainably using forest resources; harmoniously combining economic development with environmental protection, biodiversity conservation, and response to climate change. Ensuring spatial arrangement and forest size must conform to the protection requirements of large rivers, important lakes and dams, and lowlands, wetlands and coastal areas susceptible to natural disasters and climate change; maintaining and expanding the system of special-use forests; stabilizing and increasing the area of production forests to supply raw materials for processing and export purposes. Sustaining important raw material areas when carrying out forestry production and forest product processing activities. Establishing hi-tech forestry zones at localities with potentials and advantages for forestry development;
d) Mineral resources: Basically completing the procedures for geological investigation and assessment of mineral potentials on the mainland; investigation and discovery of minerals in sea zones and continental shelf of Vietnam. Investigating and exploring industrial minerals; focusing on exploring minerals at areas with high prospect, important minerals and minerals with the potentially great reserve as a way to support the development of the processing industry. For minerals used as building materials, prioritizing exploration of mines and areas of mineral distribution within building material development zones or adjacent zones; zones having favorable mining conditions or zones where mining activities are likely to take place, with a view to ensuring efficiency and minimized adverse impacts on the environment.
Minimizing and proceeding to cease scattered and small-scale mineral mines, and mines that cause great impacts on the surrounding environment and landscape. Focusing on spatial arrangement to form mine clusters that are large enough to attract uniform investments in exploration, mining to deep processing and application of advanced and modern technology and equipment.
Ensuring the balancing between short-term needs and long-term mineral reserves; prioritizing the use of minerals for large-scale and modern industrial development in the country; exporting minerals on the basis of balancing the efficiency of investment in mining and mineral processing; minimizing the export of raw minerals.
2. Environmental protection planning
Preventing the growing trend of environmental pollution and degradation; solving urgent environmental issues; gradually improving and restoring environmental quality; protecting, conserving and restoring important natural ecosystems; promoting the development of the circular economy, improving the overall efficiency in using inputs and outputs in industrial processes. Protecting environment in the direction of integrating activities, including environmental pollution management and control, and establishing an environmental quality monitoring systems.
Prioritizing the construction of centralized, consistent and modern inter-regional and inter-provincial waste treatment zones, especially hazardous waste treatment facilities. Renovating, upgrading and controlling unsanitary landfills, areas of environmental pollution or degradation caused by solid waste, and ensuring conformance to environmental protection requirements. Classifying domestic solid waste at source; gradually reducing the direct burial of domestic solid waste; converting domestic solid waste landfills into domestic solid waste treatment facilities using modern technologies.
Investing in construction and perfection of wastewater collection and disposal infrastructure of industrial parks, industrial clusters, urban areas, concentrated residential areas, and trade villages on large river basins. Carrying out satisfactory wastewater treatment and disposal activities at all industrial zones, clusters, industrial facilities, and hospitals. Strengthening management of sources of waste; improving the quality of surface water, especially in polluted rivers and inter-provincial river sections. Building a centralized domestic wastewater collection and treatment system associated with renovating and restoring lakes, ponds, canals, ditches and creeks in large cities. Executing projects on wastewater treatment and restoration of water quality in seriously polluted rivers, canals and ditches.
Continuing strict conservation and protection of nature reserves and core areas of natural heritage sites; scaling up and establishing the system of terrestrial nature reserves and marine conservation zones; enlarging the system of natural heritage sites recognized by international organizations. Zoning, building, protecting and using biodiversity corridors in a sustainable manner. Strictly conserving and protecting the existing important wetlands of international importance (Ramsar site); keeping on increasing the total number of Ramsar sites in the country; zoning, protecting and using important wetlands outside of protected areas in a sustainable manner. Zoning, protecting, sustainably using and establishing high biodiversity areas, and important ecological landscape areas. Defining water source protection corridors; zoning water source protection areas in order of priority.
3. Natural disaster prevention and control; and adaptation to climate change
Actively preventing and controlling natural disasters and adapting to climate change; step-by-step making the nation capable of managing natural disaster risks, protecting communities and society from natural disasters; enabling sustainable socio-economic development, and maintenance of national defense and security. Developing and scaling up nature, ecosystem and community-based climate change adaptation models. Developing and implementing plans to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by sectors or industries.
Maintaining and upgrading natural disaster prevention and control works, especially dykes, lakes and dams, to ensure proactive prevention and control of floods and storms according to their design capacity. Increasing and upgrading water storage and drainage systems; preventing and controlling inundation caused by heavy rains, floods and tides, especially in large cities; water resource management works helping to prevent and control drought and saltwater intrusion.
Constructing and maintaining river bank and coastal erosion prevention and control facilities in areas where landslides occur complicatedly, and there are risks of seriously affecting dykes, populated areas and important infrastructure. Planting more trees to dissipate waves to protect dykes; planting watershed protection forests and coastal protection forests.
Improving capacity for forecasting and warning of natural disasters; building and upgrading meteorological, hydrological, oceanographic or seismic monitoring stations. Upgrading communication systems to ensure smooth communication with all localities, people across the country and ships at sea. Building systems for early warning of flash floods and landslides; proactively evacuating people from areas at high risk of being affected by natural disasters. Drawing the natural hazard maps that help to develop spatial planning as well as minimize the risk of impacts of natural disasters.
Article 11. Planning for consolidation and strengthening of national defense, and maintenance of national security
1. Consolidating and strengthening the all-people defense posture associated with the solid people's security posture; continuing to build the People's Army and the revolutionary People's Police that are regular, elite, gradually modern, politically, ideologically and organizationally strong, absolutely loyal to the Fatherland, the Party, State and People, and meet mission requirements in all situations. Actively and proactively developing combat plans and tactics; raising combat skills and competence to firmly protect independence, sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity, and maintain political stability, national security, social order and safety.
2. Closely combining economic, cultural and social development with consolidating and strengthening national defense and security in all territories, strategic grounds, borders, seas, islands, key economic zones and industrial parks. Developing marine and coastal economy; adjusting, increasing or building economic - defense zones in line with national defense and security strategies and projects; creating synergy to maintain political and social stability, firmly protect independence, sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity of the Fatherland; protecting national and people’s interests; contributing to maintaining a peaceful and stable environment for the development of the country.
3. Consistently building civil defense organization systems; getting ready to respond effectively to traditional and non-traditional security challenges; effectively implementing the work of ensuring economic security in the context of socialist-oriented market economy development and international economic integration. Building a "public goodwill posture" associated with building the people's national defense posture and the solid people's security posture.. Actively struggling to defeat plots and activities causing harm to national security; preventing and combating all kinds of crimes and social evils; resolutely reducing crime and causations and risks of crime; improving the effectiveness and efficiency in state management of national security and order.
Article 12. National land use planning
1. Determining land use quotas according to land needs; avoiding any waste occurring during the land allocation and management process; effectively using land resources to realize socio-economic development goals, ensure national defense and security, associating with environmental protection, and adapting to climate change.
2. Making legitimate land available for use to meet the requirements concerning development of consistent infrastructure systems with the aim of ensuring connection of interdisciplinary and inter-regional development spaces, economic corridors and dynamic regions at the national level; creating breakthroughs in order to meet the development requirements of the country, especially transport, energy and digital infrastructure; strengthening connections with the region and the world. Giving priority to using legitimate land to meet the increasing demands relating to education, health care, society, culture, physical activity, sports, social housing, and housing for industrial park workers. Retaining legitimate land used for national defense and security purposes.
3. Managing 3.5 million ha of rice farming land. Within the permitted area of land, allowing the flexible shift in the structure of crops and livestock on rice farming land without changing the nature and conditions for use of rice farming land so that land can be converted back to rice farming land when necessary. Strictly controlling the repurposing of rice farming land, especially wet rice farming land that is converted into non-agricultural land, along with ensuring the interests of rice farmers and rice cultivation localities.
4. Strictly managing protection forest land and special-use forest land; protecting the area of natural forests and restoring natural forests associated with biodiversity conservation, landscape and ecological environment protection. Developing and improving the quality of planted forests, especially large timber planted forests.
5. Expanding land of industrial parks, especially in dynamic regions, connected with economic corridors. Continuing to expand urban land associated with the process of urbanization.
Article 13. Tentative list of projects of national importance and order of priority for implementation thereof
1. The tentative list of projects of national importance for 2021 - 2030 with vision scheduled for 2050 is shown in the Appendix to this Resolution.
2. If any project obtaining the investment policy decision or the approval of the investment policy from the National Assembly newly arises, it will be added to this List at the same time as the order and procedures for decision on the investment policy and approval of the investment policy, subject to the requirements of the law.
Article 14. Measures and resources available for implementation of the Plan
1. Regarding investment attraction
Continuing to restructure the state budget to ensure a reasonable ratio between recurrent expenditure and capital investment expenditure in the direction of gradually increasing capital investment expenditure. Restructuring public investment expenditure in the direction of ensuring focused, targeted investment and avoidance of distracted investment; improving efficiency and effectiveness in allocation and disbursement of public investment capital. Prioritizing use of public investment capital for development of large-scale inter-regional and inter-provincial infrastructure networks connected with national dynamic regions, economic corridors, and regional and international traffic networks; investing in projects with high pervasive effects, solving essential needs and addressing bottlenecks in regions, as well as ensuring high economic and social effects for the whole region. Increasing the leading role of public investment to activate, mobilize and attract all social resources, especially private-sector resources, for participation in public-private partnership (PPP) investment projects.
Accelerating the divestment of state capital, the equitization of state-owned enterprises that are not on the list of enterprises of which shares need not to be held by the State; transferring or leasing out state-owned enterprises, and making room for mobilizing non-state investment resources for the socio-economic development. Using proceeds from the equitization and divestment of state capital to focus on investing in key national and local infrastructure projects. Eradicating the situation of distracted investment made outside of the main business lines through the divestment procedure with the aim of ensuring that state-owned enterprises focus on their main business lines and sectors.
Perfecting state budget collection policies on land, property and natural resources; adopting an appropriate mechanism to make best use of land resources for socio-economic infrastructure development. Increasing the state budget revenue from auctioning of land use rights, bidding for projects using land as planned and in city development areas according to TOD to invest such revenue in construction of urban infrastructure.
Continuing to promote administrative reform; further improve and raise the quality of the investment and business environment; enable all economic sectors to make investment and do business; ensure fair competition, equality and transparency. Completing the legal and policy frameworks for development of all types of capital markets, especially stock and venture capital markets, in order to mobilize medium and long-term capital for investment and promotion of entrepreneurship and creative innovation activities.
Making significant changes in regulatory policies to incentivize foreign investment, and preparing consistent conditions, such as infrastructure, institution, human resources, etc. to increase the efficiency in foreign investment to serve development goals. Planning to attract large enterprises with advanced technologies, high technologies, modern management systems, and world-leading multinational corporations to invest in dynamic regions and formation of industrial clusters with the aim of creating great pervasive effects, and promoting the development of the domestic economic sector.
Mobilizing foreign loans with preferential conditions and interest rates that are appropriate, effective and are mostly used in a number of key fields of activity; prioritizing investment in projects that directly promote growth, sustainable development and have pervasive effects, such as projects for adaptation to climate change, clean energy, improvement of environmental quality; and cultural, education, health, science, technology and innovation projects.
2. Regarding regulatory mechanisms and policies
Building and perfecting legal institution associated with strictly and effectively enforcing laws as a legal basis for the implementation of the Plan.
Formulating mechanisms and policies in order for localities within national dynamic regions rich in resources to apply to their investment in development of regional infrastructure as well as infrastructure making connections between local development centers and national infrastructure systems.
Paying attention to investment in mountainous regions and areas faced with extreme difficulties; supporting and enabling ethnic minorities to have equal access to resources, development opportunities and equal enjoyment of basic social services.
Formulating particular mechanisms and policies to take care of the development of culture, education, training, health care, and improve the quality of human resources; affording ethnic minorities, especially those in border areas, sustainable livelihood and jobs, and a settled way of life. Effectively executing socio-economic development programs and projects in ethnic minority and mountainous areas and areas faced with extremely difficult socio-economic conditions. Gradually making disadvantaged areas develop by building infrastructure connecting them with economic corridors, or involving disadvantaged border areas in the development of border gate economic zones. Perfecting regulatory cultural mechanisms and policies to meet development requirements so that the culture domain is truly the spiritual foundation of society.
3. Regarding science, technology and environment
Selecting and focusing on supporting research, application and development of technologies for a number of key industries and sectors. Improving the domestic science and technology potential and level to be able to conduct new scientific researches and technological developments, focusing on prioritizing the development of technologies with high applicability, especially digital technology, biological technology, artificial intelligence, mechatronics, automation, biomedical electronics, energy, and environment.
Strengthening measures to manage, improve and restore the quality of air, water and soil environment in large cities, river basins and sea. Duly managing solid waste, particularly domestic solid waste and plastic waste. Reviewing and strictly controlling large sources of waste; tightening measures to prevent the risk of environmental incidents; proactively monitoring potential causators and projects at possible risk of environmental pollution or incidents. Increasing nature and biodiversity conservation.
Continuing to adopt incentive mechanisms and policies for effectively investing in and operating hi-tech parks, hi-tech agricultural zones, information technology parks, and national innovation centers according to the advanced models in the world.
4. Regarding human resource development
Sustainably developing human resources in the direction of ensuring overall balance and harmony with population distribution planning. Developing breakthrough policies and solutions regarding human resources to quickly increase the rate of workers holding academic qualifications or certificates. Formulating policies to support and improve the capacity of training institutions providing training courses on priority disciplines associated with application of advanced technologies and sciences fundamental to the science and technology development; mobilizing domestic and international resources for use in the tasks of training and retraining human resources.
Developing preferential policies to attract high-quality human resources for priority industries and localities within dynamic regions; attracting and effectively using the intelligence and resources of overseas Vietnamese. Innovating policies to attract human resources, especially scientific and technical personnel, for long-term work and develop local human resources in disadvantaged areas, especially in ethnic minority areas.
5. Regarding international cooperation
Strengthening cooperation with countries, territories, international organizations, financial institutions and donor agencies to mobilize financial resources for infrastructure construction investment projects, technical assistance and capacity building projects with a view to strengthening economic connectivity within and outside the ASEAN region.
Effectively implementing bilateral and multilateral agreements on infrastructure development, especially for traffic infrastructure, to facilitate cross-border transport of passengers and goods, inter-country transit, and multimodal transport with countries within the ASEAN region, Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS), and with other countries around the world.
Actively and proactively cooperating with worldwide countries and territories to promote economic, trade and investment relations, especially creating more favorable conditions for access to major and important markets of Vietnamese exports. Effectively carrying out Free Trade Agreements (FTAs), especially new-generation FTAs, of which Vietnam is a member state with the aim of maximizing benefits from FTAs.
Actively and proactively participating in international treaties, bilateral and multilateral cooperation mechanisms; promoting international cooperation relating to water resources on the principle of respecting international law and interests of each partnering country involved in extraction, use and management of transboundary water resources.
Actively and proactively participating in international treaties and agreements on climate change with the expectation of taking advantage of international support resources for response to climate change.
Article 15. Implementation of the Plan
1. The Plan approved in this Resolution serves as a basis for developing the national marine spatial planning, the national land use planning, the national industry planning, the regional planning, the provincial planning, the special administrative-economic unit planning, the urban planning, and the rural planning nationwide. The implementation of programs and projects of national importance must conform to the country's practical development requirements and the objectives and orientations identified in this Resolution. The planning specified in the national plan that has been decided or approved by competent authorities in accordance with the Law on Planning must be reviewed and adjusted appropriately, ensuring consistency with the national master plan.
2. Assigning the Government and the Prime Minister to perform the following tasks:
a) Bear responsibility for the accuracy of data, documents, diagrams, maps and databases included in the National Master Plan File, ensuring consistency with the contents of this Resolution;
b) Take charge of implementing this Resolution associated with directing the implementation of socio-economic development tasks in accordance with law; introduce the Plan for implementation of the National Master Plan to perform the objectives and tasks set out in the Plan; conduct the review of the implementation of the Plan in accordance with the regulatory provisions of the Law on Planning;
c) Give instructions to organize the announcement of the Plan in accordance with law on planning; implement the Plan for implementation of the National Master Plan;
d) Research and develop regulatory mechanisms, policies and solutions to attract investment; ensure financial resources, social security, national defense, security, development of human resources, science, technology, and environmental protection to implement the objectives, tasks and orientations specified in the National Master Plan;
dd) Develop organizational models, regional coordination mechanisms; improve the efficiency in regional coordination activities; study the construction of the mechanism for resource coordination among localities;
e) Develop the principle of prioritizing the use of marine space for sectors and fields in the national marine spatial planning;
g) Strengthen the examination and inspection of the implementation of the planning; impose strict sanctions on organizations and individuals that violate the Plan decided by the National Assembly.
3. The National Assembly’s Standing Committee, the Council of Ethnic Minorities, the National Assembly’s Committees, the National Assembly’s Delegations and the National Assembly’s delegates shall supervise the implementation of this Resolution.
4. The Vietnam Fatherland Front, its member organizations and other social organizations established in accordance with laws shall supervise and call for public participation in implementation of this Resolution.
This Resolution is passed in the second extraordinary meeting of the 15th National Assembly of Socialist Republic of Vietnam on January 9, 2023.
tentative list of projects of national importance for 2021 - 2030 with vision scheduled for 2050
(to the Resolution No. 81/2023/QH15 dated January 9, 2023 of the National Assembly)
No. |
Projects |
Phasing |
2021 – 2030 |
2031 – 2050 |
1 |
Eastern North-South expressway |
X |
2 |
Western North-South expressway |
X |
3 |
East-West expressway |
X |
4 |
Long Thanh international airport |
X |
X |
5 |
Ring roads of Hanoi capital area and Ho Chi Minh city area |
X |
6 |
North-South express railway |
X |
X |
7 |
Urban rail transit systems of Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh city |
X |
X |
8 |
Railway lines connected to international gateway seaports |
X |
X |
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