Chương I Nghị định 167/2018/NĐ-CP: Quy định chung
Số hiệu: | 167/2018/NĐ-CP | Loại văn bản: | Nghị định |
Nơi ban hành: | Chính phủ | Người ký: | Nguyễn Xuân Phúc |
Ngày ban hành: | 26/12/2018 | Ngày hiệu lực: | 10/02/0219 |
Ngày công báo: | 21/01/2019 | Số công báo: | Từ số 73 đến số 74 |
Lĩnh vực: | Tài nguyên - Môi trường | Tình trạng: |
Hết hiệu lực
30/06/2024 |
Phương án thực hiện hạn chế khai thác nước dưới đất
Ngày 26/12/2018, Chính phủ đã ban hành Nghị định 167/2018/NĐ-CP quy định việc hạn chế khai thác nước dưới đất.
Theo đó, phương án tổ chức thực hiện việc hạn chế khai thác nước dưới đất phải được xây dựng cụ thể cho từng khu vực, từng vùng hạn chế; Phương án phải có các nội dung sau:
- Danh sách các công trình khai thác hiện có (đã có giấy phép, không có giấy phép) thuộc từng khu vực, từng vùng;
- Biện pháp hạn chế khai thác cụ thể đối với từng công trình;
- Kế hoạch, lộ trình thực hiện từng biện pháp hạn chế khai thác đối với từng công trình.
Lưu ý: Vùng hạn chế khai thác nước dưới đất được phân loại thành: Vùng hạn chế 1; Vùng hạn chế 2; Vùng hạn chế 3; Vùng hạn chế 4 và vùng hạn chế hỗn hợp.
Nghị định 167/2018/NĐ-CP có hiệu lực kể từ ngày 10/02/2019.
Văn bản tiếng việt
Văn bản tiếng anh
Nghị định này quy định việc hạn chế khai thác nước dưới đất ở các vùng chứa nước ngọt thuộc lãnh thổ của nước Cộng hòa xã hội chủ nghĩa Việt Nam.
1. Các cơ quan quản lý nhà nước có liên quan đến việc khoanh định, công bố vùng hạn chế khai thác nước dưới đất và việc áp dụng các hình thức, biện pháp hạn chế khai thác nước dưới đất.
2. Các tổ chức, cá nhân có hoạt động thăm dò, khai thác, sử dụng nước dưới đất thuộc trường hợp phải có giấy phép thăm dò, khai thác theo quy định tại khoản 1 và khoản 2 Điều 52 của Luật tài nguyên nước.
1. Việc khoanh định và áp dụng các biện pháp hạn chế khai thác nước dưới đất phải bảo đảm tuân thủ đúng, đầy đủ các tiêu chí khoanh định và các biện pháp hạn chế cụ thể đối với từng vùng, từng khu vực theo quy định tại các Điều 6, Điều 7, Điều 8, Điều 9 và Điều 10 của Nghị định này.
2. Nguyên tắc khoanh định vùng hạn chế khai thác nước dưới đất:
a) Bảo đảm phù hợp với quy mô, tính chất của các khu vực gây sụt, lún, ô nhiễm, xâm nhập mặn, cạn kiệt nguồn nước dưới đất, đặc điểm của các tầng chứa nước; tuân thủ các quy chuẩn kỹ thuật, định mức kinh tế - kỹ thuật có liên quan;
b) Ranh giới vùng hạn chế khai thác nước dưới đất phải thể hiện trên bản đồ phân vùng hạn chế khai thác nước dưới đất được thành lập trên nền bản đồ hành chính hoặc địa hình có cùng tỷ lệ;
c) Tuân thủ nghiêm ngặt các tiêu chí khoanh định cụ thể đối với từng vùng, từng khu vực hạn chế theo quy định của Nghị định này, các quy định của pháp luật về tài nguyên nước, pháp luật khác có liên quan và phải bảo đảm công khai, minh bạch. Không mở rộng phạm vi khoanh định các khu vực hạn chế khai thác nước dưới đất vượt quá phạm vi quy định tại Nghị định này;
d) Thông tin, số liệu sử dụng để làm căn cứ khoanh định vùng hạn chế khai thác nước dưới đất phải bảo đảm đầy đủ, rõ ràng, chính xác và trung thực.
3. Nguyên tắc áp dụng các biện pháp hạn chế khai thác nước dưới đất:
a) Bảo đảm yêu cầu bảo vệ nguồn nước dưới đất, đồng thời phải bảo đảm hài hòa quyền, lợi ích hợp pháp của các tổ chức, cá nhân có liên quan, bao gồm cả việc bồi thường thiệt hại, hoàn trả tiền cấp quyền khai thác tài nguyên nước (nếu có) trong trường hợp bị thu hồi giấy phép khai thác, sử dụng nước dưới đất vì lợi ích quốc gia, lợi ích công cộng theo quy định của pháp luật;
b) Tuân thủ nghiêm ngặt các biện pháp hạn chế khai thác được áp dụng cụ thể đối với từng vùng, từng khu vực hạn chế và thứ tự thực hiện đối với từng đối tượng, trường hợp theo quy định của Nghị định này. Không áp dụng các biện pháp hạn chế khai thác nước dưới đất khác với các biện pháp quy định tại Nghị định này;
c) Ưu tiên cho việc cấp nước sinh hoạt, cấp nước phục vụ phòng, chống thiên tai;
d) Thực hiện theo phương án, lộ trình phù hợp được phê duyệt, đảm bảo không gây gián đoạn việc cấp nước.
4. Trường hợp phát hiện việc khoanh định hoặc áp dụng các biện pháp hạn chế khai thác nước dưới đất không phù hợp với các tiêu chí quy định của Nghị định này thì phải tạm dừng việc thực hiện các biện pháp hạn chế khai thác nước dưới đất đối với các trường hợp đó để rà soát, điều chỉnh cho phù hợp. Trường hợp gây thiệt hại đến lợi ích hợp pháp của tổ chức, cá nhân khai thác nước dưới đất thì phải bồi thường thiệt hại theo quy định của pháp luật.
1. Vùng hạn chế khai thác nước dưới đất (sau đây gọi tắt là vùng hạn chế) được phân loại bao gồm các vùng sau đây:
a) Vùng hạn chế 1;
b) Vùng hạn chế 2;
c) Vùng hạn chế 3;
d) Vùng hạn chế 4;
đ) Vùng hạn chế hỗn hợp.
2. Mỗi vùng hạn chế quy định tại khoản 1 Điều này bao gồm một hoặc một số khu vực hạn chế khai thác nước dưới đất (sau đây gọi tắt là khu vực hạn chế) quy định tại khoản 4 Điều 52 của Luật tài nguyên nước và được quy định như sau:
a) Vùng hạn chế 1, bao gồm các khu vực quy định tại các điểm c, điểm d khoản 4 Điều 52 của Luật tài nguyên nước được khoanh định theo quy định tại Điều 6 Nghị định này;
b) Vùng hạn chế 2, bao gồm các khu vực quy định tại điểm b khoản 4 Điều 52 của Luật tài nguyên nước được khoanh định theo quy định tại Điều 7 của Nghị định này;
c) Vùng hạn chế 3, bao gồm các khu vực quy định tại điểm đ khoản 4 Điều 52 của Luật tài nguyên nước, được khoanh định theo quy định tại Điều 8 của Nghị định này;
d) Vùng hạn chế 4, bao gồm các khu vực quy định tại điểm a khoản 4 Điều 52 của Luật tài nguyên nước, được khoanh định theo quy định tại Điều 9 của Nghị định này;
đ) Trường hợp có các khu vực hạn chế thuộc vùng hạn chế quy định tại điểm a, b, c và điểm d khoản này bị chồng lấn nhau thì phần diện tích chồng lấn được xếp vào Vùng hạn chế hỗn hợp.
1. Việc áp dụng các hình thức hạn chế khai thác nước dưới đất quy định tại khoản 5 Điều 52 của Luật tài nguyên nước phải trên cơ sở phân loại các vùng hạn chế khai thác nước dưới đất quy định tại Điều 4 của Nghị định này, hiện trạng khai thác, sử dụng nước và do cơ quan nhà nước có thẩm quyền quyết định thông qua việc áp dụng các biện pháp hạn chế khai thác nước dưới đất cụ thể quy định tại Điều 6, Điều 7, Điều 8, Điều 9 và Điều 10 của Nghị định này.
2. Việc thực hiện các biện pháp hạn chế khai thác nước dưới đất phải theo kế hoạch, lộ trình cụ thể trong phương án quy định tại Điều 13 của Nghị định này, trừ trường hợp sự cố, gây sụt, lún đất hoặc các tình huống khẩn cấp cần phải xử lý, trám lấp giếng để khắc phục sự cố.
3. Việc thực hiện các biện pháp hạn chế khai thác nước dưới đất mà có liên quan đến trám lấp giếng thì thực hiện theo quy định về xử lý, trám lấp giếng không sử dụng (sau đây gọi tắt là quy định về xử lý, trám lấp giếng); trường hợp liên quan đến cấp, gia hạn, điều chỉnh, thu hồi, cấp lại giấy phép tài nguyên nước thì thực hiện theo quy định của pháp luật về tài nguyên nước.
No. 167/2018/ND-CP |
Hanoi, December 26, 2018 |
Pursuant to the Law on Government Organization dated June 19, 2015;
Pursuant to the Law on Water Resources dated June 21, 2012;
At the request of the Minister of Natural Resources and Environment;
The Government hereby promulgates the Decree on restriction on groundwater extraction
This Decree provides regulations on the restriction on groundwater extraction in freshwater areas within the territory of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.
1. Regulatory agencies which are related to the delineation and announcement of areas where groundwater extraction is restricted and to the implementation of measures to restrain such extraction.
2. Organizations and individuals participating in the activities for exploring, extracting and using groundwater and are required to obtain an exploration or extraction license according to the regulations specified in clause 1 and clause 2, Article 52 of the Law on Water Resources.
Article 3. Rules for delineating restricted areas and implementing measures to restrain groundwater extraction
1. The delineation of restricted areas and implementation of measures to restrain groundwater extraction shall fully satisfy the criteria for each specific area according to the Articles 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 hereof.
2. Rules for delineating the areas where groundwater extraction is restricted:
a. The delineation must be suitable to the scale and properties of the areas where there are land subsidence, pollution, salt-water intrusion and exhaustion of freshwater, and the characteristics of the aquifer; such delineation must comply with the technical regulations and the related economic and technical norms;
b. The boundary of the areas where groundwater extraction is restricted must be specified in the zoning map established on the basis of the administrative map or the topography map of the same ratio.
c. The specific delineation rules for each restricted area or zone shall be complied with according to the regulations hereof, law regulations on water resources and other related laws. Also, the implementation process must ensure transparency. The delineation scope of areas where groundwater extraction is restricted shall not exceed the scope regulated in this Decree.
d. Information and data which are used as the basis for delineation of areas where groundwater extraction is restricted shall be adequate, clear, accurate and true.
3. Rules for implementing measures to restrain groundwater extraction:
a. The measures must satisfy the requirements for groundwater protection, at the same time, they must ensure the legal rights and benefits of related entities, including the granting of compensations and the reimbursement of funding used for water resource extraction (if any). Such legal rights and benefits shall be ensured in case where the licenses issued to extract and use groundwater for the national and public interests are revoked in accordance with the law regulations.
b. The extraction-restraining measures implemented for each restricted area shall be complied with and the order of entities subject to such implementation shall be executed in accordance with the regulations hereof. Measures for restraining groundwater extraction which are different from those specified in the regulations hereof shall not be implemented.
c. The domestic water supply and the supply of water used for prevention and control of natural disasters shall be prioritized.
d. Approved plans and road maps shall be implemented to ensure that the water supply process is not interrupted.
4. If the delineation of restricted areas or the implementation of measures to restrain groundwater extraction is detected as being unsuitable to the criteria regulated in this Decree, such implementation shall be terminated in order to carry out inspection and adjustment for such measures. If the legal rights of entities extracting groundwater are violated, compensations must be provided for them as specified in the laws.
Article 4. Classification of the areas where groundwater extraction is restricted
1. Areas where groundwater extraction is restricted (hereinafter referred to as “restricted areas”) shall be categorized as follows:
a. Restricted area 1
b. Restricted area 2
c. Restricted area 3
d. Restricted area 4
dd. Mixed-restriction area
2. Each restricted area mentioned in clause 1 of this Article includes one or some zones where groundwater extraction is restricted (hereinafter referred to as “restricted zones”) according to clause 4, Article 52 of the Law on Water Resources and shall be regulated as follows:
Restricted area 1 shall include the zones mentioned in points c and d, clause 4, Article 52 of the Law on Water Resources and shall be delineated in accordance with the regulations of Article 6 hereof.
b. Restricted area 2 shall include the zones mentioned in Clause 4b, Article 52 of the Law on Water Resources and shall be delineated in accordance with the regulations of Article 7 hereof.
c. Restricted area 3 shall include the zones mentioned in Clause 4dd, Article 52 of the Law on Water Resources and shall be delineated in accordance with the regulations of Article 8 hereof.
c. Restricted area 4 shall include the zones mentioned in clause 4a, Article 52 of the Law on Water Resources and shall be delineated in accordance with the regulations of Article 9 hereof.
dd. In case where the restricted areas mentioned in points a, b, c, and d of this clause include restricted zones which overlap each other, the overlap area shall be categorized as a mixed-restriction area.
Article 5. Forms and measures for restraining groundwater extraction
1. The forms of restraining groundwater extraction specified in clause 5, Article 52 of the Law on Water Resources shall be applied in accordance with the classification of the restricted areas specified in Article 4 hereof and the current state of water use and extraction. Also, they shall be decided by the competent regulatory agencies through the implementation of measures to restrain groundwater extraction according to the Articles 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 hereof.
2. The implementation of measures to restrain groundwater extraction shall follow the specific plans and road maps specified in Article 13 hereof, except for cases where there are problems that cause land subsidence or other emergency cases that require wells to be filled to rectify the consequences.
3. The measures for restraining groundwater extraction which are related to the well filling shall be implemented in accordance with the regulations on filling of unused wells (hereinafter referred to as "regulations on well filling"); if the measures are related to the issuance, extension, adjustment, revocation and re-issuance of the water resource license, they shall be implemented in accordance with the regulations on water resources.
Article 6. Delineation of Restricted Area 1 and implementation of measures to restrain extraction in such area
1. The delineation of restricted area 1 shall be carried out for the following zones:
a. Zones where land subsidence and deformation of topography (hereinafter referred to as land subsidence area) have occurred.
b. Zones where there is saltwater intrusion and the total dissolved solids (TDS) are from 1.500 mg/l or above.
c. Zones where there are landfills as specified in the regulations on environmental planning, development and protection.
d. Zones where there are wells which contain polluted groundwater and negatively affect the health of human and living beings and no technological measures have been developed to handle such cases and to ensure that the national technical regulations on the quality of domestic water are satisfied.
dd. Concentrated cemetery zones or other zones at risk of groundwater pollution listed by the People's Committees of provinces or central-affiliated cities (hereinafter referred to as "provincial People's Committees).
2. Delineation scope of restricted zones shall include the scope of zones specified in clause 1 of this Article and the scope of adjacent zones specified in clause 3 of this Article.
3. Based on the scope, properties and level of land subsidence, salt-water intrusion, current quality of groundwater and risks of pollution and salt-water intrusion, the adjacent zones shall:
a. Not exceed 500 m from the sideline of the land subsidence area. This criterion is applicable to the cases specified in clause 1 of this Article.
b. Not exceed 1.000m from the saltwater area. This criterion is applicable to the cases where the aquifer has the amount of salinity mentioned in clause 1b of this Article.
c. Not exceed 3.000 m from the sideline of the concentrated landfills. This criterion is applicable to the cases specified in clause 1c of this Article.
d. For the cases where there are polluted wells specified in clause 1d of this Article, the delineation scope shall be followed in accordance with the regulations in clause 4, Article 7 hereof.
dd. As for concentrated cemetery zones and zones at risk of groundwater pollution, the provincial People's Committees shall decide the specific delineation scope for the adjacent areas based on the risks and levels of pollution.
e. As for the mountainous areas, ethnic minority areas, border areas, island areas and water-scarce areas, the People's Committees of provinces shall decide the delineation scope for the adjacent areas mentioned in points a, b, c and d of this clause.
4. Measures for restraining extraction in restricted area 1:
a. As for the areas mentioned in clause 1 of this Article, all existing groundwater extraction activities (if any) shall be terminated and the wells shall be filled in accordance with the regulations.
b. The adjacent areas mentioned in clause 3 of this Article shall not be issued with exploration and extraction licenses to build more groundwater extraction works and shall carry out the restriction measures specified in points c, d and dd of this clause for the existing works.
c. If the works have not obtained a license, apart from handling the administrative violations, the authorities shall also terminate the extraction activities and fill the wells as specified in the regulations, except for the cases mentioned in point d of this clause.
d. The existing groundwater extraction works which are carried out for the purposes mentioned in clause 3c, Article 3 hereof shall obtain a groundwater extraction license. If they do not have one but are eligible for it, they shall be issued with such license as specified in the Law on Water Resources after implementing the regulations on penalties for administrative offences.
dd. If the works have obtained the license, they shall be allowed to continue the extraction until the expiry date of such license. If they are eligible for the extension, adjustment or re-issuance of such license, they shall receive the approval for the requests thereof as specified in the Law on Water Resources.
Article 7. Delineation of Restricted Area 2 and implementation of measures to restrain extraction in such area
1. The delineation of Restricted Area 2 shall be carried out for the following zones and aquifers:
a. The Pleistocene aquifers in Hanoi City, Ho Chi Minh City and other localities within the Red River Delta and Mekong Delta.
b. For the Pleistocene aquifers in localities unspecified in point a of this clause, the People's Committees shall decide the delineation based on the scale and level of groundwater extraction, the lower level of water-table and the requirements for groundwater protection.
c. The basaltic aquifers in localities within the Central Highlands.
2. Based on the rough water within the existing bored wells, if the zones where the water level of bored wells is reduced fall into the following cases, they shall be delineated as Restricted Area 2:
a. Zones where the rough water level within the wells exceeds the level specified in the license for 03 consecutive months or above. In this case, the bored wells are located within the area of construction works which have obtained the license and the permissibly rough water level in each well is regulated. Except the cases where the bored wells are seriously degraded and make the rough water level becomes excessively lowered down.
b. Areas where the choppy water within the bored wells exceeds the permitted level mentioned in clause 3 of this Article. In this case, the bored wells of the works have not obtained the license or the license does not specify the permitted level of choppy water of each well.
3. The permitted rough water level of each well shall be determined from the ground of the surrounding area to half of the thickness of the unconfined aquifer or the roof of the confined aquifer. However, such permitted level shall not exceed the following level:
a. For the Pleistocene aquifers of the localities within the Red River Delta: the permitted rough water level of the inner-city areas of Hanoi and other communes shall not exceed 35m; and shall not exceed 30m for the remaining areas.
b. For the Pleistocene aquifers of Ho Chi Minh City and other localities within the Mekong Delta, the rough water level of the inner-city areas of Ho Chi Minh City and Can Tho City shall not exceed 40m; and shall not exceed 35m for other cities and communes; and shall not exceed 30m for the remaining areas.
c. For the Pleistocene aquifers of the areas unspecified in points a and b of this clause, the rough water level shall not exceed 30m.
d. For the basaltic aquifers of the localities within the Central Highlands, the rough water level shall not exceed 50m.
The licenses for groundwater extraction and use issued after this Decree comes into effect shall specify the permitted rough water level for each well. The highest rough water level specified in the licenses shall be determined based on the appraisal results of the application. However, the maximum level shall not exceed the level regulated in this clause.
4. The delineation scope of the restricted zones shall include the bored wells and their surrounding areas. It shall:
a. Not exceed 20m regarding the wells of the groundwater extraction works of which the flow is from 10m3 per day and less than 20m3 per day.
b. Not exceed 500m, regarding the wells of the groundwater extraction works of which the flow is from 200 m3 per day to 3.000 m3 per day.
c. Not exceed 1.000 m, regarding the wells of the groundwater extraction works of which the flow is from 3.000 m3 per day or above.
Apart from delineating the surrounding scope of the wells, the authorities shall also determine the aquifers of the wells or the depth of the bored wells, in order to use them as the basis for determining the aquifers or the depth required to be restrained from extraction.
If during the delineation process mentioned in this clause, the restricted zones within the same aquifer and having the same extraction depth are apart from each other for less than 500 m, they shall be integrated together as one restricted zone only.
5. Measures for restraining extraction within the Restricted Area 2:
a. Do not issue exploration and extraction licenses to build more groundwater extraction works.
b. If the works have not obtained the licenses, the extraction shall be terminated and the wells shall be filled in accordance with the regulations, unless the extraction works are carried out to supply water for the use purposes specified in clause 3c, Article 3 hereof, the regulations specified in clause 4d, Article 6 hereof shall be complied with.
c. If the works have obtained the licenses and the rough water level of the wells exceeds the permitted one, the extraction of such wells shall be terminated in accordance with the regulations and the extraction system shall be adjusted or the extraction flow of such wells shall be reduced.
The adjustment made to the contents specified in this point shall be carried out after the implementation of the measures specified in point b of this clause is completed. If the rough water level of the wells becomes steady and does not exceed the permitted level, no adjustment should be made and the extraction shall continue to be carried out in accordance with the issued license.
Article 8. Delineation of restricted area 3 and implementation of measures to restrain extraction in such area
1. If the residential areas and concentrated industrial areas fall into the following cases, they shall be delineated as Restricted Area 3 based on the current state of the existing water supply system diagram, including the connection points:
a. The areas are connected with the concentrated water supply system and ensure that the demand for water, including the time of use, water flow and quality are conformable with the water use purpose.
b. The areas have not been connected with the concentrated water supply system but there are adjacent connection points and the clean water is ready to supply. The demand for water, including the time of use, water flow and quality are conformable with the water use purpose.
2. The delineation scope of the restricted zones specified in clause 1 of this Article shall include the scope of existing residential areas and concentrated industrial areas or shall be approved.
3. Measures for restraining extraction within the Restricted Area 3:
a. Do not issue exploration and extraction licenses for the purpose of building more groundwater extraction works.
b. If the works have not obtained the licenses, the extraction shall be terminated and the wells shall be filled in accordance with the regulations, unless the extraction works are carried out to supply water for the use purposes specified in clause 3c, Article 3 hereof, the regulations specified in clause 4d, Article 6 hereof shall be complied with.
c. If the works had obtained the license, they shall be allowed to continue the extraction until the expiry date of such license. If they are eligible for the extension, adjustment or re-issuance of the license, they shall receive the approval for the requests thereof as specified in the Law on Water Resources.
Article 9. Delineation of Restricted Area 4 and implementation of measures to restrain extraction in such area
1. Based on the delineation results of the restricted areas mentioned in clause 2, Article 8 hereof, if the residential areas and concentrated industrial areas are not categorized as restricted areas 3 and they are less than 1.000 m away from rivers, streams, canals and lakes (hereinafter referred to as "surface water sources") and these sources satisfy the following requirements, such areas shall be delineated as restricted areas 4:
a. The surface water sources are used or planned to supply such domestic water.
b. The flow regime is stable and the minimum flow of rivers, streams and canals is from 10m3/s or above or the total volumetric capacity of lakes is from 10 million m3 or above.
c. The water quality satisfies the national technical standards for surface water of column A1 or higher standards.
2. The delineation scope of restricted zones shall include the scope of existing residential areas or concentrated industrial areas of which the planning has been approved as it satisfies the requirements specified in clause 1 of this Article.
3. Measures for restraining extraction within the Restricted Area 4:
a. Do not issue exploration and extraction licenses for the purpose of building more groundwater extraction works of which the scale is 10.000 m3/day or above, unless the extraction works are carried out to supply water for the use purposes mentioned in clause 3c, Article 3 hereof.
b. If the works have not obtained the license, the extraction shall be terminated and they shall be issued with a license as regulated by lawsoft and therefore can carry out the extraction with such license.
c. If the works had obtained the license, they shall be allowed to continue the extraction until the expiry date of such license. If they are eligible for the extension, adjustment or re-issuance of the license, they shall receive the approval for the requests thereof as specified in the Law on Water Resources.
Article 10. Delineation of Mixed-restriction Area and implementation of measures to restrain extraction in such area
1. Based on the general delineation results of restricted zones or areas specified in Articles 6, 7, 8 and 9 hereof, if the restricted zones overlap each other, the overlap area shall be delineated as a mixed-restriction area.
2. The delineation scope of mixed-restriction areas shall include the overlap area of the restricted zones.
3. Measures for restraining extraction within the Mixed-restriction area:
The mixed-restriction areas shall be restrained from extraction by using the restriction measures which are applicable to each area mentioned in Articles 6, 7, 8 and 9 hereof and in the order specified in clause 1, Article 4 hereof.
Article 11. List and map of areas where groundwater extraction is restricted
1. Based on the regulations specified in Articles 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 hereof, the Department of Natural Resources and Environment in provinces and central-affiliated cities (hereinafter referred to as "Department of Natural Resources and Environment") shall carry out inspection and enumeration, collect information and data, and delineate the areas and zones where extraction is restricted; classify those restricted areas and zones and determine the measures for restraining extraction; make a list of areas where groundwater extraction is restricted and draw a map of such areas.
2. The list of areas where groundwater extraction is restricted shall include the restricted zones within such area. The information about each restricted zone of area shall include the following contents:
a. Area restrained from extraction.
b. Administrative scope restrained from extraction.
c. Scope of depth of aquifer restrained from extraction (if any).
d. Measures for restraining extraction.
3. Create a map of areas where groundwater extraction is restricted based on the list of areas thereof specified in clause 2 of this Article. The map of areas where groundwater extraction is restricted shall specify the delineation results and the essential information about each area mentioned in the list of areas restrained from groundwater extraction.
The above-mentioned map shall be created on the basis of the administrative or topography map according to the VN2000 and have a scale from 1:100.000 to 1:10.000 depending on each province.
4. If the scope of restricted areas is related to another locality, the Department of Natural Resources and Environment mentioned in clause 1 of this Article shall send a notification to the related Department of Natural Resources and Environment to delineate such areas and send another notification to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment for supervision and directions.
Article 12. Approval and announcement of the list and the map of areas where groundwater extraction is restricted
1. The Department of Natural Resources and Environment shall send a report about the delineation results to the following Departments for receiving their opinions on such results: Department of Construction, Department of Industry and Trade, Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, Department of Health, People’s Committees of districts and provincial-affiliated cities (hereinafter referred to as “district People's Committees") and representatives of the residential community or other entities related to the groundwater extraction.
Application documents for such opinions shall contain:
A draft of the Approval Decision for groundwater extraction areas which is enclosed with the Statement Draft.
b. A draft of the List of areas where groundwater extraction is restricted.
c. A draft map of areas where groundwater extraction is restricted.
d. A report on the delineation results of areas where groundwater extraction is restricted. The report on the delineation results shall provide facts and clear explanations about the delineation basis and scope and the implementation of measures to restrain extraction in each zone or area. Information and data shall be provided to prove such facts and explanations.
2. Based on the opinions from the entities mentioned in clause 1 of this Article, the Department of Natural Resources and Environment shall collect and adapt such opinions and provide explanations about them to complete the application documents. They shall send a report to the provincial People’s Committee for it to establish an appraisal team of which the participants include the related departments and sectors, as well as experts and scientists who specialize in the field of water resources.
Based on the appraisal results, the Department of Natural Resources and Environment shall complete the application and receive opinions from the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment. In necessary cases, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment shall send an application to the experts for counsels and organize a meeting with related agencies, units and experts for getting their opinions. The Ministry Of Natural Resources and Environment shall reply within 30 working days from the date on which the complete application is received.
Application documents for opinions shall contain:
a. The completed documents specified in clause 1 of this Article.
b. A report on the adaptation of opinions from agencies/units and appraisal team and written explanations about such opinions.
3. The Department of Natural Resources and Environment shall complete the application based on the opinions from the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment and submit a report to the provincial People’s Committee for consideration and approval.
The application shall include a statement enclosed with a draft of the Approval Decision; a draft of the list of areas where groundwater extraction is restricted; a draft map of the areas where groundwater extraction is restricted; a document specified the opinions from the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment and other related documents.
The statement shall specify the delineation process of restricted areas; a written explanation about the delineation results of restricted areas, the implementation of measures to restrain extraction in each area and the adaptation of opinions.
4. Announcement of the List and Map of areas where groundwater extraction is restricted:
a. Within 15 working days from the date on which the Approval Decision is received, the Department of Natural Resources and Environment shall announce the List and Map of areas where groundwater extraction is restricted on the mass media and publish such List and Map on the website of the provincial People's Committee; send reports to the People's Committees in the district, commune and village (hereinafter referred to as “Communal People’s Committee”) where extraction is restricted.
b. The List and Map of areas where groundwater extraction is restricted shall be approved and announced within 03 years from the date on which this Decree comes into force.
5. The list and map of areas where groundwater extraction is restricted shall be reviewed and modified once every 05 years or approved to be reviewed or amended by the Provincial People's Committee if:
a. The delineation basis is changed in accordance with this Decree and it changes the delineation scope of areas restrained from extraction.
b. Changes to natural conditions occur and change the scope of restricted area or there are areas requiring delineation or required to be excluded from the List of areas where groundwater extraction is restricted.
6. The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment shall collect and announce information about the Restricted Areas 2 within Hanoi City, Red River Delta, Central Highlands, Ho Chi Minh City and Mekong Delta.
Article 13. Plan for imposing restriction on groundwater extraction
1. The Department of Natural Resources and Environment shall carry out inspection and enumeration, update and add information and data to the list of existing works within the restricted areas or zones which have been announced; make a plan to impose restriction on groundwater extraction (hereinafter referred to as “Plan”) in accordance with this Decree.
2. The above-mentioned plan shall be developed for each restricted area or zone and shall contain:
a. A list of existing extraction works (with or without licenses) of each zone or area.
a. Specific measures for restraining extraction from each work.
c. A plan and a road map for implementing the measures for restraining extraction from each work.
3. Plan approval procedures:
a. The Department of Natural Resources and Environment shall send the Plan to the entities carrying out the works specified in such Plan, in order to get their opinions. If the groundwater extraction works specified in the plan have obtained the license from the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, such plan shall be sent to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment for getting their opinions about the application methods and the implementation plan and/or road map.
b. Within 30 working days, the entities mentioned in point a of this Clause shall provide their opinions in writing about the application methods and the implementation plan and/or road map and send such opinions to the Department of Natural Resources and Environment for them to make a general report.
c. Based on the opinions from the entities mentioned in point b of this Clause, the Department of Natural Resources and Environment shall complete the Plan on the basis of adhering to the regulations hereof and regulations of related laws, as well as ensuring the legal rights and interests of such entities without interrupting or affecting the water supply process and send such completed Plan to the Provincial People’s Committee for consideration and approval.
4. Within 15 working days from the date on which the Plan is approved, the Department of Natural Resources and Environment shall send a notification to the related entities and at the same time, send the Plan to the District People’s Committee, the Department of Water Resources Management and the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment for implementation.
Article 14. Responsibilities of ministries and ministerial agencies
1. Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment:
Direct the localities to impose restriction on groundwater extraction as specified in this Decree.
b. Provide guidance on the delineation of restricted areas and provide opinions about the List and Map of areas where groundwater extraction is restricted and about the plan for imposing restriction thereof of each locality as specified in this Decree.
c. Carry out inspection and handle violations against the law regulations on restriction on groundwater extraction.
2. Related ministries and/or ministerial agencies shall, within their competence, cooperate with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment and the provincial People’s Committee in implementing the regulations on extraction restriction as specified in this Decree.
Article 15. Responsibilities of the People's Committees of all levels and organizations and individuals extracting groundwater
1. Provincial People’s Committee:
Direct the Department of Natural Resources and Environment in carrying out delineation and announce the List and Map of areas where groundwater extraction is restricted, as well as making a plan to restrain the extraction within their area.
b. Approve the above-mentioned List and Map and the Plan for imposing restriction on extraction within their area, as well as directing the Department of Natural Resources and Environment, People’s Committees of provinces and communes to carry out implementation after the approval is received.
c. Carry out inspection and handle violations against the law regulations on restriction on groundwater extraction within their area.
d. Allocate funds derived from the provincial state budget for restraining extraction within the province as specified in the Law on Budget.
2. People’s Committees of districts and communes shall cooperate with the Department of Natural Resources and Environment in delineating areas where groundwater extraction is restricted and announce the List and Map thereof; carry out supervision for the implementation of restriction measures of organizations and individuals within their area as specified in approved Plan.
3. Organizations and individuals extracting groundwater:
a. Provide information and data which are related to the extraction works and extraction activities as requested by the Department of Natural Resources and Environment, in order to serve the delineation of areas where extraction is restricted as specified in the regulations hereof.
b. Cooperate with the Department of Natural Resources and Environment in determining the plan and road map for implementing the measures to restrain groundwater extraction (if any) from the works under their management as specified in this Decree.
c. Implement the measures to restrain groundwater extraction as specified in the approved plan.
Article 16. Transitional provisions
1. If the restricted areas get an approval before this Decree comes into force and comply with the regulations hereof, they shall continue to apply the restriction measures; if such areas do not comply with the regulations, the provincial People's Committees shall review and amend the measures until they comply with the regulations hereof before December 31, 2020.
2. Entities who have not implemented the measures to restrain groundwater extraction or are currently implementing them as requested by the competent regulatory agency or such measures have not been fully implemented by the time this Decree came into force, shall continue to implement such measures. If this Decree imposes lesser liability, the regulations hereof shall be implemented.
3. The plans on natural resources of provinces and central-affiliated cities which have been approved before this Decree comes into force and the contents related to the restriction on groundwater extraction shall be implemented in accordance with the regulations hereof.
Article 17. Entry into force and implementation responsibilities
1. This Decree shall come into force from February 10, 2019.
2. Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment shall take charge and cooperate with the related ministries and sectors in implementing this Decree.
3. Ministers and Heads of ministerial agencies, Heads of governmental agencies, Chairpersons of People's Committees of provinces and central-affiliated cities, related organizations and individuals shall be responsible for implementing this Decree./.