30 đề luyện thi Đại Học môn Tiếng Anh cực hay có lời giải (Đề số 18)

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Danh sách câu hỏi

Câu 1:


Mark  the  letter  A,  B,  C  or  D  on  your  answer  sheet  to  indicate  the  word  whose  underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the rest in each of the following questions.

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Đáp án A

Từ  courage có phần gạch chân được phát âm là /  ʌ/; các từ  còn lại có phần gạch chân được phát âm là / ə/

Câu 2:


Mark  the  letter  A,  B,  C  or  D  on  your  answer  sheet  to  indicate  the  word  whose  underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the rest in each of the following questions.

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Đáp án D

Từ  fond có phần gạch chân được phát âm là / ɒ /; các từ còn lại có phần gạch chân được phát âm là / ɔ: /

Câu 3:


Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others.

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Đáp án A

Từ assign nhấn âm tiết thứ hai, các từ còn lại nhấn âm thứ  nhất.

Câu 4:


Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others.

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Đáp án D

Từ proportion nhấn âm tiết thứ hai, các từ còn lại nhấn âm thứ ba.

Câu 11:


You can‘t just bury your________ in the sand and hope that this problem goes away.

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Đáp án B 

bury one 's head in the sand : nghĩ a l à dấu đầu xuống cát , tức là không nhìn nhận sự thật bằng cách giả vờ không nhìn thấy

Câu 12:


As you ……………. , the technology on the inside matches the brilliance of the exterior.

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Đáp án B

“as” có nghĩa là “như”.

- Với nghĩa “NHƯ” AS được theo sau bởi m ột m ệnh đề (với đủ chủ  ngữ và vị   ngữ)

Câu này chọn B. As you will expect: như bạn sẽ trông đợi,… 

Câu 13:


If  you  are  …………….  with  your  goods,  contact  us  within  ten  days  of  receipt,  and  we  shall arrange collection and refund your money in full.

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Đáp án A

Thứ tự : adv + adj, trạng từ chỉ  mức độ/ cách thức, sẽ đứng trước tính từ.

Câu 14:


……………….  films about writers are so dull  is that writers don‘t dress up to practice their craft.

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Đáp án B

One of the + Ns + V( chia )

A không chọn được. vì S + say (+that) + clause. Không có “is that ….” phía sau , câu sẽ đúng ngữ pháp.

C cũng sai, vì tương tự câu A.

D cũng sai vì because là liên từ nối hai mệnh đề

Câu 15:


With ………….. 5,000 tigers remaining in the world today, time is quickly running out for this beautiful animal.

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Đáp án D

So sánh ngang bằng: as + adj/adv + as ….

Câu 16:


This year it was ……. that many of our flowering plants die.

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Đáp án C

Cấu trúc nhấn mạnh: so + adj (+ a/an) + N

Câu 17:


You should always check the sell …… date of things you buy in the supermarket. 

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Đáp án  C

Sell-by date: hạn chót bán, thời hạn tiêu thụ

Câu 18:


When the building was completed, all the workers were paid ……. 

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Đáp án A

pay someone off: trả hết ti ền lương cho ai, rồi cho người đó thôi việc

Câu 19:


The boss was good enough to …….. my mistake.

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Đáp án D

overlook: bỏ qua

Các từ còn lại: oversee: quan sát; overtake: bắt kị p, vượt; overdo: làm quá

Câu 20:


……. , the balcony chairs will be ruined in this  weather.

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Đáp án B

Hai vế chung chủ ngữ chỉ   vật “the balcony chairs” => vế trước bị  động sẽ dùng V-ed.

Câu 21:


Start reading the story from page 4 and then go on until you …… the end of the chapter.

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Đáp án B

reach: hoàn thành

Các từ còn lại: arrive : đến, tới ( m ột địa điểm); touch: cầm; achieve: đạt được

Câu 22:


I need to find some kind of chemical that will …… the weeds in the garden.

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Đáp án C

keep down: cản không cho lên

Các từ còn lại: keep off: tránh xa, kiêng k ỵ; keep out: không đi vào, ở l ại bên ngoài; keep on: cứ vẫn tiếp tục

Câu 23:


-John: ―Would you like to have a get -together with us next weekend?

-Anne: ― ………. 

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Đáp án C

Cấu trúc “would you like + to V? “. – Đề nghị, gợi ý.

=> Đáp án là C. Yes, I‘d love to. Vâng. Tôi thích => chỉ   sự đồng tình

Các đáp án khác không hợp ngữ cảnh.

Câu 24:


-  George: ―……………….”

-  Michelle: ―Thank you for your compliment.

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Đáp án D

- Thank you for your compliment. – Cảm ơn lời khen của bạn 

=> Đáp án là D. You look pretty in this dress. – Trông bạn thật tuy ệt vời trong chiếc váy này.

Các đáp án khác không hợp ngữ cảnh.

A. Bạn làm rất tốt.

B. Tôi rất vui khi bạn lại khỏe.

C. Đây là món quà cho bạn.

Câu 25:


Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that is CLOSET in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following questions.

A conference was held in Geneva, laying down rules for the treatment and protection of the wounded and the disaster-stricken.

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Đáp án A

lay down = establish: thiết l ập

Các từ còn lại: cancel: hủy; đàn áp, để xuống; put inside: đặt bên trong

Câu 26:


Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that is CLOSET in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following questions.

Help and supports are rapidly sent to wherever there are victims of catastrophe.

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Đáp án A

catastrophe: tai họa, thảm họa lớn 

Các đáp án khác:

B. Cuộc chiến tranh C. nạn nghèo và nạn đói D. bệnh tật và ốm đau

Câu 27:


Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that is OPPOSITE  in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following questions.

The Olympic Games impressed sports enthusiasts with its spirit: solidarity, cooperation for peace and development.

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Đáp án A

Các đáp án khác: B. amazed: ngạc nhiên; C. interested: thú vị; D. tạo mối quan hệ mạnh mẽ từ …

Câu 28:


Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that is OPPOSITE  in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following questions.

My mom is always bad-tempered when I leave my room untidy.

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Đáp án C

Các đáp án khác:

A. Cảm thấy ngại ngùng

B. Nói quá nhiều

C. Rất hạnh phúc và hài lòng

Câu 32:


Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 32to 38.

         In  the  20 th century,  magazines  have  been  a  major  growth  area  of  popular  publishing.  Specialist  magazines  cater  to  every  imaginable  field  and  activity.  In  the  United  Kingdom,  over  12,000 periodicals,  magazines,  bulletins,  annuals,  trade  journals,  and  academic  journals  are  published  on  a regular basis. There are some 40 women‘s magazines and over 60 dealing with particular sports games, hobbies,  and  pastimes.  Although  some  US  magazines,  such  as  The  Saturday  Evening  Post,  has succumbed  to the  circulations, The Reader‘s Digest over 16 million, the National Geographic over 10 million. For many people, magazines have been the most available and widely used form of continuing education, providing information about history, geography, literature, science, and the arts, and as well as guidance on gardening, cooking, home decorating, financial management, psychology, even marriage and family life.
            Until the rise of television, magazines were the most available form of cheap, convenient entertainment in the English-speaking world. Radio served a similar function, but it was more limited in what it  could do. Magazines and television, however, both address the more powerful visual sense. During the third quarter of the 20 thcentury, coincident with a dramatic rise in the popularity of television, many generalinterest, especially illustrated magazines went out of business. The shift in attention of a mass audience from reading such magazines to watching television has been a major factor in this decline, but it is an implicit  tribute  to  the  older  genre  that  its  programs  are  generally  organized  i n  a  single  format  and content.

The word  “it”  in paragraph 2 refers to …………..

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Đáp án D

it = radio. Trong câu:  Radio served a similar function, but   it  was more limited in what it could do.

Câu 33:


Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 32 to 38.

         In  the  20 th century,  magazines  have  been  a  major  growth  area  of  popular  publishing.  Specialist  magazines  cater  to  every  imaginable  field  and  activity.  In  the  United  Kingdom,  over  12,000 periodicals,  magazines,  bulletins,  annuals,  trade  journals,  and  academic  journals  are  published  on  a regular basis. There are some 40 women‘s magazines and over 60 dealing with particular sports games, hobbies,  and  pastimes.  Although  some  US  magazines,  such  as  The  Saturday  Evening  Post,  has succumbed  to the  circulations, The Reader‘s Digest over 16 million, the National Geographic over 10 million. For many people, magazines have been the most available and widely used form of continuing education, providing information about history, geography, literature, science, and the arts, and as well as guidance on gardening, cooking, home decorating, financial management, psychology, even marriage and family life.
            Until the rise of television, magazines were the most available form of cheap, convenient entertainment in the English-speaking world. Radio served a similar function, but it was more limited in what it  could do. Magazines and television, however, both address the more powerful visual sense. During the third quarter of the 20 thcentury, coincident with a dramatic rise in the popularity of television, many generalinterest, especially illustrated magazines went out of business. The shift in attention of a mass audience from reading such magazines to watching television has been a major factor in this decline, but it is an implicit  tribute  to  the  older  genre  that  its  programs  are  generally  organized  i n  a  single  format  and content.

From the passage it can be inferred that …………..

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Đáp án B

Có thể thấy, tác giả đưa ra những hướng tích cực của “magazines”

Câu 34:


Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 32to 38.

         In  the  20 th century,  magazines  have  been  a  major  growth  area  of  popular  publishing.  Specialist  magazines  cater  to  every  imaginable  field  and  activity.  In  the  United  Kingdom,  over  12,000 periodicals,  magazines,  bulletins,  annuals,  trade  journals,  and  academic  journals  are  published  on  a regular basis. There are some 40 women‘s magazines and over 60 dealing with particular sports games, hobbies,  and  pastimes.  Although  some  US  magazines,  such  as  The  Saturday  Evening  Post,  has succumbed  to the  circulations, The Reader‘s Digest over 16 million, the National Geographic over 10 million. For many people, magazines have been the most available and widely used form of continuing education, providing information about history, geography, literature, science, and the arts, and as well as guidance on gardening, cooking, home decorating, financial management, psychology, even marriage and family life.
            Until the rise of television, magazines were the most available form of cheap, convenient entertainment in the English-speaking world. Radio served a similar function, but it was more limited in what it  could do. Magazines and television, however, both address the more powerful visual sense. During the third quarter of the 20 thcentury, coincident with a dramatic rise in the popularity of television, many generalinterest, especially illustrated magazines went out of business. The shift in attention of a mass audience from reading such magazines to watching television has been a major factor in this decline, but it is an implicit  tribute  to  the  older  genre  that  its  programs  are  generally  organized  i n  a  single  format  and content.

According to the passage, which of the following magazines is no longer printed?

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Đáp án A

ý trong bài: Although some US magazines, such as The Saturday Evening Post, has succumbed to the circulations, ….

Câu 35:


Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 32to 38.

         In  the  20 th century,  magazines  have  been  a  major  growth  area  of  popular  publishing.  Specialist  magazines  cater  to  every  imaginable  field  and  activity.  In  the  United  Kingdom,  over  12,000 periodicals,  magazines,  bulletins,  annuals,  trade  journals,  and  academic  journals  are  published  on  a regular basis. There are some 40 women‘s magazines and over 60 dealing with particular sports games, hobbies,  and  pastimes.  Although  some  US  magazines,  such  as  The  Saturday  Evening  Post,  has succumbed  to the  circulations, The Reader‘s Digest over 16 million, the National Geographic over 10 million. For many people, magazines have been the most available and widely used form of continuing education, providing information about history, geography, literature, science, and the arts, and as well as guidance on gardening, cooking, home decorating, financial management, psychology, even marriage and family life.
            Until the rise of television, magazines were the most available form of cheap, convenient entertainment in the English-speaking world. Radio served a similar function, but it was more limited in what it  could do. Magazines and television, however, both address the more powerful visual sense. During the third quarter of the 20 thcentury, coincident with a dramatic rise in the popularity of television, many generalinterest, especially illustrated magazines went out of business. The shift in attention of a mass audience from reading such magazines to watching television has been a major factor in this decline, but it is an implicit  tribute  to  the  older  genre  that  its  programs  are  generally  organized  i n  a  single  format  and content.

Which of the following does the author describe as limited in what it could do?

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Đáp án A

Ý trong bài: Radio served a similar function, but it was more limited in what it could do.

Câu 36:


Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 32to 38.

         In  the  20 th century,  magazines  have  been  a  major  growth  area  of  popular  publishing.  Specialist  magazines  cater  to  every  imaginable  field  and  activity.  In  the  United  Kingdom,  over  12,000 periodicals,  magazines,  bulletins,  annuals,  trade  journals,  and  academic  journals  are  published  on  a regular basis. There are some 40 women‘s magazines and over 60 dealing with particular sports games, hobbies,  and  pastimes.  Although  some  US  magazines,  such  as  The  Saturday  Evening  Post,  has succumbed  to the  circulations, The Reader‘s Digest over 16 million, the National Geographic over 10 million. For many people, magazines have been the most available and widely used form of continuing education, providing information about history, geography, literature, science, and the arts, and as well as guidance on gardening, cooking, home decorating, financial management, psychology, even marriage and family life.
            Until the rise of television, magazines were the most available form of cheap, convenient entertainment in the English-speaking world. Radio served a similar function, but it was more limited in what it  could do. Magazines and television, however, both address the more powerful visual sense. During the third quarter of the 20 thcentury, coincident with a dramatic rise in the popularity of television, many generalinterest, especially illustrated magazines went out of business. The shift in attention of a mass audience from reading such magazines to watching television has been a major factor in this decline, but it is an implicit  tribute  to  the  older  genre  that  its  programs  are  generally  organized  i n  a  single  format  and content.

The word ―succumbed means ………….

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Đáp án D

succumbe = give in to: nhượng bộ, chịu thua

Câu 37:


Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 32to 38.

         In  the  20 th century,  magazines  have  been  a  major  growth  area  of  popular  publishing.  Specialist  magazines  cater  to  every  imaginable  field  and  activity.  In  the  United  Kingdom,  over  12,000 periodicals,  magazines,  bulletins,  annuals,  trade  journals,  and  academic  journals  are  published  on  a regular basis. There are some 40 women‘s magazines and over 60 dealing with particular sports games, hobbies,  and  pastimes.  Although  some  US  magazines,  such  as  The  Saturday  Evening  Post,  has succumbed  to the  circulations, The Reader‘s Digest over 16 million, the National Geographic over 10 million. For many people, magazines have been the most available and widely used form of continuing education, providing information about history, geography, literature, science, and the arts, and as well as guidance on gardening, cooking, home decorating, financial management, psychology, even marriage and family life.
            Until the rise of television, magazines were the most available form of cheap, convenient entertainment in the English-speaking world. Radio served a similar function, but it was more limited in what it  could do. Magazines and television, however, both address the more powerful visual sense. During the third quarter of the 20 thcentury, coincident with a dramatic rise in the popularity of television, many generalinterest, especially illustrated magazines went out of business. The shift in attention of a mass audience from reading such magazines to watching television has been a major factor in this decline, but it is an implicit  tribute  to  the  older  genre  that  its  programs  are  generally  organized  i n  a  single  format  and content.

The phrase  “every imaginable field” is closest in meaning to ……………

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Đáp án C

tất cả các ngành nghề, chuyên môn mà m ột người có thể nghĩ về

Câu 38:


Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 32to 38.

         In  the  20 th century,  magazines  have  been  a  major  growth  area  of  popular  publishing.  Specialist  magazines  cater  to  every  imaginable  field  and  activity.  In  the  United  Kingdom,  over  12,000 periodicals,  magazines,  bulletins,  annuals,  trade  journals,  and  academic  journals  are  published  on  a regular basis. There are some 40 women‘s magazines and over 60 dealing with particular sports games, hobbies,  and  pastimes.  Although  some  US  magazines,  such  as  The  Saturday  Evening  Post,  has succumbed  to the  circulations, The Reader‘s Digest over 16 million, the National Geographic over 10 million. For many people, magazines have been the most available and widely used form of continuing education, providing information about history, geography, literature, science, and the arts, and as well as guidance on gardening, cooking, home decorating, financial management, psychology, even marriage and family life.
            Until the rise of television, magazines were the most available form of cheap, convenient entertainment in the English-speaking world. Radio served a similar function, but it was more limited in what it  could do. Magazines and television, however, both address the more powerful visual sense. During the third quarter of the 20 thcentury, coincident with a dramatic rise in the popularity of television, many generalinterest, especially illustrated magazines went out of business. The shift in attention of a mass audience from reading such magazines to watching television has been a major factor in this decline, but it is an implicit  tribute  to  the  older  genre  that  its  programs  are  generally  organized  i n  a  single  format  and content.

What does the author say about mass audiences?

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Đáp án D

Ý trong bài: The shift in attention of a mass audience from reading such magazines to watching television has been a major factor in this decline…..

Câu 39:


Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to  indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from  39 to 46.

       The term  “art deco” has come to  encompass  three distinct but related design trends  of the 1920‘s and 1930‘s.  The  first  was  what  is  frequently  referred  to  as  “zigzag  moderne”  –the  exotically  ornamental style of such skyscrapers as the Chrysler Building   in New York City and related structures such as the Paramount  Theater  in  Oakland,  California.  The  word  “zigzag” alludes  to  the  geometric  and  stylized ornamentation of  zigzags, angular patterns, abstracted plant and animal  motifs,  sunbursts, astrological imagery, formalized fountains, and related themes that were applied in mosaic relief  and mural form to the exterior and interior of the buildings. Many of these buildings were   shaped in the ziggurat form, a design resembling an ancient Mesopotamian temple tower that recedes in progressively smaller stages to the summit, creating a staircase-like effect.

        The second manifestation of art deco was the 1930‘s  “streamlined moderne” style—a  Futuristic-looking aerodynamic  style of rounded corners and  horizontal  bands known as  “speed  stripes” In architecture, these  elements were frequently accompanied by round  windows, extensive use of glass block, and flat rooftops.

        The third style, referred to as    “international  stripped classicism”  also came to the forefront  during the Depression,  a  period  of  severe  economic  difficult  in  the  1930‘s.  This  was  a  more  conservative  style, blending  a  simplified  modernistic  style  with  a  more  austere  form  of  geometric  and  stylized  relief sculpture  and  other  ornament,  including  interior  murals.  May  buildings  in  this  style  were  erected  nationwide through government programs during the Depression .

       Although  art  deco  in  its  many  forms  was  largely  perceived  as  thoroughly  modern,  it  was  strongly influenced  by  the  decorative  arts  movements  that  immediately  preceded   it.  For  example,  like  “art nouveau”  (1890-1910),  art  deco  also  used  plant  motifs,  but   regularized  the  forms  into  abstracted repetitive  patterns  rather  than  presenting  them  as  flowing,  asymmetrical  foliage,  Like  the  Viennese craftspeople of the Wiener Werkstatte,  art deco designers worked with exotic materials, geometricized shapes, and colorfully ornate patterns. Furthermore, like the artisans of the Arts and Crafts Movement in England  and  the  United  States,  art  deep  practitioners  considered  it  their  mission  to  transform  the domestic environment through well-designed furniture and household accessories.

What aspect of art deco does the passage mainly discuss?

Xem đáp án

Đáp  án C

Ý  trong  bài:  The  term  “art  deco”  has  come  to  encompass  three  distinct  but  related design trends of the 1920‘s and 1930‘s.

Câu 40:


Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to  indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from  39 to 46.

       The term  “art deco” has come to  encompass  three distinct but related design trends  of the 1920‘s and 1930‘s.  The  first  was  what  is  frequently  referred  to  as  “zigzag  moderne”  –the  exotically  ornamental style of such skyscrapers as the Chrysler Building   in New York City and related structures such as the Paramount  Theater  in  Oakland,  California.  The  word  “zigzag” alludes  to  the  geometric  and  stylized ornamentation of  zigzags, angular patterns, abstracted plant and animal  motifs,  sunbursts, astrological imagery, formalized fountains, and related themes that were applied in mosaic relief  and mural form to the exterior and interior of the buildings. Many of these buildings were   shaped in the ziggurat form, a design resembling an ancient Mesopotamian temple tower that recedes in progressively smaller stages to the summit, creating a staircase-like effect.

        The second manifestation of art deco was the 1930‘s  “streamlined moderne” style—a  Futuristic-looking aerodynamic  style of rounded corners and  horizontal  bands known as  “speed  stripes” In architecture, these  elements were frequently accompanied by round  windows, extensive use of glass block, and flat rooftops.

        The third style, referred to as    “international  stripped classicism”  also came to the forefront  during the Depression,  a  period  of  severe  economic  difficult  in  the  1930‘s.  This  was  a  more  conservative  style, blending  a  simplified  modernistic  style  with  a  more  austere  form  of  geometric  and  stylized  relief sculpture  and  other  ornament,  including  interior  murals.  May  buildings  in  this  style  were  erected  nationwide through government programs during the Depression .

       Although  art  deco  in  its  many  forms  was  largely  perceived  as  thoroughly  modern,  it  was  strongly influenced  by  the  decorative  arts  movements  that  immediately  preceded   it.  For  example,  like  “art nouveau”  (1890-1910),  art  deco  also  used  plant  motifs,  but   regularized  the  forms  into  abstracted repetitive  patterns  rather  than  presenting  them  as  flowing,  asymmetrical  foliage,  Like  the  Viennese craftspeople of the Wiener Werkstatte,  art deco designers worked with exotic materials, geometricized shapes, and colorfully ornate patterns. Furthermore, like the artisans of the Arts and Crafts Movement in England  and  the  United  States,  art  deep  practitioners  considered  it  their  mission  to  transform  the domestic environment through well-designed furniture and household accessories.

The word “encompass” in line 1 is closest in meaning to …………

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Đáp án B

encompass = include: gồm

Các từ còn lại: separate: chia tách; replace: thay thế; enhance: đề cao

Câu 41:


Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to  indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from  39 to 46.

       The term  “art deco” has come to  encompass  three distinct but related design trends  of the 1920‘s and 1930‘s.  The  first  was  what  is  frequently  referred  to  as  “zigzag  moderne”  –the  exotically  ornamental style of such skyscrapers as the Chrysler Building   in New York City and related structures such as the Paramount  Theater  in  Oakland,  California.  The  word  “zigzag” alludes  to  the  geometric  and  stylized ornamentation of  zigzags, angular patterns, abstracted plant and animal  motifs,  sunbursts, astrological imagery, formalized fountains, and related themes that were applied in mosaic relief  and mural form to the exterior and interior of the buildings. Many of these buildings were   shaped in the ziggurat form, a design resembling an ancient Mesopotamian temple tower that recedes in progressively smaller stages to the summit, creating a staircase-like effect.

        The second manifestation of art deco was the 1930‘s  “streamlined moderne” style—a  Futuristic-looking aerodynamic  style of rounded corners and  horizontal  bands known as  “speed  stripes” In architecture, these  elements were frequently accompanied by round  windows, extensive use of glass block, and flat rooftops.

        The third style, referred to as    “international  stripped classicism”  also came to the forefront  during the Depression,  a  period  of  severe  economic  difficult  in  the  1930‘s.  This  was  a  more  conservative  style, blending  a  simplified  modernistic  style  with  a  more  austere  form  of  geometric  and  stylized  relief sculpture  and  other  ornament,  including  interior  murals.  May  buildings  in  this  style  were  erected  nationwide through government programs during the Depression .

       Although  art  deco  in  its  many  forms  was  largely  perceived  as  thoroughly  modern,  it  was  strongly influenced  by  the  decorative  arts  movements  that  immediately  preceded   it.  For  example,  like  “art nouveau”  (1890-1910),  art  deco  also  used  plant  motifs,  but   regularized  the  forms  into  abstracted repetitive  patterns  rather  than  presenting  them  as  flowing,  asymmetrical  foliage,  Like  the  Viennese craftspeople of the Wiener Werkstatte,  art deco designers worked with exotic materials, geometricized shapes, and colorfully ornate patterns. Furthermore, like the artisans of the Arts and Crafts Movement in England  and  the  United  States,  art  deep  practitioners  considered  it  their  mission  to  transform  the domestic environment through well-designed furniture and household accessories.

The phrase “The first” in line 2 refers to …………..

Xem đáp án

Đáp án B

The first = the first design trends….Dựa vào ý câu trước đ

Câu 42:


Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to  indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from  39 to 46.

       The term  “art deco” has come to  encompass  three distinct but related design trends  of the 1920‘s and 1930‘s.  The  first  was  what  is  frequently  referred  to  as  “zigzag  moderne”  –the  exotically  ornamental style of such skyscrapers as the Chrysler Building   in New York City and related structures such as the Paramount  Theater  in  Oakland,  California.  The  word  “zigzag” alludes  to  the  geometric  and  stylized ornamentation of  zigzags, angular patterns, abstracted plant and animal  motifs,  sunbursts, astrological imagery, formalized fountains, and related themes that were applied in mosaic relief  and mural form to the exterior and interior of the buildings. Many of these buildings were   shaped in the ziggurat form, a design resembling an ancient Mesopotamian temple tower that recedes in progressively smaller stages to the summit, creating a staircase-like effect.

        The second manifestation of art deco was the 1930‘s  “streamlined moderne” style—a  Futuristic-looking aerodynamic  style of rounded corners and  horizontal  bands known as  “speed  stripes” In architecture, these  elements were frequently accompanied by round  windows, extensive use of glass block, and flat rooftops.

        The third style, referred to as    “international  stripped classicism”  also came to the forefront  during the Depression,  a  period  of  severe  economic  difficult  in  the  1930‘s.  This  was  a  more  conservative  style, blending  a  simplified  modernistic  style  with  a  more  austere  form  of  geometric  and  stylized  relief sculpture  and  other  ornament,  including  interior  murals.  May  buildings  in  this  style  were  erected  nationwide through government programs during the Depression .

       Although  art  deco  in  its  many  forms  was  largely  perceived  as  thoroughly  modern,  it  was  strongly influenced  by  the  decorative  arts  movements  that  immediately  preceded   it.  For  example,  like  “art nouveau”  (1890-1910),  art  deco  also  used  plant  motifs,  but   regularized  the  forms  into  abstracted repetitive  patterns  rather  than  presenting  them  as  flowing,  asymmetrical  foliage,  Like  the  Viennese craftspeople of the Wiener Werkstatte,  art deco designers worked with exotic materials, geometricized shapes, and colorfully ornate patterns. Furthermore, like the artisans of the Arts and Crafts Movement in England  and  the  United  States,  art  deep  practitioners  considered  it  their  mission  to  transform  the domestic environment through well-designed furniture and household accessories.

In line 8, the author mentions “an ancient Mesopotamian temple tower” in order to ……….

Xem đáp án

Đáp án A

Dựa vào ý trước câu đề cập cụm từ này.

Câu 43:


Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to  indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from  39 to 46.

       The term  “art deco” has come to  encompass  three distinct but related design trends  of the 1920‘s and 1930‘s.  The  first  was  what  is  frequently  referred  to  as  “zigzag  moderne”  –the  exotically  ornamental style of such skyscrapers as the Chrysler Building   in New York City and related structures such as the Paramount  Theater  in  Oakland,  California.  The  word  “zigzag” alludes  to  the  geometric  and  stylized ornamentation of  zigzags, angular patterns, abstracted plant and animal  motifs,  sunbursts, astrological imagery, formalized fountains, and related themes that were applied in mosaic relief  and mural form to the exterior and interior of the buildings. Many of these buildings were   shaped in the ziggurat form, a design resembling an ancient Mesopotamian temple tower that recedes in progressively smaller stages to the summit, creating a staircase-like effect.

        The second manifestation of art deco was the 1930‘s  “streamlined moderne” style—a  Futuristic-looking aerodynamic  style of rounded corners and  horizontal  bands known as  “speed  stripes” In architecture, these  elements were frequently accompanied by round  windows, extensive use of glass block, and flat rooftops.

        The third style, referred to as    “international  stripped classicism”  also came to the forefront  during the Depression,  a  period  of  severe  economic  difficult  in  the  1930‘s.  This  was  a  more  conservative  style, blending  a  simplified  modernistic  style  with  a  more  austere  form  of  geometric  and  stylized  relief sculpture  and  other  ornament,  including  interior  murals.  May  buildings  in  this  style  were  erected  nationwide through government programs during the Depression .

       Although  art  deco  in  its  many  forms  was  largely  perceived  as  thoroughly  modern,  it  was  strongly influenced  by  the  decorative  arts  movements  that  immediately  preceded   it.  For  example,  like  “art nouveau”  (1890-1910),  art  deco  also  used  plant  motifs,  but   regularized  the  forms  into  abstracted repetitive  patterns  rather  than  presenting  them  as  flowing,  asymmetrical  foliage,  Like  the  Viennese craftspeople of the Wiener Werkstatte,  art deco designers worked with exotic materials, geometricized shapes, and colorfully ornate patterns. Furthermore, like the artisans of the Arts and Crafts Movement in England  and  the  United  States,  art  deep  practitioners  considered  it  their  mission  to  transform  the domestic environment through well-designed furniture and household accessories.

The streamlined  moderne style is characterized by all of the following EXCEPT ………..

Xem đáp án

Đáp  án A

Đoạn  số  2:  …  as  “speed  stripes”  In  architecture,  these  elements  were  frequently accompanied by round windows, extensive use of glass block, and flat rooftops

Câu 44:


Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to  indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from  39 to 46.

       The term  “art deco” has come to  encompass  three distinct but related design trends  of the 1920‘s and 1930‘s.  The  first  was  what  is  frequently  referred  to  as  “zigzag  moderne”  –the  exotically  ornamental style of such skyscrapers as the Chrysler Building   in New York City and related structures such as the Paramount  Theater  in  Oakland,  California.  The  word  “zigzag” alludes  to  the  geometric  and  stylized ornamentation of  zigzags, angular patterns, abstracted plant and animal  motifs,  sunbursts, astrological imagery, formalized fountains, and related themes that were applied in mosaic relief  and mural form to the exterior and interior of the buildings. Many of these buildings were   shaped in the ziggurat form, a design resembling an ancient Mesopotamian temple tower that recedes in progressively smaller stages to the summit, creating a staircase-like effect.

        The second manifestation of art deco was the 1930‘s  “streamlined moderne” style—a  Futuristic-looking aerodynamic  style of rounded corners and  horizontal  bands known as  “speed  stripes” In architecture, these  elements were frequently accompanied by round  windows, extensive use of glass block, and flat rooftops.

        The third style, referred to as    “international  stripped classicism”  also came to the forefront  during the Depression,  a  period  of  severe  economic  difficult  in  the  1930‘s.  This  was  a  more  conservative  style, blending  a  simplified  modernistic  style  with  a  more  austere  form  of  geometric  and  stylized  relief sculpture  and  other  ornament,  including  interior  murals.  May  buildings  in  this  style  were  erected  nationwide through government programs during the Depression .

       Although  art  deco  in  its  many  forms  was  largely  perceived  as  thoroughly  modern,  it  was  strongly influenced  by  the  decorative  arts  movements  that  immediately  preceded   it.  For  example,  like  “art nouveau”  (1890-1910),  art  deco  also  used  plant  motifs,  but   regularized  the  forms  into  abstracted repetitive  patterns  rather  than  presenting  them  as  flowing,  asymmetrical  foliage,  Like  the  Viennese craftspeople of the Wiener Werkstatte,  art deco designers worked with exotic materials, geometricized shapes, and colorfully ornate patterns. Furthermore, like the artisans of the Arts and Crafts Movement in England  and  the  United  States,  art  deep  practitioners  considered  it  their  mission  to  transform  the domestic environment through well-designed furniture and household accessories.

According to the passage, which of the  following statements most accurately describes the relationship between art deco and art  nouveau?

Xem đáp án

Đáp án  C

Những dòng đầu đoạn 4 có đề cập

Câu 45:


Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to  indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from  39 to 46.

       The term  “art deco” has come to  encompass  three distinct but related design trends  of the 1920‘s and 1930‘s.  The  first  was  what  is  frequently  referred  to  as  “zigzag  moderne”  –the  exotically  ornamental style of such skyscrapers as the Chrysler Building   in New York City and related structures such as the Paramount  Theater  in  Oakland,  California.  The  word  “zigzag” alludes  to  the  geometric  and  stylized ornamentation of  zigzags, angular patterns, abstracted plant and animal  motifs,  sunbursts, astrological imagery, formalized fountains, and related themes that were applied in mosaic relief  and mural form to the exterior and interior of the buildings. Many of these buildings were   shaped in the ziggurat form, a design resembling an ancient Mesopotamian temple tower that recedes in progressively smaller stages to the summit, creating a staircase-like effect.

        The second manifestation of art deco was the 1930‘s  “streamlined moderne” style—a  Futuristic-looking aerodynamic  style of rounded corners and  horizontal  bands known as  “speed  stripes” In architecture, these  elements were frequently accompanied by round  windows, extensive use of glass block, and flat rooftops.

        The third style, referred to as    “international  stripped classicism”  also came to the forefront  during the Depression,  a  period  of  severe  economic  difficult  in  the  1930‘s.  This  was  a  more  conservative  style, blending  a  simplified  modernistic  style  with  a  more  austere  form  of  geometric  and  stylized  relief sculpture  and  other  ornament,  including  interior  murals.  May  buildings  in  this  style  were  erected  nationwide through government programs during the Depression .


       Although  art  deco  in  its  many  forms  was  largely  perceived  as  thoroughly  modern,  it  was  strongly influenced  by  the  decorative  arts  movements  that  immediately  preceded   it.  For  example,  like  “art nouveau”  (1890-1910),  art  deco  also  used  plant  motifs,  but   regularized  the  forms  into  abstracted repetitive  patterns  rather  than  presenting  them  as  flowing,  asymmetrical  foliage,  Like  the  Viennese craftspeople of the Wiener Werkstatte,  art deco designers worked with exotic materials, geometricized shapes, and colorfully ornate patterns. Furthermore, like the artisans of the Arts and Crafts Movement in England  and  the  United  States,  art  deep  practitioners  considered  it  their  mission  to  transform  the domestic environment through well-designed furniture and household accessories.

According to the passage, which of the  following design trends is known by more than one name ?

Xem đáp án

Đáp án C

Dựa vào đoạn số 2

Câu 46:


Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to  indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from  39 to 46.

       The term  “art deco” has come to  encompass  three distinct but related design trends  of the 1920‘s and 1930‘s.  The  first  was  what  is  frequently  referred  to  as  “zigzag  moderne”  –the  exotically  ornamental style of such skyscrapers as the Chrysler Building   in New York City and related structures such as the Paramount  Theater  in  Oakland,  California.  The  word  “zigzag” alludes  to  the  geometric  and  stylized ornamentation of  zigzags, angular patterns, abstracted plant and animal  motifs,  sunbursts, astrological imagery, formalized fountains, and related themes that were applied in mosaic relief  and mural form to the exterior and interior of the buildings. Many of these buildings were   shaped in the ziggurat form, a design resembling an ancient Mesopotamian temple tower that recedes in progressively smaller stages to the summit, creating a staircase-like effect.

        The second manifestation of art deco was the 1930‘s  “streamlined moderne” style—a  Futuristic-looking aerodynamic  style of rounded corners and  horizontal  bands known as  “speed  stripes” In architecture, these  elements were frequently accompanied by round  windows, extensive use of glass block, and flat rooftops.

        The third style, referred to as    “international  stripped classicism”  also came to the forefront  during the Depression,  a  period  of  severe  economic  difficult  in  the  1930‘s.  This  was  a  more  conservative  style, blending  a  simplified  modernistic  style  with  a  more  austere  form  of  geometric  and  stylized  relief sculpture  and  other  ornament,  including  interior  murals.  May  buildings  in  this  style  were  erected  nationwide through government programs during the Depression .

       Although  art  deco  in  its  many  forms  was  largely  perceived  as  thoroughly  modern,  it  was  strongly influenced  by  the  decorative  arts  movements  that  immediately  preceded   it.  For  example,  like  “art nouveau”  (1890-1910),  art  deco  also  used  plant  motifs,  but   regularized  the  forms  into  abstracted repetitive  patterns  rather  than  presenting  them  as  flowing,  asymmetrical  foliage,  Like  the  Viennese craftspeople of the Wiener Werkstatte,  art deco designers worked with exotic materials, geometricized shapes, and colorfully ornate patterns. Furthermore, like the artisans of the Arts and Crafts Movement in England  and  the  United  States,  art  deep  practitioners  considered  it  their  mission  to  transform  the domestic environment through well-designed furniture and household accessories.

The passage is primarily developed as …………….

Xem đáp án

Đáp án C

Mà  ở  đây  có  ba  loại  xu  hướng  được  đề  cập:  zigzag  modern,  Streamlined  modern, international stripped classicism

Câu 47:


Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is CLOSEST in meaning to the sentence given in each of the following questions.

We last went abroad a long time ago.

Xem đáp án

Đáp án B

Câu 48:


Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is CLOSEST in meaning to the sentence given in each of the following questions.

He didn‘t study enough for his exams, so he failed two of them.

Xem đáp án

Đáp án A

Câu 49:


Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is CLOSEST in meaning to the sentence given in each of the following questions.

As it got darker, we had more  difficulty seeing.

Xem đáp án

Đáp án D

Câu 50:


Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is CLOSEST in meaning to the sentence given in each of the following questions.

We had to go up the stairs because someone was using the lift.

Xem đáp án

Đáp án C

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