Câu hỏi:

29/08/2024 2,100

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.

Whales are the largest animals in the world, and the gentlest creatures we know. Although the whale is very huge, it is not hindered at all by its size when it is in the water. Whales have tails that end like flippers. With just a gentle flick, it can propel itself forward. The skin of a whale is so smooth that it does not create any friction that can slow the whale down. A whale’s breathing hole is located on the top of its head, so it can breathe without having to completely push its head out of the water. Whales are protected from the cold seawater by body fat that is called blubber.

Whales live in the ocean but, in terms of behaviours, they are more similar to humans than fish.

They live in family groups and they even travel in groups when they have to migrate from cooler to warmer waters. The young stay with their parents for as long as fifteen years. Whales are known not to desert the ill or injured members; instead, they cradle them.

When whales are in danger, there are people who go to great lengths to help them. One such case occurred in 1988, when three young whales were trapped in the sea. It was close to winter and the sea had begun to freeze over. Whales are mammals that require oxygen from the air, so the frozen ice was a great danger to them. All they had then was a tiny hole in the ice for them to breathe through. Volunteers from all over soon turned up to help these creatures. They cut holes in the ice to provide more breathing holes for the whales. These holes would also serve as guides for the whales so that they could swim to warmer waters.

Which of the following best describes the main idea of this passage?

A. Some remarkable similarities of whales to humans.

B. Whales as the only animals to live in warm water.

C. Whales as the largest, gentlest but vulnerable creatures.

Đáp án chính xác

D. Successful attempts to rescue whales all over the world.

Trả lời:

verified Giải bởi Vietjack

Đáp án C

Theo các thông tin, bài văn cung cấp ta có:

-         "Whales are the largest animals in the world, and the gentlest creatures we know."

-         "Whales are protected from the cold seawater by body fat that is called blubber."

-         "When whales are in danger, there are people who go to great lengths to help them."

Dịch nghĩa: “Cá voi là loài động vật lớn nhất trên thế giới và là những sinh vật hiền lành nhất mà chúng ta biết. Mặc dù cá voi rất to lớn, nhưng kích thước của nó không hề cản trở gì khi chúng ở dưới nước. Cá voi có đuôi kết thúc như những chiếc vây. Chỉ với một cái đẩy nhẹ, nó có thể tự đẩy mình về phía trước. Da của cá voi mịn đến mức không tạo ra bất kỳ sự ma sát nào có thể làm chậm tốc độ của nó. Lỗ thở của cá voi nằm trên đỉnh đầu, vì vậy nó có thể thở mà không cần phải hoàn toàn nhô đầu ra khỏi nước. Cá voi được bảo vệ khỏi nước biển lạnh bởi lớp mỡ cơ thể được gọi là mỡ cá voi.

Cá voi sống trong đại dương nhưng, về hành vi, chúng giống con người hơn là cá. Chúng sống theo nhóm gia đình và thậm chí còn di chuyển theo nhóm khi phải di cư từ vùng nước lạnh sang vùng nước ấm hơn. Cá con ở lại với bố mẹ trong suốt mười lăm năm. Cá voi nổi tiếng là không bỏ rơi các thành viên bị bệnh hoặc bị thương; thay vào đó, chúng chăm sóc họ.

Khi cá voi gặp nguy hiểm, có những người sẵn sàng làm mọi cách để giúp đỡ chúng. Một trường hợp như vậy đã xảy ra vào năm 1988, khi ba con cá voi trẻ bị mắc kẹt trong biển. Đó là gần mùa đông và biển đã bắt đầu đóng băng. Cá voi là loài động vật có vú cần oxy từ không khí, vì vậy băng đá là một mối nguy lớn đối với chúng. Tất cả những gì chúng có lúc đó là một lỗ nhỏ trên băng để thở. Tình nguyện viên từ khắp nơi nhanh chóng đến giúp những sinh vật này. Họ cắt những lỗ băng để tạo thêm lỗ thở cho cá voi. Những lỗ này cũng sẽ đóng vai trò là hướng dẫn cho cá voi để chúng có thể bơi đến vùng nước ấm hơn.”


Câu 1:

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.


To many people, their friends are the most important in their life. Really good friends always (31)______ joys and sorrows with you and never turn their backs on you. Your best friend may be someone you have known all your life or someone you have grown (32)______ with.

There are all sorts of things that can (33)______ about this special relationship. It may be the result of enjoying the same activities and sharing experiences. Most of us have met someone that we have immediately felt relaxed with as if we had known them for ages. (34)______, it really takes you years to get to know someone well enough to consider your best friend.

To the (35) ______of us, this is someone we trust completely and who understands us better than anyone else. It's the person you can tell him or her your most intimate secrets.

Question 31

Xem đáp án » 21/07/2024 5,024

Câu 2:

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.


To many people, their friends are the most important in their life. Really good friends always (31)______ joys and sorrows with you and never turn their backs on you. Your best friend may be someone you have known all your life or someone you have grown (32)______ with.

There are all sorts of things that can (33)______ about this special relationship. It may be the result of enjoying the same activities and sharing experiences. Most of us have met someone that we have immediately felt relaxed with as if we had known them for ages. (34)______, it really takes you years to get to know someone well enough to consider your best friend.

To the (35) ______of us, this is someone we trust completely and who understands us better than anyone else. It's the person you can tell him or her your most intimate secrets.

Question 32

Xem đáp án » 20/07/2024 1,941

Câu 3:

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.


To many people, their friends are the most important in their life. Really good friends always (31)______ joys and sorrows with you and never turn their backs on you. Your best friend may be someone you have known all your life or someone you have grown (32)______ with.

There are all sorts of things that can (33)______ about this special relationship. It may be the result of enjoying the same activities and sharing experiences. Most of us have met someone that we have immediately felt relaxed with as if we had known them for ages. (34)______, it really takes you years to get to know someone well enough to consider your best friend.

To the (35) ______of us, this is someone we trust completely and who understands us better than anyone else. It's the person you can tell him or her your most intimate secrets.

Question 34

Xem đáp án » 18/07/2024 1,189

Câu 4:

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.


To many people, their friends are the most important in their life. Really good friends always (31)______ joys and sorrows with you and never turn their backs on you. Your best friend may be someone you have known all your life or someone you have grown (32)______ with.

There are all sorts of things that can (33)______ about this special relationship. It may be the result of enjoying the same activities and sharing experiences. Most of us have met someone that we have immediately felt relaxed with as if we had known them for ages. (34)______, it really takes you years to get to know someone well enough to consider your best friend.

To the (35) ______of us, this is someone we trust completely and who understands us better than anyone else. It's the person you can tell him or her your most intimate secrets.

Question 33

Xem đáp án » 21/07/2024 980

Câu 5:

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

He lives in a small town ______ is called Taunton.

Xem đáp án » 22/07/2024 821

Câu 6:

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.


Whales are the largest animals in the world, and the gentlest creatures we know. Although the whale is very huge, it is not hindered at all by its size when it is in the water. Whales have tails that end like flippers. With just a gentle flick, it can propel itself forward. The skin of a whale is so smooth that it does not create any friction that can slow the whale down. A whale’s breathing hole is located on the top of its head, so it can breathe without having to completely push its head out of the water. Whales are protected from the cold seawater by body fat that is called blubber.

Whales live in the ocean but, in terms of behaviours, they are more similar to humans than fish.

They live in family groups and they even travel in groups when they have to migrate from cooler to warmer waters. The young stay with their parents for as long as fifteen years. Whales are known not to desert the ill or injured members; instead, they cradle them.

When whales are in danger, there are people who go to great lengths to help them. One such case occurred in 1988, when three young whales were trapped in the sea. It was close to winter and the sea had begun to freeze over. Whales are mammals that require oxygen from the air, so the frozen ice was a great danger to them. All they had then was a tiny hole in the ice for them to breathe through. Volunteers from all over soon turned up to help these creatures. They cut holes in the ice to provide more breathing holes for the whales. These holes would also serve as guides for the whales so that they could swim to warmer waters.

Whales can move easily in water thanks to their______.

Xem đáp án » 23/07/2024 548

Câu 7:

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

It is advisable that the room ______ before Christmas.

Xem đáp án » 20/07/2024 420

Câu 8:

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

Mary as well as her friends ______ her hometown recently.

Xem đáp án » 18/07/2024 309

Câu 9:

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is CLOSEST in meaning to each of the following questions.

When I picked up my book, I found that the cover had been torn.

Xem đáp án » 22/07/2024 292

Câu 10:

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

After months of testing, the Russian space scientists ______ a space suit that works better than any other in history .

Xem đáp án » 21/07/2024 284

Câu 11:

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions.

They are the shocking news in newspapers that is what people are talking about this morning.

Xem đáp án » 18/07/2024 279

Câu 12:

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

Most of us would maintain that physical ______ does not play a major part in how we react to the people we meet.

Xem đáp án » 19/07/2024 273

Câu 13:

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.

Xem đáp án » 18/07/2024 263

Câu 14:

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

He’d hardly finished doing his homework when you arrived, ______?

Xem đáp án » 21/07/2024 209

Câu 15:

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

Many young people in rural areas don’t want to spend their lives on the farm like their ______ parents. So they leave their home villages to find well-paid jobs in the fast-growing industrial zones.

Xem đáp án » 18/07/2024 194

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