Tổng hợp đề thi Tiếng Anh có lời giải (Đề số 8)

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Danh sách câu hỏi

Câu 1:


Blacken the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that is CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following questions.

Billy, come and give me a hand with cooking

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Đáp án là B. Give a hand = help : giúp đỡ

Attempt (v): cố gắng; prepared (adj,  PII) : được chuẩn bị; be busy: bận rộn

Câu 2:


Blacken the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that is CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following questions.

Unless I miss my guess, your computer needs a new hard drive

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Đáp án đúng là C. "Unless I miss my guess - Nếu tôi không bỏ lỡ đoán của tôi" là một thành ngữ , hay các hiểu khác "Tôi tin rằng (bất cứ điều gì sau) là đúng" hoặc "Trừ khi tôi là sai."

Câu 3:


Blacken the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that is CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following questions.

Relaxation therapy teaches one not to fret over small problems

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Đáp án là A. Fret over = worry about : buồn phiền, lo lắng về ...

Look for (v) : tìm kiếm…; get involved in(v): có liên quan đến…; get angry about (v) : tức giận về...

Câu 4:


Read the following passage and blacken the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to the following questions.

In the American colonies there was little money. England did not supply the colonies with coins and did not allow the colonies to make their own coins, except for the Massachusetts Bay Colony, which received permission for a short period in 1652 to make several kinds of silver coins. England wanted to keep money out of America as a means of controlling trade: America was forced to trade only with England if it did not have the money to buy products from other countries. The result during this pre-revolutionary period was that the colonists used various goods in place of money: beaver pelts, Indian wampum, and tobacco leaves were all commonly used substitutes for money. The colonists also made use of any foreign coins they could obtain. Dutch, Spanish, French, and English coins were all in use in the American colonies.

During the Revolutionary War, funds were needed to finance the world, so each of the individual states and the Continental Congress issued paper money. So much of this paper money was printed that by the end of the war, almost no one would accept it. As a result, trade in goods and the use of foreign coins still flourished during this period.

By the time the Revolutionary War had been won by the American colonists, the monetary system was in a state of total disarray. To remedy this situation, the new Constitution of the United States, approved in 1789, allowed Congress to issue money. The individual States could no longer have their own money supply. A few years later, the Coinage Act of 1792 made the dollar the official currency of the United States and put the country on a bimetallic standard. In this bimetallic system, both gold and silver were legal money, and the rate of exchange of silver to gold was fixed by the government at sixteen to one

The passage mainly discusses

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Đáp án đúng là C. Ta có thể thấy các mốc thời gian được đề cập đến trong bài là .... for a short period in 1652 ( thế kỷ 17 ) và “ . approved in 1789 . ( thế kỷ 18 )” ; “A few years later, the Coinage Act of 1792 .

Câu 5:


Read the following passage and blacken the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to the following questions.

In the American colonies there was little money. England did not supply the colonies with coins and did not allow the colonies to make their own coins, except for the Massachusetts Bay Colony, which received permission for a short period in 1652 to make several kinds of silver coins. England wanted to keep money out of America as a means of controlling trade: America was forced to trade only with England if it did not have the money to buy products from other countries. The result during this pre-revolutionary period was that the colonists used various goods in place of money: beaver pelts, Indian wampum, and tobacco leaves were all commonly used substitutes for money. The colonists also made use of any foreign coins they could obtain. Dutch, Spanish, French, and English coins were all in use in the American colonies.

During the Revolutionary War, funds were needed to finance the world, so each of the individual states and the Continental Congress issued paper money. So much of this paper money was printed that by the end of the war, almost no one would accept it. As a result, trade in goods and the use of foreign coins still flourished during this period.

By the time the Revolutionary War had been won by the American colonists, the monetary system was in a state of total disarray. To remedy this situation, the new Constitution of the United States, approved in 1789, allowed Congress to issue money. The individual States could no longer have their own money supply. A few years later, the Coinage Act of 1792 made the dollar the official currency of the United States and put the country on a bimetallic standard. In this bimetallic system, both gold and silver were legal money, and the rate of exchange of silver to gold was fixed by the government at sixteen to one

The passage indicates that during the colonial period, money was

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Đáp án là B. scarce ( khan hiếm). Dựa vào ý đầu tiên trong bài: “In the American colonies there was little money. England did not supply the colonies with coins and did not allow the colonies to make their own coins, except for the Massachusetts Bay Colony” (Các thuộc địa Mỹ,họ có rất ít tiền. Anh đã không cung cấp các thuộc địa đồng tiền và không cho phép các thuộc địa làm ra đồng tiền của mình, ngoại trừ cho thuộc địa Massachusetts Bay. )

Câu 6:


Read the following passage and blacken the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to the following questions.

In the American colonies there was little money. England did not supply the colonies with coins and did not allow the colonies to make their own coins, except for the Massachusetts Bay Colony, which received permission for a short period in 1652 to make several kinds of silver coins. England wanted to keep money out of America as a means of controlling trade: America was forced to trade only with England if it did not have the money to buy products from other countries. The result during this pre-revolutionary period was that the colonists used various goods in place of money: beaver pelts, Indian wampum, and tobacco leaves were all commonly used substitutes for money. The colonists also made use of any foreign coins they could obtain. Dutch, Spanish, French, and English coins were all in use in the American colonies.

During the Revolutionary War, funds were needed to finance the world, so each of the individual states and the Continental Congress issued paper money. So much of this paper money was printed that by the end of the war, almost no one would accept it. As a result, trade in goods and the use of foreign coins still flourished during this period.

By the time the Revolutionary War had been won by the American colonists, the monetary system was in a state of total disarray. To remedy this situation, the new Constitution of the United States, approved in 1789, allowed Congress to issue money. The individual States could no longer have their own money supply. A few years later, the Coinage Act of 1792 made the dollar the official currency of the United States and put the country on a bimetallic standard. In this bimetallic system, both gold and silver were legal money, and the rate of exchange of silver to gold was fixed by the government at sixteen to one

The Massachusetts Bay Colony was allowed to make coins

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Đáp án là A. Dựa vào ý trong bài : “...which received permission for a short period in 1652 to make several kinds of silver coins. (…nơi đã nhận được sự cho phép trong một thời gian ngắn trong năm 1652 để làm ra một số các loại tiền xu bạc.)

Câu 7:


Read the following passage and blacken the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to the following questions.

In the American colonies there was little money. England did not supply the colonies with coins and did not allow the colonies to make their own coins, except for the Massachusetts Bay Colony, which received permission for a short period in 1652 to make several kinds of silver coins. England wanted to keep money out of America as a means of controlling trade: America was forced to trade only with England if it did not have the money to buy products from other countries. The result during this pre-revolutionary period was that the colonists used various goods in place of money: beaver pelts, Indian wampum, and tobacco leaves were all commonly used substitutes for money. The colonists also made use of any foreign coins they could obtain. Dutch, Spanish, French, and English coins were all in use in the American colonies.

During the Revolutionary War, funds were needed to finance the world, so each of the individual states and the Continental Congress issued paper money. So much of this paper money was printed that by the end of the war, almost no one would accept it. As a result, trade in goods and the use of foreign coins still flourished during this period.

By the time the Revolutionary War had been won by the American colonists, the monetary system was in a state of total disarray. To remedy this situation, the new Constitution of the United States, approved in 1789, allowed Congress to issue money. The individual States could no longer have their own money supply. A few years later, the Coinage Act of 1792 made the dollar the official currency of the United States and put the country on a bimetallic standard. In this bimetallic system, both gold and silver were legal money, and the rate of exchange of silver to gold was fixed by the government at sixteen to one

The expression “a means of'’ in paragraph 1 could be best replaced by

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Đáp án là B. a means of = a method of : theo cách thức

Câu 8:


Read the following passage and blacken the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to the following questions.

In the American colonies there was little money. England did not supply the colonies with coins and did not allow the colonies to make their own coins, except for the Massachusetts Bay Colony, which received permission for a short period in 1652 to make several kinds of silver coins. England wanted to keep money out of America as a means of controlling trade: America was forced to trade only with England if it did not have the money to buy products from other countries. The result during this pre-revolutionary period was that the colonists used various goods in place of money: beaver pelts, Indian wampum, and tobacco leaves were all commonly used substitutes for money. The colonists also made use of any foreign coins they could obtain. Dutch, Spanish, French, and English coins were all in use in the American colonies.

During the Revolutionary War, funds were needed to finance the world, so each of the individual states and the Continental Congress issued paper money. So much of this paper money was printed that by the end of the war, almost no one would accept it. As a result, trade in goods and the use of foreign coins still flourished during this period.

By the time the Revolutionary War had been won by the American colonists, the monetary system was in a state of total disarray. To remedy this situation, the new Constitution of the United States, approved in 1789, allowed Congress to issue money. The individual States could no longer have their own money supply. A few years later, the Coinage Act of 1792 made the dollar the official currency of the United States and put the country on a bimetallic standard. In this bimetallic system, both gold and silver were legal money, and the rate of exchange of silver to gold was fixed by the government at sixteen to one

Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage as a substitute for money during the colonial period?

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Đáp án là B. Các đáp án còn lại được đề cập đến trong bài, dựa vào ý : “The result during this pre- revolutionary period was that the colonists used various goods in place of money: beaver pelts, Indian wampum, and tobacco leaves were all commonly used substitutes for money.”

Câu 9:


Read the following passage and blacken the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to the following questions.

In the American colonies there was little money. England did not supply the colonies with coins and did not allow the colonies to make their own coins, except for the Massachusetts Bay Colony, which received permission for a short period in 1652 to make several kinds of silver coins. England wanted to keep money out of America as a means of controlling trade: America was forced to trade only with England if it did not have the money to buy products from other countries. The result during this pre-revolutionary period was that the colonists used various goods in place of money: beaver pelts, Indian wampum, and tobacco leaves were all commonly used substitutes for money. The colonists also made use of any foreign coins they could obtain. Dutch, Spanish, French, and English coins were all in use in the American colonies.

During the Revolutionary War, funds were needed to finance the world, so each of the individual states and the Continental Congress issued paper money. So much of this paper money was printed that by the end of the war, almost no one would accept it. As a result, trade in goods and the use of foreign coins still flourished during this period.

By the time the Revolutionary War had been won by the American colonists, the monetary system was in a state of total disarray. To remedy this situation, the new Constitution of the United States, approved in 1789, allowed Congress to issue money. The individual States could no longer have their own money supply. A few years later, the Coinage Act of 1792 made the dollar the official currency of the United States and put the country on a bimetallic standard. In this bimetallic system, both gold and silver were legal money, and the rate of exchange of silver to gold was fixed by the government at sixteen to one

The pronoun “it” in paragraph 2 refers to which of the following

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Đáp án đúng là D. “... So much of this paper money was printed that by the end of the war, almost no one would accept it ” ( ... Vì vậy, nhiều tiền giấy này được in ra bởi sự kết thúc chiến tranh, hầu như không ai có thể chấp nhận nó.)

Câu 10:


Read the following passage and blacken the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to the following questions.

In the American colonies there was little money. England did not supply the colonies with coins and did not allow the colonies to make their own coins, except for the Massachusetts Bay Colony, which received permission for a short period in 1652 to make several kinds of silver coins. England wanted to keep money out of America as a means of controlling trade: America was forced to trade only with England if it did not have the money to buy products from other countries. The result during this pre-revolutionary period was that the colonists used various goods in place of money: beaver pelts, Indian wampum, and tobacco leaves were all commonly used substitutes for money. The colonists also made use of any foreign coins they could obtain. Dutch, Spanish, French, and English coins were all in use in the American colonies.

During the Revolutionary War, funds were needed to finance the world, so each of the individual states and the Continental Congress issued paper money. So much of this paper money was printed that by the end of the war, almost no one would accept it. As a result, trade in goods and the use of foreign coins still flourished during this period.

By the time the Revolutionary War had been won by the American colonists, the monetary system was in a state of total disarray. To remedy this situation, the new Constitution of the United States, approved in 1789, allowed Congress to issue money. The individual States could no longer have their own money supply. A few years later, the Coinage Act of 1792 made the dollar the official currency of the United States and put the country on a bimetallic standard. In this bimetallic system, both gold and silver were legal money, and the rate of exchange of silver to gold was fixed by the government at sixteen to one

It is implied in the passage that at the end of the Revolutionary War, a paper dollar was worth

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Đáp án là D. Ta có thể dựa vào ý của câu 9

Câu 11:


Read the following passage and blacken the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to the following questions.

In the American colonies there was little money. England did not supply the colonies with coins and did not allow the colonies to make their own coins, except for the Massachusetts Bay Colony, which received permission for a short period in 1652 to make several kinds of silver coins. England wanted to keep money out of America as a means of controlling trade: America was forced to trade only with England if it did not have the money to buy products from other countries. The result during this pre-revolutionary period was that the colonists used various goods in place of money: beaver pelts, Indian wampum, and tobacco leaves were all commonly used substitutes for money. The colonists also made use of any foreign coins they could obtain. Dutch, Spanish, French, and English coins were all in use in the American colonies.

During the Revolutionary War, funds were needed to finance the world, so each of the individual states and the Continental Congress issued paper money. So much of this paper money was printed that by the end of the war, almost no one would accept it. As a result, trade in goods and the use of foreign coins still flourished during this period.

By the time the Revolutionary War had been won by the American colonists, the monetary system was in a state of total disarray. To remedy this situation, the new Constitution of the United States, approved in 1789, allowed Congress to issue money. The individual States could no longer have their own money supply. A few years later, the Coinage Act of 1792 made the dollar the official currency of the United States and put the country on a bimetallic standard. In this bimetallic system, both gold and silver were legal money, and the rate of exchange of silver to gold was fixed by the government at sixteen to one

The word “remedy” in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to

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Đáp án là A. remedy = resolve: giải quyết, khắc phục

Nghĩa các từ khác: medicate: điều trị bệnh; renew: làm mới; understand: hiểu

Câu 12:


Read the following passage and blacken the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to the following questions.

In the American colonies there was little money. England did not supply the colonies with coins and did not allow the colonies to make their own coins, except for the Massachusetts Bay Colony, which received permission for a short period in 1652 to make several kinds of silver coins. England wanted to keep money out of America as a means of controlling trade: America was forced to trade only with England if it did not have the money to buy products from other countries. The result during this pre-revolutionary period was that the colonists used various goods in place of money: beaver pelts, Indian wampum, and tobacco leaves were all commonly used substitutes for money. The colonists also made use of any foreign coins they could obtain. Dutch, Spanish, French, and English coins were all in use in the American colonies.

During the Revolutionary War, funds were needed to finance the world, so each of the individual states and the Continental Congress issued paper money. So much of this paper money was printed that by the end of the war, almost no one would accept it. As a result, trade in goods and the use of foreign coins still flourished during this period.

By the time the Revolutionary War had been won by the American colonists, the monetary system was in a state of total disarray. To remedy this situation, the new Constitution of the United States, approved in 1789, allowed Congress to issue money. The individual States could no longer have their own money supply. A few years later, the Coinage Act of 1792 made the dollar the official currency of the United States and put the country on a bimetallic standard. In this bimetallic system, both gold and silver were legal money, and the rate of exchange of silver to gold was fixed by the government at sixteen to one

How was the monetary system arranged in the Constitution?

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Đáp án đúng là C. Dựa vào ý: “ To remedy this situation, the new Constitution of the United States, approved in 1789, allowed Congress to issue money. The individual states could no longer have their own money supply.” (Để khắc phục tình trạng này, Hiến pháp mới của Hoa Kỳ, đã được phê duyệt năm 1789, Quốc hội cho phép phát hành tiền. Các quốc gia riêng lẻ không còn có thể có nguồn cung cấp tiền của mình )

Câu 13:


Read the following passage and blacken the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to the following questions.

In the American colonies there was little money. England did not supply the colonies with coins and did not allow the colonies to make their own coins, except for the Massachusetts Bay Colony, which received permission for a short period in 1652 to make several kinds of silver coins. England wanted to keep money out of America as a means of controlling trade: America was forced to trade only with England if it did not have the money to buy products from other countries. The result during this pre-revolutionary period was that the colonists used various goods in place of money: beaver pelts, Indian wampum, and tobacco leaves were all commonly used substitutes for money. The colonists also made use of any foreign coins they could obtain. Dutch, Spanish, French, and English coins were all in use in the American colonies.

During the Revolutionary War, funds were needed to finance the world, so each of the individual states and the Continental Congress issued paper money. So much of this paper money was printed that by the end of the war, almost no one would accept it. As a result, trade in goods and the use of foreign coins still flourished during this period.

By the time the Revolutionary War had been won by the American colonists, the monetary system was in a state of total disarray. To remedy this situation, the new Constitution of the United States, approved in 1789, allowed Congress to issue money. The individual States could no longer have their own money supply. A few years later, the Coinage Act of 1792 made the dollar the official currency of the United States and put the country on a bimetallic standard. In this bimetallic system, both gold and silver were legal money, and the rate of exchange of silver to gold was fixed by the government at sixteen to one

According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true about the bimetallic monetary system?

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Đáp án đúng là C. “the rate of exchange of silver to gold was fixed by the government at sixteen to one” ( Tỷ lệ đổi giữa bạc và vàng đã được sửa đổi bởi chính phủ là 16:1 ). Do vậy, đáp án C phải sửa là “ at the rate of one to sixteen”.

Câu 14:


Blacken the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions.

You’re not to blame for what happened

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Be (not) to blame for something (v) : đáng ( không đáng ) bị khiển trách về.

Đáp án đúng nhất là B. What happened is not your fault. ( Sự việc xảy ra không phải lỗi của bạn.)

A. be accused of: bị buộc tội về ; C. be responsible for: có trách nhiệm về; D. blame someone for something: đổ lỗi cho ai về 

Câu 15:


Blacken the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions.

Tom acts as if he knew every thing

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As if: như thể là, liên từ nối mệnh đề chỉ thể cách. “Tom acts as if he knew every thing.” ( Anh tar a vẻ như là anh ta biết mọi thứ. )

Đáp án đúng nhất là D. “Tom doesn’t know every thing but he wants to appear he does.” ( Tom chẳng biết gì nhưng anh ta muốn tỏ ra là mình biết mọi thứ. )

Câu 16:


Blacken the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions.

Jim is my best friend. I borrowed his car yesterday

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WHOSE:dùng để chỉ sở hữu cho danh từ chỉ người hoặc vật, thường thay cho các từ: her, his, their,

hoặc hình thức ‘s : ….N (person, thing) + WHOSE + N + V ....

Trong câu này ta dùng mệnh đề quan hệ không xác định, tức là có dấu phẩy ngăn cách giữa mệnh đề quan hệ và mệnh đề chính bởi vì Jim là tên riêng chỉ người.

Đáp án đúng là A.

Câu 17:


Blacken the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions.

Tim is likely to fail if he takes the exam without studying

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Be likely to V: có thể .... ( chỉ khả năng có thể xảy ra )

Tim is likely to fail if he takes the exam without studying. ( Có thể Tim sẽ trượt, nếu cậu ta cứ đi thi mà không học hành gì. )

Đáp án đúng là B. It’s probable that Tim will fail the exam if he doesn’t study. ( Có thể Tim sẽ trượt kỳ thi nếu anh ta không học. )

C,D: It s certain that ... : chắc chắn => Cấu trúc này không sát nghĩa với câu đã cho.

Câu 18:


Blacken the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions.

At this time tomorrow, hopefully, I'll be relaxing at home rather than working this hard

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Rather than (prep ) + V-ing : thay vì, hơn là = Instead of

Đáp án sát nghĩa nhất là: B. I hope that, instead of working so hard at this time tomorrow, I'll be at home resting. ( Tôi hy vọng rằng, thay vì làm việc vất vả vào giờ này ngày mai thì tôi sẽ được ở nhà nghỉ ngơi. )

Câu 19:


Blacken the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions.

I’ ve been here for two hours, and I’m still waiting

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Đáp án đúng là D. Thì hiện tại hoàn thành tiếp diễn: diễn tả hành động đã bắt đầu xảy ra tại một thời điểm trong quá khứ, và hiện tại vẫn đang tiếp diễn.

Câu 20:


Blacken the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions.

In spite of doing well in the contest, Jane didn’t win

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In spite of + Ving : mặc dù ( chỉ sự nhượng bộ) . In spite of doing well in the contest, Jane didn’t win. ( mặc dù làm tốt ở cuộc thi, nhưng Jane không thắng. )

Đáp án đúng là B. Jane did well in the contest. However, she didn’t win. ( Jane đã làm tốt ở cuộc thi. Tuy nhiên, cô ấy không chiến thắng. )

Đáp án A sai, vì thừa từ “so”; Đáp án C sai, vì liên từ “Therefore” - vì vậy ( chỉ kết quả ); Đáp án D sai, vì because - bởi vì ( chỉ nguyên nhân )

Câu 21:


Blacken the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions.

“Where were you last night, Mr. Jenkins?” he said

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Khi biến đổi câu trực tiếp sang câu gián tiếp, ta phải biến đổi ngôi, thời thì, và các thành phần trạng từ. Cụ thể: you => he ( theo Mr. Jenkins);

were => had been ( thì của động từ phải lùi về một thì, tức quá khứ đơn giản chuyển thành quá khứ hoàn thành);

last night => the previous night ( tối trước) hoặc the night before.

Như vậy, đáp án đúng là D.

Câu 22:


Blacken the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions.

I think you should revise for the exam

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Ta sử dụng câu điều kiện loại II, với mệnh đề “If I were you - Nếu tôi là bạn ” để chỉ lời khuyên.

Do vậy, đáp án đúng là A. I think you should revise for the exam. ( Tôi nghĩ bạn nên ôn tập cho kỳ thi.) = If I were you, I would revise for the exam. ( Nếu tôi là bạn, tôi sẽ ôn tập cho kỳ thi.)

Câu 23:


Blacken the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions.

No sooner had gold been discovered in California than thousands of people set out for the westcoast of North America

Xem đáp án

Cấu trúc: No sooner had + S + V(PP/V3) + than + clause (mệnh đề thường ở thì quá khứ đơn): vừa mới… thì đã…

Câu đã cho có nghĩa: Vàng vừa được tìm ra ở California thì hàng nghìn người bắt đầu lên đường đến bờ biển phía Tây của Bắc Mỹ.

Ta thấy đáp án B là gần ý nhất. (Bờ biển phía tây của Bắc Mỹ đã trở thành điểm đến của hàng ngàn người dân cùng lúc đó vàng đã được tìm thấy ở California.)

Câu 24:


Read the following passage and blacken the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to the following questions.

A small but growing group of scholar, evolutionary, psychologists, are being to sketch the contours of the human mind as designed by natural selection. Some of them even anticipate the coming of a field called "mismatch theory", which would study maladies resulting from contrasts between the modern environment and the "ancestral environment". The one we were designed for.

There is no shortage of such maladies to study, Rates of depression have been doubling in some industrial countries roughly every 10 years. Suicide is the third most common cause of death among young adults, after car wrecks and homicides.

Evolutionary psychology is a long way from explaining all this with precision, but it is already shedding enough light to challenges some conventional wisdom. It suggests, for example, that the nostalgia for the nuclear family of the 1950s is in some way misguided - that the model family of husband at work and wife

at home is hardly a "natural" and healthful living arrangement, especially for the wives. Moreover, the bygone lifestyles that do look fairly natural in light of evolutionary psychology appear to have been eroded largely by commercialism. Perhaps the biggest surprise from evolutionary psychology it its depiction of the "animal" in us. Freud, and various thinkers since, saw "civilization" as an oppressive force that thwarts basic animal instincts and urges and transmutes them into psychopathology. However, evolutionary psychology suggests that a larger threat to metal health may be the way civilization thwarts civility. There is a gentler, kinder side of human nature, and it seems increasingly to be a victim of repression in modern society.

Which of the following is the main topic of the passage?

Xem đáp án

Đáp án là D. Bài này đề cập đến những quan điểm về gia đình hiện đại - gia đình hạt nhân. Thể hiện rõ nhất ở đoạn 3

Câu 25:


Read the following passage and blacken the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to the following questions.

A small but growing group of scholar, evolutionary, psychologists, are being to sketch the contours of the human mind as designed by natural selection. Some of them even anticipate the coming of a field called "mismatch theory", which would study maladies resulting from contrasts between the modern environment and the "ancestral environment". The one we were designed for.

There is no shortage of such maladies to study, Rates of depression have been doubling in some industrial countries roughly every 10 years. Suicide is the third most common cause of death among young adults, after car wrecks and homicides.

Evolutionary psychology is a long way from explaining all this with precision, but it is already shedding enough light to challenges some conventional wisdom. It suggests, for example, that the nostalgia for the nuclear family of the 1950s is in some way misguided - that the model family of husband at work and wife

at home is hardly a "natural" and healthful living arrangement, especially for the wives. Moreover, the bygone lifestyles that do look fairly natural in light of evolutionary psychology appear to have been eroded largely by commercialism. Perhaps the biggest surprise from evolutionary psychology it its depiction of the "animal" in us. Freud, and various thinkers since, saw "civilization" as an oppressive force that thwarts basic animal instincts and urges and transmutes them into psychopathology. However, evolutionary psychology suggests that a larger threat to metal health may be the way civilization thwarts civility. There is a gentler, kinder side of human nature, and it seems increasingly to be a victim of repression in modern society.

The word "contour" in line 1 is closest in meaning to

Xem đáp án

Outline = contour : đại cương

Các từ còn lại: limit : giới hạn; action: hành động; structure: cấu trúc

Câu 26:


Read the following passage and blacken the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to the following questions.

A small but growing group of scholar, evolutionary, psychologists, are being to sketch the contours of the human mind as designed by natural selection. Some of them even anticipate the coming of a field called "mismatch theory", which would study maladies resulting from contrasts between the modern environment and the "ancestral environment". The one we were designed for.

There is no shortage of such maladies to study, Rates of depression have been doubling in some industrial countries roughly every 10 years. Suicide is the third most common cause of death among young adults, after car wrecks and homicides.

Evolutionary psychology is a long way from explaining all this with precision, but it is already shedding enough light to challenges some conventional wisdom. It suggests, for example, that the nostalgia for the nuclear family of the 1950s is in some way misguided - that the model family of husband at work and wife

at home is hardly a "natural" and healthful living arrangement, especially for the wives. Moreover, the bygone lifestyles that do look fairly natural in light of evolutionary psychology appear to have been eroded largely by commercialism. Perhaps the biggest surprise from evolutionary psychology it its depiction of the "animal" in us. Freud, and various thinkers since, saw "civilization" as an oppressive force that thwarts basic animal instincts and urges and transmutes them into psychopathology. However, evolutionary psychology suggests that a larger threat to metal health may be the way civilization thwarts civility. There is a gentler, kinder side of human nature, and it seems increasingly to be a victim of repression in modern society.

According to the passage, the death of many young people in industrial countries is mainly caused by

Xem đáp án

Đáp án A. Dựa vào câu: “Suicide is the third most common cause of death among young adults, after car wrecks and homicides. - Tự tử là thứ ba nguyên nhân phổ biến nhất gây tử vong ở người trưởng thành trẻ tuổi, sau khi tai nạn tàu xe và giết người.” => nguyên nhân chủ yếu nhất là tai nạn tàu xe.

Câu 27:


Read the following passage and blacken the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to the following questions.

A small but growing group of scholar, evolutionary, psychologists, are being to sketch the contours of the human mind as designed by natural selection. Some of them even anticipate the coming of a field called "mismatch theory", which would study maladies resulting from contrasts between the modern environment and the "ancestral environment". The one we were designed for.

There is no shortage of such maladies to study, Rates of depression have been doubling in some industrial countries roughly every 10 years. Suicide is the third most common cause of death among young adults, after car wrecks and homicides.

Evolutionary psychology is a long way from explaining all this with precision, but it is already shedding enough light to challenges some conventional wisdom. It suggests, for example, that the nostalgia for the nuclear family of the 1950s is in some way misguided - that the model family of husband at work and wife

at home is hardly a "natural" and healthful living arrangement, especially for the wives. Moreover, the bygone lifestyles that do look fairly natural in light of evolutionary psychology appear to have been eroded largely by commercialism. Perhaps the biggest surprise from evolutionary psychology it its depiction of the "animal" in us. Freud, and various thinkers since, saw "civilization" as an oppressive force that thwarts basic animal instincts and urges and transmutes them into psychopathology. However, evolutionary psychology suggests that a larger threat to metal health may be the way civilization thwarts civility. There is a gentler, kinder side of human nature, and it seems increasingly to be a victim of repression in modern society.

The word "one" in line 4 refers to the________

Xem đáp án

Đáp án là C. ancestral environment : môi trường tổ tiên xưa. “The one we were designed for.” - để ý thấy câu này chia ở thì Quá khứ đơn giản => one thay thế sự việc đã xảy ra trong quá khứ

Câu 28:


Read the following passage and blacken the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to the following questions.

A small but growing group of scholar, evolutionary, psychologists, are being to sketch the contours of the human mind as designed by natural selection. Some of them even anticipate the coming of a field called "mismatch theory", which would study maladies resulting from contrasts between the modern environment and the "ancestral environment". The one we were designed for.

There is no shortage of such maladies to study, Rates of depression have been doubling in some industrial countries roughly every 10 years. Suicide is the third most common cause of death among young adults, after car wrecks and homicides.

Evolutionary psychology is a long way from explaining all this with precision, but it is already shedding enough light to challenges some conventional wisdom. It suggests, for example, that the nostalgia for the nuclear family of the 1950s is in some way misguided - that the model family of husband at work and wife

at home is hardly a "natural" and healthful living arrangement, especially for the wives. Moreover, the bygone lifestyles that do look fairly natural in light of evolutionary psychology appear to have been eroded largely by commercialism. Perhaps the biggest surprise from evolutionary psychology it its depiction of the "animal" in us. Freud, and various thinkers since, saw "civilization" as an oppressive force that thwarts basic animal instincts and urges and transmutes them into psychopathology. However, evolutionary psychology suggests that a larger threat to metal health may be the way civilization thwarts civility. There is a gentler, kinder side of human nature, and it seems increasingly to be a victim of repression in modern society.

It can be inferred from the passage that evolutionary psychologists dislike nostalgia for the 1950s because

Xem đáp án

Đáp án là C. the nuclear family provided an unsatisfactory lifestyle - Các gia đình hạt nhân cung cấp một lối sống không đạt yêu cầu.

Ý trong bài: “... that the model family of husband at work and wife at home is hardly a "natural" and healthful living arrangement, especially for the wives.” - gia đình hình mẫu với chồng đi làm và vợ ở nhà khó có thể là một sắp xếp cuộc sống "tự nhiên" và tốt cho sức khỏe, đặc biệt là cho những người vợ

Câu 29:


Read the following passage and blacken the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to the following questions.

A small but growing group of scholar, evolutionary, psychologists, are being to sketch the contours of the human mind as designed by natural selection. Some of them even anticipate the coming of a field called "mismatch theory", which would study maladies resulting from contrasts between the modern environment and the "ancestral environment". The one we were designed for.

There is no shortage of such maladies to study, Rates of depression have been doubling in some industrial countries roughly every 10 years. Suicide is the third most common cause of death among young adults, after car wrecks and homicides.

Evolutionary psychology is a long way from explaining all this with precision, but it is already shedding enough light to challenges some conventional wisdom. It suggests, for example, that the nostalgia for the nuclear family of the 1950s is in some way misguided - that the model family of husband at work and wife

at home is hardly a "natural" and healthful living arrangement, especially for the wives. Moreover, the bygone lifestyles that do look fairly natural in light of evolutionary psychology appear to have been eroded largely by commercialism. Perhaps the biggest surprise from evolutionary psychology it its depiction of the "animal" in us. Freud, and various thinkers since, saw "civilization" as an oppressive force that thwarts basic animal instincts and urges and transmutes them into psychopathology. However, evolutionary psychology suggests that a larger threat to metal health may be the way civilization thwarts civility. There is a gentler, kinder side of human nature, and it seems increasingly to be a victim of repression in modern society.

The word "bygone" in line 11 could be replaced by

Xem đáp án

Đáp án là A. bygone = past: quá khứ

Nghĩa các từ khác: forgotten: bị lãng quên; overlooked: bị bỏ qua; original: thuộc về nguồn gốc

Câu 30:


Read the following passage and blacken the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to the following questions.

A small but growing group of scholar, evolutionary, psychologists, are being to sketch the contours of the human mind as designed by natural selection. Some of them even anticipate the coming of a field called "mismatch theory", which would study maladies resulting from contrasts between the modern environment and the "ancestral environment". The one we were designed for.

There is no shortage of such maladies to study, Rates of depression have been doubling in some industrial countries roughly every 10 years. Suicide is the third most common cause of death among young adults, after car wrecks and homicides.

Evolutionary psychology is a long way from explaining all this with precision, but it is already shedding enough light to challenges some conventional wisdom. It suggests, for example, that the nostalgia for the nuclear family of the 1950s is in some way misguided - that the model family of husband at work and wife

at home is hardly a "natural" and healthful living arrangement, especially for the wives. Moreover, the bygone lifestyles that do look fairly natural in light of evolutionary psychology appear to have been eroded largely by commercialism. Perhaps the biggest surprise from evolutionary psychology it its depiction of the "animal" in us. Freud, and various thinkers since, saw "civilization" as an oppressive force that thwarts basic animal instincts and urges and transmutes them into psychopathology. However, evolutionary psychology suggests that a larger threat to metal health may be the way civilization thwarts civility. There is a gentler, kinder side of human nature, and it seems increasingly to be a victim of repression in modern society.

According to the passage, Freud and other psychologists thought civilization

Xem đáp án

Đáp án đúng là C. caused madness in some people - gây ra sự điên loạn ở một số người

Ý trong bài: “Freud, and various thinkers since, saw "civilization" as an oppressive force that thwarts basic animal instincts and urges and transmutes them into psychopathology.” ( Freud, và nhà tư tưởng khác nhau kể từ, thấy "văn minh" như một lực lượng áp bức mà cản trở bản năng động vật cơ bản và thúc giục và chuyển hoá chúng thành bệnh tâm thần. )

Câu 31:


Read the following passage and blacken the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to the following questions.

A small but growing group of scholar, evolutionary, psychologists, are being to sketch the contours of the human mind as designed by natural selection. Some of them even anticipate the coming of a field called "mismatch theory", which would study maladies resulting from contrasts between the modern environment and the "ancestral environment". The one we were designed for.

There is no shortage of such maladies to study, Rates of depression have been doubling in some industrial countries roughly every 10 years. Suicide is the third most common cause of death among young adults, after car wrecks and homicides.

Evolutionary psychology is a long way from explaining all this with precision, but it is already shedding enough light to challenges some conventional wisdom. It suggests, for example, that the nostalgia for the nuclear family of the 1950s is in some way misguided - that the model family of husband at work and wife

at home is hardly a "natural" and healthful living arrangement, especially for the wives. Moreover, the bygone lifestyles that do look fairly natural in light of evolutionary psychology appear to have been eroded largely by commercialism. Perhaps the biggest surprise from evolutionary psychology it its depiction of the "animal" in us. Freud, and various thinkers since, saw "civilization" as an oppressive force that thwarts basic animal instincts and urges and transmutes them into psychopathology. However, evolutionary psychology suggests that a larger threat to metal health may be the way civilization thwarts civility. There is a gentler, kinder side of human nature, and it seems increasingly to be a victim of repression in modern society.

In this passage, the word "civility" in line 16 is closest in meaning to

Xem đáp án

Đáp án là A. civility = politeness : sự lịch sự, văn minh

Nghĩa các từ khác: morality: luân lý, đạo đức; courtesy: cử chỉ lịch sự, nhã nhặn; formality: hình thức, thủ tục

Câu 32:


Read the following passage and blacken the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to the following questions.

A small but growing group of scholar, evolutionary, psychologists, are being to sketch the contours of the human mind as designed by natural selection. Some of them even anticipate the coming of a field called "mismatch theory", which would study maladies resulting from contrasts between the modern environment and the "ancestral environment". The one we were designed for.

There is no shortage of such maladies to study, Rates of depression have been doubling in some industrial countries roughly every 10 years. Suicide is the third most common cause of death among young adults, after car wrecks and homicides.

Evolutionary psychology is a long way from explaining all this with precision, but it is already shedding enough light to challenges some conventional wisdom. It suggests, for example, that the nostalgia for the nuclear family of the 1950s is in some way misguided - that the model family of husband at work and wife

at home is hardly a "natural" and healthful living arrangement, especially for the wives. Moreover, the bygone lifestyles that do look fairly natural in light of evolutionary psychology appear to have been eroded largely by commercialism. Perhaps the biggest surprise from evolutionary psychology it its depiction of the "animal" in us. Freud, and various thinkers since, saw "civilization" as an oppressive force that thwarts basic animal instincts and urges and transmutes them into psychopathology. However, evolutionary psychology suggests that a larger threat to metal health may be the way civilization thwarts civility. There is a gentler, kinder side of human nature, and it seems increasingly to be a victim of repression in modern society.

In the passage, evolutionary psychologists suggest that in modern society

Xem đáp án

Đáp án là A. people's better natures are denied - Bản chất tốt của con người bị phủ nhận

Ý trong bài: “There is a gentler, kinder side of human nature, and it seems increasingly to be a victim of repression in modern society. “ ( Bản chất con người có mặt tử tế hiền lành , nhưng có vẻ càng ngày nó càng trở thành một nạn nhận của sự đàn áp trong xã hội. ) => Câu này có ý nghĩa tiêu cực.

Câu 33:


Read the following passage and blacken the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to the following questions.

A small but growing group of scholar, evolutionary, psychologists, are being to sketch the contours of the human mind as designed by natural selection. Some of them even anticipate the coming of a field called "mismatch theory", which would study maladies resulting from contrasts between the modern environment and the "ancestral environment". The one we were designed for.

There is no shortage of such maladies to study, Rates of depression have been doubling in some industrial countries roughly every 10 years. Suicide is the third most common cause of death among young adults, after car wrecks and homicides.

Evolutionary psychology is a long way from explaining all this with precision, but it is already shedding enough light to challenges some conventional wisdom. It suggests, for example, that the nostalgia for the nuclear family of the 1950s is in some way misguided - that the model family of husband at work and wife

at home is hardly a "natural" and healthful living arrangement, especially for the wives. Moreover, the bygone lifestyles that do look fairly natural in light of evolutionary psychology appear to have been eroded largely by commercialism. Perhaps the biggest surprise from evolutionary psychology it its depiction of the "animal" in us. Freud, and various thinkers since, saw "civilization" as an oppressive force that thwarts basic animal instincts and urges and transmutes them into psychopathology. However, evolutionary psychology suggests that a larger threat to metal health may be the way civilization thwarts civility. There is a gentler, kinder side of human nature, and it seems increasingly to be a victim of repression in modern society.

Where in the passage does the author suggest a conflict between the ways of living?

Xem đáp án

Đáp án đúng là C.

Ý trong bài: “Some of them even anticipate the coming of a field called "mismatch theory", which would study maladies resulting from contrasts between the modern environment and the "ancestral environment” ( .... sự tương phản giữa môi trường hiện đại và cổ xưa )

Câu 34:


Blacken the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the other three in each question.

Xem đáp án

Đáp án đúng là A.

Theo quy tắc thêm đuôi “s/es”,với những danh từ kết thúc bằng /k/, /t/, /f/ như ba từ trong đáp án B, C, D thì “s” được phát âm là /s/, còn đáp án A kết thúc bằng /l/ nên “s” được phát âm là /z/.

Câu 35:


Blacken the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the other three in each question.

Xem đáp án

Đáp án đúng là D. wicked ( xấu xa, độc ác) là tính từ, phần gạch chân được phát âm là /id/ , các từ còn lại là động từ thêm “ed” theo quy tắc với những động từ kết thúc bằng /p/, /t/ thì “ed” sẽ được phát âm là /t/.

Câu 37:


I________there once a long time ago and________back since

Xem đáp án

Vế thứ nhất ta thấy có “a long time ago” ( một thời gian dài trước đó ) dấu hiệu nhận biết của thì quá khứ đơn giản. Vế sau có “since” ( kể từ đó) là dấu hiệu nhận biết của thì hiện tại hoàn thành. Do đó, đáp án A là đáp án đúng,

Câu 38:


The students________by Mrs. Monty. However, this week they________by Mr. Tanzer

Xem đáp án

Câu thứ nhất, với trạng từ tần suất “usually” ( thường xuyên ), động từ trong câu sẽ chia ở thì hiện          tại đơn giản, lại thêm chia thể bị động vì cụm “by Mrs. Monty”. Câu thứ 2, với” this week” (tuần  này), câu sẽ chia ở thì hiện tại tiếp diễn. Đáp án đúng là C

Câu 39:


Tim looks so frightened and upset. He________something terrible

Xem đáp án

Should have: được dùng dể nói về những sự việc đã không hoặc có thể đã không xảy ra trong quá khứ.

Must have: được dùng để diễn tả một việc gì đó trong quá khứ mà người nói gần như biết chắc. (có cơ sở )

Trong câu này, đáp án đúng là D. Vì câu “Tim looks so frightened and upset.” ( Tim trông rất sợ hãi và buồn phiền. ) là cơ sở để kết luận, chắc chắn có thứ gì đó khủng khiếp đã xảy ra

Câu 40:


Thousand of antibiotics________, but only about thirty are in common use today

Xem đáp án

Đáp án đúng là B. Chúng ta sử dụng thì hiện tại hoàn thành để diễn tả một hành động xảy ra ở một thời điểm không xác định trong quá khứ, thể hiện một quá trình. Thêm vào đó, vì chủ ngữ là danh từ chỉ vật, nên câu này chia ở thể bị động

Câu 41:


Most children enjoy________with their parents and siblings

Xem đáp án

Enjoy + V-ing: thích làm gì

Đáp án C

Câu 42:


Doctors are supposed to________responsibility for humman life

Xem đáp án

Phrase: take responsibility for something: có trách nhiệm về ....

Đáp án A

Câu 43:


Many young people have objected to________marriage, which is decided by the parents of the bride and groom.

Xem đáp án

Câu này hỏi về từ vựng. Đáp án là D. contractual marriage - hôn nhân thỏa thuận, nghĩa là nó được xếp đặt bởi bố mẹ hai bên.

agreed - được đồng tình; B. shared - được chia sẻ; sacrificed - hy sinh

Câu 44:


Are you sure you can do it on________?

Xem đáp án

Ta có cụm từ: on your own = by yourself : một mình, tự mình

Đáp án C

Câu 45:


He spent________dollars on food and drinks

Xem đáp án

Only a few + N (plural) : có rất ít ( nhấn mạnh )

Only a few + N( non - count) : có rất ít ( nhấn mạnh)

“dollars” là danh từ số nhiều nên đáp án đúng là B

Câu 46:


It’s essential that every student________the exam before attending the course

Xem đáp án

Sau cấu trúc “It’s essential that.” ( Điều cần thiết là .) ta sẽ dùng hiện tại giả định cách, có nghĩa là, động từ sẽ giữ ở dạng nguyên thể với tất cả các ngôi.

Đáp án đúng là B

Câu 47:


Most of the computers in the laboratory are ________now

Xem đáp án

Câu này hỏi về từ vựng. Đáp án đúng là B. Out of order: xấu, hỏng ( máy )

out of work : thất nghiệp; C, D không tồn tại

Câu 48:


________she was watering the flowers, it began to rain

Xem đáp án

Câu này hỏi về cách dùng của liên từ. Đáp án đúng là B. While: trong khi ( liên từ nối mệnh đề chỉ thời gian)

Besause : bởi vì ( liên từ nối mệnh đề chỉ lý do )

Since ( khi ) và for ( khoảng ): thường dùng trong thì hiện tại hoàn thành

Câu 49:


This is Henry,________works for your father.

Xem đáp án

Vị trí cần điền là một đại từ quan hệ đóng vai trò làm chủ ngữ trong câu mệnh đề quan hệ không xác định. Do vậy, đáp án D là đáp án đúng.

That: thay thế cho đại từ quan hệ làm chủ ngữ hoặc tân ngữ trong mênh đề quan hệ xác định.

Whom: thay thế cho đại từ quan hệ làm tân ngữ.

Câu 50:


Mary always takes great care________her children

Xem đáp án

Take (great ) care of something : quan tâm đến ....

Đáp án C

Câu 51:


You have to drive very carefully if a road is full of________

Xem đáp án

Câu này hỏi về từ vựng.

Đáp án là A. bend : chỗ rẽ, chỗ cong ( trên đường )

A.  corner : góc ( tường, nhà, phố …)

B.  winding: khúc lượn ( trường hợp này k chọn được vì đây là danh từ số ít )

angle : góc ( của một tòa nhà hoặc một đồ vật )

Câu 52:


Are you free this coming Sunday?________

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Câu này hỏi về kỹ năng giao tiếp

Đáp án đúng là A. I think so: tôi nghĩ thế, tôi cho là thế ( chỉ sự đồng quan điểm )

Các đáp án B, C, D không hợp ngữ cảnh.

B: Vâng, tôi có thể; C: Vâng, tôi sẽ; D. Không, cảm ơn.( từ chối lời mời )

Câu 53:


Would you like some more tea?________

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Câu này hỏi về kỹ năng giao tiếp.

“Would you like some more tea?” ( Bạn có muốn uống trà không?! ) - chỉ lời mời Đáp án đúng là C. Yes, please ( Vâng, làm ơn. ) - chỉ sự đồng tình.

Các đáp án A, B, D không hợp ngữ cảnh.

A. Không vấn đề gì; B. Tôi bình thường; D. Của bạn đây.

Câu 54:


Hello, I’d like to speak to Mr. Green, please________

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Câu này hỏi về kỹ năng giao tiếp, đối đáp qua điện thoại.

“Hello, I’d like to speak to Mr. Green, please.” ( Xin chào, làm ơn cho tôi nói chuyện với ông Green.)

Đáp án đúng là D. Sorry. Can you say that again? ( Xin lỗi, bạn có thể nhắc lại được không?! ) - lời nói được dùng khi không nghe rõ.

Các đáp án A, B, C không hợp ngữ cảnh.

A.  Tôi xin lỗi, tôi sẽ gọi lại sau.

B.  Tôi e là tôi không biết.

Xin lỗi, bạn có thể nhắn tin không?!

Câu 55:


Anything else?________

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Câu này hỏi về kỹ năng giao tiếp. Đáp án là D.

“Anything else?” ( Còn gì làm nữa không? ) - Not today, thanks. ( Hôm nay chỉ có thế thôi, cảm ơn. )

Các đáp án A, D, C không hợp ngữ cảnh.

Không, nó không phải.

Ngay bây giờ.

Không đâu, không chút nào

Câu 56:


Thank you very much for the wonderful gift.________

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welcome”. Đáp án đúng là D.

Các đáp án A, B, C không hợp lệ.

A. Ồ, không. B. Xin chúc mừng! C. Chúc may mắn!

Câu 57:


From the hotel there is a good________of the mountain

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Câu này hỏi về từ vựng.

Đáp án là C. a good view of : Có tầm nhìn tốt ...

A. bức tranh; B. thị lực ; D. sự nhìn, thị lực

Câu 58:


This is the first time I________Japanese food

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Đáp án đúng là D. have eaten

Sau cấu trúc “ It/This is the first time “ động từ trong mệnh đề sẽ chia ở thì hiện tại hoàn thành”

Câu 59:


His flat looks so________that it is difficult to believe he had just had a party last night

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Câu này hỏi về từ vựng. Đáp án là C. spick and span = completely clean and tidy: thường dùng để nói về một căn phòng hoặc một ngôi nhà sạch sẽ, gọn gang.

Các đáp án khác không hợp ngữ cảnh.

A.  safe and sound: không tổn thương/ tổn hại

B.  sick and tired: ốm yếu mệt mỏi

D. by and large: nói chung, rút cục

Câu 60:


Not until a monkey is several years old________to exhibit signs of independence from its mother

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Khi “ Not until” đứng ở đầu câu, ta sẽ sử dụng đảo ngữ trong mệnh đề chính. Đáp án đúng là C

Câu 61:


________was caused by breathing impure air over was once a common belief

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Đáp án đúng là B. “ that + clause” có thể đóng vai trò như một danh từ, làm chủ từ của câu

Câu 62:


Read the following passage and blacken the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word for each of the blanks in the following question.

Cultural diversity can be such a cool thing. I grew up in a predominantly white private school, (62)________

teaching in a place that is extremely diverse has been a joy. I can stand in the hall and (63)________Spanish, Russian, Polish, Korean, Mandarin, Hindu, etc. the list can go on and on. What we need to be careful of is not to make (64)________a big deal out of cultural diversity. I think that when we place too much (65)________ on the diversity it can become a polarizing act. Many students are very aware (66)________their differences, and most just don’t care. I think that cultural diversity is something that needs (67)________addressed be teachers in the schools as something that is positive. Often in rural areas there is not a lot of cultural diversity. (68)________a result, when a student is from a different culture there is a question of what do I do to (69)________their learning needs. It is important before a teacher can teach diverse population they need to (70)________that they are also multicultural. In addition, how much of a role will these beliefs (71)________within the education on the child.Question 62

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Về hình thức, however và therefore là hai đáp án loại trừ đầu tiên vì hai liên từ này đứng đầu câu trước dấu phẩy hoặc được ngăn cách bằng dấu phẩy và dấu chấm phẩy.

Câu này chọn D. so : vì vậy - dùng để nối mệnh đề nguyên nhân và kết quả.

Câu 63:


Read the following passage and blacken the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word for each of the blanks in the following question.

Cultural diversity can be such a cool thing. I grew up in a predominantly white private school, (62)________

teaching in a place that is extremely diverse has been a joy. I can stand in the hall and (63)________Spanish, Russian, Polish, Korean, Mandarin, Hindu, etc. the list can go on and on. What we need to be careful of is not to make (64)________a big deal out of cultural diversity. I think that when we place too much (65)________ on the diversity it can become a polarizing act. Many students are very aware (66)________their differences, and most just don’t care. I think that cultural diversity is something that needs (67)________addressed be teachers in the schools as something that is positive. Often in rural areas there is not a lot of cultural diversity. (68)________a result, when a student is from a different culture there is a question of what do I do to (69)________their learning needs. It is important before a teacher can teach diverse population they need to (70)________that they are also multicultural. In addition, how much of a role will these beliefs (71)________within the education on the child.Question 63

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Sau từ cần điền là các danh từ chỉ ngôn ngữ: “Spanish, Russian, Polish...: Tiếng Tây Ban Nha, tiếng Nga, tiếng Ba Lan,.”. Do vậy, động từ phù hợp nhất là hear ( nghe ). Đáp án D.

A. see: nhìn . B. look: nhìn. C. listen : nghe ( thường đi với giới từ “to”)

Câu 64:


Read the following passage and blacken the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word for each of the blanks in the following question.

Cultural diversity can be such a cool thing. I grew up in a predominantly white private school, (62)________

teaching in a place that is extremely diverse has been a joy. I can stand in the hall and (63)________Spanish, Russian, Polish, Korean, Mandarin, Hindu, etc. the list can go on and on. What we need to be careful of is not to make (64)________a big deal out of cultural diversity. I think that when we place too much (65)________ on the diversity it can become a polarizing act. Many students are very aware (66)________their differences, and most just don’t care. I think that cultural diversity is something that needs (67)________addressed be teachers in the schools as something that is positive. Often in rural areas there is not a lot of cultural diversity. (68)________a result, when a student is from a different culture there is a question of what do I do to (69)________their learning needs. It is important before a teacher can teach diverse population they need to (70)________that they are also multicultural. In addition, how much of a role will these beliefs (71)________within the education on the child.Question 64

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Đáp án là A. Chúng ta dùng “such” đứng trước một cụm danh từ , dùng để nhấn mạnh.

B. emphasis ( v): nhấn mạnh ;

C. so : đứng trước tính từ hoặc trạng từ , dùng để nhấn mạnh.

D. much: nhiều

Câu 69:


Read the following passage and blacken the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word for each of the blanks in the following question.

Cultural diversity can be such a cool thing. I grew up in a predominantly white private school, (62)________

teaching in a place that is extremely diverse has been a joy. I can stand in the hall and (63)________Spanish, Russian, Polish, Korean, Mandarin, Hindu, etc. the list can go on and on. What we need to be careful of is not to make (64)________a big deal out of cultural diversity. I think that when we place too much (65)________ on the diversity it can become a polarizing act. Many students are very aware (66)________their differences, and most just don’t care. I think that cultural diversity is something that needs (67)________addressed be teachers in the schools as something that is positive. Often in rural areas there is not a lot of cultural diversity. (68)________a result, when a student is from a different culture there is a question of what do I do to (69)________their learning needs. It is important before a teacher can teach diverse population they need to (70)________that they are also multicultural. In addition, how much of a role will these beliefs (71)________within the education on the child.Question 69

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Đáp án là D. support : ủng hộ, cổ vũ ( support their learning needs : cổ vũ nhu cầu học của họ )

A. push: đẩy ; B. receive : nhận; C. comment: bình luận, phê bình

Câu 70:


Read the following passage and blacken the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word for each of the blanks in the following question.

Cultural diversity can be such a cool thing. I grew up in a predominantly white private school, (62)________

teaching in a place that is extremely diverse has been a joy. I can stand in the hall and (63)________Spanish, Russian, Polish, Korean, Mandarin, Hindu, etc. the list can go on and on. What we need to be careful of is not to make (64)________a big deal out of cultural diversity. I think that when we place too much (65)________ on the diversity it can become a polarizing act. Many students are very aware (66)________their differences, and most just don’t care. I think that cultural diversity is something that needs (67)________addressed be teachers in the schools as something that is positive. Often in rural areas there is not a lot of cultural diversity. (68)________a result, when a student is from a different culture there is a question of what do I do to (69)________their learning needs. It is important before a teacher can teach diverse population they need to (70)________that they are also multicultural. In addition, how much of a role will these beliefs (71)________within the education on the child.Question 70

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Đáp án là A. recognize: công nhận, thừa nhận

A. do : làm; C. observe: quan sát; D. expect : trông đợi

Câu 72:


Blacken the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word with the main stress different from that of the other three words in each question

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Đáp án đúng là B. Family có trọng âm rơi vào âm tiết thứ nhất. Các từ còn lại có trọng âm rơi vào âm tiết thứ hai

Câu 73:


Blacken the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word with the main stress different from that of the other three words in each question

Xem đáp án

Đáp án đúng là B. Generation có trọng âm rơi vào âm tiết thứ ba. Các từ còn lại có trọng âm rơi vào âm tiết thứ hai

Câu 74:


Blacken the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to show the underlined part that needs correction

I didn' see Marry since she  went to live in the captial

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Đáp án là A. didn’t see => haven’t seen.

Since: dấu hiệu nhận biết của thì hiện tại hoàn thành.

Câu 75:


Blacken the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to show the underlined part that needs correction

Ice always melts if the air temperature will be warm enough

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Đáp án là C. will be => is. Đây là câu điều kiện loại 0, chỉ một thực tế “ Đá luôn tan chảy nếu nhiệt độ không khí đủ ấm. )

Câu 78:


Blacken the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to show the underlined part that needs correction

Our supervisor advised to take a course in reseach methods

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Đáp án là B. to take => taking.

Nếu sau động từ không có tân ngữ: Advise + V-ing Nếu sau động từ có tân ngữ: Advise + someone + to V

Câu 80:


Blacken the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that is OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following questions

I’d like to pay some money into my bank account

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pay some money into : đưa tiền vào ....

Đáp án đúng là C. withdraw some money from : rút tiền ra khỏi

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