Danh mục: Thông tư 15/2024/TT-BYT
Số hiệu: | 15/2024/TT-BYT | Loại văn bản: | Thông tư |
Nơi ban hành: | Bộ Y tế | Người ký: | Đỗ Xuân Tuyên |
Ngày ban hành: | 19/09/2024 | Ngày hiệu lực: | 02/11/2024 |
Ngày công báo: | *** | Số công báo: | Đang cập nhật |
Lĩnh vực: | Xuất nhập khẩu, Thể thao, Y tế | Tình trạng: | Còn hiệu lực |
Nguyên tắc kiểm tra nhà nước về an toàn thực phẩm nhập khẩu với hàng hóa thuộc quản lý của Bộ Y tế
Ngày 19/9/2024, Bộ trưởng Bộ Y tế ban hành Thông tư 15/2024/TT-BYT ban hành Danh mục thực phẩm, phụ gia thực phẩm và dụng cụ chứa đựng thực phẩm, vật liệu bao gói tiếp xúc trực tiếp với thực phẩm đã được xác định mã số hàng hóa theo Danh mục hàng hóa xuất khẩu, nhập khẩu Việt Nam phải kiểm tra nhà nước về an toàn thực phẩm nhập khẩu thuộc phạm vi quản lý của Bộ Y tế.
Theo đó, ban hành kèm theo Thông tư 15/2024/TT-BYT Danh mục thực phẩm, phụ gia thực phẩm và dụng cụ chứa đựng thực phẩm, vật liệu bao gói tiếp xúc trực tiếp với thực phẩm đã được xác định mã số hàng hóa theo Danh mục hàng hóa xuất khẩu, nhập khẩu Việt Nam phải kiểm tra nhà nước về an toàn thực phẩm nhập khẩu thuộc phạm vi quản lý của Bộ Y tế.
Nguyên tắc kiểm tra nhà nước về an toàn thực phẩm nhập khẩu với hàng hóa thuộc quản lý của Bộ Y tế
Một trong những nguyên tắc được đề cập tại khoản 3 Điều 3 Thông tư 15/2024/TT-BYT là việc kiểm tra nhà nước về an toàn thực phẩm nhập khẩu đối với hàng hóa thuộc trách nhiệm quản lý của Bộ Y tế theo quy định tại Điều 37 Nghị định 15/2018/NĐ-CP được thực hiện như sau:
- Đối với hàng hóa có tên trong Danh mục: thực hiện theo quy định tại Điều 40 Luật an toàn thực phẩm và Điều 16 Nghị định 15/2018/NĐ-CP .
- Đối với hàng hóa không thuộc Danh mục nhưng không đạt yêu cầu trong các lần thanh tra, kiểm tra (nếu có) hoặc có cảnh báo của Bộ Y tế, Bộ Nông nghiệp và Phát triển nông thôn, Bộ Công Thương, Ủy ban nhân dân các tỉnh, thành phố trực thuộc trung ương hoặc của cơ quan có thẩm quyền tại nước ngoài hoặc của nhà sản xuất: áp dụng phương thức kiểm tra chặt theo quy định tại điểm b, điểm c khoản 3 Điều 17 Nghị định 15/2018/NĐ-CP .
Cơ quan có thẩm quyền thuộc Bộ Y tế có trách nhiệm thông báo cho cơ quan hải quan thời điểm áp dụng, dừng áp dụng phương thức kiểm tra chặt đối với các trường hợp này.
Xem chi tiết tại Thông tư 15/2024/TT-BYT có hiệu lực từ ngày 02/11/2024.
Văn bản tiếng việt
Văn bản tiếng anh
(ban hành kèm theo Thông tư số 15/2024/TT-BYT ngày 19 tháng 9 năm 2024)
No. 15/2024/TT-BYT |
Hanoi, September 19, 2024 |
Pursuant to the Law on Food Safety dated June 17, 2010;
Pursuant to the Law on Customs dated June 23, 2014;
Pursuant to the Government’s Decree No. 08/2015/ND-CP dated January 21, 2015 on guidelines for the Law on Customs in terms of customs procedure, customs supervision and inspection;
Pursuant to the Government’s Decree No. 59/2018/ND-CP dated April 20, 2018 on amendment to certain Articles of the Government’s Decree No. 08/2015/ND-CP dated January 21, 2015 on guidelines for the Law on Customs in terms of customs procedure, customs supervision and inspection;
Pursuant to Government’s Decree No. 15/2018/ND-CP dated February 02, 2018 on elaboration of some Articles of the Law on Food Safety;
Pursuant to Government’s Decree No. 95/2022/ND-CP dated November 15, 2022 defining the functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of the Ministry of Health;
At the request of the Director General of the Vietnam Food Administration;
The Minister of Health hereby promulgates a Circular promulgating the List of foods, food additives and food implements, packaging and containers assigned HS codes according to the Vietnam’s Nomenclature of exports and imports subject to state inspection of safety of imported foods under management of Ministry of Health.
Article 1. Scope
This Circular promulgates the List and rules for application of the List of foods, food additives and food implements, packaging and containers assigned HS codes according to the Vietnam’s nomenclature of exports and imports promulgated together with the Circular No. 31/2022/TT-BTC dated June 08, 2022 of the Minister of Finance on promulgation of Vietnam’s Nomenclature of exports and imports subject to state inspection of safety of imported foods under management of Ministry of Health (hereinafter referred to as “the List”).
Article 2. Promulgation of the List
Promulgated with this Circular is the List of foods, food additives and food implements, packaging and containers assigned HS codes according to the Vietnam’s Nomenclature of exports and imports subject to state inspection of safety of imported foods under management of Ministry of Health.
Article 3. Rules for application of the List
1. If there is any difference or inconsistency in the classification and determination of HS codes for goods on the List promulgated together with this Circular, the determination of HS codes shall comply with provisions of law on customs.
2. Regarding foods, food additives and food implements, packaging and containers which have not been listed and assigned HS codes on the List enclosed with this Circular, the determination of HS codes shall comply with provisions of law on customs. After customs clearance, exporters and importers shall submit a document to the Ministry of Health (Vietnam Food Administration) to form a basis for cooperation with the Ministry of Finance in considering agreeing to, updating and promulgate a supplementary List.
3. The state inspection of safety of imported foods regarding goods under management of Ministry of Health according to Article 37 of the Government’s Decree No. 15/2018/ND-CP dated February 02, 2018 on elaboration of some Articles of the Law on Food Safety shall be carried out as follows:
a) For goods which are included in the List: comply with Article 40 of the Law on Food Safety and Article 16 of the Government’s Decree No. 15/2018/ND-CP dated February 02, 2018 on elaboration of some Articles of the Law on Food Safety.
b) For goods which are not included in the List but fails to meet requirements during the inspections (if any) or are issued with a warning from the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, the Ministry of Industry and Trade or the People's Committees of a province or central-affiliated city or a competent authority of a foreign country or a manufacturer: conduct a tightened inspection as specified in points b and c clause 3 Article 17 of the Government’s Decree No. 15/2018/ND-CP dated February 02, 2018 on elaboration of some Articles of the Law on Food Safety. The competent authority affiliated to the Ministry of Health shall notify the customs authority of the time of application and suspension of the tightened inspection in these cases.
4. Cases in which imported foods are exempted from or not required to undergo state inspection of food safety:
a) Goods are included in the List but do not fall into the cases specified in Article 13 of the Government’s Decree No. 15/2018/ND-CP dated February 02, 2018 on elaboration of some Articles of the Law on Food Safety (unless there is a food safety warning);
b) Goods are included in the List but are not intended for use as foods, food additives or food processing aids;
c) Goods are implements and packaging which are included in the List but do not contain and come into direct contact with foods;
d) Goods are not included in the List, except for the case specified in point b clause 3 Article 2 of this Circular.
5. If a mixture of food additives has at least two (02) food additives on the List, its HS code shall be determined according to six (06) general classification rules enclosed with the Circular No. 31/2022/TT-BTC dated June 08, 2022 of the Minister of Finance on promulgation of Vietnam’s Nomenclature of exports and imports.
Article 4. Terms of reference
In the cases where any of the legislative documents and regulations referred to in this Circular is changed, supplemented or replaced, the newest one shall apply.
Article 5. Effect
1. This Circular comes into force from November 02, 2024.
2. The Circular No. 28/2021/TT-BYT dated December 20, 2021 of the Minister of Health promulgating the List of foods, food additives and food implements, packaging and containers assigned HS codes according to the Vietnam’s Nomenclature of exports and imports with a view to state inspection of safety of imported foods shall cease to have effect from the effective date of this Circular.
Article 6. Responsibility for implementation
Director General of Vietnam Food Administration; heads of units owned by and affiliated to the Ministry of Health; Directors of Departments of Health, Departments of Food Safety of central-affiliated cities and provinces; heads of food safety authorities affiliated to People’s Committees of central-affiliated cities and provinces; heads of health authorities of ministries and central authorities, agencies, organizations and individuals concerned are responsible for the implementation of this Circular.
Difficulties that arise during the implementation of this Circular should be reported to the Ministry of Health (Vietnam Food Administration) for consideration and resolution./.
(Promulgated together with the Circular No. 15/2024/TT-BYT dated September 19, 2024)
II. Single-ingredient food additives: |
No. |
Vietnamese name |
English name |
HS code |
Function |
I. Food: |
1. |
Thực phẩm bổ sung |
Supplemented Food |
HS code determined according to Six (06) general classification rules enclosed with the Circular No. 31/2022/TT-BTC |
II. Single-ingredient food additives: |
2. |
100(i) |
Curcumin |
Curcumin |
3203.00.10 |
Coloring matter |
3. |
100(ii) |
Turmeric |
Turmeric |
0910.30.00; 3203.00.10 |
Coloring matter |
4. |
Riboflavin gồm: |
Riboflavin, include: |
101(i) |
- Riboflavin, tổng hợp |
- Riboflavin, synthetic |
101(ii) |
- Natri Riboflavin 5'-phosphat |
- Riboflavin 5'-phosphate sodium |
2936.23.00 |
Coloring matter |
101(iii) |
- Riboflavin từ Bacillus subtilis |
- Riboflavin from Bacillus subtilis |
5. |
102 |
Tartrazin |
Tartrazine |
3204.19.00 |
Coloring matter |
6. |
104 |
Quinolin yellow |
Quinoline yellow |
3204.12.10 |
Coloring matter |
7. |
110 |
Sunset yellow FCF |
Sunset yellow FCF |
3204.12.90 |
Coloring matter |
8. |
120 |
Carmin |
Carmines |
3203.00.10 |
Coloring matter |
9. |
122 |
Azorubin (Carmoisin) |
Azorubine (Carmoisine) |
3204.17.10 |
Coloring matter |
10. |
123 |
Amaranth |
Amaranth |
3203.00.10 |
Coloring matter |
11. |
124 |
Ponceau 4R (Cochineal red A) |
Ponceau 4R (Cochineal red A) |
3204.19.00 |
Coloring matter |
12. |
127 |
Erythrosin |
Erythrosine |
3204.19.00 |
Coloring matter |
13. |
129 |
Allura red AC |
Allura red AC |
3204.17.10; 3204.17.90 |
Coloring matter |
14. |
132 |
Indigotin (Indigo cannin) |
Indigotine (Indigo carmine) |
3203.00.10 |
Coloring matter |
15. |
133 |
Brilliant blue FCF |
Brilliant blue FCF |
3204.11.90 |
Coloring matter |
16. |
140 |
Clorophylls |
Chlorophylls |
3203.00.10 |
Coloring matter |
17. |
141(i) |
Phức dong clorophyll |
Chlorophyll copper complexes |
3203.00.10 |
Coloring matter |
18. |
141(ii) |
Phức đồng clorophyllin (muối natri, kali của nó) |
Chlorophyllins, copper complexes, sodium and potassium salts |
3203.00.10 |
Coloring matter |
19. |
143 |
Fast green FCF |
Fast green FCF |
3212.90.21 |
Coloring matter |
20. |
Các Caramen, gồm: |
Caramels, include: |
1702.90.40 |
Coloring matter |
150a |
- Caramen nhóm I (caramen nguyên chất) |
- Caramel I- plain caramel |
150b |
- Caramen nhóm II (caramen sulfit) |
- Caramel II - sulfite caramel |
150c |
- Caramen nhóm III (caramen amoni) |
- Caramel III - ammonia caramel |
150d |
- Caramen nhóm IV (caramen amoni sulfit) |
- Caramel IV -sulfite ammonia caramel |
21. |
151 |
Brilliant black (Black PN) |
Brilliant black (Black PN) |
3204.11.90 |
Coloring matter |
22. |
153 |
Carbon thực vật |
Vegetable carbon |
3203.00.10 |
Coloring matter |
23. |
155 |
Brown HT |
Brown HT |
3204.19.00 |
Coloring matter |
24. |
Các Beta-caroten, gồm: |
Beta-Carotenes, include: |
3203.00.10 |
Coloring matter |
160a(i) |
- Beta-caroten tổng hợp |
- Beta-Carotenes, synthetic |
160a(ii) |
- Beta - Caroten (chiết xuất từ thực vật) |
- Beta-Carotenes, vegetable |
160a(iii) |
- Beta-Caroten, Blakeslea trispora |
- Beta-Carotenes, Blakeslea trispora |
25. |
Chất chiết xuất từ amiatto, gồm: |
Annatto extracts, include: |
3203.00.10 |
Coloring matter |
160b(i) |
Chất chiết xuất từ annatto, bixin based |
Annatto extracts, bixin-based |
160b(ii) |
Chất chiết xuất từ annatto, norbixin-based |
Annatto extracts, norbixin-based |
26. |
160c(i) |
Paprika oleoresin |
Paprika oleoresin |
3301.90.90 |
Coloring matter |
27. |
Lycopen, gồm: |
Lycopene, include: |
3203.00.10 |
Coloring matter |
160d(i) |
- Lycopen tổng hợp |
- Lycopene, synthetic |
160d(ii) |
- Lycopen chiết xuất từ cà chua |
- Lycopene, tomato |
160d(iii) |
- Lycopen, Blakeslea trispora |
- Lycopene, Blakeslea trispora |
28. |
160e |
beta-apo- 8'-Carotenal |
Carotenal, beta-apo-8'- |
3203.00.10 |
Coloring matter |
29. |
160f |
Este etyl của acid beta-apo-8'- Carotenoic |
Carotenoic acid, ethyl ester, beta-apo-8'- |
3203.00.10 |
Coloring matter |
30. |
Lutein, gồm: |
Lutein, include: |
3203.00.10 |
Coloring matter |
161b(i) |
- Lutein từ Tagetes erecta |
- Lutein from Tagetes erecta |
161b(iii) |
- Lutein este từ Tagetes erecta |
- Lutein esters from Tagetes erecta |
31. |
161g |
Canthaxanthin |
Canthaxanthin |
3203.00.10 |
Coloring matter |
32. |
161h(i) |
Zeaxanthin tổng hợp |
Zeaxanthin, synthetic |
3203.00.10 |
Coloring matter |
33. |
162 |
Beet red |
Beet red |
3203.00.10 |
Coloring matter |
34. |
163(ii) |
Chất chiết xuất vỏ nho |
Grape skin extract |
3203.00.10 |
Coloring matter |
35. |
163(iii) |
Chất chiết xuất từ quả lý chua đen |
Blackcurrant extract |
3203.00.10 |
Coloring matter |
36. |
163(iv) |
Màu ngô tím |
Purple corn colour |
3203.00.10 |
Coloring matter |
37. |
163(v) |
Màu bắp cải đỏ |
Red cabbage colour |
3203.00.10 |
Coloring matter |
38. |
163(vi) |
Chất chiết xuất từ cà rốt đen |
Black carrot extract |
3203.00.10 |
Coloring matter |
39. |
163(vii) |
Màu khoai lang tím |
Purple sweet potato colour |
3203.00.10 |
Coloring matter |
40. |
163(viii) |
Màu củ cải đỏ |
Red radish colour |
3203.00.10 |
Coloring matter |
41. |
164 |
Gardenia yellow |
Gardenia yellow |
3203.00.10 |
Coloring matter |
42. |
170(i) |
Calci Carbonat |
Calcium carbonate |
2836.50.10 |
Acidity regulator, anticaking agent, coloring matter, firming agent, flour treatment agent, stabilizer |
43. |
171 |
Titan dioxyd |
Titanium dioxide |
2823.00.00 |
Coloring matter |
44. |
Oxyd sắt, gồm: |
Iron oxide, include: |
172(i) |
- Oxyd sắt đen |
- Iron oxide, black |
172(ii) |
- Oxyd sắt đỏ |
- Iron oxide, red |
2821.10.00 |
Coloring matter |
172(iii) |
- Oxyd sắt vàng |
- Iron oxide, yellow |
45. |
181 |
Acid tannic (Tannin) |
Tannic acid (Tannins) |
3201.90.00 |
Coloring matter, emulsifier, stabilizer, thickener |
46. |
200 |
Acid sorbic |
Sorbic acid |
2916.19.00 |
Preservative |
47. |
201 |
Natri sorbat |
Sodium sorbate |
2916.19.00 |
Preservative |
48. |
202 |
Kali sorbat |
Potassium sorbate |
2916.19.00 |
Preservative |
49. |
203 |
Calci sorbat |
Calcium sorbate |
2916.19.00 |
Preservative |
50. |
210 |
Acid benzoic |
Benzoic acid |
2916.31.00 |
Preservative |
51. |
Muối benzoate, gồm: |
Salt of benzoate, include: |
211 |
- Natri benzoat |
- Sodium benzoate |
212 |
- Kali benzoat |
- Potassium benzoate |
2916.31.00 |
Preservative |
213 |
- Calci benzoat |
- Calcium benzoate |
52. |
214 |
Ethyl para-hydroxybenzoat |
Ethyl para-hydroxybenzoate |
2918.29.90 |
Preservative |
53. |
218 |
Methyl para-hydroxybenzoat |
Methyl para-hydroxybenzoate |
2916.31.00 |
Preservative |
54. |
220 |
Sulfua dioxyd |
Sulfur dioxide |
2811.29.20 |
Preservative, antioxidant, bleaching agent, flour treatment agent |
55. |
221 |
Natri sulfit |
Sodium sulfite |
2832.10.00 |
Preservative, antioxidant, flour treatment agent, bleaching agent |
56. |
222 |
Natri hydro sulfit |
Sodium hydrogen sulfite |
2832.10.00 |
Preservative, antioxidant |
57. |
223 |
Natri metabisulfit |
Sodium metabisulfite |
2832.10.00 |
Preservative, antioxidant, bleaching agent, flour treatment agent |
58. |
224 |
Kali metabisulfit |
Potassium metabisulfite |
2832.20.00 |
Preservative, antioxidant, bleaching agent, flour treatment agent |
59. |
225 |
Kali sulfit |
Potassium sulfite |
2832.20.00 |
Preservative, antioxidant |
60. |
231 |
Ortho-phenylphenol |
Ortho-phenylphenol |
2907.19.00 |
Preservative |
61. |
232 |
Natri ortho-phenylphenol |
Sodium ortho-phenylphenol |
2907.19.00 |
Preservative |
62. |
234 |
Nisin |
Nisin |
2941.90.00 |
Preservative |
63. |
235 |
Natamycin (Pimaricin) |
Natamycin (Pimaricin) |
2941.90.00 |
Preservative |
64. |
239 |
Hexamethylen tetramin |
Hexamethylene tetramine |
2933.99.90 |
Preservative |
65. |
242 |
Dimethyl dicarbonat |
Dimethyl dicarbonate |
2920.90.00 |
Preservative |
66. |
243 |
Laurie argrinat ethyl este |
Laurie argrinate ethyl ester |
2915.90.20 |
Preservative |
67. |
249 |
Kali nitrit |
Postasium nitrite |
2834.10.00 |
Color retention agent, preservative |
68. |
250 |
Natri nitrit |
Sodium nitrite |
2834.10.00 |
Color retention agent, preservative |
69. |
251 |
Natri nitrat |
Sodium nitrate |
2834.29.90 |
Color retention agent, preservative |
70. |
260 |
Acid acetic băng |
Acetic acid, glacial |
2915.21.00 |
Acidity regulator, preservative |
71. |
261(i) |
Kali acetat |
Potassium acetate |
2915.29.90 |
Acidity regulator, preservative |
72. |
262(i) |
Natri acetat |
Sodium acetate |
2915.29.10 |
Acidity regulator, preservative, sequestrant |
73. |
262(ii) |
Natri diacetat |
Sodium diacetate |
2915.29.90 |
Acidity regulator, sequestrant |
74. |
263 |
Calci acetat |
Calcium acetate |
2915.29.90 |
Acidity regulator, preservative, stabilizer |
75. |
266 |
Natri dehydroacetat |
Sodium dehydroacetate |
2932.20.90 |
Preservative |
76. |
270 |
Acid lactic, L-, D- và DL- |
Lactic acid, L-, D- and DL- |
2918.11.00 |
Acidity regulator |
77. |
280 |
Acid propionic |
Propionic acid |
2915.50.00 |
Preservative |
78. |
281 |
Natri propionat |
Sodium propionate |
2915.50.00 |
Preservative |
79. |
282 |
Calci propionat |
Calcium propionate |
2915.50.00 |
Preservative |
80. |
283 |
Kali propionat |
Potassium propionate |
2915.50.00 |
Preservative |
81. |
290 |
Carbon dioxyd |
Carbon dioxide |
2811.21.00 |
Carbon dioxide generator, foaming agent, glazing agent, preservative, propellant |
82. |
296 |
Acid malic (DL-) |
Malic acid, DL- |
2918.19.00 |
Acidity regulator, sequestrant |
83. |
297 |
Acid fumaric |
Fumaric acid |
2917.19.00 |
Acidity regulator |
84. |
300 |
Acid ascorbic (L-) |
Ascorbic acid, L- |
2936.27.00 |
Antioxidant, acidity regulator, flour treatment agent, sequestrant |
85. |
301 |
Natri ascorbat |
Sodium ascorbate |
2936.27.00 |
Antioxidant, flour treatment agent |
86. |
302 |
Calci ascorbat |
Calcium ascorbate |
2918.15.90 |
Antioxidant |
87. |
304 |
Ascorbyl palmitat |
Ascorbyl palmitate |
2936.27.00 |
Antioxidant |
88. |
305 |
Ascorbyl stearat |
Ascorbyl stearate |
2936.27.00 |
Antioxidant |
89. |
307a |
d-alpha-Tocopherol |
d-alpha-Tocopherol |
2936.28.00 |
Antioxidant |
90. |
307b |
Tocopherol concentrat (dạng hỗn hợp) |
Tocopherol concentrate, mixed |
2936.28.00 |
Antioxidant |
91. |
307c |
dl-alpha-Tocopherol |
dl-alpha-Tocopherol |
2936.28.00 |
Antioxidant |
92. |
310 |
Propyl gallat |
Propyl gallate |
2918.29.90 |
Antioxidant |
93. |
314 |
Nhựa guaiac |
Guaiac resin |
1301.90.90 |
Antioxidant |
94. |
315 |
Acid erythorbic (acid isoascorbic) |
Erythorbic acid (Isoascorbic Acid) |
2936.27.00 |
Antioxidant |
95. |
316 |
Natri erythorbat (natri isoascorbat) |
Sodium erythorbate (Sodium isoascorbate) |
2936.27.00 |
Antioxidant |
96. |
319 |
Tertiary butylhydroquinon (TBHQ) |
Tertiary butylhydroquinone (TBHQ) |
2907.29.90 |
Antioxidant |
97. |
320 |
Butyl hydroxyanisol (BHA) |
Butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA) |
2909.50.00 |
Antioxidant |
98. |
321 |
Butyl hydroxytoluen (BHT) |
Butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) |
2907.19.00 |
Antioxidant |
99. |
322(i) |
Lecithin |
Lecithin |
2923.20.11 (nếu từ thực vật) hoặc 2923.20.19 (nếu không phải từ thực vật) |
Antioxidant, emulsifier, flour treatment agent |
100. |
325 |
Natri lactat |
Sodium lactate |
2918.11.00 |
Acidity regulator, antioxidant, bulking agent, emulsifier, humectant, thickener |
101. |
326 |
Kali lactat |
Potassium lactate |
2918.11.00 |
Acidity regulator, antioxidant, emulsifier, humectant |
102. |
327 |
Calci lactat |
Calcium lactate |
2918.11.00 |
Acidity regulator, emulsifying salt, flour treatment agent, firming agent, thickener |
103. |
329 |
Magnesi lactat, DL- |
Magnesium lactate, DL- |
2918.11.00 |
Acidity regulator, flour treatment agent |
104. |
330 |
Acid citric |
Citric acid |
2918.14.00 |
Acidity regulator, antioxidant, sequestrant, color retention agent |
105. |
331(i) |
Natri dihydro citrat |
Sodium dihydrogen citrate |
2918.15.90 |
Acidity regulator, emulsifier, emulsifying salt, sequestrant, stabilizer |
106. |
331(ii) |
Dinatri monohydro citrat |
Disodium monohydrogen citrate |
2918.15.90 |
Acidity regulator, emulsifier, emulsifying salt, sequestrant, stabilizer |
107. |
331(iii) |
Trinatri citrat |
Trisodium citrate |
2918.15.90 |
Acidity regulator, emulsifier, emulsifying salt, sequestrant, stabilizer |
108. |
332(i) |
Kali dihydro citrat |
Potassium dihydrogen citrate |
2918.15.90 |
Stabilizer, acidity regulator, emulsifying salt, sequestrant |
109. |
332(ii) |
Trikali citrat |
Tripotassium citrate |
2918.15.90 |
Stabilizer, acidity regulator, emulsifying salt, sequestrant, antioxidant |
110. |
333(iii) |
Tricalci citrat |
Tricalcium citrate |
2918.15.10 |
Acidity regulator, emulsifying salt, firming agent, sequestrant, stabilizer, antioxidant |
111. |
334 |
Acid tartaric, L(+)- |
L(+)-Tartaric acid |
2918.12.00 |
Acidity regulator, sequestrant, antioxidant, flavor enhancer |
112. |
335(ii) |
Natri L(+)-tartrat |
Sodium L(+)-tartrate |
2918.13.00 |
Acidity regulator, emulsifying salt, sequestrant, stabilizer |
113. |
337 |
Kali natri L(+)-tartrat |
Potassium sodium L(+)-tartrate |
2918.13.00 |
Acidity regulator, emulsifying salt, sequestrant, stabilizer |
114. |
338 |
Acid phosphoric |
Phosphoric acid |
2809.20.39 |
Acidity regulator, antioxidant, sequestrant |
115. |
339(i) |
Natri dihydro phosphat |
Sodium dihydrogen phosphate |
2835.22.00 |
Acidity regulator, emulsifier, emulsifying salt, humectant, leavening agent, sequestrant, stabilizer, thickener |
116. |
339(ii) |
Dinatri hydro phosphat |
Disodium hydrogen phosphate |
2835.22.00 |
Stabilizer, acidity regulator, emulsifier, emulsifying salt, humectant, sequestrant, thickener |
117. |
339(iii) |
Trinatri phosphat |
Trisodium phosphate |
2835.29.10 |
Acidity regulator, emulsifier, humectant, preservative, stabilizer, sequestrant, thickener |
118. |
340(i) |
Kali dihydro phosphat |
Potassium dihydrogen phosphate |
2835.24.00 |
Acidity regulator, emulsifier, humectant, stabilizer, sequestrant, thickener |
119. |
340(ii) |
Dikali hydro phosphat |
Dipotassium hydrogen phosphate |
2835.24.00 |
Acidity regulator, emulsifier, humectant, stabilizer, sequestrant, thickener |
120. |
340(iii) |
Trikali phosphat |
Tripotassium phosphate |
2835.29.90 |
Acidity regulator, emulsifier, humectant, stabilizer, sequestrant, thickener |
121. |
341(1) |
Calci dihydro phosphat |
Calcium dihydrogen phosphate |
2835.26.00 |
Acidity regulator, anticaking agent, emulsifying salt, firming agent, flour treatment agent, humectant, leavening agent, sequestrant, stabilizer, thickener |
122. |
341(ii) |
Calci hydro phosphat |
Calcium hydrogen phosphate |
2835.25.90 |
Acidity regulator, anticaking agent, emulsifying salt, firming agent, flour treatment agent, humectant, leavening agent, stabilizer, thickener |
123. |
341(iii) |
Tricalci phosphat |
Tricalcium phosphate |
2835.26.00 |
Acidity regulator, anticaking agent, emulsifier, emulsifying salt, firming agent, flour treatment agent, humectant, leavening agent, stabilizer, thickener |
124. |
342(1) |
Amoni dihydro phosphat |
Ammonium dihydrogen phosphate |
2835.29.90 |
Acidity regulator, flour treatment agent, stabilizer, thickener, leavening agent |
125. |
342(ii) |
Diamoni hydro phosphat |
Diammonium hydrogen phosphate |
2835.29.90 |
Acidity regulator, flour treatment agent, leavening agent, stabilizer, thickener |
126. |
343(i) |
Magnesi dihydro phosphat |
Magnesium dihydrogen phosphate |
2835.29.90 |
Acidity regulator, anticaking agent, emulsifying salt, stabilizer, thickener |
127. |
343(ii) |
Magnesi hydro phosphat |
Magnesium hydrogen phosphate |
2835.29.90 |
Acidity regulator, anticaking agent, emulsifying salt, leavening agent, stabilizer, thickener |
128. |
343(iii) |
Trimagnesi phosphat |
Trimagnesium phosphate |
2835.29.90 |
Acidity regulator, anticaking agent, stabilizer, thickener |
129. |
350(i) |
Natri hyro DL-malat |
Sodium hyrogen DL-malate |
2918.19.00 |
Acidity regulator, humectant |
130. |
350(ii) |
Natri DL-malat |
Sodium DL-malate |
2918.19.00 |
Acidity regulator, humectant |
131. |
352(ii) |
Calci malat, D, L- |
Calcium malate, D, L- |
2918.99.00 |
Acidity regulator |
132. |
353 |
Acid metatartaric |
Metatartaric acid |
2918.13.00 |
Acidity regulator, emulsifier, stabilizer, thickener |
133. |
355 |
Acid adipic |
Adipic acid |
2917.12.90 |
Acidity regulator |
134. |
363 |
Acid succinic |
Succinic acid |
2917.19.00 |
Acidity regulator |
135. |
364(ii) |
Dinatri succinat |
Disodium succinate |
2917.19.00 |
Acidity regulator, flavor enhancer |
136. |
365 |
Natri fumarat (các muối) |
Sodium fumarates |
2917.19.00 |
Acidity regulator |
137. |
380 |
Triamoni citrat |
Triammonium citrate |
2918.15.90 |
Acidity regulator |
138. |
381 |
Sắt amoni citrat |
Ferric ammonium citrate |
2918.15.90 |
Anticaking agent |
139. |
384 |
Isopropyl citrate (các muối) |
Isopropyl citrates |
2918.15.90 |
Sequestrant, antioxidant, preservative |
140. |
385 |
Calci dinatri etylendiamintetraacetat |
Calcium disodium ethylenediaminetetraacetate |
2921.21.00 |
Sequestrant, antioxidant, color retention agent, preservative |
141. |
386 |
Dinatri ethylendiamintetraacetat (EDTA) |
Disodium ethylenediaminetetraacetate |
2922.49.00 |
Sequestrant, antioxidant, color retention agent, preservative, stabilizer |
142. |
388 |
Acid thiodipropionic |
Thiodipropionic acid |
2915.90.90 |
Antioxidant |
143. |
389 |
Dilauryl thiodipropionat |
Dilauryl thiodipropionate |
2930.90.90 |
Antioxidant |
144. |
392 |
Chiết xuất hương thảo |
Rosemary extract |
1302.19.90 |
Antioxidant |
145. |
400 |
Acid alginic |
Alginic acid |
3913.10.00 |
Thickener, bulking agent, carrier, emulsifier, foaming agent, gelling agent, glazing agent, humectant, sequestrant, stabilizer |
146. |
401 |
Natri alginat |
Sodium alginate |
3913.10.00 |
Bulking agent, carrier, emulsifier, foaming agent, gelling agent, glazing agent, humectant, sequestrant, stabilizer, thickener |
147. |
402 |
Kali alginat |
Potassium alginate |
3913.10.00 |
Bulking agent, carrier, emulsifier, foaming agent, gelling agent, glazing agent, humectant, sequestrant, stabilizer, thickener |
148. |
403 |
Amoni alginat |
Ammonium alginate |
3913.10.00 |
Bulking agent, carrier, emulsifier, foaming agent, gelling agent, glazing agent, humectant, sequestrant, stabilizer, thickener |
149. |
404 |
Calci alginat |
Calcium alginate |
3913.10.00 |
Thickener, antifoaming agent, bulking agent, carrier, gelling agent, glazing agent, humectant, sequestrant, stabilizer |
150. |
405 |
Propylen glycol alginat |
Propylene glycol alginate |
3913.10.00 |
Bulking agent, carrier, emulsifier, foaming agent, gelling agent, thickener, stabilizer |
151. |
406 |
Thạch Aga |
Agar |
1302.31.00 |
Thickener, bulking agent, carrier, emulsifier, gelling agent, glazing agent, humectant, stabilizer |
152. |
407 |
Carrageenan |
Carrageenan |
1302.39.11; 1302.39.12; 1302.39.13; 1302.39.19 |
Thickener, bulking agent, carrier, emulsifier, gelling agent, glazing agent, humectant, stabilizer |
153. |
407a |
Rong biển eucheuma đã qua chế biến |
Processed eucheuma seaweed (PES) |
1302.39.90 |
Bulking agent, carrier, emulsifier, gelling agent, glazing agent, humectant, stabilizer, thickener |
154. |
410 |
Gôm đậu carob |
Carob bean gum |
1302.39.90 |
Thickener, emulsifier, stabilizer |
155. |
412 |
Gôm gua |
Guar gum |
1302.32.00 |
Thickener, emulsifier, stabilizer |
156. |
413 |
Gôm tragacanth |
Tragacanth gum |
1301.90.90 |
Thickener, emulsifier, stabilizer |
157. |
414 |
Gôm arabic |
Gum arabic (Acacia gum) |
1301.20.00 |
Thickener, bulking agent, emulsifier, carrier, glazing agent, stabilizer |
158. |
415 |
Gôm xanthan |
Xanthan gum |
3913.90.90 |
Thickener, emulsifier, foaming agent, stabilizer |
159. |
416 |
Gôm karaya |
Karaya gum |
1301.90.90 |
Thickener, emulsifier, stabilizer |
160. |
417 |
Gôm tara |
Tara gum |
1302.39.90 |
Thickener, gelling agent, stabilizer |
161. |
418 |
Gôm gellan |
Gellan gum |
3913.90.90 |
Thickener, gelling agent, stabilizer |
162. |
420(i) |
Sorbitol |
Sorbitol |
2905.44.00 |
Sweetener, bulking agent, humectant, sequestrant, stabilizer, thickener |
163. |
420(ii) |
Siro sorbitol |
Sorbitol syrup |
3824.60.00 |
Sweetener, bulking agent, humectant, sequestrant, stabilizer, thickener |
164. |
421 |
Manitol |
Mannitol |
2905.43.00 |
Anticaking agent, bulking agent, humectant, stabilizer, sweetener, thickener |
165. |
422 |
Glycerol |
Glycerol |
2905.45.00 |
Thickener, humectant |
166. |
423 |
Gôm arabic biến tính bằng acid octenyl succinic (OSA) |
Octenyl succinic acid (OSA) modified gum arabic |
1301.20.00 |
Emulsifier |
167. |
424 |
Curdlan |
Curdlan |
3913.90.90 |
Firming agent, gelling agent, stabilizer, thickener |
168. |
425 |
Bột konjac |
Konjac flour |
1302.39.90 |
Carrier, emulsifier, gelling agent, glazing agent, humectant, stabilizer, thickener |
169. |
427 |
Gôm cassia |
Cassia gum |
1302.39.90 |
Emulsifier, gelling agent, stabilizer, thickener |
170. |
430 |
Polyoxyethylen (8) stearat |
Polyoxyethylene (8) stearate |
3907.29.90 |
Emulsifier |
171. |
431 |
Polyoxyethylen (40) stearat |
Polyoxyethylene (40) stearate |
3402.42.90 |
Emulsifier |
172. |
432 |
Polyoxyethylen (20) sorbitan monolaurat |
Polyoxyethylene (20) sorbitan monolaurate |
3402.42.90 |
Emulsifier, stabilizer |
173. |
433 |
Polyoxyethylen (20) sorbitan monooleat |
Polyoxyethylene (20) sorbitan monooleate |
3402.42.90 |
Emulsifier, stabilizer |
174. |
434 |
Polyoxyethylen (20) sorbitan monopalmitat |
Polyoxyethylene (20) sorbitan monopalmitate |
3402.42.90 |
Emulsifier |
175. |
435 |
Polyoxyethylen (20) sorbitan monostearat |
Polyoxyethylene (20) sorbitan monostearate |
3402.42.90 |
Emulsifier, stabilizer |
176. |
436 |
Polyoxyethylen (20) sorbitan tristearat |
Polyoxyethylene (20) sorbitan tri stearate |
3402.42.90 |
Emulsifier, stabilizer |
177. |
440 |
Pectin |
Pectins |
1302.20.00 |
Emulsifier, gelling agent, glazing agent, stabilizer, thickener |
178. |
442 |
Các muối amoni của acid phosphatidic |
Ammonium salts of phosphatidic acid |
2835.29.90 |
Emulsifier |
179. |
444 |
Sucrose acetat isobutyrat |
Sucrose acetate isobutyrate |
2940.00.00 |
Emulsifier, stabilizer |
180. |
445(iii) |
Glycerol ester của nhựa cây |
Glycerol ester of wood rosin |
3806.30.10; 3806.30.90; 3806.90.10; 3806.90.90 |
Emulsifier, stabilizer |
181. |
450(i) |
Dinatri diphosphat |
Disodium diphosphate |
2835.22.00 |
Emulsifier, acidity regulator, emulsifying salt, humectant, leavening agent, sequestrant, stabilizer, thickener |
182. |
450(ii) |
Trinatri diphosphat |
Trisodium diphosphate |
2835.29.10 |
Acidity regulator, emulsifier, emulsifying salt, leavening agent, humectant, sequestrant, stabilizer, thickener |
183. |
450(iii) |
Tetranatri diphosphat |
Tetrasodium diphosphate |
2835.39.10 |
Sequestrant, acidity regulator, emulsifier, emulsifying salt, stabilizer, humectant, leavening agent, thickener |
184. |
450(v) |
Tetrakali diphosphat |
Tetrapotassium diphosphate |
2835.39.90 |
Sequestrant, acidity regulator, emulsifier, emulsifying salt, stabilizer, humectant, leavening agent, thickener |
185. |
450(vi) |
Dicalci diphosphat |
Dicalcium diphosphate |
2835.26.00 |
Sequestrant, acidity regulator, emulsifier, emulsifying salt, firming agent, leavening agent, stabilizer, thickener |
186. |
450(vii) |
Calci dihydro diphosphat |
Calcium dihydrogen diphosphate |
2835.26.00 |
Acidity regulator, emulsifier, emulsifying salt, humectant, leavening agent, sequestrant, stabilizer |
187. |
450(ix) |
Magnesi dihydro diphosphat |
Magnesium dihydrogen diphosphate |
2835.29.90 |
Acidity regulator, leavening agent, stabilizer |
188. |
451(i) |
Pentanatri triphosphat |
Pentasodium triphosphate |
2835.39.90 |
Acidity regulator, emulsifier, emulsifying salt, humectant, sequestrant, stabilizer, thickener |
189. |
451(ii) |
Pentakali triphosphat |
Pentapotassium triphosphate |
2835.39.90 |
Acidity regulator, emulsifier, emulsifying salt, humectant, sequestrant, stabilizer, thickener |
190. |
452(i) |
Natri polyphosphat |
Sodium polyphosphate |
2835.39.90 |
Sequestrant, acidity regulator, emulsifier, emulsifying salt, humectant, leavening agent, stabilizer, thickener |
191. |
452(ii) |
Kali polyphosphat |
Potassium polyphosphate |
2835.39.90 |
Sequestrant, acidity regulator, emulsifier, emulsifying salt, humectant, leavening agent, stabilizer, thickener |
192. |
452(iii) |
Natri calci polyphosphat |
Sodium calcium polyphosphate |
2835.39.90 |
Acidity regulator, sequestrant, emulsifier, humectant, leavening agent, stabilizer |
193. |
452(iv) |
Calci polyphosphat |
Calcium polyphosphate |
2835.39.90 |
Sequestrant, acidity regulator, emulsifier, emulsifying salt, humectant, leavening agent, stabilizer, thickener |
194. |
452(v) |
Amoni polyphosphat |
Ammonium polyphosphate |
2835.39.90 |
Acidity regulator, emulsifier, emulsifying salt, sequestrant, humectant, stabilizer, thickener |
195. |
455 |
Mannoprotein của nấm men |
Yeast mannoproteins |
2102.20.90 |
Stabilizer |
196. |
457 |
alpha-Cyclodextrin |
Cyclodextrin, alpha- |
3505.10.10 |
Thickener, stabilizer |
197. |
458 |
gamma-Cyclodextrin |
Cyclodextrin, gamma- |
2940.00.00 |
Thickener, stabilizer |
198. |
459 |
beta-Cyclodextrin |
Cyclodextrin, beta- |
3505.10.90 |
Carrier, stabilizer, thickener |
199. |
460(i) |
Cellulose vi tinh thể (Cellulose gel) |
Microcrystalline cellulose (Cellulose gel) |
3912.90.20; 3912.90.90 |
Bulking agent, anticaking agent, carrier, glazing agent, emulsifier, foaming agent, stabilizer, thickener |
200. |
460(ii) |
Bột cellulose |
Powdered cellulose |
3912.90.90 |
Bulking agent, anticaking agent, emulsifier, glazing agent, humectant, stabilizer, thickener |
201. |
461 |
Methyl cellulose |
Methyl cellulose |
3912.39.00 |
Bulking agent, glazing agent, emulsifier, stabilizer, thickener |
202. |
462 |
Ethyl cellulose |
Ethyl cellulose |
3912.39.00 |
Thickener, bulking agent, carrier, glazing agent |
203. |
463 |
Hydroxypropyl cellulose |
Hydroxypropyl cellulose |
3912.39.00 |
Thickener, stabilizer, emulsifier, foaming agent, glazing agent |
204. |
464 |
Hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose |
Hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose |
3912.39.00 |
Emulsifier, glazing agent, stabilizer, thickener, bulking agent |
205. |
465 |
Methyl ethyl cellulose |
Methyl ethyl cellulose |
3912.39.00 |
Emulsifier, foaming agent, stabilizer, thickener |
206. |
466 |
Natri carboxymethyl cellulose (Gôm cellulose) |
Sodium carboxymethyl cellulose (Cellulose gum) |
3912.31.00 |
Thickener, bulking agent, emulsifier, glazing agent, stabilizer, humectant, firming agent, gelling agent |
207. |
467 |
Ethyl hydroxyethyl cellulose |
Ethyl hydroxyethyl cellulose |
3912.39.00 |
Emulsifier, stabilizer, thickener |
208. |
468 |
Cross-linked natri carboxymethyl cellulose |
Cross-linked sodium carboxymethyl cellulose |
3912.31.00 |
Stabilizer, thickener |
209. |
469 |
Natri carboxymethyl cellulose, thủy phân bang enzyme (Gôm cellulose, thủy phân bằng enzym) |
Sodium carboxymethyl cellulose, enzymatically hydrolysed (Cellulose gum, enzymatically hydrolysed) |
3912.31.00 |
Stabilizer, thickener |
210. |
470(i) |
Muối của acid myristic, palmitic và stearic (NH4, Ca, K và Na) |
Salts of myristic, palmitic and stearic acids with ammonia, calcium, potassium and sodium |
2915.70.10; 2915.70.30; 2915.90.20 |
Anticaking agent, emulsifier, stabilizer |
211. |
470(ii) |
Muối của acid oleic (Ca, Na và K) |
Salts of oleic acid with calcium, potassium and sodium |
2916.15.00 |
Anticaking agent, emulsifier, stabilizer |
212. |
470(iii) |
Magnesi sterat |
Magnesium stearate |
2915.70.30 |
Anticaking agent, emulsifier, thickener |
213. |
471 |
Mono và diglycerid của các acid béo |
Mono- and Di-glycerides of fatty acids |
1520.00.90 |
Emulsifier, antifoaming agent, glazing agent, stabilizer |
214. |
472a |
Este của glycerol với acid acetic và acid béo |
Acetic and fatty acid esters of glycerol |
3824.99.99 |
Emulsifier, sequestrant, stabilizer |
215. |
472b |
Este của glycerol với acid lactic và acid béo |
Lactic and fatty acid esters of glycerol |
2916.39.90 |
Emulsifier, sequestrant, stabilizer |
216. |
472c |
Este của glycerol với acid citric và acid béo |
Citric and fatty acid esters of glycerol |
2916.39.90 |
Emulsifier, antioxidant, flour treatment agent, sequestrant, stabilizer |
217. |
472e |
Este của glycerol với acid diacetyl tartaric và acid béo |
Diacetyltartaric and fatty acid esters of glycerol |
2916.39.90 |
Emulsifier, sequestrant, stabilizer |
218. |
473 |
Este của sucrose với các acid béo |
Sucrose esters of fatty acids |
2916.39.90 |
Emulsifier, foaming agent, glazing agent, stabilizer |
219. |
473a |
Oligoeste typ 1 và typ 2 của sucrose |
Sucrose oligoesters type I and type II |
2915.90.90 |
Emulsifier, glazing agent, stabilizer |
220. |
474 |
Sucroglycerid |
Sucroglycerides |
3824.99.70 |
Emulsifier |
221. |
475 |
Este của polyglycerol với các acid béo |
Polyglycerol esters of fatty acids |
2916.39.90 |
Emulsifier, stabilizer |
222. |
476 |
Este của polyglycerol với acid ricinoleic |
Polyglycerol esters of interesterified ricinoleic acid |
2916.39.90 |
Emulsifier |
223. |
477 |
Este của propylen glycol với acid béo |
Propylene glycol esters of fatty acids |
2916.39.90 |
Emulsifier |
224. |
479 |
Dầu đậu nành oxy hóa nhiệt tương tác với mono và diglycerid của các acid béo |
Thermally oxidized soya bean oil interacted with mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids |
1518.00.14 |
Emulsifier |
225. |
480 |
Dioctyl natri sulfosuccinat |
Dioctyl sodium sulfosuccinate |
2917.19.00 |
Emulsifier, humectant |
226. |
481(i) |
Natri stearoyl lactylat |
Sodium stearoyl lactylate |
2915.70.30 |
Emulsifier, flour treatment agent, foaming agent, stabilizer |
227. |
482(i) |
Calci stearoyl lactylat |
Calcium stearoyl lactylate |
2918.11.00 |
Emulsifier, flour treatment agent, foaming agent, stabilizer |
228. |
484 |
Stearyl citrat |
Stearyl citrate |
2918.15.90 |
Emulsifier, antioxidant, sequestrant |
229. |
491 |
Sorbitan monostearat |
Sorbitan monostearate |
2905.44.00 |
Emulsifier, stabilizer |
230. |
492 |
Sorbitan tristearat |
Sorbitan tristearate |
2905.44.00 |
Emulsifier, stabilizer |
231. |
493 |
Sorbitan monolaurat |
Sorbitan monolaurate |
2905.44.00 |
Emulsifier, stabilizer |
232. |
494 |
Sorbitan monooleat |
Sorbitan monooleate |
2905.44.00 |
Emulsifier, stabilizer |
233. |
495 |
Sorbitan monopalmitat |
Sorbitan monopalmitate |
2905.44.00 |
Emulsifier |
234. |
500(i) |
Natri carbonat |
Sodium carbonate |
2836.20.00 |
Leavening agent, acidity regulator, anticaking agent, emulsifying salt, stabilizer, thickener |
235. |
500(ii) |
Natri hydro carbonat |
Sodium hydrogen carbonate |
2836.30.00 |
Stabilizer, acidity regulator, anticaking agent, leavening agent, thickener |
236. |
500(iii) |
Natri sesquicarbonat |
Sodium sesquicarbonate |
2836.99.90 |
Acidity regulator, anticaking agent, leavening agent |
237. |
501(i) |
Kali carbonat |
Potassium carbonate |
2836.40.00 |
Stabilizer, acidity regulator |
238. |
501(ii) |
Kali hydro carbonat |
Potassium hydrogen carbonate |
2836.99.90 |
Acidity regulator, leavening agent, stabilizer |
239. |
503(i) |
Amoni carbonat |
Ammonium carbonate |
2836.99.10 |
Leavening agent, acidity regulator |
240. |
503(ii) |
Amoni hydro carbonat |
Ammonium hydrogen carbonate |
2836.99.90 |
Acidity regulator, leavening agent |
241. |
504(i) |
Magnesi carbonat |
Magnesium carbonate |
2519.10.00; 2836.99.90 |
Acidity regulator, anticaking agent, color retention agent |
242. |
504(ii) |
Magnesi hydroxyd carbonat |
Magnesium hydroxide carbonate |
2836.99.90 |
Acidity regulator, anticaking agent, carrier, color retention agent |
243. |
507 |
Acid hydrocloric |
Hydrochloric acid |
2806.10.00 |
Acidity regulator |
244. |
508 |
Kali clorid |
Potassium chloride |
2827.39.90 |
Stabilizer, flavor enhancer, firming agent, thickener |
245. |
509 |
Calci clorid |
Calcium chloride |
2827.20.10; 2827.20.90 |
Firming agent, stabilizer, thickener |
246. |
510 |
Amoni clorid |
Ammonium chloride |
2827.10.00 |
Flour treatment agent |
247. |
511 |
Magnesi clorid |
Magnesium chloride |
2827.31.00 |
Color retention agent, stabilizer, firming agent |
248. |
512 |
Thiếc clorid |
Stannous chloride |
2827.39.90 |
Antioxidant, color retention agent |
249. |
514(i) |
Natri sulfat |
Sodium sulfate |
2833.19.00 |
Acidity regulator |
250. |
514(ii) |
Natri hydro sulfat |
Sodium hydrogen sulfate |
2833.19.00 |
Acidity regulator |
251. |
515(i) |
Kali sulfat |
Potassium sulfate |
2833.29.90 |
Acidity regulator |
252. |
515(ii) |
Kali hydro sulfat |
Potassium hydrogen sulfate |
2833.29.90 |
Acidity regulator |
253. |
516 |
Calci sulfat |
Calcium sulfate |
2833.29.90 |
Firming agent, acidity regulator, flour treatment agent, sequestrant, stabilizer |
254. |
518 |
Magnesi sulfat |
Magnesium sulfate |
2833.21.00 |
Firming agent, flavor enhancer |
255. |
523 |
Nhôm amoni sulfat |
Aluminium ammonium sulfate |
2833.22.10; 2833.22.90 |
Firming agent, acidity regulator, color retention agent, leavening agent, stabilizer |
256. |
524 |
Natri hydroxyd |
Sodium hydroxide |
2815.11.00; 2815.12.00 |
Acidity regulator |
257. |
525 |
Kali hydroxyd |
Potassium hydroxide |
2815.20.00 |
Acidity regulator |
258. |
526 |
Calci hydroxyd |
Calcium hydroxide |
2825.90.00 |
Acidity regulator, firming agent |
259. |
527 |
Amoni hydroxyd |
Ammonium hydroxide |
2814.20.00 |
Acidity regulator |
260. |
528 |
Magnesi hydroxyd |
Magnesium hydroxide |
2816.10.00 |
Acidity regulator, color retention agent |
261. |
529 |
Oxyd calci |
Calcium oxide |
2522.10.00; 2825.90.00 |
Acidity regulator, flour treatment agent |
262. |
530 |
Oxyd magnesi |
Magnesium oxide |
2519.90.10; 2519.90.90 |
Anticaking agent, acidity regulator |
263. |
535 |
Natri ferrocyanid |
Sodium ferrocyanide |
2837.20.00 |
Anticaking agent |
264. |
536 |
Kali ferrocyanid |
Potassium ferrocyanide |
2837.20.00 |
Anticaking agent |
265. |
538 |
Calci ferrocyanid |
Calcium ferrocyanide |
2837.20.00 |
Anticaking agent |
266. |
539 |
Natri thiosulfat |
Sodium thiosulfate |
2832.30.00 |
Antioxidant, sequestrant |
267. |
541(i) |
Natri nhôm phosphat, dạng acid |
Sodium aluminium phosphate, acidic |
2835.29.90 |
Acidity regulator, emulsifier, emulsifying salt, leavening agent, stabilizer, thickener |
268. |
541(ii) |
Natri nhôm phosphat, dạng bazo |
Sodium aluminium phosphate, basic |
2835.29.90 |
Acidity regulator, emulsifier, emulsifying salt, stabilizer, thickener |
269. |
542 |
Bone phosphat |
Bone phosphate |
2823.26.00 |
Anticaking agent, emulsifier, humectant |
270. |
551 |
Dioxyd silic vô định hình |
Silicon dioxide, amorphous |
2811.22.10; 2811.22.90 |
Anticaking agent, antifoaming agent, carrier |
271. |
552 |
Calci silicat |
Calcium silicate |
2842.10.00 |
Anticaking agent |
272. |
553(i) |
Magnesi silicat tổng hợp |
Magnesium silicate, synthetic |
2839.90.00 |
Anticaking agent |
273. |
553(iii) |
Bột talc |
Talc |
2526.20.10 |
Anticaking agent, glazing agent, thickener |
274. |
554 |
Natri nhôm silicat |
Sodium aluminium silicate |
2842.10.00 |
Anticaking agent |
275. |
575 |
Glucono delta-lacton |
Glucono delta-lactone |
2940.00.00 |
Acidity regulator, leavening agent, sequestrant |
276. |
576 |
Natri gluconat |
Sodium gluconate |
2918.16.00 |
Sequestrant, thickener, stabilizer |
277. |
577 |
Kali gluconat |
Potassium gluconate |
2918.16.00 |
Sequestrant, acidity regulator |
278. |
578 |
Calci gluconat |
Calcium gluconate |
2918.16.00 |
Acidity regulator, firming agent, sequestrant |
279. |
579 |
Sắt (II) gluconat |
Ferrous gluconate |
2918.16.00 |
Color retention agent |
280. |
580 |
Magnesi gluconat |
Magnesium gluconate |
2918.16.00 |
Acidity regulator, firming agent, flavor enhancer |
281. |
585 |
Sắt (II) lactat |
Ferrous lactate |
2918.11.00 |
Color retention agent |
282. |
586 |
4-hexylresorcinol |
Hexylresorcinol, 4- |
2907.29.90 |
Antioxidant, color retention agent |
283. |
620 |
Acid glutamic (L(+)-) |
Glutamic acid, L(+)- |
2922.42.10 |
Flavor enhancer |
284. |
621 |
Mononatri L-glutamat |
Monosodium L-glutamate |
2922.42.20 |
Flavor enhancer |
285. |
622 |
Monokali L-glutamat |
Monopotassium L-glutamate |
2922.42.90 |
Flavor enhancer |
286. |
623 |
Calci di-L-glutamat |
Calcium di-L-glutamate |
2922.42.90 |
Flavor enhancer |
287. |
624 |
Monoamoni glutamat |
Monoammonium glutamate |
2922.42.20 |
Flavor enhancer |
288. |
625 |
Magnesi di-L-glutamat |
Magnesium di-L-glutamate |
2922.42.20 |
Flavor enhancer |
289. |
626 |
Acid guanylic, 5'- |
Guanylic acid, 5'- |
2934.99.10 |
Flavor enhancer |
290. |
627 |
Dinatri 5'-guanylat |
Disodium 5'-guanylate |
2922.42.20 |
Flavor enhancer |
291. |
628 |
Dikali 5'-guanylat |
Dipotassium 5'-guanylate |
2934.99.90 |
Flavor enhancer |
292. |
629 |
Calci 5'-guanylat |
Calcium 5'-guanylate |
2934.99.10 |
Flavor enhancer |
293. |
630 |
Acid inosinic, 5'- |
Inosinic acid, 5'- |
2934.99.90 |
Flavor enhancer |
294. |
631 |
Dinatri 5'-inosinat |
Disodium 5'-inosinate |
2922.49.00 |
Flavor enhancer |
295. |
632 |
Kali 5'-inosinat |
Potassium 5'-inosinate |
2934.99.90 |
Flavor enhancer |
296. |
633 |
Calci 5'-inosinat |
Calcium 5'-inosinate |
2934.99.10 |
Flavor enhancer |
297. |
634 |
Calci 5'-ribonucleotid |
Calcium 5'-ribonucleotides |
2934.99.10 |
Flavor enhancer |
298. |
635 |
Dinatri 5'-ribonucleotid |
Disodium 5'-ribonucleotides |
2934.99.90 |
Flavor enhancer |
299. |
636 |
Maltol |
Maltol |
2932.99.00 |
Flavor enhancer |
300. |
637 |
Ethyl maltol |
Ethyl maltol |
2932.99.00 |
Flavor enhancer |
301. |
639 |
DL-Alanin |
Alanine, DL- |
2922.49.00 |
Flavor enhancer |
302. |
640 |
Glycin |
Glycine |
2922.49.00 |
Flavor enhancer |
303. |
900a |
Polydimethylsiloxan |
Polydimethylsiloxane |
3910.00.90 |
Anticaking agent, antifoaming agent, emulsifier |
304. |
901 |
Sáp ong |
Beeswax |
1521.90.10 |
Glazing agent, carrier, emulsifier, stabilizer, thickener |
305. |
902 |
Sáp candelilla |
Candelilla wax |
1521.10.00 |
Glazing agent, carrier, emulsifier, thickener |
306. |
903 |
Sáp carnauba |
Carnauba wax |
1521.10.00 |
Bulking agent, acidity regulator, anticaking agent, carrier, glazing agent |
307. |
904 |
Shellac tẩy trắng |
Shellac, bleached |
1301.90.40 |
Glazing agent |
308. |
905c(i) |
Sáp vi tinh thể |
Microcrystalline wax |
2712.90.90 |
Glazing agent, antifoaming agent |
309. |
905d |
Dầu khoáng, độ nhớt cao |
Mineral oil, high viscosity |
2710.19.90 |
Glazing agent, antifoaming agent |
310. |
905e |
Dầu khoáng, độ nhớt trung bình |
Mineral oil, medium viscosity |
2710.19.90 |
Glazing agent |
311. |
907 |
Hydrogenated poly-1-decenes |
Hydrogenated poly-1-decenes |
2934.99.30 |
Glazing agent |
312. |
E914 |
Sáp oxidised polyethylene |
Oxidised polyethylene wax |
3404.90.90 |
Glazing agent |
313. |
925 |
Khí clor |
Chlorine |
2801.10.00 |
Flour treatment agent |
314. |
927a |
Azodicarbonamid |
Azodicarbonamide |
2927.00.10 |
Flour treatment agent |
315. |
928 |
Benzoyl peroxyd |
Benzoyl peroxide |
2916.32.10 |
Bleaching agent, flour treatment agent, preservative |
316. |
930 |
Calci peroxyd |
Calcium peroxide |
2825.90.00 |
Flour treatment agent |
317. |
941 |
Khí nitơ |
Nitrogen |
2804.30.00 |
Foaming agent, propellant, glazing agent |
318. |
942 |
Khí nitơ oxyd |
Nitrous oxide |
2811.29.90 |
Propellant, foaming agent, glazing agent, antioxidant |
319. |
950 |
Acesulfam kali |
Acesulfame potassium |
2934.99.90 |
Sweetener, flavor enhancer |
320. |
951 |
Aspartam |
Aspartame |
2924.29.10 |
Flavor enhancer, Sweetener |
321. |
952(i) |
Acid cyclamic |
Cyclamic acid |
2921.30.00 |
Sweetener |
322. |
952(ii) |
Calci cyclamat |
Calcium cyclamate |
2933.59.90 |
Sweetener |
323. |
952(iv) |
Natri cyclamat |
Sodium cyclamate |
2929.90.10 |
Sweetener |
324. |
953 |
Isomalt (Hydrogenated isomaltulose) |
Isomalt (Hydrogenated isomaltulose) |
2940.00.00 |
Sweetener, anticaking agent, bulking agent, glazing agent, stabilizer, thickener, flavor enhancer |
325. |
Saccharin và muối của saccharin, gồm: |
Saccharin and salt of saccharin, include: |
954(i) |
- Saccharin |
- Saccharin |
954(ii) |
- Calci saccharin |
- Calcium saccharin |
2925.11.00 |
Sweetener |
954(iii) |
- Kali saccharin |
- Potassium saccharin |
954(iv) |
- Natri saccharin |
- Sodium saccharin |
326. |
955 |
Sucralose (Triclorogalacto sucrose) |
Sucralose (Trichlorogalac tosucrose) |
2940.00.00 |
Sweetener, flavor enhancer |
327. |
956 |
Alitam |
Alitame |
2934.99.90 |
Sweetener |
328. |
957 |
Thaumatin |
Thaumatin |
3504.00.00 |
Flavor enhancer, Sweetener |
329. |
960a |
Steviol glycosid từ Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni (Steviol glycosid từ Stevia) |
Steviol glycosides from Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni (Steviol glycosides from Stevia) |
2938.90.00 |
Sweetener |
330. |
961 |
Neotam |
Neotame |
2922.49.00 |
Flavor enhancer, Sweetener |
331. |
962 |
Muối aspartam-acesulfam |
Aspartame-acesulfame salt |
2924.29.10 |
Sweetener |
332. |
964 |
Siro polyglycitol |
Polyglycitol syrup |
3824.99.70 |
Sweetener |
333. |
965(i) |
Maltitol |
Maltitol |
2940.00.00 |
Bulking agent, emulsifier, humectant, stabilizer, sweetener, thickener |
334. |
965(ii) |
Siro maltitol |
Maltitol syrup |
3824.99.70 |
Bulking agent, emulsifier, humectant, stabilizer, sweetener, thickener |
335. |
966 |
Lactitol |
Lactitol |
2940.00.00 |
Emulsifier, sweetener, thickener |
336. |
967 |
Xylitol |
Xylitol |
2905.49.00 |
Emulsifier, humectant, stabilizer, sweetener, thickener |
337. |
968 |
Erythritol |
Erythritol |
2905.49.00 |
Flavor enhancer, humectant, Sweetener |
338. |
999(i) |
Chất chiết xuất từ quillaia nhóm I |
Quillaia extract type I |
1302.19.90 |
Foaming agent, emulsifier |
339. |
999(ii) |
Chất chiết xuất từ quillaia nhóm II |
Quillaia extract type II |
1302.19.90 |
Foaming agent, emulsifier |
340. |
alpha-Amylase, gồm: |
alpha-Amylase, include: |
1100(i) |
- alpha-Amylase từ Aspergillus orysee var. |
- alpha-Amylase from Aspergillus oryzae var. |
1100(ii) |
- alpha-Amylase từ Bacillus stearothermophilus |
- alpha-Amylase from Bacillus stearothermophilus |
3507.90.00 |
Flour treatment agent |
1100(iii) |
- alpha-Amylase từ Bacillus subtilis |
- alpha-Amylase from Bacillus subtilis |
1100(iv) |
- alpha-Amylase từ Bacillus megaterium expressed in Bacillus subtilis |
- alpha-Amylase from Bacillus megaterium expressed in Bacillus subtilis |
1100(v) |
- alpha-Amylase từ Bacillus stearothermophilus expressed in Bacillus subtilis |
- alpha-Amylase from Bacillus stearothermophilus expressed in Bacillus subtilis |
341. |
1100(vi) |
Carbohydrase từ Bacillus licheniformis |
Carbohydrase from Bacillus licheniformis |
3507.90.00 |
Flour treatment agent |
342. |
1101(i) |
Protease từ Aspergillus orysee var. |
Protease from Aspergillus oryzae var. |
3507.90.00 |
Flavor enhancer, flour treatment agent, stabilizer |
343. |
1101(ii) |
Papain |
Papain |
3507.90.00 |
Flavor enhancer |
344. |
1101(iii) |
Bromelain |
Bromelain |
3507.90.00 |
Flavor enhancer, flour treatment agent, stabilizer |
345. |
1102 |
Glucose oxydase |
Glucose oxidase |
3507.90.00 |
Antioxidant |
346. |
1104 |
Lipases |
Lipases |
3507.90.00 |
Flavor enhancer |
347. |
1105 |
Lysozym |
Lysozyme |
3507.90.00 |
Preservative |
348. |
1200 |
Polydextrose |
Polydextroses |
3913.90.90 |
Bulking agent, glazing agent, humectant, stabilizer, thickener |
349. |
1201 |
Polyvinylpyrrolidon |
Polyvinylpyrrolidone |
3905.99.10 |
Stabilizer, emulsifier, glazing agent, thickener |
350. |
1202 |
Polyvinylpyrrolidon, không tan |
Polyvinylpyrrolidone, insoluble |
3905.99.90 |
Color retention agent, stabilizer |
351. |
1203 |
Polyvinyl alcohol |
Polyvinyl alcohol |
3905.30.10 |
Glazing agent, thickener |
352. |
1204 |
Pullulan |
Pullulan |
3913.90.30 |
Glazing agent, thickener |
353. |
1209 |
Copolyme ghép của Polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) - Polyethylen glycol (PEG) |
Polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) - polyethylene glycol (PEG) graft co-polymer |
3905.91.90 |
Glazing agent, stabilizer |
354. |
1210 |
Natri polyacrylat |
Sodium polyacrylate |
3906.90.92 |
Stabilizer |
355. |
1400 |
Dextrin, tinh bột rang |
Dextrins, roasted starch |
3505.10.10 |
Carrier, emulsifier, stabilizer, thickener |
356. |
1401 |
Tinh bột đã được xử lý bằng acid |
Acid-treated starch |
3505.10.10; 3505.10.90 |
Emulsifier, stabilizer, thickener |
357. |
1402 |
Tinh bột đã được xử lý bằng kiềm |
Alkaline treated starch |
3505.10.10; 3505.10.90 |
Emulsifier, stabilizer, thickener |
358. |
1403 |
Tinh bột đã khử màu |
Bleached starch |
3505.10.10; 3505.10.90 |
Emulsifier, stabilizer, thickener |
359. |
1404 |
Tinh bột xử lý oxy hóa |
Oxydized starch |
3505.10.10; 3505.10.90 |
Emulsifier, stabilizer, thickener |
360. |
1405 |
Tinh bột, xử lý bằng enzim |
Starches, enzyme treated |
3505.10.10; 3505.10.90 |
Emulsifier, stabilizer, thickener |
361. |
1410 |
Monostarch phosphat |
Monostarch phosphate |
3505.10.90 |
Emulsifier, stabilizer, thickener |
362. |
1412 |
Distarch phosphat |
Distarch phosphate |
2835.29.90 |
Emulsifier, stabilizer, thickener |
363. |
1413 |
Phosphated distarch phosphat |
Phosphated distarch phosphate |
3505.10.90 |
Emulsifier, stabilizer, thickener |
364. |
1414 |
Acetylated distarch phosphat |
Acetylated distarch phosphate |
3505.10.90 |
Emulsifier, stabilizer, thickener |
365. |
1420 |
Starch acetate |
Starch acetate |
3505.10.90 |
Emulsifier, stabilizer, thickener |
366. |
1421 |
Starch acetate este hóa với vinyl acetate |
Starch acetate esterified with vinyl acetate |
3505.10.90 |
Flour treatment agent |
367. |
1422 |
Acetylated distarch adipat |
Acetylated distarch adipate |
3505.10.90 |
Emulsifier, stabilizer, thickener |
368. |
1440 |
Hydroxypropyl starch |
Hydroxypropyl starch |
3505.10.90 |
Emulsifier, stabilizer, thickener |
369. |
1442 |
Hydroxypropyl distarch phosphat |
Hydroxypropyl distarch phosphate |
3505.10.90 |
Anticaking agent, emulsifier, stabilizer, thickener |
370. |
1450 |
Starch natri octenyl succinat |
Starch sodium octenyl succinate |
3505.10.10; 3505.10.90 |
Emulsifier, stabilizer, thickener |
371. |
1451 |
Acetylated oxydized starch |
Acetylated oxidized starch |
3505.10.90 |
Emulsifier, stabilizer, thickener |
372. |
1503 |
Dầu Castor |
Castor oil |
1515.30.10; 1515.30.90 |
Anticaking agent, carrier, emulsifier, glazing agent |
373. |
1504(i) |
Cyclotetraglucose |
Cyclotetraglucose |
2940.00.00 |
Carrier |
374. |
1504(ii) |
Siro cyclotetraglucose |
Cyclotetraglucose syrup |
2940.00.00 |
Carrier |
375. |
1505 |
Triethyl citrat |
Triethyl citrate |
2918.15.90 |
Carrier, emulsifier, stabilizer, sequestrant |
376. |
1518 |
Triacetin |
Triacetin |
2915.39.90 |
Carrier, emulsifier, humectant |
377. |
1520 |
Propylen glycol |
Propylene glycol |
2905.32.00 |
Emulsifier, carrier, glazing agent, humectant |
378. |
1521 |
Polyethylen glycol |
Polyethylene glycol |
3907.20.90 |
Antifoaming agent, carrier, emulsifier, glazing agent, thickener |
379. |
160c(ii) |
Chiết xuất Paprika |
Paprika extract |
3203.00.10 |
Coloring matter |
380. |
419 |
Gôm ghatti |
Gum ghatti |
1301.90.90 |
Carrier, emulsifier, stabilizer, thickener |
381. |
437 |
Polysaccharid hạt me |
Tamarind seed polysaccharide |
1302.39.90 |
Emulsifying salt, gelling agent, stabilizer, thickener |
382. |
969 |
Advantam |
Advantame |
2924.29.90 |
Flavor enhancer, Sweetener |
383. |
1205 |
Copolyme của Methacrylat, dạng bazo (BMC) |
Methacrylate copolymer, basic (BMC) |
3906.90.99 |
Carrier, glazing agent |
384. |
960b |
Các steviol glycosid từ lên men |
Steviol glycosides from fermentation |
2938.90.00 |
Sweetener |
385. |
960c |
Các steviol glycosid sản xuất bằng enzym |
Enzymatically produced steviol glycosides |
2938.90.00 |
Sweetener |
386. |
960d |
Các steviol glycosid |
Glucosylated steviol glycosides |
2938.90.00 |
Sweetener |
387. |
161b(ii) |
Chiết xuất Tagetes |
Tagetes extract |
3203.00.10 |
Coloring matter |
388. |
101(iv) |
Riboflavin từ Ashbya gossypii |
Riboflavin from Ashbya gossypii |
2936.23.00 |
Coloring matter |
389. |
160a(iv) |
Chiết xuất giàu β-Carotene từ Dunaliella Salina |
β-Carotene-rich extract from Dunaliella Salina |
3203.00.10 |
Coloring matter |
390. |
252 |
Kali nitrat |
Potassium nitrate |
2834.21.00 |
Color retention agent, preservative |
391. |
322(ii) |
Lecithin, thủy phân một phần |
Lecithin, partially hydrolysed |
2923.20.90 |
Antioxidant, emulsifier |
392. |
134 |
Chiết xuất Spirulina |
Spirulina Extract |
3203.00.10 |
Coloring matter |
III. Food implements, packagaing and containers in direct contact with food: |
Of synthetic plastics: |
393. |
Boxes |
3923.10.90 |
394. |
Sacks, bags, cling wrap |
3923.21.99 |
395. |
Carboys, bottles, flasks |
3923.30.90 |
396. |
Containers |
3923.90.90 |
397. |
Kitchenware |
- Of melamine: under heading 3924.10.10 - Other than melamine: under heading 3924.10.99 |
Of rubber: |
398. |
Teats for feeding bottles and similar articles |
4014.90.10 |