Nghị quyết 17/NQ-CP năm 2019 về một số nhiệm vụ, giải pháp trọng tâm phát triển Chính phủ điện tử giai đoạn 2019-2020, định hướng đến 2025 do Chính phủ ban hành
Số hiệu: | 17/NQ-CP | Loại văn bản: | Nghị quyết |
Nơi ban hành: | Chính phủ | Người ký: | Nguyễn Xuân Phúc |
Ngày ban hành: | 07/03/2019 | Ngày hiệu lực: | 07/03/2019 |
Ngày công báo: | *** | Số công báo: | |
Lĩnh vực: | Công nghệ thông tin, Bộ máy hành chính | Tình trạng: | Còn hiệu lực |
Sắp có văn bản hướng dẫn Luật An ninh mạng
Đây là nội dung nổi bật tại Nghị quyết 17/NQ-CP về một số nhiệm vụ, giải pháp trọng tâm phát triển Chính phủ điện tử giai đoạn 2019 - 2020, định hướng đến 2025.
Theo đó, Chính phủ giao Bộ Công an chủ trì xây dựng văn bản hướng dẫn Luật An ninh mạng trong giai đoạn 2019-2025 theo kế hoạch được Thủ tướng Chính phủ quy định.
Ngoài ra, Nghị quyết cũng đề ra các nhiệm vụ và giải pháp chủ yếu để đạt được các mục tiêu trong giai đoạn tới, đơn cử:
- Xây dựng Nghị định về thực hiện thủ tục hành chính trên môi trường điện tử, hoàn thành trong tháng 12 – 2019;
- Xây dựng, triển khai Cơ sở dữ liệu quốc gia về Dân cư, đưa vào sử dụng chính thức từ năm 2020, tiếp tục phát triển, hoàn thiện trong giai đoạn 2021 – 2025;
- Xây dựng, triển khai Cơ sở dữ liệu quốc gia về hộ tịch điện tử toàn quốc, triển khai trong giai đoạn 2018-2020, tiếp tục phát triển, hoàn thiện trong giai đoạn 2021 – 2025; …
Nghị quyết 17/NQ-CP có hiệu lực từ ngày 07/3/2019.
Văn bản tiếng việt
Văn bản tiếng anh
(Ban hành kèm theo Nghị quyết số 17/NQ-CP ngày 07 tháng 03 năm 2019 của Chính phủ)
Tên nhiệm vụ, đề án |
Cơ quan chủ trì |
Cơ quan phối hợp |
Thời gian thực hiện, hoàn thành |
Ghi chú |
2019 - 2020 |
2021 - 2025 |
I |
Xây dựng, hoàn thiện thể chế tạo cơ sở pháp lý đầy đủ, toàn diện cho việc triển khai, xây dựng phát triển Chính phủ điện tử |
1. |
Xây dựng Nghị định thay thế Nghị định số 102/2009/NĐ-CP ngày 06/11/2009 của Chính phủ về quản lý đầu tư ứng dụng công nghệ thông tin sử dụng nguồn vốn ngân sách nhà nước, Quyết định số 80/2014/QĐ-TTg ngày 30/12/2014 của Thủ tướng Chính phủ quy định thí điểm về thuê dịch vụ công nghệ thông tin trong cơ quan nhà nước |
Bộ Thông tin và Truyền thông |
Bộ Kế hoạch và Đầu tư, Bộ Tài chính và các cơ quan liên quan |
Tháng 3/2019 |
2. |
Xây dựng các văn bản hướng dẫn về phương pháp xác định chi phí thuê dịch vụ công nghệ thông tin, mẫu hợp đồng thuê dịch vụ công nghệ thông tin và văn bản hướng dẫn xác định đơn giá nhân công trong quản lý chi phí đầu tư công nghệ thông tin, phù hợp với thực tế và đặc thù ngành công nghệ thông tin |
Bộ Thông tin và Truyền thông |
Các bộ, ngành, địa phương |
Tháng 7/2019 |
3. |
Xây dựng Nghị định về quản lý, kết nối, chia sẻ dữ liệu và các văn bản hướng dẫn |
Bộ Thông tin và Truyền thông |
Các bộ, ngành, địa phương |
Tháng 9/2019 |
4. |
Xây dựng Nghị định về định danh và xác thực điện tử cho cá nhân, tổ chức và các văn bản hướng dẫn |
Bộ Thông tin và Truyền thông |
Các bộ, ngành, địa phương |
Tháng 9/2019 |
5. |
Xây dựng Nghị định về bảo vệ dữ liệu cá nhân, tổ chức và các văn bản hướng dẫn |
Bộ Công an |
Các bộ, ngành, địa phương |
Tháng 9/2019 |
6. |
Xây dựng Nghị định thay thế Nghị định số 110/2004/NĐ-CP ngày 08/4/2004 của Chính phủ về công tác văn thư; các văn bản quy phạm pháp luật về lưu trữ, quản lý và khai thác dữ liệu điện tử |
Bộ Nội vụ |
Các bộ, ngành, địa phương |
Tháng 9/2019 |
7. |
Xây dựng Nghị định sửa đổi, bổ sung Nghị định số 138/2016/NĐ-CP ngày 01/10/2016 về ban hành Quy chế làm việc của Chính phủ phù hợp với phương thức làm việc, chỉ đạo điều hành thông qua môi trường mạng |
Văn phòng Chính phủ |
Các bộ, ngành, địa phương |
Tháng 10/2019 |
8. |
Xây dựng Nghị định quy định Cơ sở dữ liệu quốc gia về Bảo hiểm; các văn bản quy định về tiêu chuẩn, quy chuẩn kỹ thuật, cấu trúc dữ liệu phục vụ kết nối, chia sẻ thông tin |
Bộ Lao động - Thương binh và Xã hội |
Bảo hiểm xã hội Việt Nam, các bộ, ngành, địa phương |
Tháng 10/2019 |
9. |
Xây dựng Nghị định về thực hiện thủ tục hành chính trên môi trường điện tử |
Văn phòng Chính phủ |
Các bộ, ngành, địa phương |
Tháng 12/2019 |
10. |
Xây dựng Đề án Cổng Dịch vụ công quốc gia |
Văn phòng Chính phủ |
Các bộ, ngành, địa phương |
Tháng 3/2019 |
11. |
Xây dựng Đề án về Hệ thống thông tin phục vụ họp và xử lý công việc của Chính phủ không giấy tờ (eCabinet) |
Văn phòng Chính phủ |
Các bộ, ngành, địa phương |
Tháng 3/2019 |
12. |
Đề án giải pháp kết nối, chia sẻ dữ liệu và tái cấu trúc hạ tầng công nghệ thông tin tại các bộ, ngành, địa phương |
Văn phòng Chính phủ |
Các bộ, ngành, địa phương |
Tháng 3/2019 |
13. |
Xây dựng Đề án về Hệ thống tham vấn chính sách (eConsultation) |
Văn phòng Chính phủ |
Các bộ, ngành, địa phương |
Tháng 3/2019 |
14. |
Xây dựng Đề án Cơ sở dữ liệu cán bộ, công chức, viên chức |
Bộ Nội vụ |
Các bộ, ngành, địa phương |
Tháng 4/2019 |
15. |
Xây dựng Đề án thực hiện nhiệm vụ lưu trữ tài liệu điện tử của các cơ quan nhà nước |
Bộ Nội vụ |
Các bộ, ngành, địa phương |
Tháng 5/2019 |
16. |
Xây dựng Đề án triển khai các hệ thống bảo vệ thông tin thuộc phạm vi bí mật nhà nước dùng mật mã đáp ứng yêu cầu triển khai Chính phủ điện tử |
Ban Cơ yếu Chính phủ |
Các bộ, ngành, địa phương |
Tháng 7/2019 |
17. |
Xây dựng Đề án bảo đảm an ninh mạng trong xây dựng và phát triển Chính phủ điện tử |
Bộ Công an |
Bộ Thông tin và Truyền thông các bộ, ngành, địa phương |
Tháng 8/2019 |
18. |
Xây dựng các văn bản hướng dẫn Luật An ninh mạng |
Bộ Công an |
Các bộ, ngành, địa phương |
2019 - 2020 |
2021 - 2025 |
Theo Kế hoạch được Thủ tướng Chính phủ quy định |
19. |
Nghiên cứu, đề xuất Thủ tướng Chính phủ phương án đẩy mạnh việc cấp chứng thư số cho người dân, doanh nghiệp theo hướng giảm chi phí cấp và duy trì hoạt động chứng thư số để khuyến khích sử dụng trong các giao dịch điện tử |
Bộ Thông tin và Truyền thông |
Bộ Công an, Bộ Quốc phòng, Ban Cơ yếu Chính phủ và các cơ quan liên quan |
Tháng 6/2019 |
20. |
Nghiên cứu, trình Thủ tướng Chính phủ ban hành quy định về việc sử dụng các thiết bị, máy móc đối với các hệ thống thông tin Chính phủ điện tử để bảo đảm an toàn thông tin mạng |
Bộ Thông tin và Truyền thông |
Bộ Công an, Bộ Quốc phòng, Ban Cơ yếu Chính phủ và các cơ quan liên quan |
Tháng 6/2019 |
21. |
Nghiên cứu, xây dựng mã định danh điện tử của các cơ quan, tổ chức thống nhất theo tiêu chuẩn quốc tế phục vụ kết nối, chia sẻ dữ liệu của tất cả các hệ thống thông tin, cơ sở dữ liệu của các bộ, ngành, địa phương |
Bộ Thông tin và Truyền thông |
Bộ Tài chính, Bộ Kế hoạch và Đầu tư và các cơ quan liên quan |
Tháng 6/2019 |
2021 - 2025 |
Trình Thủ tướng Chính phủ ban hành. |
22. |
Nghiên cứu, đề xuất Chính phủ, Thủ tướng Chính phủ ban hành quy định về sử dụng phần mềm có bản quyền (hệ điều hành, các phần mềm soạn thảo văn bản...) khi mua sắm máy tính và tỷ lệ phần trăm kinh phí dành cho duy trì cập nhật phần mềm, bảo đảm an toàn thông tin cho các hệ thống thông tin được đầu tư |
Bộ Thông tin và Truyền thông |
Bộ Công an, Bộ Quốc phòng, Ban Cơ yếu Chính phủ và các cơ quan liên quan |
Tháng 8/2019 |
23. |
Nghiên cứu, đề xuất sửa đổi Luật Đầu tư công để tháo gỡ các khó khăn, vướng mắc trong việc sử dụng vốn đầu tư công trong lập, triển khai dự án, hoạt động ứng dụng công nghệ thông tin thực hiện theo hình thức thuê dịch vụ |
Bộ Kế hoạch và Đầu tư |
Bộ Tài chính, Bộ Thông tin và Truyền thông, các cơ quan liên quan |
2019 - 2010 |
Trình Quốc hội thông qua |
24. |
Nghiên cứu, đề xuất xây dựng Luật Chính phủ điện tử, các nghị định, văn bản hướng dẫn bảo đảm hành lang pháp lý phát triển Chính phủ điện tử dựa trên dữ liệu mở, ứng dụng các công nghệ hiện đại như trí tuệ nhân tạo (AI), chuỗi khối (Blockchain), Internet kết nối vạn vật, dữ liệu lớn (Big Data), giao diện lập trình ứng dụng mở (Open API).... |
Bộ Thông tin và Truyền thông |
Các bộ, ngành, địa phương |
2021 - 2025 |
II |
Xây dựng nền tảng công nghệ phát triển Chính phủ điện tử phù hợp với xu thế phát triển Chính phủ điện tử trên thế giới |
1. |
Hoàn thành cập nhật Khung kiến trúc Chính phủ điện tử Việt Nam (phiên bản 2.0) |
Bộ Thông tin và Truyền thông |
Văn phòng Chính phủ, các bộ, ngành, địa phương |
Tháng 5/2019 |
2021 - 2025 |
Trình Thủ tướng Chính phủ phê duyệt |
2. |
Kiến trúc tổng thể Chính phủ điện tử giai đoạn 2019 - 2025 |
Bộ Thông tin và Truyền thông |
Văn phòng Chính phủ, các bộ, ngành, địa phương |
2019 - 2020 |
2021 - 2025 |
Công bố và định kỳ cập nhật hàng năm trên Cổng TTĐT của Bộ |
3. |
Hoàn thành xây dựng, cập nhật Kiến trúc Chính phủ điện tử cấp bộ, Kiến trúc Chính quyền điện tử cấp tỉnh phù hợp với Khung kiến trúc Chính phủ điện tử Việt Nam (phiên bản 2.0) |
Các bộ, ngành, địa phường |
Các cơ quan liên quan |
Tháng 9/2019 |
2021 - 2025 |
Thường xuyên cập nhật, bổ sung |
4. |
Triển khai Kiến trúc Chính phủ điện tử cấp bộ, Kiến trúc Chính quyền điện tử cấp tỉnh đã được ban hành |
Các bộ, ngành, địa phương |
Bộ Thông tin và Truyền thông, các cơ quan liên quan |
2019 - 2020 |
2021 - 2025 |
5. |
Xây dựng, phát triển Trục liên thông văn bản quốc gia theo công nghệ tiên tiến của thế giới làm nền tảng tích hợp, chia sẻ dữ liệu giữa các hệ thống thông tin, cơ sở dữ liệu... và là nền tảng tích hợp, chia sẻ dữ liệu quốc gia |
Văn phòng Chính phủ |
Các bộ, ngành, địa phương |
2019 - 2020 |
2021 - 2025 |
6. |
Kết nối, liên thông các hệ thống thông tin, cơ sở dữ liệu của bộ, ngành, địa phương trong việc gửi, nhận văn bản điện tử, dịch vụ công trực tuyến, thông tin báo cáo, dữ liệu phục vụ chỉ đạo, điều hành, thủ tục hành chính, công báo điện tử... với nền tảng tích hợp, chia sẻ dữ liệu quốc gia |
Các bộ, ngành, địa phương |
Văn phòng Chính phủ, Bộ Thông tin và Truyền thông |
2019 - 2020 |
2021 - 2025 |
7. |
Xây dựng triển khai Cơ sở dữ liệu quốc gia về Dân cư, chia sẻ, khai thác dữ liệu với hệ thống Cổng Dịch vụ công quốc gia và các hệ thống thông tin khác |
Bộ Công an |
Các bộ, ngành, địa phương |
2019 - 2020 |
2021 - 2025 |
8. |
Hoàn thiện Cơ sở dữ liệu quốc gia về Đăng ký doanh nghiệp |
Bộ Kế hoạch và Đầu tư |
Các bộ, ngành, địa phương |
Tháng 12/2019 |
2021 - 2025 |
Kết nối, chia sẻ dữ liệu với các hệ thống thông tin của các bộ, ngành, địa phương |
9. |
Xây dựng Cơ sở dữ liệu quốc gia về Tài chính |
Bộ Tài chính |
Các bộ, ngành và địa phương |
Tháng 12/2022 |
10. |
Xây dựng Cơ sở dữ liệu quốc gia về Bảo hiểm, chia sẻ dữ liệu với các hệ thống thông tin lĩnh vực y tế, doanh nghiệp, thuế, lao động thương binh xã hội |
Bộ Lao động - Thương binh và Xã hội |
Bảo hiểm xã hội Việt Nam, các cơ quan liên quan |
Tháng 10/2019 |
2021 - 2025 |
11. |
Xây dựng Cơ sở dữ liệu quốc gia về an sinh xã hội |
Bộ Lao động - Thương binh và Xã hội |
Các bộ, ngành, địa phương |
2019 - 2020 |
2021 - 2025 |
12. |
Tiếp tục triển khai Cơ sở dữ liệu về đất đai quốc gia kết nối, chia sẻ dữ liệu với các hệ thống thông tin của các bộ, ngành, địa phương |
Bộ Tài nguyên và Môi trường |
Các địa phương và các bộ, ngành |
2019 - 2020 |
2021 - 2025 |
13. |
Xây dựng cơ sở dữ liệu không gian địa lý quốc gia cung cấp hạ tầng dữ liệu thiết yếu cho vận hành, phát triển Chính phủ điện tử, các dịch vụ công trực tuyến, phát triển đô thị thông minh |
Bộ Tài nguyên và Môi trường |
Các bộ, ngành, địa phương |
2019 - 2020 |
2021 - 2025 |
14. |
Xây dựng Cơ sở dữ liệu hộ tịch điện tử toàn quốc |
Bộ Tư pháp |
Các bộ, ngành, địa phương |
2019 - 2020 |
2021 - 2025 |
15. |
Hoàn thiện xây dựng các cơ sở dữ liệu chuyên ngành quan trọng của ngành Tài chính về thuế, hải quan, kho bạc |
Bộ Tài chính |
Các bộ, ngành, địa phương |
Tháng 12/2019 |
16. |
Tiếp tục xây dựng, hoàn thiện cơ sở dữ liệu tài nguyên và môi trường |
Bộ Tài nguyên và Môi trường |
Các bộ, ngành, địa phương |
2019 - 2020 |
2021 - 2025 |
17. |
Nâng cấp Cơ sở dữ liệu về phương tiện giao thông phục vụ hoạch định chính sách, quy hoạch đô thị |
Bộ Công an |
Các bộ, ngành, địa phương |
2019 - 2020 |
2021 - 2025 |
18. |
Xây dựng, triển khai Hệ thống thông tin và cơ sở dữ liệu quốc gia về quy hoạch |
Bộ Kế hoạch và Đầu tư |
Các bộ, ngành, địa phương |
2019 - 2020 |
2021 - 2025 |
19. |
Xây dựng, triển khai Hệ thống thông tin và cơ sở dữ liệu quốc gia về các dự án đầu tư; tiếp tục triển khai, hoàn thiện các hệ thống thông tin và cơ sở dữ liệu về đầu tư công, giám sát đánh giá đầu tư |
Bộ Kế hoạch và Đầu tư |
Các bộ, ngành, địa phương |
2019 - 2020 |
2021 - 2025 |
20. |
Nâng cấp Hệ thống mạng đấu thầu quốc gia để thực hiện đấu thầu, mua sắm tài sản công qua mạng, quản lý thống nhất thông tin, cơ sở dữ liệu về đấu thầu trên phạm vi cả nước |
Bộ Kế hoạch và Đầu tư |
Các bộ, ngành, địa phương |
2019 |
2020 - 2022 |
21. |
Xây dựng Cơ sở dữ liệu cán bộ, công chức, viên chức |
Bộ Nội vụ |
Các bộ, ngành, địa phương |
Tháng 6/2020 |
2021 - 2025 |
22. |
Xây dựng, hoàn thiện các cơ sở dữ liệu chuyên ngành, kết nối liên thông, chia sẻ với hệ thống một cửa điện tử, Cổng Dịch vụ công cấp bộ, cấp tỉnh, Cổng Dịch vụ công quốc gia phục vụ người dân và doanh nghiệp |
Các bộ, ngành, địa phương |
Các cơ quan liên quan |
2019 - 2020 |
2021 - 2025 |
23. |
Thực hiện tái cấu trúc hạ tầng công nghệ thông tin của các bộ, ngành, địa phương theo hướng kết hợp giữa mô hình tập trung và mô hình phân tán dựa trên công nghệ điện toán đám mây, tối ưu hóa hạ tầng công nghệ thông tin theo khu vực (thực hiện thuê dịch vụ của các nhà cung cấp hàng đầu tại Việt Nam hoặc đầu tư xây dựng từ nguồn vốn vay ưu đãi) nhằm khai thác sử dụng hiệu quả hạ tầng hiện có, đồng thời tăng cường khả năng bảo mật, sao lưu, phòng chống thảm họa, bảo đảm vận hành ổn định, an toàn, an ninh của các hệ thống thông tin, cơ sở dữ liệu |
Các bộ, ngành, địa phương |
Văn phòng Chính phủ, Bộ Thông tin và Truyền thông, các cơ quan liên quan |
2019 - 2020 |
2021 - 2025 |
24. |
Xây dựng Trung tâm tích hợp dữ liệu phục vụ chỉ đạo, điều hành của Chính phủ, Thủ tướng Chính phủ |
Văn phòng Chính phủ |
Các bộ, ngành, địa phương |
2019 - 2020 |
2021 - 2025 |
25. |
Nâng cao năng lực, chất lượng dịch vụ và mở rộng kết nối Mạng TSLCD của cơ quan Đảng, Nhà nước đến các hệ thống mạng của các cơ quan Quốc hội, Mặt trận Tổ quốc Việt Nam, các tổ chức chính trị - xã hội, các Tập đoàn, Tổng công ty nhà nước; rà soát và triển khai mở rộng, kết nối mạng đến cấp phường, xã và các đối tượng theo yêu cầu |
Bộ Thông tin và Truyền thông |
Các bộ, ngành, địa phương |
2019 - 2020 |
2021 - 2025 |
26. |
Triển khai các giải pháp cải thiện xếp hạng chỉ số thành phần hạ tầng viễn thông theo phương pháp đánh giá về Chính phủ điện tử của Liên hợp quốc |
Bộ Thông tin và Truyền thông |
Văn phòng Chính phủ, các bộ, ngành, địa phương |
2019 - 2020 |
2021 -2025 |
27. |
Xây dựng các tiêu chuẩn, quy chuẩn kỹ thuật trong lĩnh vực xây dựng Chính phủ điện tử |
Bộ Thông tin và Truyền thông |
Bộ Khoa học và Công nghệ, các bộ, ngành, địa phương |
2019 - 2020 |
2021 - 2025 |
28. |
Nghiên cứu, đề xuất giải pháp hỗ trợ doanh nghiệp viễn thông xây dựng và nâng cao năng lực mạng lưới viễn thông của Việt Nam, làm nền tảng phát triển hệ sinh thái số và đáp ứng cho các dịch vụ mới; nâng cao chất lượng dịch vụ, đặc biệt là tốc độ internet, sử dụng hiệu quả băng tần mạng di động 4G, 5G, mở rộng vùng phủ sóng di động 4G, 5G; nâng cao tốc độ mạng cố định băng rộng; điều chỉnh chính sách khuyến khích nội địa hóa để hỗ trợ sản xuất các sản phẩm nội địa như thiết bị mạng, thiết bị đầu cuối thông minh có giá thành phù hợp với điều kiện Việt Nam để tăng tỷ lệ người sử dụng và khả năng truy cập các thiết bị thông minh. |
Bộ Thông tin và Truyền thông |
Các bộ, ngành, địa phương |
Tháng 8/2019 |
Xây dựng, phát triển Chính phủ điện tử bảo đảm gắn kết chặt chẽ giữa ứng dụng công nghệ thông tin với cải cách hành chính, đổi mới lề lối, phương thức làm việc phục vụ người dân và doanh nghiệp thực hiện chuyển đổi số quốc gia hướng tới Chính phủ số, nền kinh tế số và xã hội số |
1. |
Thiết lập Hệ thống thông tin phục vụ họp và xử lý công việc của Chính phủ |
Văn phòng Chính phủ |
Các bộ, ngành, địa phương |
2019 - 2020 |
2021 - 2025 |
2. |
Tổ chức triển khai nhân rộng Hệ thống thông tin phục vụ họp và xử lý công việc của Chính phủ tại Hội đồng nhân dân, Ủy ban nhân dân cấp tỉnh, cấp huyện |
Các bộ, ngành, địa phương |
Văn phòng Chính phủ |
2019 - 2020 |
2021 - 2025 |
Thực hiện theo hướng dẫn của Văn phòng Chính phủ |
3. |
Xây dựng Cổng Dịch vụ công quốc gia |
Văn phòng Chính phủ |
Các bộ, ngành và địa phương |
Tháng 11/2019 |
2021 - 2025 |
4. |
Hoàn thiện Hệ thống thông tin tiếp nhận, trả lời phản ánh, kiến nghị của người dân, doanh nghiệp |
Văn phòng Chính phủ |
Các bộ, ngành và địa phương |
Tháng 11/2019 |
2021 - 2025 |
5. |
Xây dựng Hệ thống tham vấn chính sách, văn bản quy phạm pháp luật |
Văn phòng Chính phủ |
Các bộ, ngành và địa phương |
Tháng 12/2019 |
2021 - 2025 |
6. |
Xây dựng Cổng Dịch vụ công cấp bộ, cấp tỉnh và hệ thống thông tin một cửa điện tử tập trung |
Các bộ, ngành, địa phương |
Các cơ quan có liên quan |
2019 - 2020 |
2021 - 2025 |
7. |
Xây dựng Hệ thống thông tin báo cáo Chính phủ và thiết lập Trung tâm chỉ đạo, điều hành của Chính phủ, Thủ tướng Chính phủ |
Văn phòng Chính phủ |
Các bộ, ngành và địa phương |
2019 - 2020 |
2021 - 2025 |
8. |
Xây dựng Hệ thống thông tin báo cáo bộ, ngành, địa phương, kết nối với Hệ thống thông tin báo cáo Chính phủ |
Các bộ, ngành, địa phương |
Văn phòng Chính phủ |
2019 - 2020 |
2021 - 2025 |
Theo hướng dẫn của Văn phòng Chính phủ |
9. |
Thực hiện kết nối mạng các cơ sở cung ứng thuốc nhằm tăng cường quản lý, kiểm soát thuốc đối với cơ quan quản lý, các cơ sở cung ứng thuốc và cơ sở y tế |
Bộ Y tế |
Các bộ, ngành và địa phương |
2019 - 2020 |
2021 - 2025 |
10. |
Xây dựng và triển khai quản lý hồ sơ sức khỏe điện tử đến từng người dân, thực hiện kết nối, chia sẻ thông tin cơ bản với dữ liệu quốc gia về dân cư |
Bộ Y tế |
Các bộ, ngành, địa phương |
2019 - 2020 |
2021 - 2025 |
11. |
Nghiên cứu, đề xuất, xây dựng và triển khai Hệ thống thông tin Ngân sách và Kế toán nhà nước số |
Bộ Tài chính |
Các bộ, ngành, địa phương |
2019 - 2020 |
2021 - 2025 |
Trình Thủ tướng Chính phủ quyết định |
12. |
Tổ chức chuẩn hóa cấu trúc, hệ thống hóa mã định danh, thực hiện số hóa dữ liệu và cung cấp danh mục dữ liệu đã được số hóa theo quy định để tổ chức tích hợp, chia sẻ giữa các hệ thống thông tin của các cơ quan nhà nước bảo đảm dữ liệu được thu thập một lần |
Các bộ, ngành, địa phương |
Các cơ quan có liên quan |
2019 - 2020 |
2021 - 2025 |
13. |
Tổ chức thực hiện mở dữ liệu, cung cấp dữ liệu mở của Chính phủ, tích hợp với Hệ tri thức Việt số hóa |
Văn phòng Chính phủ |
Bộ Khoa học và Công nghệ, Bộ Thông tin và Truyền thông, các bộ, ngành, địa phương |
2019 - 2020 |
2021 - 2025 |
Trình Thủ tướng Chính phủ xem xét, quyết định |
IV |
Xây dựng Chính phủ điện tử bảo đảm gắn kết chặt chẽ với bảo đảm an ninh, an toàn thông tin, an ninh quốc gia, bảo vệ thông tin cá nhân |
1. |
Triển khai giải pháp liên thông giữa Hệ thống chứng thực chữ ký số công cộng và Hệ thống chứng thực chữ ký số chuyên dùng Chính phủ |
Bộ Thông tin và Truyền thông |
Ban Cơ yếu Chính phủ, các cơ quan liên quan |
Tháng 5/2019 |
2. |
Xây dựng các hệ thống kỹ thuật bảo đảm an toàn thông tin phục vụ phát triển Chính phủ điện tử |
Bộ Thông tin và Truyền thông |
Bộ Công an, Bộ Quốc phòng, các bộ, ngành, địa phương, các cơ quan liên quan |
2019 - 2020 |
3. |
Triển khai dịch vụ chứng thực chữ ký số, xác thực điện tử cho các hệ thống thông tin và các thiết bị di động để thuận tiện cho việc sử dụng của người dân, doanh nghiệp |
Bộ Thông tin và Truyền thông |
Các bộ, ngành, địa phương |
2019 - 2020 |
2021 - 2025 |
4. |
Triển khai dịch vụ chứng thực chữ ký số, xác thực điện tử cho các hệ thống thông tin và các thiết bị di động để thuận tiện cho việc sử dụng của cán bộ, công chức, viên chức, các cơ quan nhà nước |
Ban Cơ yếu Chính phủ |
Các bộ, ngành, địa phương |
2019 - 2020 |
2021 - 2025 |
5. |
Tiếp tục phát triển, mở rộng hạ tầng kỹ thuật chứng thực điện tử chuyên dùng Chính phủ đáp ứng yêu cầu cung cấp, quản lý và sử dụng chữ ký số phục vụ xây dựng Chính phủ điện tử |
Ban Cơ yếu Chính phủ |
Các bộ, ngành, địa phương |
2019 - 2020 |
2021 - 2025 |
6. |
Hướng dẫn công tác bảo đảm an toàn thông tin cho các hệ thống nền tảng, hệ thống phục vụ phát triển Chính phủ điện tử; đẩy mạnh triển khai các hoạt động bảo đảm an toàn thông tin theo quy định tại Nghị định số 85/2016/NĐ-CP ngày 01 tháng 7 năm 2016 của Chính phủ. |
Bộ Thông tin và Truyền thông |
Các bộ, ngành, địa phương |
2019 - 2020 |
2021 - 2025 |
V |
Bảo đảm các nguồn lực triển khai xây dựng Chính phủ điện tử |
1. |
Huy động các nguồn lực ưu tiên xây dựng Chính phủ điện tử/Chính quyền điện tử theo hình thức thuê dịch vụ công nghệ thông tin trọn gói do các doanh nghiệp công nghệ thông tin cung cấp, sử dụng nguồn vốn ngân sách nhà nước theo quy định hiện hành, không sử dụng nguồn vốn vay ODA có điều kiện ràng buộc để triển khai xây dựng hệ thống Chính phủ điện tử. |
Các bộ, ngành, địa phương |
Các cơ quan có liên quan |
2019 - 2020 |
2021 - 2025 |
2. |
Nghiên cứu, đề xuất giải pháp huy động nguồn lực (doanh nghiệp đầu tư, nhà nước thuê dịch vụ; hợp tác công tư (PPP); kinh phí sự nghiệp;...) để triển khai các dự án xây dựng Chính phủ điện tử, báo cáo Thủ tướng Chính phủ xem xét, quyết định. |
Bộ Tài chính |
Bộ Kế hoạch và Đầu tư, Bộ Thông tin và Truyền thông, các bộ, ngành, địa phương |
Tháng 6/2019 |
2021 - 2025 |
3. |
Nghiên cứu, trình Chính phủ về việc sử dụng một phần kinh phí từ Quỹ Dịch vụ viễn thông công ích Việt Nam cho việc phát triển Chính phủ điện tử |
Bộ Thông tin và Truyền thông |
Bộ Tư pháp, Bộ Tài chính |
Tháng 6/2019 |
4. |
Tiếp tục thực hiện các giải pháp để nâng cao chỉ số thành phần nguồn nhân lực của Việt Nam theo phương pháp đánh giá Chính phủ điện tử của Liên hợp quốc, phối hợp chặt chẽ với các tổ chức quốc tế liên quan để cung cấp các số liệu cho các tổ chức quốc tế |
Bộ Giáo dục và Đào tạo |
Các bộ, ngành, địa phương, các cơ quan có liên quan |
2019 - 2020 |
2021 - 2025 |
Thực hiện hàng năm |
5. |
Tiếp tục triển khai Chương trình nghiên cứu khoa học, phát triển công nghệ, các giải pháp tích hợp, ứng dụng, sản phẩm công nghệ thông tin phục vụ xây dựng Chính phủ điện tử hướng tới nền kinh tế số, xã hội số dựa trên dữ liệu mở, ứng dụng các công nghệ mới như trí tuệ nhân tạo (AI), chuỗi khối (Blockchain), Internet kết nối vạn vật (IoT), dữ liệu lớn (Big Data), giao diện lập trình ứng dụng mở (Open API)... |
Bộ Khoa học và Công nghệ |
Các bộ, ngành, địa phương |
2019 - 2020 |
2021 - 2025 |
6. |
Xây dựng Chương trình, tổ chức đào tạo, tập huấn cho các cán bộ, công chức, viên chức về Chính phủ điện tử, khai thác sử dụng các hệ thống thông tin, dịch vụ công trực tuyến mức độ 3,4 và làm việc trên môi trường mạng |
Các bộ, ngành, địa phương |
Các cơ quan có liên quan |
2019 - 2020 |
2021 - 2025 |
Thực hiện liên tục hàng năm |
7. |
Nghiên cứu, xây dựng cơ chế khuyến khích để thu hút nhân lực tham gia xây dựng, phát triển Chính phủ điện tử trong bộ máy nhà nước |
Bộ Nội vụ |
Các bộ, ngành, địa phương |
2019 - 2020 |
2021 - 2025 |
8. |
Nghiên cứu, xây dựng cơ chế, chính sách khuyến khích các doanh nghiệp đầu tư cơ sở hạ tầng công nghệ thông tin phục vụ triển khai, phát triển Chính phủ điện tử |
Bộ Thông tin và Truyền thông |
Các bộ, ngành, địa phương |
2019 - 2020 |
2021 - 2025 |
9. |
Tăng cường sự tham gia của doanh nghiệp cung ứng dịch vụ bưu chính công ích trong việc triển khai Chính phủ điện tử; trong việc hỗ trợ các cá nhân, tổ chức thực hiện các dịch vụ công trực tuyến mức độ 3, 4 |
Tổng công ty Bưu điện Việt Nam |
Các bộ, ngành, địa phương |
2019 - 2020 |
2021 - 2025 |
10. |
Tích cực triển khai chương trình truyền thông để nâng cao nhận thức thay đổi thói quen hành vi, tạo sự đồng thuận của người dân, doanh nghiệp về phát triển Chính phủ điện tử |
Bộ Thông tin và Truyền thông, Thông tấn xã Việt Nam, Đài Tiếng nói Việt Nam, Đài Truyền hình Việt Nam; các bộ, ngành, địa phương |
Các cơ quan liên quan |
2019 - 2020 |
2021 - 2025 |
VI |
Thiết lập cơ chế bảo đảm thực thi |
1. |
Thành lập Ban Chỉ đạo xây dựng Chánh phủ điện tử/Chính quyền điện tử; Tổ công tác giúp việc của Trưởng ban |
Các bộ, ngành, địa phương |
Các bộ, cơ quan, liên quan |
Tháng 3/2019 |
2. |
Nghiên cứu xây dựng bộ chỉ số đo lường, đánh giá hiệu quả, chất lượng kết quả thực thi nhiệm vụ triển khai xây dựng Chính phủ điện tử; xây dựng cơ chế theo dõi, đánh giá, giám sát trách nhiệm giải trình, ra quyết định và xử lý kịp thời các vướng mắc về thể chế, nguồn lực tài chính, giải pháp công nghệ và con người để bảo đảm thực thi hiệu quả mục tiêu xây dựng Chính phủ điện tử. |
Văn phòng Chính phủ |
Tổ công tác và các bộ, cơ quan liên quan |
2019 - 2020 |
Đánh giá hàng năm |
No. 17/NQ-CP |
Hanoi, March 7, 2019 |
Pursuant to the Law on Government Organization dated June 19, 2015;
In compliance with the Government’s Resolution No. 26/NQ-CP dated April 15, 2015 issuing the Government’s Program of Action for implementation of the Resolution No. 36-NQ/TW dated July 1, 2014 of the Politburo of the Communist Party’s Central Committee on promoting the application and development of information technology to meet sustainable development and international integration requirements;
Upon the request of the Minister cum Chief of the Government’s Office,
Over the past years, the Party and Government have always paid attention to and put significant emphasis on promoting the application of information technology, building the e-Government to support the activities of state agencies and serve people and businesses. On such basis, the ministries, sectoral administrations and localities have made great efforts and achieved initial results in developing the e-Government, including: promulgating, within its competence, and appealing to competent authorities to promulgate regulations and guidelines for improving the regulatory framework and enhancing the construction of the e-Government; building, commissioning and operating the National Database of Enterprise Registration, step-by-step building the National Database of Insurance, the National Database of Land and the National Database of Population; having already provided a few essential online public services for businesses and people, e.g.: enterprise registration, tax declaration, tax payment, customs, social insurance, etc.; a number of ministries and sectoral administrations have processed files in the networked environment; In some localities, the electronic single-window information system has been put into operation, improving the transparency and accountability of civil servants; The quality of Vietnam's information technology workforce has also been improved. According to the United Nations’ e-Government Assessment Report in 2016, Vietnam's e-Government Development Index (EGDI) ranked 89 of 193 countries, rising 10 places, including the component index of online public services (OSI) increased by 8 places to the 74th rank in 193 countries (compared to the year 2014); In 2018, Vietnam's e-Government Development Index ranked 88 out of 183 countries, moved up 01 place, including the online service component index (OSI) rose by 15 spots to the 59th rank in 193 countries (compared to the year 2016).
Furthermore, there are a large number of tasks of implementing the e-Government project that have not been performed as well as expected and have achieved the modest results, i.e.: the e-Government ranking is still low and below the average among ASEAN countries, the telecommunications infrastructure index (TII) is decreased by 10 places to the rank of 100/193 countries (compared to the year 2016); In particular, there is a lack of a uniform legal framework for building and developing the e-Government; the building of national databases and information technology infrastructure backgrounds in support for the e-Government development is slow, and information confidentiality, safety and security is slow, and data connection and sharing between information systems have not yet been established; there have been unsolved issues arising from policies on IT investment and leasing; the application of information technology has been ineffective, and the implementation of administrative procedures and the processing of business files depends heavily on a documentary and manual form; the rate of use of public services provided online is still very low.
The aforesaid issues are ascribed to the following main causes, i.e. there is a lack of the leader’s roles in providing directions and guidelines for performing tasks; the guarantee mechanism for the implementation of the tasks of building e-Government is not strong enough; all administrative jurisdictions and sectoral administrations have not clearly defined the roadmap and specific objectives in implementation of the e-Government building project; there is a lack of a consistent legal framework on building e-Government; there is a lack of financial and investment mechanisms suitable to specific information technology projects; there is a lack of specific regulations on identification and authentication of individuals and organizations in electronic transactions; there is a lack of legislative regulations on electronic documents and archives; the operation of the platform for data integration and sharing between information systems of the state administrative agencies have been delayed; the speculation of information and data is still common leading to overlapping and inconsistency of data and information; maintaining safety and security for information systems of state agencies has not been given due care; a number of ministries, sectoral administrations and localities also underestimate the application of information technology to management and administration activities; application of information technology is still formalistic while the habit of dealing with work manually and in a documentary form has not yet been given up; there is a loose linkage between application of information technology, reform of administrative procedures, innovation of working styles and practices; communication and social resource maximization for the building and development of e-Government have not yet been emphasized, etc.
In order to continue to inherit and uphold achievements, overcome the above-stated unsolved issues and restrictions, meet the objectives and requirements of the Government and the Prime Minister in the upcoming time, and step-by-step actualize the determination to build the Government of action and integrity that nurtures development and better serves the people and businesses, especially in the context of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, the formulation and promulgation of the Government’s Resolutions on some key tasks and solutions for the e-Government development in the period of 2019-2020 with vision towards 2025 are urgent.
Building and developing e-Government, aiming at ensuring uniformity in the digital Government, the digital economy and the digital society for the present and in the future on the basis of the following guidelines:
1. Maintaining and upholding programs of information technology application, building e-Government under the direction of the Politburo, the Government and the Prime Minister according to the current context and global developmental trends.
2. Promoting the roles and responsibilities of Cabinet members, heads of state administrative agencies, members of the National Committee on e-Government, focusing on directing the successful construction and development of the e-Government of Vietnam. The National Committee on e-Government shall not be allowed to perform tasks assigned to ministries, sectoral administrations and localities. Ministers, Heads of Ministry-level agencies, Governmental bodies or Chairpersons of People's Committees of provinces and centrally-run cities shall act as the presiding entities exercising the uniform regulatory authority over and taking charge of the project for construction of e-Government at ministries, sectoral administrations and localities under their remit with the aim of ensuring that the project meets efficiency, progress and quality requirements.
3. Renovating service styles, putting people and businesses at the center of services, considering satisfaction of individuals and organizations as an important measure in developing e-Government; ensuring the firm and consistent linkage between application of information technology and administrative reforms, innovation of working practices and etiquettes, and affirming that application of information technology is an effective tool to support and promote administrative reform.
4. Based on the overall design, carrying out data integration and sharing between information systems, databases, creating shared platform services for the whole system from the central to local levels; conforming to Vietnam e-Government Architecture Framework, Ministry-level e-Government Architecture, provincial-level e-Governance Architecture, measuring and evaluating the quality and efficiency of building and development of e-Government.
5. Combining with assurance of safety, information security, national security, protection of information of persons and entities; prohibiting revealing and leaking information classified as state secrets; enabling foreign entities and organizations to provide financial and technical support for building e-Government to Vietnam that can take control of technology, software source codes and databases.
6. Calling for and effectively using all resources and putting emphasis on communication and propaganda activities to raise the public awareness during the period of building and developing e-Government. Ensuring that state budget funds are adequate to spend on application of information technology and build e-Government every year.
1. Objectives
Developing the completed e-Government platform to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the state administrative apparatus and the quality of service rendered to people and businesses; developing e-Government based on data and open data towards the Digital Government, the digital economy and the digital society; ensuring information security and cybersecurity; increasing the ranking of e-Government according to the assessment of the United Nations from 10 to 15 places by 2020, guaranteeing Vietnam a place in the top four ASEAN countries in the e-Government ranking according to the UN’s assessment report by 2025.
2. Major indices
a) 2019 – 2020 phase
- Promulgating legal documents relating to the creation, management and sharing of data, protection of personal information, electronic identity and electronic archives; perfecting the legal framework for investment in information technology application to enhance the hiring of information technology services by state agencies.
- Expeditiously building and developing the National Document Interconnection Axis using the world’s advanced technology as the platform for data integration and sharing between information systems, databases, etc. and the national data integration and sharing platform and firstly, sending and receiving electronic documents according to the roadmap stipulated in the Prime Minister's Decision No. 28/2018/QD-TTg dated July 12, 2018 on sending and receiving electronic documents between agencies in the state administrative system and National Databases on Population and Insurance; continuing to improve the National Database on Enterprise Registration.
- Improving the capacity and quality of the specialized data transmission network service of the Party and State agencies and determining that this is the basic transmission infrastructure used for connection between e-Government information systems, data linkage and sharing.
- 20% of the people and businesses participating in the e-Government information system must be given smooth and uniform digital identity trust on all of government information systems from the central to local level.
- The ratio of documents processed online to the total number of documents needing to be handled according to administrative procedures of each ministry, sectoral administration or locality is expected to reach 20% or more; integrating 30% of level-3 or level-4 online public services of ministries, sectoral administrations and localities with the National Public Service portal; 100% of documents is handled according to administrative procedures online through the electronic single-window information system at the ministerial and provincial level.
- At least 30% of online public services are implemented at level 4; 50% of the Public Service portal at the ministerial and provincial level provide interfaces for mobile devices; 100% of public services are entitled to answer questions to people and businesses; 50% of state agencies publicly disclose the level of satisfaction to people using online public services; 100% of electronic information portals of ministries, sectoral administrations and localities publish full information in accordance with the Decree No. 43/2011/ND-CP dated June 13, 2011 of the Government; 20% of online public services use digital signatures built on mobile platforms to implement administrative procedures; 50% of online public services are handled in a form of electronic document; 20% of the people's information is automatically entered into the online form; 50% of online public services use data from the National Business Registration Database.
- 100% of file management and administration software used in ministries, sectoral administrations and localities are connected and linked through the National Document Interconnection Axis designed for sending and receiving electronic documents; 90% of documents exchanged between state agencies (except for confidential documents as prescribed by law) are in an electronic form; at least 80%, 60% and 30% of administrative documents at the ministerial or provincial level, the district level and the commune level, respectively, are handled on the networked environment (exclusive of those with confidential contents).
- At least 30% of unclassified periodic reports are sent and received through the National Report Information System.
- Shortening 30% - 50% of meeting timelength, minimizing the use of paper documents through the Information System intended for meetings and handling of business affairs and designed as an electronic office.
- 100% of state agencies from the central to district level are connected to the specialized Data Transmission Networks of agencies of the Party and the State.
- Continuing to improve the e-Government Index, including the online service component index (OSI), the telecommunications infrastructure index (TII) and the human capital index (HCI); by the end of 2020, striving to raise the Vietnam’s rank in the e-Government Development Index by 10 - 15 places to become one of the top 5 ASEAN countries according to the UN’s assessment report.
b) 2021 – 2025 period
- Continuing to develop e-Government development platform systems, research and develop solutions to connecting them with information systems of ASEAN countries as well as some countries in the world according to regulations and international conventions; completing the implementation of the National Database of Finance, the National Land Database and integrate, share data with information systems and databases of ministries, sectoral administrations and localities.
- 100% of public service portals and electronic information systems at the ministerial and provincial level can connect and share data with the National Public Service portal; 100% of the level-3 and level-4 online public services which are popular and involve a lot of people and businesses are integrated into the National Public Service portal; 100% of transactions performed on the National Public Service portal, the Public Service portal and the single-window electronic, information systems at the ministerial and provincial level are given electronic trust.
- 40% of the people and businesses participating in the e-Government system must be given smooth and uniform digital identity trust on all of information systems from the central to local level.
- The ratio of documents handled by level-3 and level-4 online public services to total number of documents is expected to reach 50% or more; 80% of administrative procedures meeting the prescribed requirements will be allowed to implement online public services at level 3 and 4; integrating 50% of level-3 and level-4 online public services of ministries, sectoral administrations and localities with the national public service portal; at least 90% of people and businesses are satisfied with the handling of administrative procedures.
- 60% of information systems of ministries, sectoral administrations and localities related to people and enterprises that have been put into operation are connected and linked through the data integration and sharing platforms; information of people and businesses that have been digitized and stored in national databases will not have to be re-provided.
- 90% of the administrative files at the ministerial and provincial level, 80% of the administrative files at the district level and 60% of the administrative files at the commune level are handled through the networked environment (exclusive of classified ones).
- 80% of unclassified periodic reports of state administrative agencies will be updated and shared on the National Reporting and Information System, and will effectively serve management, direction and administration activities.
- Extending information systems intended for meetings and handling of administrative activities of the Government to provincial-level and district-level People’s Committees; by 2025, striving to ensure that 100% of provincial-level People's Committees and 80% of district-level People’s Committees hold meetings through information systems.
- Continuing to improve the e-Government Index, including the online service component index (OSI), the telecommunications infrastructure index (TII) and the human capital index (HCI); by 2025, striving to raise Vietnam’s rank in the e-Government Development Index to become one of the top 4 ASEAN countries according to the UN’s assessment report.
1. Building and completing the institution in order to create sufficient and comprehensive legal bases for building and development of the e-Government.
a) Drafting a Decree to replace the Government's Decree No. 102/2009/ND-CP dated November 6, 2009 on management of investment projects in information technology application using state budget capital, the Prime Minister’s Decision No. 80 / 2014 / QD-TTg dated December 30, 2014 regulating the test on hiring of information technology services in state agencies, and completing the drafting in March 2019.
Drafting instructional documents on methods for determination of costs of hiring of information technology services, sample contracts for hiring of information technology services and instructional documents on determination of costs of personnel during the process of management of costs of information technology investment to ensure that these costs are relevant to the reality and the nature of the information technology sector, and completing the drafting in July 2019.
b) Drafting the Decree on management, connection and sharing of data, instructional documents and completing such drafting in September 2019.
c) Drafting the Decree on electronic identification and authentication for organizations, individuals and instructional documents thereof, and completing such drafting in September 2019.
d) Drafting the Decree on protection of data of individuals, organizations and instructional documents thereof, and completing such drafting in September 2019.
dd) Drafting the Decree replacing the Government’s Decree No. 110/2004/ND-CP dated April 8, 2004 on archives, other legislative documents on storage, management and exploitation of electronic data, and completing such drafting in September 2019.
e) Drafting the Decree regulating the National Database of Insurance, other documents prescribing technical standards, regulations and data structures intended for information connection and sharing with information systems and databases of ministries, sectoral administrations and localities, and completing such drafting in October 2019.
g) Drafting the Decree on amendments and supplements to the Government’s Decree No. 138/2016/ND-CP dated October 1, 2016 setting out the Government’s work regulations in line with working and administration modalities through the networked environment, and completing such drafting in October 2019.
h) Drafting the Decree on implementation of administrative procedures in the electronic environment and completing this task in December, 2019.
i) Formulating the National Public Service portal project and completing such task in March 2019.
k) Setting up the information system project designed for the Government’s meetings and handling of work (eCabinet) and completing this task in March 2019.
l) Setting up the project for data connection and sharing and restructuring of information technology infrastructure of ministries, sectoral administrations and localities, and completing this task in March 2019.
m) Setting up the policy consultation system project (eConsultation), and completing this task in March 2019.
n) Formulating the project for database of officials, public servants and employees, and completing this task in April 2019.
o) Setting up the project for implementation of electronic archives of state agencies, and completing this task in May 2019.
p) Formulating the project for operation of systems for protection of state secrets that use passwords for the purpose of meeting demands for initiation of the e-Government, and completing this task in July 2019.
q) Setting out the cybersecurity project in support for the building and development of the e-Government, and completing this task in August 2019.
r) Drafting instructional documents on the Cybersecurity Law according to the plan approved by the Prime Minister.
s) Researching and suggesting the Prime Minister for the method of facilitation of digital certification for people and businesses with a view to decreasing costs of granting and continuation of validity of digital certificates in order to encourage the use of these certificates in electronic transactions and completing this task in June 2019.
t) Researching and appealing to the Prime Minister to promulgate regulations on the use of equipment and machinery for e-Government information systems with the aim of ensuring safety for networked information and completing this task in June 2019.
u) Researching and appealing to the Government and the Prime Minister to promulgate regulations on use of copyrighted software (e.g. operation system, office software, etc.) for newly purchased computers and the percentage ratio of funds intended for continuous update of software and assurance of safety for information systems and completing this task in August 2019.
v) Researching and building the electronic identity code set of agencies and organizations in uniformity with international standards for connection and sharing of data of all information systems, databases, and completing this task in June 2019.
x) Studying and recommending amendments to the Law on Public Investment with a view to removing difficulties and problems in the use of public investment capital in the process of formulation and implementation of projects and information technology application activities in the form of service lease, and completing such task in 2019.
y) Studying and recommending the drafting of the e-Government Law, decrees and instructional documents to create the legal framework for developing e-Government based on open data, applying modern technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), block chain, Internet of things (IoT), big data, open application programming interface (Open API), etc. in the period 2021 – 2025.
2. Building the technological platform for development of the e-Government in line with the tendency for development of the e-Government worldwide.
a) Completing the update of the Vietnam’s e-Government Architecture Framework (version 2.0), including additions to reference models of shared information systems and National Databases specified in this Resolution, and submitting the updated one to the Prime Minister to seek his approval before release in May 2019.
Ministry of Information and Communications will build the overall architecture of Vietnam’s e-Government in the period of 2019-2025, announce and periodically give the annual update on the Ministry's electronic information portal through the integration of ministerial-level e-Government Architecture, provincial-level e-Governance Architecture, shared information system architecture and national databases in conformity with the fourth industrial revolution context and the trend for developing e-Government in the world.
b) Completing the construction and update of the ministerial-level e-Government Architecture, provincial-level e-Governance Architecture in line with Vietnam's e-Government Architecture Framework (version 2.0) in September 2019, regularly updating and issuing the next versions in uniformity with the updated versions of Vietnam’s e-Government Architecture Framework; initiating the application of the ministerial-level e-Government Architecture and the provincial-level e-Governance Architecture that have been issued in the process of building e-Government and e-Governance in ministries, sectoral administrations and localities.
c) Building and developing the National Document Interconnection Axis powered by world-class advanced technologies as a platform for data integration and sharing between information systems, databases, ... and a national data integration and sharing platform, bringing them into operation in 2019, and continuing to become more perfect in the period 2020 – 2025.
This data integration and sharing platform will utilize and inherit the results gained from operation of the system linking and interconnecting central and local information systems (NGSP) developed by the Ministry of Information and Communications if it meets technical and technological requirements.
d) Designing and initiating the National Population Database project that shares and exploits data with the National Public Service portal and other information systems, will be put into operation from 2020 and continues to be improved to become perfect during the period of 2021 – 2025.
dd) Improving the National Database of Enterprise Registration that shares data with the National Public Service portal, information systems and databases of ministries, sectoral administrations and localities, and completing this task in 2019.
e) Completing the construction of important specialized financial databases of taxation, customs, and treasury, accomplishing this task in 2019; completing the construction of the National Financial Database that shares data with information systems and databases of ministries, sectoral administrations and localities, is officially put into use in 2022, continues to be developed and improved until 2025; connecting the National Single-Window Information Portal with the National Public Service Portal in the period of 2019-2020.
g) Developing the National Database of Insurance to connect and share data with information systems and databases of ministries, sectoral administrations and localities with priority given to sharing data in the healthcare, tax, labor, war invalids and social affairs sector, and completing this task in October 2019.
h) Building the National Database of Social Security that connects and shares data with information systems and databases of ministries, sectoral administrations and localities in 2019 - 2020, and continuing to develop and complete it in the period of 2021 - 2025.
i) Building the National Database of Land that connects and shares data with the National Public Service portal, information systems and databases of ministries, sectoral administrations and localities in 2019 - 2020, and continuing to develop and complete it in the period of 2021 - 2025.
k) Continuing to build and completing the natural resource and environmental Database that connects and shares data with information systems and databases of ministries, sectoral administrations and localities in the period of 2019 - 2020, and continuing to develop and complete it in the period of 2021 - 2025.
l) Building the national geographical spatial database providing essential data infrastructure for operation and development of e-Government and online public services and development of smart cities, initiating this project in the period of 2019 - 2020 and continuing to improve it during the period of 2021 - 2025.
m) Upgrading the database of means of transport intended for policy planning, urban planning and initiating this project in the period of 2019 – 2020, continuing to improve and develop it in the period of 2021 – 2025.
n) Building and operating the national information system and database of planning in the period of 2019 – 2020, continuing to develop and improve it for the period of 2021 – 2025.
o) Building and operating the national information system and database of investment projects for the period of 2019 – 2020, continuing to develop and complete it for the period of 2021 – 2025. Continuing to build and complete information systems and databases of public investments and supervision of investment assessment.
p) Upgrading the national procurement system intended for online bidding and procurement of public assets, uniform management of procurement information and databases across the nation, completing and operating the general system in 2019, continuing to develop and improve it during the period of 2020 – 2022.
q) Building the database of public officials, servants and employees, completing and operating it nationwide in June 2020, continuing to develop and improve it for the period of 2021 – 2025.
r) Building the National Civil Status Database connecting and sharing information with the National Population Database and other specialized databases, initiating the building for the period of 2019 – 2020, continuing to develop and improve it during the period of 2021 - 2025.
s) Building and completing specialized databases interconnecting and sharing information with the electronic single-window information system, public service portals at the ministerial or provincial level and the national public service portal to serve people and businesses, initiating this task in the period of 2019 - 2020, continuing to develop and complete it in the period of 2021-2025.
t) Restructuring information technology infrastructure of ministries, sectoral administrations and localities with a view to combining the centralization and dispersion models based on the cloud computing technology, optimizing region-specific information technology infrastructure (hiring services of leading suppliers in Vietnam) in order to effectively use and exploit existing infrastructure, enhancing security, backup, disaster prevention and mitigation, ensuring stable operation, information security and cybersecurity for information systems and databases.
u) Promoting the service capacity and quality and expanding connection of specialized data transmission networks of agencies of the Party and the State to other network systems of the following entities: National Assembly, Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee, socio-political organizations, state corporations and incorporations. Reviewing, expanding and connecting networks to communal-level and other entities upon request and depending on the practical scope and nature of e-Government mathematical problems, ensuring conformance to requirements concerning technology, information connection and safety, initiating this task during the period of 2019 - 2020, continuing to develop and increase the service quality in the period of 2021 - 2025.
v) Building a data integration center enabling the Government and the Prime Minister to carry out direction and administration activities, initiating this task in the period of 2019-2020, continuing to develop and complete it during the period of 2021-2025.
x) Implementing measures to improve the rank of the component index regarding telecommunications infrastructure according to the method of evaluation of e-Government adopted by the United Nations.
y) Researching and recommending solutions to supporting telecommunications enterprises to build and improve the capacity of Vietnam's telecommunications network, serving as a foundation for developing digital ecosystems and responding to requirements of new services; improving service quality, especially Internet speed, effectively using 4G, 5G mobile network bandwidths, expanding 4G and 5G mobile coverage; improving the broadband fixed network speed; adjusting localization incentive policies to support the production of domestic products such as network equipment and smart terminals with costs relevant to actual conditions in Vietnam to increase the rate of users and capabilities of accessing smart devices, and completing this task in August 2019.
3. Building and developing e-Government to ensure a close link between the application of information technology and administrative reform, innovation of working practices and approaches for services rendered to people and businesses, and carrying out the national digital transformation program in the expectation of building the digital Government, digital economy and digital society.
a) Building the information system for meetings and handling of work, carrying out the direction and administration by the Government and the Prime minister and in the future, enabling it to serve the direction and administration by leaderships of provincial-level People's Committees in order to shorten meeting timelength, reduce administrative paperwork and improve the efficiency and effectiveness of direction and administration of leaders of state administrative agencies, bringing it into operation in 2019 and continuing to develop and complete it during the period of 2021 – 2025.
Multiply the information system for meetings and handling of work of the Government at provincial or district-level People’s Councils, People’s Committees, bring it into operation at localities in 2020, continuing to develop and complete it during the period of 2021 – 2025.
b) Develop the system for consultation of policies and legal documents in order to shorten the time to handle work, reduce meetings, reduce administrative paperwork, publicly disclose the process of collecting opinions and improve the quality of drafted legislative documents, special documents and increase the accountability of drafting agencies, putting it into operation in December 2019, and continuing to develop and complete it during the period 2020 – 2025.
c) Carrying out the plan for implementation of the Government’s Decree No. 61/2018/ND-CP dated April 23, 2018 on application of single-window and interconnected single-window regime to handling of administrative procedures (enclosing the Prime Minister’s Decision No. 985/QD-TTg dated August 8, 2018).
Building the national Public Service Portal to connect, integrate and share data with the Public Service Portal, the electronic single-window information system at the ministerial or provincial level, national and specialized databases, bringing it into operation in November 2019 and continuing to develop and complete it during the period 2020 – 2025.
Building and completing the Public Service Portal, the electronic single-window information system at the ministerial and provincial level, organizing connection and integration of data with the national Public Service Portal through the single sign-on mechanism from the National Public Service Portal, accomplishing this task in the period of 2019-2020 and continuing to develop and complete in the period 2021 – 2025.
d) Completing the information system designed to receive, respond to feedbacks and suggestions of people and businesses through a unique address on the Internet, integrating it with information systems of ministries, sectoral administrations, localities with the aim of ensuring that all opinions of people and businesses are sent and received entirely in the network environment, putting it into operation in November 2019, continuing to develop and complete it in the period of 2020 – 2025.
dd) Developing the national reporting information system on the basis of connecting the reporting information system of the Government and the reporting information systems of ministries and local agencies, setting up the center for direction and administration of the Government and the Prime Minister based at the Government’s Office, putting them into operation in the period of 2019-2020, continuing to develop and complete them in the period of 2021 – 2025.
e) Establishing the network of medicine supply establishments in order to enable regulatory authorities, medicine suppliers and health institutions to enhance their management and control of medicines, commencing during the period of 2019 – 2020 and continuing to develop and complete this network during the period of 2021 – 2025.
Building and implementing the electronic health file management project for people that connects, integrates and shares data with information systems and databases during the period of 2019 – 2020, continuing to develop and complete it during the period of 2021 – 2025.
g) Studying, proposing, developing and implementing the digital budget and accounting information system in the period of 2019-2020; building and operating the system for the period of 2021 – 2025.
h) Organizing the standardization of structure, systemization of identification codes, digitization of data and provision of digitized data lists according to regulations in force in order to integrate and share information between information systems of state agencies for the purpose of ensuring data are collected once only.
i) Organizing the opening of data and provision of open data of the Government, integrating them with the digital Vietnamese knowledge system for the period of 2019 – 2020, continuing to perform this task during the period of 2021 – 2025.
4. Building e-Government to ensure close connection with information security, network security, national security, protection of personal information.
a) Building technical systems to ensure information security for e-Government development, including: Vietnam’s Internet attack response system; system for sharing information about cyber attacks, threats and risks to cybersecurity; information safety inspection system; early monitoring and warning system for cybersecurity risks; system for support for coordination and rescue of cybersecurity incidents, and completing these systems in the period of 2019-2020.
b) Implementing the solution to interconnecting the public digital signature authentication system and the Governmental digital signature authentication system and accomplishing this task in May 2019.
c) Rendering the digital signature validation service for information systems and mobile devices to enable people, businesses, public officials, servants and employees and state agencies to access to this service in the period of 2019 - 2020 and completing this service during the period of 2021 - 2025.
d) Continuing to develop and expand technical infrastructure of the specialized electronic authentication system of the Government in order to meet requirements for provision, management and use of the Government’s specialized digital signature at state agencies, serve the needs of building of the e-Government, and accomplishing this task during the period of 2021 – 2025.
dd) Providing instructions about maintenance of information security for platforms and systems supporting the e-Government development; promoting the implementation of information security activities in accordance with the provisions of the Government’s Decree No. 85/2016/ND-CP dated July 1, 2016.
5. Assuring provision of resources for the e-Government construction
a) Preferring resources used for the construction of e-Government and e-Governance in the form of hiring of full-package information technology services from information technology enterprises, using state budget funds in accordance with regulations in force, avoiding the use of ODA funds subject to binding terms and conditions to build the e-Government system.
b) Studying and recommending solutions to mobilizing resources (e.g. enterprise's investments, the State’s service hiring, public-private partnership (PPP) funds, public service expenditures, etc.) to implement projects for construction of e-Government, report to the Prime Minister for his consideration and decision, and accomplishing this task in June 2019.
c) Studying and appealing to the Government to approve the use of part of expenditures from the public telecommunications service fund of Vietnam for development of the e-Government, and accomplishing this task in June 2019.
d) Continuing to implement solutions to improving the component index of human resources of Vietnam according to the method of assessment of e-Government endorsed by the United Nations and closely collaborating with involved international organizations in providing data in a timely and sufficient manner.
dd) Continuing to implement the scientific research and technology development program, integrated solutions, applications and information technology products intended for the construction of e-Government with a view to developing the digital economy and society based on open data, applying new technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), blockchain, internet of things, big data, open application programming interface, etc. during the period of 2019 - 2020 with vision towards 2025.
e) Focusing on designing and providing public officials, servants and employees with training and educational programs about e-Government and e-Governance, use of and access to information systems and working in the network environment, and use of level-3 and level-4 public services online (intended for people and businesses).
g) Studying and establishing incentive and preferential policies for attracting manpower participating in the construction and development of e-Government in the state apparatus.
h) Studying and formulating encouragement mechanisms and policies for enterprises investing in information technology infrastructure intended for the operation and development of e-Government.
i) Increasing participation of businesses providing public post services in implementation of the e-Government, granting of support for individuals and organizations, especially communal-level ones performing level-3 and level-4 public services online.
k) Proactively implementing communication programs to raise awareness, change habits and behaviors, create consensus among people and businesses on the e-Government development.
l) Studying and implementing international cooperation, learning experiences of building of e-Government from countries gaining the high rank of e-Government according to the assessment of the United Nations, ensuring that comply with laws, have key points and themes relevant to the strengths of partners, do not depend on a single partner, especially in terms of information security, cybersecurity, avoidance of disclosure of information, state secrets, and mastering of technologies and system source codes.
6. Establishing the implementation guarantee mechanism
a) National Committee on E-Government chaired by the Prime Minister shall directly take control of the construction and development of e-Government.
The workgroup assisting the Chairman of the National Committee on e-Government shall play its roles as an entity guaranteeing the implementation of the Government's Resolutions on a number of key tasks and solutions for e-Government development in the 2019 – 2020 period with vision towards 2025.
The Government’s Office performing standing tasks in the working group, in collaboration with the Ministry of Information and Communications, shall play its central roles in implementing e-Government, exercising delegated powers, performing assigned tasks and shall not perform tasks on behalf of ministries, sectoral administrations and localities.
b) On the basis of strengthening the organization structure of the Steering Committee on application of information technology at ministries, ministerial-level agencies, governmental bodies and People's Committees of provinces and centrally-affiliated cities, the Steering Committee on building of e-Government or e-Governance shall be headed by the Minister or Head of ministerial-level agencies and President of People's Committee of a province or centrally-affiliated city, and shall directly take charge of the building and development of the e-Government or e-Governance at the ministries, sectoral administrations and localities under its remit.
Head of the Steering Committee shall be assisted by a workgroup acting as an entity guaranteeing the construction and development of e-Government and e-Governance at ministries, sectoral administrations and localities. In particular, the provincial Department of Information and Communication and the Office of the provincial People's Committee shall play their central role in building e-Governance that guarantees a close link between the application of information technology and administrative reform within localities under their jurisdiction.
c) Studying the construction of a set of indices measuring and assessing the efficiency and quality of the performance of the task of building e-Government and e-Governance; developing the mechanism for monitoring, evaluating and supervising accountability, decision making and prompt handling of problems regarding institution, financial resources, technological solutions and manpower for the purpose of guaranteeing the effective accomplishment of objectives of building e-Government during the period of 2019-2020 with vision towards 2025.
1. Government’s Office
a) Assume the prime responsibility for, and collaborate with ministries, sectoral administrations and localities in, performing specific tasks and solutions at points g, h, i, k, l and m of Section 1 in Part IV; points c and v of Section 2 in Part IV; points a (as for the task of building the information system for meetings and handling of affairs of the Government), b, c (as for the construction of the national public service portal), d, dd (as for the construction of the Reporting Information System of the Government, the Steering and Administration Center of the Government and the Prime Minister) and point i of Section 3 in Part IV herein.
b) Preside over and cooperate with the workgroup charged with assisting the Chair of the National Committee on e-Government in performing duties and solutions specified in point c of Section 6 in Part IV herein.
c) Assume the prime responsibility for and cooperate with the Ministry of Finance in establishing cost estimates, compensation and remuneration packages for public officials working for the assistant workgroup of the Committee's Chair and domestic and international experts; assure provision of sufficient funding for operation and working conditions of members and experts of the workgroup.
2. Ministry of Information and Communications
a) Preside over and cooperate with ministries, sectoral administrations and localities in performing tasks and solutions specified at points a, b, c, v and y of Section 1 in Part IV; points a, u, x and y of Section 2 in Part IV; points a, b and c (as for solutions aimed at serving people and businesses) and point dd of Section 4 in Part IV; points c and h of Section 5 in Part IV herein.
b) Preside over and collaborate with the Ministry of Public Security and the Ministry of National Defense, the Government’s Ciphering Department and other relevant entities in implementing duties and solutions specified in points s, t and u of Section 1 in Part IV herein.
c) Preside over and collaborate with the Government’s Office, Ministry of Public Security and relevant agencies in undertaking the tasks of network information safety and security in the process of implementing the provisions laid down herein in accordance with laws; preside over hiring of services, assignment of tasks to Vietnamese organizations and businesses to carry out information security monitoring, perform penetration tests for information systems in support of e-Government; periodically organize training courses and drills to ensure information security in support of e-Government.
d) Preside over and collaborate with the Ministry of Science and Technology, relevant ministries and entities in formulating and promulgating technical standards and regulations on the building of e-Government in accordance with laws.
dd) Instruct, encourage and inspect ministries, sectoral administrations and localities performing the tasks of formulating and implementing the e-Government architecture and e-Governance architecture; instruct, encourage and inspect ministries and sectoral administrations building national databases in order to prioritize the data integration and sharing between information systems and databases.
e) Direct and create favorable conditions for Vietnam Post Corporation (VNPOST) to participate in building e-Government according to its delegated powers and assigned tasks.
3. Ministry of Public Security
a) Assume the prime responsibility for and collaborate with ministries, sectoral administrations and localities in performing tasks and solutions at points d, q and r of Section 1 in Part IV; points d and m of Section 2 in Part IV herein.
b) Assume the prime responsibility for and collaborate with the Ministry of Information and Communications and the Ministry of Defense in carrying out activities aimed at ensuring information security and network security in the course of implementing the contents of the Resolution according to its delegated powers and assigned tasks.
4. Ministry of Home Affairs
a) Assume the prime responsibility for and collaborate with ministries, sectoral administrations and localities in performing tasks and solutions at points dd, n and o of Section 1 in Part IV; point q of Section 2 in Part IV; point g of Section 5 in Part IV herein.
b) Preside over and collaborate with the Ministry of Finance and the Government Office to propose the application of policies to attract high-quality human resources to work in the workgroup assisting the Chair of the National Committee on E-Government, the Head of the Steering Committee on building e-Government and e-Governance at ministries, sectoral administrations and localities, and submit that proposal to the Prime Minister to seek his decision.
5. Ministry of Planning and Investment
Assume the prime responsibility for and collaborate with ministries, sectoral administrations and localities in performing tasks and solutions at point x of Section 1 in Part IV; points dd, n, o and p of Section 2 in Part IV herein.
6. Ministry of Finance
Assume the prime responsibility for and collaborate with ministries, sectoral administrations and localities in performing tasks and solutions at point e of Section 2 in Part IV; point g of Section 3 in Part IV; preside over and collaborate with the Ministry of Planning and Investment, the Ministry of Information and Communications in implementing duties and solutions specified in point b of Section 5 in Part IV herein.
7. Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment
Assume the prime responsibility for and collaborate with ministries, sectoral administrations and localities in performing tasks and solutions specified at points i, k and l of Section 2 in Part IV herein.
8. Ministry of Justice
Assume the prime responsibility for and collaborate with ministries, sectoral administrations and localities in performing tasks and solutions specified at point r of Section 2 in Part IV herein.
9. Ministry of Education and Training
Assume the prime responsibility for and collaborate with ministries, sectoral administrations and localities in performing tasks and solutions specified at point d of Section 5 in Part IV herein.
10. Ministry of Science and Technology
Assume the prime responsibility for and collaborate with ministries, sectoral administrations and localities in performing tasks and solutions specified at point dd of Section 5 in Part IV herein.
11. Ministry of Health
Assume the prime responsibility for and collaborate with ministries, sectoral administrations and localities in performing tasks and solutions specified at point e of Section 3 in Part IV herein.
12. Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs
Assume the prime responsibility for and collaborate with ministries, sectoral administrations and localities in performing tasks and solutions at point e of Section 1 in Part IV herein; preside over and collaborate with ministries, sectoral administrations and localities in performing tasks and solutions specified in point h of Section 2 in Part IV herein.
13. Ministry of National Defense
Promote the application of information technology, ensure information security and implement technical solutions to building the e-Government suitable for the Ministry; direct and create favorable conditions for the Government’s Ciphering Department, Military Industry and Telecommunications Group (Viettel) to participate in building e-Government according to its delegated powers and assigned tasks.
14. State Bank of Vietnam
a) Direct payment service providers and payment intermediaries to actively provide the non-cash payment service, the service of payment intermediation in the citizenship field, ensure connection with the national public service portal and electronic single-window information system at the ministerial and provincial level in order for organizations and individuals to pay fees and charges online.
b) Direct large and renowned banks to promote the provision of electronic payment services.
15. Vietnam Social Security
Assume the prime responsibility for and collaborate with ministries, sectoral administrations and localities in performing tasks and solutions specified at point g of Section 2 in Part IV herein.
16. Government’s Ciphering Department
Assume the prime responsibility for and collaborate with ministries, sectoral administrations and localities in performing tasks and solutions at point p of Section 1; point c (as for public officials, servants and employees and state agencies) and point d of Section 4 in Part IV herein.
17. Ministries, sectoral administrations and localities
a) Take charge of performing tasks specified in points b and c (as for the tasks of linking and interconnecting information systems and databases with the national data integration and sharing platform), s and t of Section 2 in Part IV; points a (as for the tasks of multiplying the Information System for meetings and handling of affairs of the Government at the provincial, district and commune-level People's Councils, People's Committees), c (except for the tasks of building the national public service portal), dd (as for the task of building the reporting information systems of ministries, sectoral administrations and localities that is connected with the Government’s reporting information system) and h of Section 3 in Part IV; points a, e, k and 1 of Section 5 in Part IV; point b of Section 6 in Part IV herein.
b) Ministers, heads of ministerial-level agencies, Governmental bodies and Presidents of People's Committees of provinces and centrally-affiliated cities shall be responsible to the Prime Minister if information unsafety, insecurity and disclosure of state secrets occur at ministries, sectoral administrations and localities under their jurisdiction. Avoid using equipment and machinery of unreliable origin that fail to ensure information security for important information systems.
Ministry of Information and Communications, Ministry of Public Security, Ministry of National Defense and Government’s Ciphering Department shall preside over and collaborate in implementing solutions to ensuring information security and cybersecurity in the course of construction of e-Government within their delegated powers and assigned tasks.
c) Study solutions to ensuring that information technology infrastructure conditions meet prescribed requirements, implement online public services enabling to make compulsory electronic payments (except expenditures for state secrets relating to national security and defense).
d) Develop the action plan for implementation of this Resolution, accomplish this task by March 31, 2019; organize the implementation of tasks and solutions under the direction and administration of the National Committee on e-Government to closely link administrative reforms with the application of information technology, consistency, efficiency and quality of implementation.
dd) Concentrate resources on the construction and completion of the following systems: National document interconnection axis; platforms for data integration and sharing between central and local entities; national reporting information systems and direction and administration center of the Government and the Prime Minister; data integration center for the direction and administration of the Government and the Prime Minister; national public service portal; national single-window information portal; public service portals and single-window information systems at the ministerial and provincial level; Government’s cloud computing system; specialized data transmission networks of the Party’s and State agencies; national electronic databases of population, finance, business registration, national land and civil status; file management and administration systems of ministries, sectoral administrations and localities; policy consultation systems; information systems intended for meetings and handling of affairs of the Government; national bidding network system; electronic storage systems at all levels.
18. Military Industry - Telecommunication Group (Viettel), Vietnam Post and Telecommunications Group (VNPT) and other information technology enterprises that have technical and financial competencies
a) Promote their leading roles in the implementation of information systems and databases in support of the construction of e-Government, lead in innovating thinking, apply new technologies in line with the trend of development of e-government towards Digital Government, digital economy, digital society and the context of the fourth Industrial Revolution.
b) Prioritize the allocation of resources for e-Government construction, provide solutions to mobilizing and gathering enterprises with other strengths in the field of information technology to participate in the construction of e-Government, ensure maximization of the advantages of the private sector to improve quality, accelerate the implementation process and take responsibility before law for information security, safety and cybersecurity.
19. Vietnam Post Corporation (VNPOST)
a) Assume the prime responsibility for and collaborate with ministries, sectoral administrations and localities in performing tasks and solutions specified at point i of Section 5 in Part IV herein.
b) Closely collaborate with the Government Office, ministries, sectoral administrations and localities in supporting and guiding people and businesses to use online public services to ensure the increase in the number of documents to be processed and handled in the network environment.
20. The Ministry of Information and Communications, Vietnam News Agency, Voice of Vietnam and Vietnam Television shall act on their own initiative in cooperating with ministries, sectoral administrations and local authorities in running communication and propaganda programs to profoundly propagate this Resolution amongst sectors, administrative levels and people; shall intensify the monitoring and supervision of communications agencies and press agencies over results achieved after implementation of this Resolution.
21. National Committee on e-Government
Direct the implementation and assessment of implementation of this Resolution at ministries, sectoral administrations and localities; carry out the preliminary and final review and assessment of results over specific periods of implementation of this Resolution.
22. This Resolution shall enter into force from the signature date and replace the Government’s Resolution No. 36a/NQ-CP dated October 14, 2015 on e-Government.
Repealing tasks specified in point b of Section 12 in Part III and Part IV of Appendices to documents on recommended amendments or supplements to the Government's Resolution No. 19-2018/NQ-CP dated May 15, 2018 on continued implementation of major duties and solutions to improvement of business environment, enhancement of national competitiveness in 2018 and the subsequent years.
As for projects already obtaining approval from competent entities for implementation of the Government’s Resolution No. 36a/NQ-CP dated October 14, 2015 on e-Government and other relevant documents on construction of e-Government, ministries, sectoral administrations and localities shall continue to accelerate the implementation, ensuring quality, continual inheritance and development.
23. Ministers, Heads of ministerial-level agencies, governmental bodies and Presidents of People's Committees of provinces and centrally-affiliated cities shall take direct control of and assume responsibility to the Government and the Prime Minister for implementation of this Resolution; shall carry out the quarterly review and report on the implementation of the Resolution (the time of closing data for preparation of the first-quarter report from December 15 of the previous year to March 14, the second-quarter report from March 15 to June 14, the third-quarter report from June 15 to September 14, the fourth-quarter report from September 15 to December 14), sent to the Government Office and the Ministry of Information and Communications by the 25th of the last quarter of the quarter at the latest for synthesis and reporting purposes; the Government Office shall be responsible for presiding over and collaborating with the Ministry of Information and Communications to expedite, monitor, inspect, make, prepare the report on the implementation of this Resolution at regular meeting sessions of the Government, promptly report to the Government and the Prime Minister on issues arising in the course of implementing the Resolution./.
(Annexed to the Government’s Resolution No. 17/NQ-CP dated March 7, 2019)
No. |
Description |
Presiding body |
Cooperating bodies |
Implementation and completion time |
Remarks |
2019 - 2020 |
2021 - 2025 |
I |
Building and completing the institution in order to create sufficient and comprehensive legal bases for building and development of the e-Government |
1. |
Drafting a Decree to replace the Government's Decree No. 102/2009/ND-CP dated November 6, 2009 on management of investment projects in information technology application using state budget capital, the Prime Minister’s Decision No. 80 / 2014 / QD-TTg dated December 30, 2014 regulating the test on hiring of information technology services in state agencies. |
Ministry of Information and Communications |
Ministry of Planning and Investment, Ministry of Finance and entities involved |
March 2019 |
2. |
Drafting instructional documents on methods for determination of costs of hiring of information technology services, sample contracts for hiring of information technology services and instructional documents on determination of costs of personnel during the process of management of costs of information technology investment to ensure that these costs are relevant to the reality and the nature of the information technology sector. |
Ministry of Information and Communications |
Ministries, sectoral administrations and localities |
July 2019 |
3. |
Drafting the Decree on management, connection and sharing of data, and instructional documents thereof. |
Ministry of Information and Communications |
Ministries, sectoral administrations and localities |
September 2019 |
4. |
Drafting the Decree on electronic identification and authentication for organizations, individuals and instructional documents thereof. |
Ministry of Information and Communications |
Ministries, sectoral administrations and localities |
September 2019 |
5. |
Drafting the Decree on protection of data of individuals, organizations and instructional documents thereof. |
Ministry of Public Security |
Ministries, sectoral administrations and localities |
September 2019 |
6. |
Drafting the Decree replacing the Government’s Decree No. 110/2004/ND-CP dated April 8, 2004 on archives, other legislative documents on storage, management and exploitation of electronic data. |
Ministry of Home Affairs |
Ministries, sectoral administrations and localities |
September 2019 |
7. |
Drafting the Decree on amendments and supplements to the Government’s Decree No. 138/2016/ND-CP dated October 1, 2016 setting out the Government’s work regulations in line with working and administration modalities through the networked environment. |
Government’s Office |
Ministries, sectoral administrations and localities |
October 2019 |
8. |
Drafting the Decree regulating the National Database of Insurance; other documents prescribing technical standards, regulations and data structures intended for information connection and sharing. |
Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs |
Vietnam Social Security, ministries, sectoral administrations and localities |
October 2019 |
9. |
Drafting the Decree on implementation of administrative procedures in the electronic environment. |
Government’s Office |
Ministries, sectoral administrations and localities |
December 2019 |
10. |
Formulating the National Public Service Portal. |
Government’s Office |
Ministries, sectoral administrations and localities |
March 2019 |
11. |
Formulating the Project on the Information System for non-documentary meetings and handling of affairs of the Government (eCabinet). |
Government’s Office |
Ministries, sectoral administrations and localities |
March 2019 |
12. |
Setting up the project for data connection and sharing and restructuring of information technology infrastructure of ministries, sectoral administrations and localities. |
Government’s Office |
Ministries, sectoral administrations and localities |
March 2019 |
13. |
Setting up the policy consultation system (eConsultation) project. |
Government’s Office |
Ministries, sectoral administrations and localities |
March 2019 |
14. |
Formulating the project for the database of public officials, servants and employees. |
Ministry of Home Affairs |
Ministries, sectoral administrations and localities |
April 2019 |
15. |
Setting up the project for implementation of electronic archives of state agencies. |
Ministry of Home Affairs |
Ministries, sectoral administrations and localities |
May 2019 |
16. |
Formulating the project for operation of systems for protection of state secrets that use passwords for the purpose of meeting demands for initiation of e-Government. |
Government’s Ciphering Department |
Ministries, sectoral administrations and localities |
July 2019 |
17. |
Setting out the cybersecurity project in support for the building and development of the e-Government. |
Ministry of Public Security |
Ministry of Information and Communications, ministries, sectoral administrations and localities |
August 2019 |
18. |
Drafting documents providing instructions for implementation of the Law on Cybersecurity. |
Ministry of Public Security |
Ministries, sectoral administrations and localities |
2019 - 2020 |
2021 - 2025 |
According to the plan approved by the Prime Minister |
19. |
Researching and appealing to the Prime Minister to approve the method of facilitation of digital certification for people and businesses with a view to decreasing costs of granting and continuation of validity of digital certificates in order to encourage the use of these certificates in electronic transactions. |
Ministry of Information and Communications |
Ministry of Public Security, Ministry of National Defense, Government’s Ciphering Department and entities involved |
June 2019 |
20. |
Researching and appealing to the Prime Minister to promulgate regulations on the use of equipment and machinery for e-Government information systems with the aim of ensuring safety for networked information. |
Ministry of Information and Communications |
Ministry of Public Security, Ministry of National Defense, Government’s Ciphering Department and entities involved |
June 2019 |
21. |
Researching and building the electronic identity code sets of agencies and organizations in uniformity with international standards to meet the needs of connection and sharing of data of all information systems and databases. |
Ministry of Information and Communications |
Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Planning and Investment and entities involved |
June 2019 |
2021 - 2025 |
Submitting these code sets to the Prime Minister to seek his approval for promulgation. |
22. |
Researching and appealing to the Government and the Prime Minister to promulgate regulations on use of copyrighted software (e.g. operation system, office software, etc.) for newly purchased computers and the percentage ratio of funds intended for continuous update of software and assurance of safety for information systems. |
Ministry of Information and Communications |
Ministry of Public Security, Ministry of National Defense, Government’s Ciphering Department and entities involved |
August 2019 |
23. |
Studying and recommending amendments to the Law on Public Investment with a view to removing difficulties and problems in the use of public investment capital in the process of formulation and implementation of projects and information technology application activities in the form of service lease. |
Ministry of Planning and Investment |
Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Information and Communications and involved entities |
2019 - 2010 |
Presenting such amendments to the National Assembly to seek its ratification |
24. |
Studying and recommending the drafting of the e-Government Law, decrees and instructional documents to create the legal framework for developing e-Government based on open data, applying modern technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), block chain, Internet of things (IoT), big data, open application programming interface (Open API), etc. |
Ministry of Information and Communications |
Ministries, sectoral administrations and localities |
2021 - 2025 |
II |
Building the technological platform for development of the e-Government in line with the tendency for the worldwide development of the e-Government. |
1. |
Completing the update of the e-Government Architecture Framework of Vietnam (version 2.0). |
Ministry of Information and Communications |
Government’s Office, ministries, sectoral administrations and localities |
May 2019 |
2021 - 2025 |
Appealing to the Prime Minister to seek his approval |
2. |
Overall e-Government architecture for the period of 2019 – 2025. |
Ministry of Information and Communications |
Government’s Office, ministries, sectoral administrations and localities |
2019 - 2020 |
2021 - 2025 |
Publishing and annually giving a periodic update on electronic information portals of Ministries |
3. |
Completing construction and update of ministerial-level e-Government architecture and provincial-level e-Governance architectures in uniformity with the e-Government architecture of Vietnam (version 2.0). |
Ministries, sectoral administrations and localities |
Relevant entities |
September 2019 |
2021 - 2025 |
Regularly giving update and amendments |
4. |
Implementing the ministerial-level e-Government architecture and the provincial-level e-Governance architectures. |
Ministries, sectoral administrations and localities |
Ministry of Information and Communications and involved entities |
2019 - 2020 |
2021 - 2025 |
5. |
Building and developing the National Document Interconnection Axis powered by world-class advanced technologies as a platform for data integration and sharing between information systems, databases, ... and a national data integration and sharing platform. |
Government’s Office |
Ministries, sectoral administrations and localities |
2019 - 2020 |
2021 - 2025 |
6. |
Linking and interconnecting information systems and databases of ministries, sectoral administrations and localities in sending and receiving electronic documents, online public services, reporting information and data in support of direction, administration, administrative procedures and electronic official gazettes, etc. with the national data integration and sharing platform. |
Ministries, sectoral administrations and localities |
Government’s Office, Ministry of Information and Communications |
2019 - 2020 |
2021 - 2025 |
7. |
Designing and initiating the National Population Database project that shares and exploits data with the National Public Service portal and other information systems. |
Ministry of Public Security |
Ministries, sectoral administrations and localities |
2019 - 2020 |
2021 - 2025 |
8. |
Completing the National Database of Enterprise Registration |
Ministry of Planning and Investment |
Ministries, sectoral administrations and localities |
December 2019 |
2021 - 2025 |
Linking and sharing data with information systems of ministries, sectoral administrations and localities |
9. |
Setting up the National Database of Finance |
Ministry of Finance |
Ministries, sectoral administrations and localities |
December 2019 |
10. |
Building the National Database of Insurance, sharing data with systems of information about healthcare, business, tax and war invalids and social affairs. |
Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs |
Vietnam Social Security and involved entities |
October 2019 |
2021 - 2025 |
11. |
Setting up the National Database of Social Security. |
Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs |
Ministries, sectoral administrations and localities |
2019 - 2020 |
2021 - 2025 |
12. |
Continuing to operate the National Database of Land connecting and sharing data with information systems of ministries, sectoral administrations and localities. |
Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment |
Localities, ministries and sectoral administrations |
2019 - 2020 |
2021 - 2025 |
13. |
Building the national geographical spatial database providing essential data infrastructure for operation and development of e-Government and online public services and development of smart cities. |
Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment |
Ministries, sectoral administrations and localities |
2019 - 2020 |
2021 - 2025 |
14. |
Setting up the Nationwide Civil Status Database. |
Ministry of Justice |
Ministries, sectoral administrations and localities |
2019 - 2020 |
2021 - 2025 |
15. |
Completing the building of important financial databases regarding taxes, customs and treasury. |
Ministry of Finance |
Ministries, sectoral administrations and localities |
December 2019 |
16. |
Continuing to build and complete the natural resource and environment database |
Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment |
Ministries, sectoral administrations and localities |
2019 - 2020 |
2021 - 2025 |
17. |
Upgrading the database of means of transport intended for policy planning and urban planning purposes |
Ministry of Public Security |
Ministries, sectoral administrations and localities |
2019 - 2020 |
2021 - 2025 |
18. |
Building and operating the national information system and database of planning |
Ministry of Planning and Investment |
Ministries, sectoral administrations and localities |
2019 - 2020 |
2021 - 2025 |
19. |
Building and operating the national information system and database of investment projects; continuing to develop and complete information systems and databases of public investment and supervision of investment assessment. |
Ministry of Planning and Investment |
Ministries, sectoral administrations and localities |
2019 - 2020 |
2021 - 2025 |
20. |
Upgrading the national procurement system intended for online bidding and procurement of public assets, uniform management of nationwide procurement information and databases. |
Ministry of Planning and Investment |
Ministries, sectoral administrations and localities |
2019 |
2020 - 2022 |
21. |
Setting up the database of public officials, servants and employees. |
Ministry of Home Affairs |
Ministries, sectoral administrations and localities |
June 2020 |
2021 - 2025 |
22. |
Building and completing specialized databases interconnecting and sharing information with the electronic single-window information system, public service portals at the ministerial or provincial level and the national public service portal to serve people and businesses. |
Ministries, sectoral administrations and localities |
Relevant entities |
2019 - 2020 |
2021 - 2025 |
23. |
Restructuring information technology infrastructure of ministries, sectoral administrations and localities with a view to combining the centralization and dispersion models based on the cloud computing technology, optimizing region-specific information technology infrastructure (hiring services of leading suppliers in Vietnam or investing in construction of information technology infrastructure by taking out preferential loans) in order to effectively use and exploit existing infrastructure, enhancing information security, backup, disaster prevention and mitigation, ensure stable operation, information security and cybersecurity for information systems and databases. |
Ministries, sectoral administrations and localities |
Government’s Office, Ministry of Information and Communications and involved entities |
2019 - 2020 |
2021 - 2025 |
24. |
Building the Data Integration Center in support of direction and administration by the Government and the Prime Minister |
Government’s Office |
Ministries, sectoral administrations and localities |
2019 - 2020 |
2021 - 2025 |
25. |
Improving capacity and quality of services and expanding connection of the specialized data transmission network of entities of the Party and the State to information systems of entities of National Assembly, Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee, socio-political organizations, state corporations and incorporations; reviewing, expanding and connecting networks to ward-, commune-level and other entities upon request. |
Ministry of Information and Communications |
Ministries, sectoral administrations and localities |
2019 - 2020 |
2021 - 2025 |
26. |
Implementing solutions to improving the rank of the component index regarding telecommunications infrastructure according to the method of evaluation of e-Government adopted by the United Nations. |
Ministry of Information and Communications |
Government’s Office, ministries, sectoral administrations and localities |
2019 - 2020 |
2021 -2025 |
27. |
Formulating technical standards and regulations regarding the construction of e-Government |
Ministry of Information and Communications |
Ministry of Science and Technology, ministries, sectoral administrations and localities |
2019 - 2020 |
2021 - 2025 |
28. |
Researching and recommending solutions to supporting telecommunications enterprises to build and improve the capacity of Vietnam's telecommunications network, serving as a foundation for developing digital ecosystems and responding to requirements of new services; improving service quality, especially Internet speed, effectively using 4G, 5G mobile network bandwidths, expanding 4G and 5G mobile coverage; improving the broadband fixed network speed; adjusting localization incentive policies to support the production of domestic products such as network equipment and smart terminals with costs relevant to actual conditions in Vietnam to increase the rate of users and capabilities of accessing smart devices. |
Ministry of Information and Communications |
Ministries, sectoral administrations and localities |
August 2019 |
Building and developing e-Government to ensure a close link between the application of information technology and administrative reform, innovation of working practices and approaches for services rendered to people and businesses, and carrying out the national digital transformation program in the expectation of building the digital Government, digital economy and digital society. |
1. |
Establishing the information system for meetings and handling of affairs of the Government |
Government’s Office |
Ministries, sectoral administrations and localities |
2019 - 2020 |
2021 - 2025 |
2. |
Multiplying the information system for meetings and handling of work of the Government at provincial or district-level People’s Councils, People’s Committees. |
Ministries, sectoral administrations and localities |
Government’s Office |
2019 - 2020 |
2021 - 2025 |
According to instructions given by the Government’s Office |
3. |
Building the National Public Service Portal |
Government’s Office |
Ministries, sectoral administrations and localities |
November 2019 |
2021 - 2025 |
4. |
Completing the information system for receiving and responding to feedbacks and recommendations of people and businesses. |
Government’s Office |
Ministries, sectoral administrations and localities |
November 2019 |
2021 - 2025 |
5. |
Building the system for consultation of policies and legislative documents. |
Government’s Office |
Ministries, sectoral administrations and localities |
December 2019 |
2021 - 2025 |
6. |
Building the ministerial- or provincial-level Public Service Portals and centralized single-window information system. |
Ministries, sectoral administrations and localities |
Relevant entities |
2019 - 2020 |
2021 - 2025 |
7. |
Building the Government’s reporting information system and establishing the center for direction and administration of the Government and the Prime Minister. |
Government’s Office |
Ministries, sectoral administrations and localities |
2019 - 2020 |
2021 - 2025 |
8. |
Building reporting information systems of ministries, sectoral administrations and localities that are connected to the Government’s reporting information system |
Ministries, sectoral administrations and localities |
Government’s Office |
2019 - 2020 |
2021 - 2025 |
According to instructions given by the Government’s Office |
9. |
Connecting the network of medicine supply establishments in order to strengthen management and control of medicines by regulatory authorities, medicine suppliers and health institutions. |
Ministry of Health |
Ministries, sectoral administrations and localities |
2019 - 2020 |
2021 - 2025 |
10. |
Building and operating the system for electronic healthcare file management accessed by people, linking and sharing basic data with the national database of population |
Ministry of Health |
Ministries, sectoral administrations and localities |
2019 - 2020 |
2021 - 2025 |
11. |
Studying, proposing, building and operating the digital state budget and accounting information system |
Ministry of Finance |
Ministries, sectoral administrations and localities |
2019 - 2020 |
2021 - 2025 |
Appealing to the Prime Minister to seek his approval decision |
12. |
Organizing the standardization of structure, systemization of identification codes, digitization of data and provision of digitized data lists according to regulations in force in order to integrate and share information between information systems of state agencies for the purpose of ensuring data are collected once only. |
Ministries, sectoral administrations and localities |
Relevant entities |
2019 - 2020 |
2021 - 2025 |
13. |
Organizing the opening of data and provision of open data of the Government, integrating them with the digital Vietnamese knowledge system. |
Government’s Office |
Ministry of Science and Technology, Ministry of Information and Communications, ministries, sectoral administrations and localities |
2019 - 2020 |
2021 - 2025 |
Requesting the Prime Minister to consider granting his decision |
IV |
Building e-Government to ensure close connection with information security, safety, national security and protection of personal information. |
1. |
Implementing the solution to interconnecting the public digital signature authentication system and the Government’s digital specialized signature authentication system. |
Ministry of Information and Communications |
Government’s Ciphering Department and relevant entities |
May 2019 |
2. |
Building technical systems to ensure information security for e-Government development. |
Ministry of Information and Communications |
Ministry of Public Security, Ministry of National Defense, ministries, sectoral administrations, localities and relevant entities |
2019 - 2020 |
3. |
Rendering the service of digital signature validation, electronic authentication for information systems and mobile devices for the convenience of people and businesses. |
Ministry of Information and Communications |
Ministries, sectoral administrations and localities |
2019 - 2020 |
2021 - 2025 |
4. |
Rendering the service of digital signature validation, electronic authentication for information systems and mobile devices for the convenience of public officials, servants and employees, and state agencies. |
Government’s Ciphering Department |
Ministries, sectoral administrations and localities |
2019 - 2020 |
2021 - 2025 |
5. |
Continuing to develop and expand technical infrastructure of the specialized electronic authentication system of the Government in order to meet requirements for provision, management and use of digital signatures to serve the needs of building of the e-Government. |
Government’s Ciphering Department |
Ministries, sectoral administrations and localities |
2019 - 2020 |
2021 - 2025 |
6. |
Providing instructions about maintenance of information security for platforms and systems supporting the e-Government development; promoting the implementation of information security activities in accordance with the provisions of the Government’s Decree No. 85/2016/ND-CP dated July 1, 2016. |
Ministry of Information and Communications |
Ministries, sectoral administrations and localities |
2019 - 2020 |
2021 - 2025 |
V |
Assuring provision of resources necessary for the e-Government construction. |
1. |
Mobilizing preferred resources used for the construction of e-Government/e-Governance in the form of hiring of full-package information technology services from information technology enterprises, using state budget funds in accordance with regulations in force, avoiding the use of ODA funds subject to binding terms and conditions to build the e-Government system. |
Ministries, sectoral administrations and localities |
Relevant entities |
2019 - 2020 |
2021 - 2025 |
2. |
Studying and recommending solutions to mobilizing resources (e.g. enterprise's investments, the State’s service hiring, public-private partnership (PPP) funds, public service expenditures, etc.) for implementation of e-Government construction projects, and reporting to the Prime Minister to seek his decision. |
Ministry of Finance |
Ministry of Planning and Investment, Ministry of Information and Communications, other ministries, sectoral administrations and localities |
June 2019 |
2021 - 2025 |
3. |
Studying and appealing to the Government to approve the use of part of expenditures from the public telecommunications service fund of Vietnam for development of the e-Government. |
Ministry of Information and Communications |
Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Finance |
June 2019 |
4. |
Continuing to implement solutions to improving the component index of human resources of Vietnam according to the method of assessment of e-Government endorsed by the United Nations and closely collaborating with involved international organizations in providing data for other international bodies. |
Ministry of Education and Training |
Relevant ministries, sectoral administrations and localities |
2019 - 2020 |
2021 - 2025 |
Annually performing this task |
5. |
Continuing to implement the scientific research and technology development program, integrated solutions, applications and information technology products intended for the construction of e-Government with a view to developing the digital economy and society based on open data, applying new technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), blockchain, internet of things, big data, open application programming interface, etc. |
Ministry of Science and Technology |
Ministries, sectoral administrations and localities |
2019 - 2020 |
2021 - 2025 |
6. |
Focusing on designing and providing public officials, servants and employees with training and educational programs about e-Government, use of and access to information systems and level-3 and level-4 public services online and working in the networked environment. |
Ministries, sectoral administrations and localities |
Relevant entities |
2019 - 2020 |
2021 - 2025 |
Annually performing this task |
7. |
Studying and establishing incentive and preferential policies for attracting manpower participating in the construction and development of e-Government in the state apparatus. |
Ministry of Home Affairs |
Ministries, sectoral administrations and localities |
2019 - 2020 |
2021 - 2025 |
8. |
Studying and formulating encouragement mechanisms and policies for enterprises investing in information technology infrastructure intended for the operation and development of e-Government. |
Ministry of Information and Communications |
Ministries, sectoral administrations and localities |
2019 - 2020 |
2021 - 2025 |
9. |
Increasing participation of businesses providing public post services in implementation of the e-Government, granting of support for individuals and organizations performing level-3 and level-4 public services online. |
Vietnam Post Corporation |
Ministries, sectoral administrations and localities |
2019 - 2020 |
2021 - 2025 |
10. |
Proactively implementing communication programs to raise awareness, change habits and behaviors, create consensus among people and businesses on the e-Government development. |
Ministry of Information and Communications, Vietnam News Agency, Voice of Vietnam, Vietnam Television; ministries, sectoral administrations and localities |
Relevant entities |
2019 - 2020 |
2021 - 2025 |
VI |
Establishing the implementation guarantee policy |
1. |
Establishing the Steering Committee on building of e-Government/e-Governance; the assistant workgroup of the Committee’s Head. |
Ministries, sectoral administrations and localities |
Relevant ministries and entities |
March 2019 |
2. |
Studying the construction of a set of indices measuring and assessing the efficiency and quality of the performance of the task of building e-Government and e-Governance; developing the mechanism for monitoring, evaluating and supervising accountability, decision making and prompt handling of problems regarding institution, financial resources, technological solutions and manpower for the purpose of guaranteeing the effective accomplishment of objectives of building e-Government. |
Government’s Office |
Workgroup, relevant ministries and entities |
2019 - 2020 |
Making annual assessments |