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Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.

While watching sports on TV, the chances are children will see professional players cheating, having tantrums, fighting, or abusing officials. In addition, it's highly likely that children will be aware of well-known cases of sportspeople being caught using drugs to improve their performance. The danger of all this is that it could give children the idea that winning is all that counts and you should win at all costs. Good behavior and fair play aren't the message that comes across. Instead, it looks as if cheating and bad behavior are reasonable ways of getting what you want. This message is further bolstered by the fact that some of these sportspeople acquire enormous fame and wealth, making it seem they are being handsomely rewarded either despite or because of their bad behavior.

What can parents do about this? They can regard sport on television as an opportunity to discuss attitudes and behavior with their children. When watching sports together, if parents see a player swearing at the referee, they can get the child's opinion on that behavior and discuss whether a player's skill is more important than their behavior. Ask what the child thinks the player's contribution to the team is. Point out that no player can win a team game on their own, so it's important for members to work well together.

Another thing to focus on is what the commentators say. Do they frown on bad behavior from players, think it's amusing or even consider it's a good thing? What about the officials? If they let players get away with a clear foul, parents can discuss with children whether this is right and what effect it has on the game. Look too at the reactions of coaches and managers. Do they accept losing with good grace or scowl and show a bad attitude? Parents can use this to talk about attitudes to winning and losing and to remind children that both are part of sport.

However, what children learn from watching sports is by no means all negative and parents should make sure they accentuate the positives too. They should emphasize to children the high reputation that well-behaved players have, not just with their teammates but also with spectators and the media. They can focus on the contribution made by such players during a game, discussing how valuable they are in the team. In the interviews after a game, point out to a child that the well-behaved sportspeople don't gloat when they win or sulk when they lose. And parents can stress how well these people conduct themselves in their personal lives and the good work they do for others when not playing. In other words, parents should get their children to focus on the positive role models, rather than the antics of the badly behaved but often more publicized players.

The word "accentuate" in paragraph 4 can be best replaced by _____ .

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.

For recent graduates, internships may become a stepping stone to full-time, paid employment. Before accepting an offer to work as an intern you should get some information about the company's reputation of procuring their interns and decide accordingly. If they usually hire one intern but have tens of employees working day and night, it is better to look for other companies. The best place to have an internship position is an organization that gives you an opportunity to gain real work experience and develop your skills instead of using you as a cheap worker.

Another thing that should be considered is the size of the company. Sometimes bigger and more established organizations are better as they have a clear hierarchy and therefore it gives you a clear idea of your position and the job description and most importantly, it will be easier to get a mentor. Startups with only five employees are usually more flexible in terms of job responsibilities and therefore it makes it harder to define your position and get mentors.

After you choose a company, do a little research on the company including the people who work there. You can do a Google search and comb social media such as LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter to dig deep about the company's hiring managers and what they expect from a new employee.

Social media is also very useful to keep in touch with as many people as you can and build your network. Do not hesitate to maintain any personal connection you have because those connections could be the first ones who inform you about a new job opening or any vacant positions you can apply for.

If you aim for a dream job, do not overlook an entry-level position just because it offers a mediocre salary. Entry-level employees are more likely to be given room to grow and learn from their mistakes. They will also be able to figure out the job routines and get used to them when they actually get the position they have been dreaming about.

The word "procuring” in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to _____.